Online marketing tips for real estate agents

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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A recent study revealed that most of people start their searches of real estate online. This means that you should focus your marketing efforts online. The National Association of Realtors revealed that most of house buyers consider Internet as the primary source of information while they are hunting for houses. Online marketing enables real estate agents to meet new clients well before a buyer of house opens any doors. However, owning a website does not summarize online marketing.

Searches of real estate online

The five tips listed below help realtors to make sure that their efforts of online marketing are bearing fruits. Each real estate agent should know these tips for an effective online marketing.1. Location.2. Engage.3. Go Mobile.4. Call on the Pros. 5. Socialize.

Tips for online marketing

Location is among the most important things for a house. Location is also important for your practices of digital marketing. In 2014, Google updated its search algorithm and place a bigger importance on local results. If you do not know how to make a best use of this update, Neil Patel from Search Engine Land explains how.


When you are a real estate agent doing online marketing, do not settle for only a face and a name. You have to add a voice to your online marketing. You can do it by setting up useful forums when you allow readers to post comments on your listings or you reply to questions asked by them. You have also to ask for reviews since these can allow you to improve your brand.


The recent important update made by Google to its algorithm offers a boost of rankings to websites that are mobile-friendly. Therefore, you have to make sure that your website is optimized for use on tablets and smartphones.

Go Mobile

It will be a mistake to ignore Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook in your daily life. You should not disregard these platforms in your efforts of online marketing. For instance, Instagram is opening now its picture feed for ads. You can take advantage of this opportunity to post quick information, videos, and photos to let clients know that you are on page on market trends.


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