Online privacy

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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By JoJo


What is Online Privacy?

Online privacy is the right to controlling who can access our online information which is contained on sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. All these sites give us the ability to use privacy settings that ensure only certain people can access our information.

Do You Think The Internet Is Private?

Fact is that the internet is a public place , and 79% of teens who use the Internet are not careful about sharing personal information. This allows lot’s of strangers to access personal information. Hacking and cyber bullying is at an ultimate high, which means there has never been a more important time for online privacy. Approximately 6,930,055,154 use the internet. So if you think the internet is a private place, think again!

Rules On Online Privacy

Rule #1 Friends:

- Only add people onto your social networking profiles if you know them personally, it’s also suggested you only add them if their your friends, If you don’t get along with them don’t add them, this will prevent you from getting cyber bullied.

Rule #2Pictures:

-Whenever you add any pictures onto the internet make sure their appropriate! Although you have security settings you still never know who is looking at your photo’s and what could be done with them. Don’t display and drugs, alcohol or suggestive pictures.

Rule #3Netiquette

-While online don’t do anything you wouldn’t do in person. Always be polite and courteous online because it’s hard to tell if it’s a joke. Don’t try and start fights online or write any mean material about others.

Rule #4Security Settings:

-When using any kind of social networking site always be sure to have to your security setting at the highest possible settings. This way you will be as safe as possible online, and only people you actually know can view your pictures.

Rule # 5Passwords:

- Passwords are frequently misused online. They shouldn’t be shared with anyone, even your friends. Passwords should also be something that no one could guess. It’s suggested that they are a combination of letters, numbers, and capitals. This way no one will be able to get onto your accounts.

Rule #6Cyber Bullying:

-If you are being cyberbullied, the best thing you can do for yourself is to not engage with the bully. Tell a trusted adult, and take a screenshot to provide evidence. You can also send an assertive message telling the person to stop, but be sure no threats are exchanged to ensure your safety.

Rule #7Threats:

-Online is a whole other world, threating anyone over the internet is serious. It’s not taken lightly; unless you want to be dealing with the police make sure that you don’t threaten anyone. If the police aren’t involved it could escalate and you can be putting yourself in danger!

Rule #8Websites:

-The internet is filled with tons of inaccurate and inappropriate websites. You could easily come across one from a pop-up, adds or simply because you were searching information. The best way to avoid these sites is never click on any pop-ups or adds, and be sure the sites you use are reliable and have accurate information.

Rule #9Chat Rooms:

-Chat rooms aren’t private, even though you think what your saying is confidential it can easily be accessed; make sure what you’re saying is appropriate. Also not everyone is who they say they are, you can say your any age by the click of a button! If someone asks you to send them and inappropriate images or asks to meet you delete them right away and tell an adult.


Rule #10Downloading:

-Downloading content over the internet can be very dangerous. When you download certain files it could gives your computer viruses, or the download may able hackers to reach your computer. Before you download something read the agreements and make sure it’s a reliable site. Otherwise you could be putting you and your computer at risk.