Online Talent Communication: Match the candidates if you can! Antoine Lhosmot

Post on 17-May-2015

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From the corporate career website to social and professional networks, candidates today have a cross-channel behavior online when the discover a potential employer. Discover where they go and for which purpose thanks to Potentialpark 2013 research. - Why is the corporate career website still the main source of informations for graduates? - What are the main frustrations in online applications and how can we solve them? - Why are candidates going on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn? Who are the best-in-class? - Mobile recruitment: are you too late already or is it still time for pioneers?


Antoine LhosmotAmsterdan, Friday 21 June 2013

Online Talent Communication 2013Match the candidates if you can!

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 2

Our research field periods

2,527 Online career presences globally

694 Career Websites

421 Presences on Social Media

121 Mobile Career Websites and Apps

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Our research field periods

242 Features

26,874 Respondents

Audits in the fall – Panels in the spring

Online Talent Communication 2013

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OTaC – Online Talent Communication


WebsitesSocial Media



OTaCOnline Talent






TEWeBTop Employer Web


S-ComSocial Media


APOLLOApplying Online and

Loving It




USA, Europe, Asia, UK, France, Germany, Poland

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 5


1 New multichannel rules of the game

2 Applying Online and Loving It

3 How to win Mobile & Social

New rules of the game

OTaC Trends 2013

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Match me!

Give personalized guidance

Online Talent Communication 2013

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No queues!

The Glue For A Great

Candidate Experience

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Not Just “Many Platforms”

Online Talent Communication 2013

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OTaC Winner Europe 2013

Online Talent Communication 2013

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OTaC European Top 10

Rank Company Score Diff.

1 Allianz 67.3 2

2 Accenture 66.2 0

3 Roche 64.3 -2

4 Accor 61.6 34

5 Daimler 60.7 37

6 BASF 60.3 -1

7 Intel 60.0 -1

8 Bertelsmann 59.8 23

9 Ernst & Young 59.7 -1

10 Microsoft 58.2 17

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 12

98%use internet to look for careers

Online Talent Communication 2013

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79%actively go to career websites

Social Networks 25% Professional Networks: 40%

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 14

94%expect you on at least onesocial / professional network

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Career Websitevs.



Online Talent Communication 2013

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Better do one thing right


everything poorly?

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Multi-device paths

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Hurrah!Responsive Web Design

Text Text

Text Text

Text Text





Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 19

Desktop Computer Mobile

Online Talent Communication 2013

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“BlackBerry Thumb”

Online Talent Communication 2013

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1. Be specific, offer personal guidance

2. Synchronize online and offline

3. Understand each channel

4. Be a spearhead in your organization

5. Dare to do trial, error and improvement

Applying Online & Loving It

Trends 2013

Online Talent Communication 2013

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What does not kill you

makes you stronger!

The Career Website

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Coaching role

Online Talent Communication 2013

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The Career Website - Match me if you can!

Source: Nederlandse Tuinbouw

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Source: Deloitte France

The Career Website - Match me if you can!

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Source: RBS Group

The Career Website - Match me if you can!

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Source: Wells Fargo ://

The Career Website - Match me if you can!

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Accenture : European Best Career Websites (TEWeB)

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Accenture : European Best Career Websites (TEWeB)

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Best Career Websites – European Top 10 (TEWeB)

Rank Company Score Diff.

1 Accenture 1111 0

2 Ernst & Young 1058 8

3 Allianz 1033 -1

4 Shell 1024 3

5 Accor 1021 8

6 Bertelsmann 1013 -3

7 Daimler 1000 37

8 Intel 983 11

9 DHL 969 77

10 BASF 966 -6

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 32

61%Like applying online (ATS)

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 33

81%Like applying by email

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Online Talent Communication 2013

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• Don’t know how long 42%

• You cannot save 45%

• Black box effect 56%

• Takes too long 37%

Online Talent Communication 2013

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68%Frustrated by late response

75%Frustrated by no response

Online Talent Communication 2013

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It’s not about

less stepsbut less stress

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Job Map

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Dynamic Search

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Branded Job Ad

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Bridge Of Trust

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Roche : European Best Candidate Experience (APOLLO)

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Roche : European Best Candidate Experience (APOLLO)

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 44

Best Online Candidate Experience – European Top 10 (APOLLO)

Rank Company ATS Provider Score Diff.

1 Roche Oracle - Taleo 1153 2

2 DHL Oracle - Jobpartners 1126 25

3 Allianz SAP 1118 -1

4 Ernst & Young Oracle - Taleo 1099 6

5 Bertelsmann Embrace 1095 2

6 Mars Oracle - Taleo 1088 3

7 Intel Oracle - Taleo 1075 19

8 Bombardier Oracle - Taleo 1071 58

9 Accor Homegrown / Other 1065 8

10 Thales Oracle - Taleo 1064 55

How to Win Mobile & Social

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 46

Facebook 66%

LinkedIn 50%

Twitter 34%

Job seekers expect you on:

Online Talent Communication 2013

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What would job seekers like to do?

83% Look for companies

83% Look for open jobs

81% Apply for jobs

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 48

What would job seekers like to do?

57% Keep up-to-date

57% Participate in discussions

54% Gain insights about the company

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I applied for a job







I found a job offer on an employer’s profile

I searched for jobs

35% 18%My friend posted/shared an interesting job offer he/she found

Jobs, in reality…

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 50

53%of employers are on Facebook

Online Talent Communication 2013

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50% (�8%) Fear of being rejected for wrong reasons

46% (�3%) Uncomfortable sharing private information

43% (�7%) Think companies do it only for PR

Job seekers’ main concerns:

Online Talent Communication 2013

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85%“Honesty is essential when a company interacts with job seekers on the Facebook career page”

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Who in this room will be mobile enabled at the end of the year?

Online Talent Communication 2013

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20% (�3%) do so already

62% can imagine doing so

Use smartphone for career purposes:

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Mobile is imminentKey question: how?

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 56

App or mobile career website?

App: 57%

Mobile career website: 46%

If you would use your smartphone today…

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Responsive Web Design or…?

“Do include only the relevant

information: open job offers,

requirements, deadlines and a few tips

and hints.”

Online Talent Communication 2013

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Look for open jobs:

Mobile career websites having it: 71%

Career apps having it: 81%

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 59

61%Track application status:

Mobile career websites having it: 4%

Career apps having it: 4%

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 60

45%Apply for a job:

Employers offering it: 11%

Online Talent Communication 2013

iRecruit Expo| Amsterdam 21st June 2013 | © Potentialpark 2013. Proprietary and Confidential | 61

1. The candidate experience has become


2. Employers have a new role to play


3. The career website is strong based on its


4. The mobile suffice the bridge


5. Social media; Apps; create, or join the


In Summary

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6. The application is worth my time, it gives


7. Mobile expectations not set yet


8. The basics; Offers and alerts


9. We all learn and achieves


In Summary

AmsterdamThursday 20 June 2013

Thank youDo you look for Talent, or does Talent look for you?
