Online Ticketing Software FAQs - Q10

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Does the online box office ticketing system come with marketing tools? If you decide to go with a white label model then you probably have decided to take responsibility for how you reach your customers and how you are structuring your pricing. To make the best decisions you will want as much data as possible and to carry out those decisions, and you will want a good set of tools. Some of the data you might want are things like: How many visits to your website? How did they interact with your website? How many started a transaction? What percentage resulted in shopping cart abandonment? You would want the system to include tools for: Consolidating and analyzing your data. E-mail marketing Executing Promotional Campaigns It cannot be stressed enough: Once you sufficiently gather data and can implement the strategies that you now know are working through a good set of tools, your business will have countless opportunities to maximize the way you are reaching your customers. For example, you know from looking at your access control data that Jon bought a ticket to a rock band and went to the show. Using your email marketing tools, an email goes to Jon thanking him and hoping that he enjoyed the show. You include the set list and a link to some photos that were taken. You also offer him a list of upcoming bands that he might like based on the show he just saw and include a promotional code for a discount. Through implementing small changes and looking at the result, you can fine tune this interaction until the post-ticket sales become a significant part of your overall sales. TICKETsage knows that this is not only the future of business but that it is happening right now. That is exactly why we have centered our services around this way of thinking.


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