Online Voting System-using Advanced Java

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Online Voting System is a website based on coding done in java(Struts framework,jsp html,css etc)


Project Report


Online National Polling System


• The word “vote” means to choose from a list, to elect or to determine. The main goal of voting (in a scenario involving the citizens of a given country) is to come up with leaders of the people’s choice.

• Most countries, India not an exception have problems when it comes to voting. Some of the problems involved include ridging votes during election, insecure or inaccessible polling stations, inadequate polling materials and also inexperienced personnel.

• This online voting/polling system seeks to address the above issues. It should be noted that with this system in place, the users, citizens in this case shall be given ample time during the voting period. They shall also be trained on how to vote online before the election time




• “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” is an online voting website. In this system

people who have citizenship of India and whose age is above 18 years of age and any sex can give his\her vote online without going to any physical polling station. There is a database which is maintained in which all the names of voters with complete information is stored.

• In “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” a voter can use his\her voting right online without any difficulty. He\She has to be registered first for him/her to vote. Registration is mainly done by the system administrator for security reasons. The system Administrator registers the voters on a special site of the system visited by him only by simply filling a registration form to register voter. Citizens seeking registration are expected to contact the system administrator to submit their details. After the validity of them being citizens of India has been confirmed by the system administrator by comparing their details submitted with those in existing databases such as those as the Registrar of Persons, the citizen is then registered as a voter.


Objectives Of The PROJECT

• Reviewing the existing/current voting process or approach in India.

• Coming up with an automated voting system in India.

• Implementing a an automated/online voting system

• Validating the system to ensure that only legible voters are allowed to vote.


Project justification

• The ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM-INDIA shall reduce the

time spend making long queues at the polling stations during voting.

• It shall also enable the voters to vote from any part of the globe as explained since this is an online application available on the internet.

• . Cases of vote miscounts shall also be solved since at the backend of this system resides a well developed database using MYSQL that can provide the correct data once it’s correctly queried.


Technologies Used:

• Server Side : Java(JDK1.8),Servlet, JSP2.0, EL, JSTL

• Client Side : HTML5, CSS

• Database : MySQL 5.0

• Framework : Jakarta Struts Framework(Struts Tiles framework).

• IDE : NetBeans 7.4, Dreamweaver8, MySQL GUI Tool5.0


J2EE Architecture • J2EE multi-tiered

applications are generally considered to be three-tiered applications because they are distributed over three different locations ▫ client machines

▫ the J2EE server machine

▫ the database or legacy machines at the back end


Struts Framework:MVC The MVC design pattern consists of three modules model, view and controller. Model The model represents the state (data) and business logic of the application. View The view module is responsible to display data i.e. it represents the presentation. Controller The controller module acts as an interface between view and model.


JDBC:Java Database Connectivity

Java code calls JDBC library

JDBC loads a driver

Driver talks to a particular database

Can have more than one driver -> more than one database

Ideal: can change database engines without changing any application code

Application JDBC Driver


JSP:Java Server Pages

• JSP technology is used to create web application just like Servlet technology. It can be thought of as an extension to servlet because it provides more functionality than servlet such as expression language, jstl etc.

• A JSP page consists of HTML tags and JSP tags. The jsp pages are easier to maintain than servlet because we can separate designing and development. It provides some additional features such as Expression Language, Custom Tag etc.

• Advantage of JSP over Servlet:

1. Extension to Servlet

2. Easy to maintain

3. Fast Development: No need to recompile and redeploy

4. Less code than Servlet


Struts :Tiles Framework

• A web page can contain many parts (known as tile) such as header, left pane, right pane, body part, footer etc. In tiles framework, we manage all the tile by ourLayout Manager page.

• Advantage of tiles framework

• There are following advantages of tiles framework:

• Customization by centralized page We can customize the layout of all the pages by single page (centralized page) only.

• Code reusability A single part e.g. header or footer can be used in many pages. So it saves coding.

• Easy to modify If any part (tile) is modified, we don't need to change many pages.

• Easy to remove If any part (tile) of the page is removed, we don't need to remove the code from all the pages. We can remove the tile from our layout manager page.


Tiles framework:continue……

Steps to create tiles application The steps are as follows:

•Add tiles library in your application •Define Struts2TilesListener in web.xml file •Create the input page (index.jsp) •Create the Action class •Extend the tiles-default package in your package and define all the result type as tiles in struts.xml file •Create the tiles.xml file and define all the tiles definitions •Create the LayoutManager page •Create the View components


TWO Modules:Voter and Candidate

Voter Module 1. Voter registration 2. Update Account. 3. View candidate information 4. Ask que to Candidate 5. Login/Logout. 6. View election result.

Candidate Module 1. Candidate registration 2. Update Account. 3. Login/Logout. 4. PROFILE Edit 5. Add/Edit Promises 6. Read/Answer que


Registration Process Candidate Voter

Registered Voter

Registered Candidate


Voting Add voter

Update Voter details

Add Candidate

Update Candidate




Login Page The user can Enter its username & password to login.


VOTER AND CANDIDATE REGISTRATION The voter and candidates can register themselves filling their voter id card detalis.



First & Last Name

Varchar Voters first and last name

Username Varchar User name used by voter

Password varchar Password used by voter

Date of birth Integer Date of birth of a voter

Mobile no. integer Mobile no. of voter

Address varchar Residence address of voter

Aadhar card no.

integer Aadhar card no.

Registration database description

create database onps create table voter(First Name varchar(11) PRIMARY KEY ,Last Name varchar(20), Username varchar(10),Age integer,City varchar(20),Security varchar(20),Status boolean)




• After Registration is sucessful the user logs in to the main page using its Username and password. •If the user enters its fields wrong i.e he/she is not validated then login process Fails. •Since the login failed due entering the invalid details…the user is redirectd to the login page again.


Forgot Password…

If a user forgets his password then a link of forgot password is There on the login page …through Which the user can enter its details such as his/her Name, Phone No., and his Email. The new password would be Sent To the user.


Main Layout Page

• The main layout page to which the user is directed after logging consists of:

1. Header

2. Footer

3. Menu

4. Sub Menu

5. Body Page


Main Layout Page HEADER

Sub menu





About the Voting System


Voting Schedule


Ask question to Candidate


How to “ VOTE”




Click on the Radio Button And press Submit to vote


Contacts & social buttons


FAQs:Frequently Asked Questions



• A ONLINE VOTING PORTAL can save time

spent in voting on the booths.

• Online voting reduces paper work.

• It is Non Expensive And less Time consuming


THANK You…..!!!
