Only Babies Like A Change

Post on 29-Oct-2014

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Only Wet Babies Like a


Only Wet Babies Like a


So, don’t think you’re


by F. Michael Babineaux, CPSM, C.P.M., A.P.P.President/CEO

Babineaux Education, Services and Training, Inc.

FEC = Federal Express Corp

FEC = For Ever Changing

A $40-billion market leader in transportation, information, and logistics solutions, providing strategic direction to the five main operating companies

Provides customer access to the full range of FedEx transportation, logistics, e-commerce and information services by integrating sales, marketing and information technology

Key Message

You can’t survive,

let along prosper

if you don’t learned how to

accept and make the best of change.


Help You

Deal with the Changes in

Your Life

Without Anyone Getting Stepped On


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases• Failures• Cheese


• Observations about change

• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases• Failures• Cheese

The Elevator Story

Key Message

If it was that easy – you and I would be talking

about something


The feeling of Change

Key Message

Dealing with Change is uncomfortable


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases• Failures• Cheese


To make the future course of something different from what it would be if left alone

To change the course of history


To remove and replace a covering

To change a baby


• Observations• Definition• Common Initial

Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases• Failures• Cheese

Common Initial Reactions

• Somebody Else’s JobIf not you, whose job is it?

“Only I can change my life, no one can do it for me”

Carol Burnett (1936 - )

Common Initial Reactions

I’m Just Not Going To Do It!

How can they remain the same in a changing


Common Initial Reactions

Be a Victim

Acting like a victim is not a

survival strategy in a

changing organization

Wooo is me!!

Common Initial Reactions

New Game - Old Rules– Don’t try harder or smarter -

try differently

Don’t be thrown out of the game!!

Common Initial Reactions

In My Own Sweet Time

Accept change according to their


Stay in comfort zone to minimize stress

Falling behind = More STRESS

Key Message

An initial reaction to

change should be expected


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects of Change• Leadership• Phases• Failures• Cheese

Change – The Source of Stress

• Effects of Stress• Stress Reactions

Cumulative Effects

Many mildly stressful situations, while not threatening to your mental well-being in themselves, can contribute to a cumulative effect which could ultimately damage the your mental well-being.

Extended Effects

• Rarely confined to the individual concerned

• The effects may be felt by all around them

Your Stress Affects Us All

One day back from vacation and I’m

already stressed out

Your Stress Affects Us All

You think you’re stressed? I’m the one who’s done your work while you were gone!

Stress Effects

“You’ve been getting on my nerves all day, big sister!

(Stress is Cumulative)

“You’re stressing ME out, little sister!”(Stress is extended)

Key Message

Change is the major cause of stress – learn to deal with

change and you’ll reduce stress

Change – The Source of Stress

• Effects of Stress• Stress Reactions

What? Me Worry?

Two Stress Reactions

Stress Reactions

• Seem immune to stress

• Despite major disruptive events

• View problems as a challenge

• Derive a sense of meaning when handling stress

Here We Go Again!

Stress Reactions

Others appear to be stress-prone over

what many consider minor disruptive


Stress Reactions

• Negative viewpoint

• More helpless attitude

• Feel guilty or anxious

• Often don't expect things to get any better

Stress Reactions

What causes the difference between the reactions of these two

types of individuals? – It appears that deeply ingrained

patterns formed through childhood– We live in a culture that induces

stress, from childhood on up

Our Stress Culture

We should be able to handle

whatever comes our way – on our

own, without help

Handle it, handle it

Our Stress Culture

We’re expected to pull our load, and are chastised if

we don’t

Push that barge, lift that bail

Our Stress Culture

We believe we can do it all and

have it all, because that’s what “success”

is all about

If it’s to be done, It’s up to you

Looking at Change

Young Woman


Old Woman

Key Message

How you handle change

(and reduce your stress)

is largely determined by how you look at it

Fearful or Hopeful

Looking at Change

“To the fearful change is threatening because it means that things may get


To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better”

King Whitney, Jr.


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership of

Change• Phases• Failures• Cheese

Keys to Change Leadership

In order to successfully lead anyone through change, you’ve got to know

how they deal with change.

And as important, how you deal with change.

As long as everybody gets along

As long as we can have fun

doing it ;-)

A few dead bodies won’t hurt anything

As long as we know all the


What You Need to Lead Change

Get on with it!

Recognize my efforts

Give me the Details

Make me feel good

Key Message

Effective Change Leadership depends on

understanding yourself and the people affected by the change.


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases toChange Acceptance• Failures• Cheese

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase One – Denial– Lack of reaction – Withdrawal– Focus on the

past– Denial is normal

“This too will Pass”

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase One - Denial Help– Information is

needed – Let people know

that they have choices

Change Phases & How You can Help

“They can’t make me,can they?”

• Phase Two – Resistance– Strong feelings emerge

» Anger, Blame, Anxiety

» Depression, Apathy

– Productivity slips– People upset and negative – Some want to leave the organization

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase Two - Resistance Help

• Allow negativity expressed safely• Manage the resistance

Three major ways to manage resistance

1. Communication• Provide rationale behind the

necessity of the change

Three major ways to manage resistance

2. Participation• Involve people whose actions

must change

Three major ways to manage resistance

3. Negotiation• Find benefits for everyone

willing to change

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase Three - Exploration– As the

recognition begins to dawn

• Concern for Details• Confusion• Lack of Focus“It’s not blowing over

We better deal with it”

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase Three - Exploration Help– Let them construct

their plans

– Envision the future state

– Listen to them

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase Four - Commitment– Willing to recreate

roles, and expectations– Cooperation– Focus– Anticipation – Usually only lasts until

the next change

“Get out of my way”

Change Phases & How You can Help

• Phase Four - Commitment Help– Very Little Support– Friendly Follow up– Short Discussions

Change Phases Summary

• Denial– Withdrawal– Focus on the past

• Resistance– Anger– Blame– Anxiety– Depression– Apathy

Change Phases Summary

• Exploration– Concern for Details– Confusion– Lack of Focus

• Commitment– Cooperation– Focus– Anticipation

Change Phases Sequence

• Phases–Denial




Change Phases & How You can Help

• Maintenance– There may be

relapse or recycling, as in:

– "I've quit smoking ten times”

Real Change = Time and Commitment

Advise for Leaders

• Focus on Future• Change Reward System• Keep Score• Crank Up Communication• Demonstrate Commitment• Expect Casualties

Advise for Employees

• Commit fully to the change• Accept ambiguity and uncertainty• Behave like it’s your business• Hold yourself accountable• Alter your expectations

Key Message

When faced with changes – people go through phases

You can help


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases• Causes of Change

Initiation Failures• Cheese

Why change initiatives fail

Why change initiatives fail

Inconsistencies between

management words and



“Actions speak louder than


Why change initiatives fail

Lack of system to evaluate

change results


“You can’t manage what

you don’t measure”

Why change initiatives fail

No change of reward systems


“Recognize and Reward Performance

You want Repeated”

Why change initiatives fail

Unrealistic timelines


“Deadlines can be a

challenge, but obtainable”

Why change initiatives fail

Lack of stakeholder


Key Message

“Stakeholder involvement

breeds buy in”

Why change initiatives fail

Training is enough


• Observations• Definition• Reactions• Effects• Leadership• Phases• Causes of Change

Initiation Failures• Cheese and Change

What’s Cheese got to do with Change

Who Moved My Cheese?By Spencer Johnson, M.D.

Who Moved My Cheese?By Spencer Johnson, M.D.

• Theme– How to Deal with Change

• Characters– Hem & Haw– Sniff & Scurry

• Metaphor– Cheese is comfort– Moving the cheese is change– Smelling the cheese is up dating skills– Moving with the cheese is changing with the


Who Moved My Cheese?By Spencer Johnson, M.D.

• Every Day– Cheese Station One

• One Day– No Cheese

• Sniff & Scurry– Find New Cheese

• Hem & Haw– Wait for Cheese to return

Who Moved My Cheese?By Spencer Johnson, M.D.

• Hem & Haw– It’ll be back– We like it here– It’s Tough in the Maze

• Sniff & Scurry– Lots of false starts– Lots of dead ends– Cheese Station Two

Key Message

•They keep moving the cheese

•Smell the cheese often

•Move with the cheese

Key Message Review

To Help You

Deal with the Changes in Your Life

You can’t survive,

let along prosper

if you don’t learned how to

accept and make the best of change

Key Message

Key Message

If it was that easy – you and I would be talking

about something


Dealing with Change is


Key Message

How you handle change

is largely determined by how you look

at it

Key Message

The Initial Reactions to

Change should be expected

Key Message

Change is the major cause of stress – learn to deal with change

in order to reduce stress

Key Message

Key Message

You have to understand

how you and your

Colleagues deal with change

Key Message

When faced with changes – people go through phases

Denial – Resistance – Exploration - Commitment

You can help

Successful Change Initiation

depends less on the people

than on the process

Key Message

Key Message

•They keep moving the cheese

•Smell the cheese often

•Move with the cheese

The Martini and the Mounties

These may not be the best ways to deal with the

changes in your life - but it should help

Thanks for yourtime and attention

Only Wet Babies Like a


Only Wet Babies Like a


So, don’t think you’re


by F. Michael Babineaux, CPSM, C.P.M., A.P.P.President/CEO

Babineaux Education, Services and Training, Inc.