Only Sat evening Mass at M on Live streaming in …...2020/06/28  · es. Unfortunately, the unity...

Post on 13-Jul-2020

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Tailem Bend - all others Sundays LWC at 10 AM as well

Please Pray for the Sick: Audrey Searle, John Shanahan, Lyd-ia Green, Kevin Glancy, Lilia Cowan, Jackie Clarke, Ruta Vildzius, Kathy Broster, Margaret Lloyd, Lynley Ward, Lottie Grabski, Luigino Antonello, Thomas Arnold, Ann Loughran, Kathalia Celestine, Robert Brophy, Vic Leak, Keith Woithe, Margy Nykiel, Lillian Nagy, Joan Carey, Nilda Guadagnin, Na-tasha Slevec, Angela Groves, Charlotte Tottman, Adriana Lai, Niail Glancy, John Uren, Archbishop Emeritus Philip Wilson, Jan Winter, Lorraine Rowland, Maria & Vince Rocca, Fr Chris O’Neil, Don & Nan Anderson, K V Thomas, Sonia Abbon-dandola, Maureen Callery Anniversaries: Raelene Cole, John Bratkovic

The M&M’s Family Group started approximately 28 years ago.

After a priest in NSW, came up with the idea of Family Groups, the

Arch Diocese, who had adopted his notion, ran a program of introduc-

tion. The priest suggested that church goers needed to socialise with

people that were not in their immediately family or social group to

broaden their social interactions.

There were other Parishioners from our church who formed groups,

whilst two families, whose names started with M, joined together to

form the M&M’s. It was suggested that the groups meet monthly, or-

ganise themselves with leaders and become a support group to each


Our group meets at the beginning of the year and all members

contribute towards suggesting outings for the annual program. Then a

committee of 6 meets and takes responsibility to give a structure to the

monthly events. We always include a Family Mass, morning tea with

Parishioners and a Christmas Party. Other events may be outings to

Adelaide and the surrounding districts, get together for meals and run-

ning quizzes, games and entertainment.

Our group offers comfort to people at distressing times and main-

tains contact with emails, phone calls and visits to those confined to

their home. We also celebrate special birthdays and anniversaries at

our outings. We have been keeping members laughing during the

Covid-19 isolation by emailing videos and jokes and ringing each oth-

er. The church community has two groups. If you are interested in

joining either group please speak to a member as you would be most

welcome. On July 5th, some members of M&M’s are offering a biscuit

and cuppa after the 10am Mass, so call in and enjoy. Jan Berger

Committee member.


Weeks ↓ Sat 4 PM

Sat 6 PM

Sun 10AM

Sun 5PM

Sun 10AM

1st Sunday Man-num

MB MB MB T. Bend

2nd Sun-day


MB MB MB Pinaroo/ Lameroo

3rd Sunday Man-num

MB MB MB T. Bend

4th Sunday Man-num

MB MB MB Menin-gie

5th Sunday Man-num


Weekly Takings M B M M

Last Week Last Week

1st - Priests $ 611 $ 41

Envelopes $ 795 $ 110

Loose Plate $ 85 $ 10

Special collection $ $

Electronic (Online) $ $

Web Site $ $

Thank you! Our parish is grateful for your support!



COVID-19: PHONE COUNSELLING NOW AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT at Centrecare between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday phone No 8215 6700

13th Ordinary Sunday, Year A 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a: This is a holy man of God; let him rest here Ps 89:2-3, 16-17, 18-19: For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. Rom 6:3-4, 8-11: When we were baptised we went into the tomb with Christ, so that we too might live a new life Matthew 10:26-33: Anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it

Only Sat evening Mass at MB on Live streaming in Parish Face Book, Fr John Vildzius face book

28 June 2020

Next Week’s Roster

Dates 4th JULY 5th JULY 5th JULY

Time 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM

Lector 1 Erin Eckermann Lynn Ayunon Michael Gates

Lector 2 John Crossley Rodel Maranan Jim Cannard

P.O. Faith Anne Wynne Dee Sturgess

Eu. Ministers Sharon Gregory Meredith

O’Loughlin Jose Thomas

Welcoming 1 Jo Hancock Kathy B Nellie Cannard

Welcoming 2 Carol G Yvonne S.

Countings Musekiwa Mafara & Nhamo Mawere

Maintenance Jesus Delena & Alvin Alcantara

Dear Parishioners The Catholic Church has more 1.2 billion members spread across prac-

tically every nation. They come from all races, all cultures, speaking

different languages. They comprise ordinary people, the poor, the rich

and those who hold special offices in the land. As such, we can see

the diversity of the Catholic Church. This explains why the Church is

called Catholic and not Christian. As individuals, we are Christians, but

as Church we are Catholic because we all belong to the Universal

Church of Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic Church that we profess in the

Creed. The diversity of the Church also means that there will be differ-

ences in culture, in expression, in the levels of faith and practic-

es. Unfortunately, the unity of the Church is often misinterpreted as

uniformity. In matters of faith and doctrines, there certainly must be

unity. As St Augustine said, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials,

diversity; in all things, charity.” Consequently, beyond the essentials,

we must allow plurality and diversity of expression and practic-

es. Trying to enforce one discipline and culture for all would be at the

disservice of the Catholicity of the Church. The richness of the Catho-

lic Church is that her oneness is founded on the diverse contributions

of the members who come from different backgrounds. We must ac-

cept the mystery of life and cherish our differences, allowing each one

of us to grow according to our comfortable pace and time.

Fr Vim

PARISH FUNDING PROGRAM You are welcome to make a contribution to the 1st and 2nd collection this can be done in a number of ways: 1. Via an electronic contribution: If you are currently contributing via envelope, you can elect to make your contribution via credit card or direct debit. Forms can be obtained by visiting the office on Wednesdays during office hours. 2. You can drop your envelopes or cash for Open Plate (2nd collection) or donations to the 1st collec-tion into the Parish Office between 9am-1:30pm Tuesday. Please mark a plain envelope first or sec-ond collection if you are contributing by cash. 3. Via electronic contribution on the link on the Archdiocesan website is:, donation You will need to select the Murray Bridge / Murray Mallee and choose whether you are contributing to the First Collection (Support of Priests of the Archdio-cese) or Second Collection (for support of the Parish Property & Maintenance etc.) THANK YOU FOR

GOSPEL Anecdote: Mt 10:37-42: “Paid in full for

one glass of milk.” The special joy of nature-loving

boy Howard Kelly was hiking great distances and study-

ing animals in the wild. On a walking trip, up through

Northern Pennsylvania one spring, young Kelly stopped

by a small farmhouse for a drink of cool spring water. A

little girl answered his knock at the door, and instead of

water, she brought him a glass of fresh milk. He

thanked her profusely and went on his way. After years

of medical studies, he became Dr. Kelly. Dr. Howard

Kelly (1858-1943) was a distinguished physician who

was one of the four founding doctors of Johns Hopkins,

the first medical research university in the U.S. and,

arguably, one of the finest hospitals anywhere. In 1895,

he established in that school the department of Gyne-

cology and Obstetrics. Over the course of his career,

Doctor Kelly advanced the sciences of gynecology and

surgery, both as a teacher and as a practitioner. Some

years later, that same little girl from Northern Pennsyl-

vania who had given him that glass of milk years ago,

came to him for an operation. Just before she left for

home, fearful of a huge bill, her bill was brought into

the room and across its face was written in a bold hand,

“Paid in full for one glass of milk.” That was Dr. Kelly’s

style of showing gratitude and hospitality. Today’s

Scriptures challenge us to practice hospitality, seeing

Christ in others.

Coming Events: Sunday 5th July after Mass PPC meeting Tailem Bend Tuesday 7th July at 5.30pm PPC meeting Murray Bridge

COVID 19 Up-dates: From Monday 29th June 2020, maximum density requirements with the new 1 person per 2 sqm, will apply for our churches. Correct spatial measure-ment of your church will assist you in determining the maximum number of people you will be allowed in your space. Please ensure you are following the Archdiocesan Guidelines for Mass with Holy Communion. Gentle Reminder: • To complete a COVID Safe Plan. If you have submitted one already, you will be sent an updated plan from SA Health via email advising you of the maximum numbers for your site. You do not have to complete another online form. • Con-tinue to make hand sanitiser available • Continue regularly wiping of surfaces and cleaning of your

Cuppa after Mass

There will be a cuppa after Mass next week at MHR

hosted by M&Ms Group. Please stay and enjoy a cuppa and a
