Open Badges Makewaves eTwinning

Post on 08-May-2015

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Presentation from the 'Open Badges' workshop at the eTwinning National conference in Nottingham June 2014


  • 1.The Social Media Platform for Schools

2. Silo 1 Silo 2 Silo 4 Formal qualifications After school club certificates Online learning Silo 3 Professional development 3. qualifications are worthless as a criteria for hiring Google2013 4. Badges give me a way to show the teacher what Im good at Yr10 student 5. Silo 1 Silo 2 Silo 4 Formal qualifications After school club certificates Online learning Silo 3 Professional development 6. Mozilla Open Badges: a web standard which captures & communicates learning 7. How do they work? 8. Open Badges are images with metadata hard-coded into them 9. CC BY-SA Kyle Bowen 10. 53,000 26,000 1,400 Joint Competition Winner with DigitalMe. Only UK Badge platform 11. Badge Library 12. A World at School reached out to the Makewaves community to say why their education was so important to them. "I want to thank Makewaves for the community's amazing contributions to Malala Day - your videos, pictures, letters and stories all helped us to create a fantastic impact around the world." 13. What Teachers say The Badge System is great! I can now set students multiple tasks and monitor the work at a glance Dan Donaldson, Shireland Collegiate Academy Badges are a great way of focusing pupils on a task or of lending credibility. Furthermore it is a great way to assess and evidence pupils' progress. Jason Bromfield, Music Teacher Students love to discover and earn badges and help each other One of the biggest impacts we have seen is the eagerness of children to get involved and try something new. Matt Rogers, Teacher 14. What makes Open Badges different? 1. Open &free skills communication standard 2. Anyone can create open badges 3. Data is owned by users 15. Who is using Open Badges? 16. USA & DML 17. 100+ partners 18. Chicago Summer of Learning 19. Design 20. Download canvases at Designing Open Badges 21. Sharon Middleton Director 07908 403521 @SharonMakewaves Mission Maker 22. Badge Library 23. 24. Computing at School Magazine, SwitchedOn