Open Ear Hearing Aids | Peoria AZ

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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description Open ear hearing aids are “mini” behind-the-ear (BTE) devices that come in two types: the RITE or RIC style where the receiver is placed inside the ear canal and the RITA style which has the receiver in the aid itself.


Open Ear Hearing Aids Provide More Benefits than Traditional BTEs

Open ear hearing aids are “mini” behind-the-ear (BTE) devices that come in two types: the RITE or RIC style where the receiver is placed inside the ear canal and the RITA

style which has the receiver in the aid itself.

These newer BTE styles have many benefits including:

Natural sound quality

That “talking in a barrel” feeling is

eliminated because there is no ear mold to

fill up the canal.

Comfortable fit Only a small tube (with or without a

receiver on the end) is placed inside the ear.

Easy insertionThe part of the

hearing aid that goes into the ear is roughly one-third the size of a

tradition ear mold.

Cosmetically appealing

They are small enough to be unnoticeable or “cool” enough to come in bright

colors to reflect your mood and personality.

Technological advances occur

rapidly in the hearing industry and that is true for this “open”
