Open Scholarship & Connected Learning

Post on 06-May-2015

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My slidedeck for a keynote presentation given at PELeCON 2012 in Plymouth UK, on April 19, 2012


PELeCONApril 19, 2012Plymouth UKDr. Alec Couros

Open Scholarship & Connected Learning


Who Am I?

The Blur



open teaching

non-credit students

Private Public

Closed Open

Thinning Walls

early inspirations


• what is k?

• how is k acquired?

• how do we know what we know?

• why do we know what we know?

• what do humans know?

• who controls k?

• how is k controlled?

human thought/ideas

human language

high-level language(e.g. C++, Java, PERL)

low-level language(assembly language)

machine code(binary)

source code

code irretrievable

“Linux is subversive. Who would have thought even five years ago that a world-class operating system could

coalesce as if by magic out of part-time hacking by several thousand

developers scattered all over the planet, connected by only tenuous

strands of the Internet.”(Raymond, 1997)

“A key to transformation is for the teaching profession to establish innovation networks that capture the spirit and culture of hackers -

the passion, the can-do, the collective sharing.”

(Hargreaves, 2003)

21st Century Learning Networks

21st Century Learning Networks

power, control & fearas key barriers

Free/Open Content“describes any kind of creative work in a format that explicitly allows copying and

modifying of its information by anyone, not exclusively by a closed organization, firm, or

individual.” (Wikipedia)

From  NAGPS  (2011)  via  h4p://


Group growth


Individual growth


Social Learning

shifts in edtech



Howard Rheingold

• “Understanding how networks work is one of the most important literacies of the 21st century.” (2010)

Network Literacies





“I’m New” by Kutiman

Kindness in Networks

God bless you and your family through this difficult time.

My best attempt, I only removed the tubing, left colors and levels alone. I am sorry for your loss.

I color corrected the skintones a bit as well.

minor lighting, a 6 x 4 crop for printing in standard size &

removed some of the background.

well done fellow redditors !!!!

Fixed the


OK black background gone. Sorry it took so long, had to start over. Thanks again to wahoorob for doing the hard part.

Sorry for the late help. I went for simplicity. Enjoy - and I hope you remember her well.

myth of the digital native

Children and young people are described as ‘the collaboration generation’, eager to work together

towards common goals, share content and draw upon “the power of mass collaboration”. This combination of individualisation and collaboration is often presented

as giving young people a propensity to question, challenge and critique. These are individuals who “typically can’t imagine a life where citizens didn’t

have the tools to constantly think critically, exchange views, challenge, authenticate, verify, or debunk.

The Digital Native - Myth & Reality, Selwyn (2009)

Are We To Believe This?

Or This?

Or This?

“... age is not a determining factor in students’ digital lives; rather, their familiarity and experience using ICTs is more relevant.”

“... the notion of ‘digital natives’ is inaccurate: those with such attributes are effectively a

digital elite. Instead of a new net generation growing up to replace an older analogue generation, there is a deepening digital

divide ... characterized not by age but by access and opportunity.”

information literacy


“The gene has it’s cultural analog too: the meme. In cultural evolution, a meme is a

replicator and propagator - an idea, a fashion, a chain letter, or a conspiracy

theory. On a bad day, a meme is a virus”

Lowenstein, 1999

“...for all the money, tax revenue and intelligence that Western governments have at their disposal (they) seemingly cannot get their heads around a simple enough concept that wherever one

is, someone is watching and recording.”

Zack Whitaker

what does it mean when you like something?

digital fluency

“Technological fluency means much more than the ability to use technological tools;

that would be equivalent to understanding a few common phrases in a language. To become truly fluent in a language (like

English or French), one must be able to articulate a complex idea or tell an engaging story -- that is, to be able to make things of

significance with these tools. ”

The Computer Clubhouse: Technology Fluency in the Inner City, Resnick, Rusk, & Cooke (1998)

The Difference Between Digital Literacy & Digital Fluency, C. Briggs (2011)

digital identity

Best Job in the World

Stephen Downes

• “Ten years ago, not one student in a hundred, nay, one in a thousand, could have produced videos like this. It’s a whole new skill, a vital and important skill, and one utterly necessary not simply from the perspective of creating but also of comprehending video communication today.

On Digital Video

social learning

“To answer your question, I did use Youtube to learn how to dance. I

consider it my ‘main’ teacher.”

“10 years ago, street dance was very exclusive, especially rare dances like popping

(the one I teach and do). You either had to learn it from a friend that knew it or get VHS

tapes which were hard to get. Now with Youtube, anyone, anywhere in the world can

learn previously ‘exclusive’ dance styles.”

closing thoughts

open scholarship



making learning visible


Live Radio From the Classroom

Live Radio From the Classroom

how are you making learning visible?

how are you contributing to the learning of others?


Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for he was born

in another time. ~Tagore