Open Source Alliance Charter

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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The Source Code.


Open Source Alliance

The Official Rules of Engagement


In order to clarify what

do, I have been commissioned

of Engagement for the Open Source Alliance.

Unprovoked Attacks

Should you be the victim of any unprovoked

attack, such as ghostings, or Tech Liberat

follow these steps.

Open Source Alliance

The Official Rules of Engagement

clarify what to do and what not

commissioned to write the Rules

of Engagement for the Open Source Alliance.

Unprovoked Attacks

Should you be the victim of any unprovoked

attack, such as ghostings, or Tech Liberat

follow these steps.

not to

to write the Rules

of Engagement for the Open Source Alliance.

Should you be the victim of any unprovoked

attack, such as ghostings, or Tech Liberation,

i. Take no offensive actions, report the attack

to the MoD Office. Your superiors can then

send you aid and Levels to 1 and your sort

out the attack if need be. Increase your

Defcon levels to one and your threat level

to Severe.

ii. Diplomatic actions will be taken to stop the

war, set peace offers up, do not increase

your military, you are protected for now.

iii. Should the interloper refuse the easy road

of diplomatic actions, and refuse to repay

you, actions will be taken to retrieve your

losses the hard way, war. War may only be

ordered by your superiors in the Alliance,

double check with the Minister of the MoD

office and the President before continuing.

Alliance Unconditional Rules of E:

i. No member is to attack or liberate tech from

a black nation protected by NOIR.

ii. No member is to attack any Red Nation,

unless said nation is at war with OSA.

iii. No member is to attack an alliance of five

or more nations unless said alliance is at

war with OSA.

iv. No member is to attack an alliance of five

or less nations unless authorization has

been given by the MoD Office or the


v. No member is to use Nuclear Weapons unless

directly attacked by them. Nuclear Weapons

should be your last ditch defense, as they

are incredibly dangerous.

vi. No member is to attack any member protected

under the NOIR bloc, or any nation within

the OSA or under the OSA Student handle.

vii. No member is to start an un-needed war, if

you start a war with a nation for no reason,

you will receive no monetary, military, or

diplomatic aid.

Acts of Espionage

i. Acts of Espionage are considered acts of

War, as such, you should consider spying on

a nation exactly like deploying troops on

said nation, standard Rules of Engagement


Acts of Treason

i. All acts of treason will not be tolerated.

Should any nation become rogue, and begin to

attack allied nations, this nation will be

put down, hard. After which the nation will

pay any grievances and be either stripped of

all OSA membership, or be placed on a

probationary period.

If all else fails…

If something does happen which is not explained here, consult

your superior officer for advice.