Open Source Operating System for Education (supervisors)

Post on 10-May-2015

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Open Source Operating System for Education


© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

About Me

Open Source Software ContributorSoftware Engineer / Project Manager

Researcher / Writer / Speaker / ConsultantFedora Ambassador Thailand

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Warning !This presentation will blow your mind but

don't worries, you 'll not understand shortly !

– anonymous

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.


Open Source Operating SystemUbuntu / Suriyan and Friends

Software Package for Education Build your own Linux

Q & A

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Operating System

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

“ System Software ”which make computer

work properly

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We are using Windows right ?

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We are using Windows right ?

application software

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NO BODY !use the operating system

directly !

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Where we found Operating System ?

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Personal ComputerServer Machine

Mobile Phone / Tablet

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Major Operating System in Desktop Life :

Windows, Linux, Mac OS

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Everybody know

Microsoft Windows

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Geek and Zealot know

Linux, Mac OS

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Open Source Operating System is

“ Linux ”

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when we call “Linux” means

“ Kernel ”The human not use only kernel!

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We should call distribution name :

“ Brand ”More 100 Linux Distribution in the world!

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You may hear this

“ RedHat ”

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You may hear this

“ Fedora ”

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You may hear this

“ Debian ”

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You may hear this

“ CentOS ”

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You may hear this

“ PCLinuxOS ”

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You may hear this

“ Ubuntu ”

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You may hear this

“ Linux TLE ”

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You may hear this

“ Suriyan ”

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All of these call

“ Linux Distribution ”

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“ Ubuntu ”

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Ubuntu is an African word means :

“ Human to other ”

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Ubuntu is based on :

“ Debian (sid) ”

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Ubuntu is for

Desktop and Serversupport x86 and x86_64 architecture

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Ubuntu has a lot of delivered distribution :

Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu

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Release every 6 months, next version is

11.04 Natty Narwhal

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Ubuntu maintained by

Canonical and Ubuntu Community

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“ Suriyan ”

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Suriyan is based on

“ Ubuntu ”

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Suriyan has 3 generations, now is the 3th

“ Desktop Linux ”

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Current version is

“ 53.10 Demon Child ”

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many people said about Suriyan

“ Suriyan is blah blah blah ”

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“ a lot of things behind ”

– S&P Manufacturing

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“ Desktop Ready ”– Web2Thai

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“ Yet another Thai Linux ”

– Linux Communities

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“ No Virus! Save Cost! ”

– MetroStar

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“ We can challenge BSA!! ”

– Cosmetic Manufacturing

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“ No more apt-get ”

– CAT Telecom

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“ Easy like Windows ”

– Thai Post

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“ Save cost, No virus ”


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“ Cool!, No more TLE ”

– Human Rights

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“ Suriyan is Ubuntu ”

– Open Source ~ SIPA

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“ Ubuntu PE is 3 worlds coolest ”

– Ubuntu PE Zealot

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“ Suriyan must transform to Thai OS ”

– Somebody at SIPA

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Suriyan maintained by

Open Source Department SIPA and Thai Linux Community

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Linux is ready for Education ?

Top Major Distribution has

Education Project!

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Linux is ready for Education ?

Ubuntu → Edubuntu

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Linux is ready for Education ?

Debian → Skolelinux

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Linux is ready for Education ?

Fedora → Fedora Spins

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Linux is ready for Education ?

Gnome → Gnome Science

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Linux is ready for Education ?


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Linux is ready for Education ?

OLPC XO → Sugar

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Linux Application is ready for Education!Web Application also ready.

Do you know Moodle ?

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Every Linux distribution has

“ Software Repository ”

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You can install Education package via

“ Software Center ”

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Simple method :

Find and Install

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Sample packages for General SkillGcompris, Childsplay, l-typing

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for GameGbrainy, TuxType, TuxMath,

TuxType, MathWar

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Sample packages for AstronomyStellarium, Celestia

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for ChemistrygElemental, Kalzium, Chemistry Utils

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for MathematicsGeogebra, Kalgebra, JFractionLab

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for ElectricgRegister, Qucs, gEDA, KiCad

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for ProgrammingKturtle, TurtleArt, Scratch,

Bluefish, Eclipse

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for Programming LanguageGnu C, FreePascal, Glom, Gambas, Glade, Mono, Python, Ruby, PHP

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Sample packages for SociologyMarble, Kgeography, Google Earth

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for LanguageParley, StepIntoChinese,

Kiten, Kana test,

© Copyright 2011 Anuchit Chalothorn. All Rights Reserved. Release under CC-BY-SA.

Sample packages for Toolsexe, Salasaga, KdenLive, Kazam,

recordMyDesktop, Shutter, Impress, FreeMind, XMind

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Sample packages for Web ApplicationMoodle, ATutor, Dokeos, LearnSquare

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How do I build my own

Linux Distribution ?

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“ Don't try ! ”– Me

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It has a lot of things to concern like : Software Package, Software Repository,

Upstream Development, Schedule, Distributed Media

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If you want to try, use the following methods :Linux From Scratch, LSB+Packages,


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Linux From Scratch (LFS)Make your own Linux from source code!

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Linux System Base (LSB) + PackagesLinux minimal (only terminal support)

plus your packages

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Remastering : The Easiest WayExtract your favorite

Linux distribution then add your packages instated

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Remastering ToolsReconstructor, RemasterSys, Manual Script

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Do you want to try ?

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Ubuntu / Desbian / Fedora ~ Live CD

isolinux pool casper

Live CD Skeleton

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Q & A

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Download this Slide and MindMap at

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Debian Edu

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Fedora Edu SIG

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Gnome Science CD

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KKLUG 2.0 ~ Education Live CD

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SUT Linux

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Thank You