Opening day project wild

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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What is wildlife?

Wildlife includes all animals that have

not been domesticated by


What does domesticated


•animals that humans have kept in captivity and bred for special purposes.

This is a dust mite.

It’s habitat is bedding, pillows and furniture.

It’s not even a millimeter large.

Wildlife can be:•spiders






•microscopic creatures

Final test. . .

Wildlife can be:


•invisible to us

He’s called a water bear. . .

Scientists have reported their existence in hot springs, on top of the Himalayas,

under 5 m of solid ice and in ocean sediments!

Let’s find some wildlife!

•Right here.

•Right now.

Explore the room.Look for:

•Spider webs

•dead insects near lights

•inset holes along baseboards and behind books


What did you find?

Sometimes. . .

•We share the same environment and we don’t even know it

What’s an animal?

•any living organism other than. . .

a plant!

Any living organism other than a plant.

What’s wild?

•An animal that lives in a natural state, provides for its own food, shelter, and other needs in a suitable habitat.

Wildlife is also:

•an animal that is not domesticated or tame

What does domesticated


•animals that humans have kept in captivity and bred for special purposes.

All domesticated animals have their

origins in wild ancestors.

•A 33,000 year old dog skull found in a cave in Siberia.

•It shows some of the earliest evidence of domestication. . .it lived during the last Ice Age.

•The Greeks had domesticated dogs over 2,000 years ago.

Cattle, sheep, and pigs are


Tame animals are “pets”

•All domesticated animals are not pets, only some of them. . .like your dog or your cat or your fish!

How do we know it’s wild?

•If it can live on its own, survive and even reproduce, it is probably wild.

People and Wildlife

•share the same environment.

What is a habitat?





•shelter, food, water and space

•different for an animal

Let’s see for ourselves.