Opening sequence

Post on 19-May-2015

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Opening sequence: Scream 4

The first 10 seconds of the opening of the Scream 4 consist of the production company. This is the first ting you see as you begin to watch the film as it places emphasis on the importance of the production company. The font is simplistic, and the bright blue and white writing stand out against the black background.

The Transition of the writing is smooth and consist of a ray of light running through it, almost as if the writing is shinning, giving the letters a texture image. Whilst the audience are focused on the production company it is soon interrupted by the non digetic ringing of a telephone that you are unable to see yet, putting the audience on edge, and leaving the anticipating what will happen after the production company.

At 10 seconds the transition into the first scene is smooth yet abrupt. We are clearly thrown into the middle of a house, and can now see the telephone that has been ringing.

At 13 seconds is when we are first introduced to the first character within the film. However the deep dark evil sounding voice on the other end of the phone creates suspense and worry for the audience, as we know that this person will be evil.We are able to hear both sides of the conversation, as we are able to hear the murderous voice on the other side of the phone. This gives us a two sided story, and a clearer understand of what is happening.

23 seconds we are introduced to the second female character. Mise en scene allows us to get the view that they are within a kitchen, this follows the conventions of a teen horror, were it follows their lives and activities. Being set within a home should mean safety for these girls, but with a murdering knowing the home number, home dosnt seem so safe.

Following the typical teen horror conventions, this films starts with two females. Females are usually seen as being vulnerable and weak so straight away the audience get a feeling that something will happen to them. The females are very attractive and likable, allowing many teenagers to relate to them. They are very typical female characters who connote that they are popular and well liked within there social group.

Ironically the girls start speaking about horror movies, and the gruesome murders within them.

Once again this is ironic that the character picks up a large knife, considering the audice know that the film is a slasher.

Having the female partaking in stereotypical teenage activity like texting and talking about face book, relates to there target audience. Allowing teenagers to become engaged and interested in the film.

1:18 is when the suspicion begins to build within the film and within the audience, when she realizes her “stalker” is using pictures of actors pretending to be him.

1:21 the sound of the non digetic phone begins to ring once again, this time raising suspicion. This time when she answers the phone and we hear the murderous voice once again. It creates fear for the audience as we now have a sense of what might happen. The anonymous speaking on the phone leaves the audience in suspense and wonder as to what happens next.

From 1: 35 until 1:45 shows the angression of the person on the other side of the phone. They soon become violent towards the girls when she goes to hang up. This shows the disturbed mental state of the murderer which is important to highlight as he goes on a murderous spree of teenagers.

Close ups of the girls faces shows their discomfort and fear that is building up in them. Within a lot of horrors close ups of the victims faces are used to show their emotions leading up to their murder.The idea of the girl putting the phone down and dismissing the call as a prank leaves the audience in question of what is about to happen

In conclusion with the opening 2 minuets of Scream 4, it only focuses on two teenagers rather than the main group of teenagers that the film will be focusing around. Scream 4 however doesn't follow the conventions of the teenagers looking for trouble, but rather trouble coming for them. However the fact that the girls kept answering the phone may lead to the entertainment of the murderer. Yet by doing so it creates tension and suspense within the audience.

Scream 4 follows the convention of a teen horror by the opening being set within the teenagers house, and them being alone in there without being able to get help. This creates a sense of discomfort for the audience as many believe that your house provides you with safety and security, yet the security and safety has been demolished.

The murder takes place at 3:37, meaning for 3 minutes the producer have been building up suspense and anticipation as to what is going to happen to these girls. Having the first murder so early within the film keeps the audience gripped and intrigued within the film. The action is almost straight away within the film which creates excitement.