Opening title sequence (OTS) By Rhys Funnell. This information tells us what company distributed the...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Opening title sequence (OTS)By Rhys Funnell

This information tells us what company distributed the film. ‘New line cinema’ was founded in 1967 and are well known for distributing Thriller and Horror films.

What we see here is the name of the man that produced the film as you can see ‘Arnold Kopelman’ who is a famous film producer. Arnold Kopelson has produced 29 motion pictures. He has been honoured with an Academy Award for Best Picture, a Golden Globe Award, and an Independent Spirit Award, all for his production of Platoon.

Here we see who actually made the film ‘David Fincher’. Fincher's feature debut was Alien 3 (1992). While it received an Oscar nomination for visual effects, the film was not well received by critics or moviegoers.

Here we see the name of the actors usually it starts with the main characters first. ‘Brad Pitt’. 1994 marked a significant turning point in Pitt's career. Starring as the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac in the feature film Interview with the Vampire, based on Anne Rice's 1976 novel of the same name,[34] he was part of an ensemble cast that included Tom Cruise, Kirsten Dunst, Christian Slater, and Antonio Banderas.

The 2nd name usually symbolises they are also important but the film isn’t so much about them ‘Morgan Freeman’. He also starred in such films as Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Unforgiven, Seven, and Deep Impact. In 1997, Freeman, together with Lori McCreary, founded the film production company Revelations Entertainment, and the two co-head its sister online film distribution company ClickStar.

After the These displays we finally reach the title that displays the name of the film ‘SE7EN’. The film was well received by critics and holds a 79% positive rating at the film-review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, based on 67 critics with an average rating of 7.6 out of 10. Its consensus reading: "A brutal, relentlessly grimy shocker with taut performances, slick gore effects, and a haunting finale." The film has a rating of 65 on Metacritic based on 22 reviews.

Now after we have seen the name of the film ‘se7en’ and the main actors in the film ‘Brad Pitt’ and ‘Morgan Freeman’ we see other actors and actresses in the film but who don’t play as big of a part of the film then the main characters which is why they appear after the main characters its almost like and order of importance or how often they are seen. For example the name we see here ‘Gwyneth Paltrow’ plays Brad Pitts wife in the film therefore making her an important character but not as important as himself and Morgan Freeman.

As we progress through the titles the less important names start showing like people who play side parts in the film and only feature for maybe a few scenes and are considered less important because of their rolls in the film. The name we see here does have a few scenes in the film so still comes quite close to the front of the names of importance.

The name we see here ‘R. Lee Emery’ doesn’t appear a lot in the film itself but is still quite important because of his actual roll in the film as he plays the chief of police which makes him an important character as the two main characters ‘Brad Pitt’ and ‘Morgan Freeman’ work underneath him.

Now we start seeing the characters that are only in for a few scenes as ‘John C. McGinley’ plays the roll of the head of the S.W.A.T team of California so once again he isn’t seen much but is quite close to the front because he has yet again a roll of importance in the film ‘se7en’.

Now you know the characters aren’t so important as they start showing the names together instead of showing them individually. The face that names don’t have their own time slots showing their names means that the people we are seeing are probably just side characters.

Three characters in one time slot shows that they are really only there in the film just as a side thing and don’t have any real importance to the film itself or have a lot to do with the main characters or are even seen a lot in the film.