OpenNebulaConf 2013 - High Performance Computing Cloud at SURFsara: Experiences with OpenNebula 3.x...

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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SURFsara (previously SARA) operates a High Performance Computing Cloud as a service for Dutch academic use since October 2011. The cloud is offered as IAAS, so the users of the OpenNebula web-interface are academics who control their own virtual clusters, without being IT professionals. We operate a hybrid cloud with 29 nodes totaling 688 cores and 400TB storage. The High Performance and Big Data requirements caused non-obvious design choices and unexpected system behavior. We would like to share our challenges, solutions and user experiences with OpenNebula 3.x and look ahead to the possibilities in OpenNebula 4.0. Bio: Ander Astudillo, Computer Engineer by the University of A Coruña. Currently, consultant and scientific developer at SURFsara. He’s responsible for servicing scientists’ requests for the Dutch national HPC Cloud. He develops facilities to enable scientists to conduct their research.
