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r~ HealthyMouth'- , HealthyBody

Operating Principles

1 ARTICLE I2 NAME, VISION & PURPOSE34 Section 1.1 Name5 The name of the coalition shall be Oral Health Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Oral Health Florida."67 Section 1.2 Vision8 The vision of Oral Health Florida is that all people in Florida will achieve optimal oral health and well-being.9

10 Section 1.3 Purpose11 The Oral Health Florida coalition is comprised of a broad based group of agencies, institutions,12 organizations, communities, stakeholders, policymakers, leaders, and other individuals whose mission is to13 promote and advocate for optimal oral health and well-being of all persons in Florida. This mission is14 accomplished through the implementation of the State Oral Health Improvement Plan.1516 ARTICLE II1 7 MEMBERSHIP1819 Section 2.1 Eligibility20 Oral Health Florida shall be open to any public or private organization, agency, institution, or individual21 residing or providing services in the State of Florida that demonstrates affirmative interest and concern to22 promote, protect, and improve the oral health of all people in Florida.2324 Section 2.2 Terms of Membership25 Any public or private organization, agency, institution, or individual interested in becoming a member of2 6 Oral Health Florida shall complete and submit membership registration.2728 Section 2.3 Types of Membership29 Oral Health Florida offers two categories of membership, both committed to the vision and purpose of Oral30 Health Florida.31 • Group - A public or private organization, agency, institution, or other group.32 • Individual- A person who is not appointed to represent a public or private organization, agency,33 institution, or other group.3435 Section 2.4 Member in Good Standing36 A member in good standing is a member who agrees to uphold the vision and purpose of Oral Health

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37 Florida, and whose Oral Health Florida membership registration is updated annually or more frequently as38 needed.3940 Section 2.5 Resignation of Member41 A member shall notify the Leadership Council in writing of his or her resignation from Oral Health Florida.42 Resignation shall take effect upon receipt of such notice, unless the notice specifies a future date.43

44 ARTICLE '"4 5 LEADERSHIP COUNCIL464 7 Section 3.1 Composition4 8 The Leadership Council shall be composed of 18 members: 13 of these members will have voting rights,4 9 three will have ex-officio non-voting status, and two will serve as consultants with no voting rights.5051 The 13 voting members include a representative from each of the following public or private organizations,5 2 agencies, or institutions: County Health Department Dental Programs, Department of Health Public Health5 3 Dental Program, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Florida Dental Association, Florida Dental Hygiene5 4 Association, and Florida Public Health Institute. Seven of the 13 voting members are considered Member-55 at-Large with two of these representing local coalitions that focus on oral health.5657 All voting members may present one proxy to act as a representative in their absence. Only one proxy may58 be appointed per voting members.5960 The three members with ex-officio status that have no voting rights include: Nova Southeastern University61 College of Dental Medicine, University of Florida College of Dentistry and Florida Allied Dental Educators.6263 The two members serving as consultants with no voting rights are: Agency for Health Care Administration64 and Florida Board of Dentistry.6566 The Leadership Council may alter its committee composition as is deemed necessary.6768 Section 3.2 Members-At-Large69 Any Group of Oral Health Florida in good standing and not representing one of the six listed organizations70 in Section 3.1 is eligible to serve on the Leadership Council as a Member-at-Large. Any Individual Member71 of Oral Health Florida in good standing and not officially representing one of the six listed organizations in72 Section 3.1 is eligible to serve on the Leadership Council as a Member-at-Large. Any current Group or

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73 Individual Member of Oral Health Florida may nominate another Oral Health Florida General Member for74 these positions and may also nominate him or herself.7576 All nominations for the Members-at-Large positions will be presented to and verified by the Leadership77 Council that the Group or Individual is a member in good standing. Members of the Leadership Council78 shall elect the Member-at-Large members from these nominations.7980 Members-at-Large shall serve two year terms. The Members-at-Large not representing local coalitions81 shall serve terms which are staggered from one another. For the first term only, and in order to establish82 staggered terms, the six organization members of the Leadership Council shall designate which Members-83 at-Large shall serve a one year term and which Members-at-Large shall serve a two year term.8485 Section3.3 Officers86 The officers of Oral Health Florida shall have a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson and87 Vice-Chairperson shall each be members of the Leadership Council as a prerequisite before a majority vote88 elects that member into position. A majority vote of the Leadership Council is necessary to elect a89 Leadership Council member into the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson positions.90 The Chairperson is the principal officer for the Leadership Council. The Chairperson shall be elected91 biennially by the Leadership Council during the Annual Oral Health Florida Meeting and shall hold office for92 a period of two years thereafter. The Chairperson shall perform all duties incident to the office of93 Chairperson. Chairperson responsibilities include:94 1. Presiding at Oral Health Florida Leadership Council meetings, general state-wide coalition95 meetings, and other meetings conducted by Oral Health Florida;96 2. Coordinating with Leadership Council members and the Oral Health Florida Coalition Manager to97 develop an agenda for all applicable meetings;98 3. Representing Oral Health Florida at public events as necessary.99 The Vice Chairperson shall serve a two-year term and shall assume the Chair person position in the

100 absence of the Chairperson, or in the event of his or her disability, inability, or refusal to act. The Vice101 Chairperson shall become Chairperson upon the conclusion of the current Chairperson's two-year term102 upon approval of the leadership council. At this time, the Leadership Council shall confirm the Vice103 Chairperson as the new Chairperson and elect a new member as Vice Chairperson.104105 Section3.4 LeadershipCouncil Responsibilities106 The Leadership Council provides administrative oversight for Oral Health Florida. Its responsibilities107 include, but are not limited to:

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Operating Principles

108 1. Approving changes or revisions to the State Oral Health Improvement Plan;109 2. Establishing the formation of Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees;110 3. Appointing chairpersons for Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees;111 4. Inviting any institution, agency, public or private organization or individual to provide expert112 guidance to Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees, as needed;113 5. Establishing and approving operating procedures for all Governance Committees, Action Teams114 and Sub-Committees;115 6. Ensuring that the content of the Oral Health Florida website is factual and consistent with the State116 Oral Health Improvement Plan;117 7. Approving any Governance Committee, Action Team or Sub-Committee report prior to publication;118 8. Voting on any issue that may come up before the committee;119 9. Attend Oral Health Florida Leadership Council and general meetings.120 10. Exercise authority to establish fees.121122 Section 3.5 Governance Committees123 The Leadership Council shall establish Governance Committees, not limited to advocacy, communications,124 membership, and meetings. The Leadership Council shall also appoint the chairs and members, and125 determine the responsibilities of each Governance Committee.126127 Section 3.6 Voting & Quorum128 Voting is limited to members of the Leadership Council. A 2/3 vote for all policy issues are required and a129 majority vote for all other issues shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business .. No one person130 may have more than one vote. A member may not vote in those situations in which the member has a131 conflict of interest.132133 Section 3.7 Resignation or Removal of Officers134 An officer shall notify the Leadership Council in writing of his or her resignation from the Council.135 Resignation shall take effect when the Leadership Council receives such notice, unless the notice specifies136 a future date. The removal of officers shall occur either by request from the person that holds that office or137 by a majority in favor of removal by the Leadership Council.138139 ARTICLE IV140 ACTION TEAMS & SUB-COMMITTEES141142 Section 4.1 Type of Action Teams and Sub-Committees143 The Leadership Council shall determine the different type of Action Teams and Sub-Committees and

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144 identify the focus area for each one.14514 6 Section 4.2 Composition147 Each Oral Health Florida Action Team and Sub-Committee shall have a minimum offive members.148 Membership on each Action Team and Sub-Committee shall be self-selected from the General149 Membership or by the request of the Leadership Council, Action Team, or Sub-Committee Chairperson.150151 Section 4.3 Action Team & Sub-Committee Chairpersons152 The Leadership Council shall act on the recommendation of the Chairperson for each Action Team and153 Sub-Committee by the existing members of each Action Team and Sub Committee.154155 Section 4.4 Action Team & Sub-Committee Chairperson Responsibilities156 The Chairperson of each Action Team or Sub-Committee shall serve as the principal organizer and157 facilitator for Action Team or Sub-Committee meetings.158159 Section 4.5 Resignation and Removal of Action Team and Sub-Committee Chairpersons160 An Action Team or Sub-Committee Chairperson shall notify the Leadership Council in writing of his or her161 resignation as Chair. Resignation shall take effect when such notice is received, unless the notice specifies162 a future date. The removal of an Action Team or Sub-Committee Chairperson shall occur either by request163 from the person that holds that office or by a majority in favor or removal by the Leadership Council.164165 ARTICLE V166 MEETINGS, COMMUNICATION & REPORTS167168 Section 5.1 Types of Meeting169 Oral Health Florida shall hold three different types of meetings:170 1. General- This type of meeting involves the entire Oral Health Florida membership. General171 meetings shall be held at a minimum two times annually with one being held electronically and the172 other being held face-to-face.173 2. Leadership Council- This type of meeting involves the Leadership Council only. Leadership Council174 meetings shall be held at a minimum four times annually with two meetings being held175 electronically with a minimum of one being held face to face.176 3. Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees- These types of meetings involve177 corresponding Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees members.178 Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees will meet at a minimum once a

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179 quarter with all meetings being held electronically, although face-to-face meetings when possible180 will also satisfy the quarterly requirement.181182 Section 5.2 Notice of Meetings183 The Leadership Council shall determine the time and format of General Meetings and the Leadership184 Council meetings.185186 The Chairperson for each of the Governance Committees, Action Teams, and Sub-Committees shall187 determine the time and format of associated meetings. The notice for all meetings stating the format or188 place, day, and time duration of any meeting shall be delivered individually by electronic mail to each189 member.190191 Section 5.3 Meeting Agenda and Summary Notes192 Agendas will be disseminated by the Chairperson for the Leadership Council, Governance Committees,193 Action Teams, and Sub-Committees at least one week prior to the meeting and summary notes will be194 disseminated at least two weeks after meetings.195196 Section 5.4 Communicating with Members197 All communication to members of Oral Health Florida shall be transmitted electronically or by U.S. mail.198199 Section 5.5 Website200 A website will be maintained and used to highlight a calendar of Oral Health Florida meetings and to201 provide other relevant information.202 Section 5.6 Reports203 The Leadership Council will approve all reports prior to publication.204205 ARTICLE VI206 PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY AND AMENDMENTS207208 Section 6.1 Parliamentary Authority209 The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of Oral Health Florida in all210 cases to which they are applicable.211212 Section 6.2 Amendments213 Members of the Leadership Council may offer alterations or amendments, which include, but are not limited214 to repealing sections or adding language to the Operating Principles. The Leadership Council may only

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adopt alterations or amendments by two-thirds vote with prior notice and three-quarters vote without priornotice at any Leadership Council meeting. The Leadership Council shall distribute final changes to theOperating Principles electronically to the Oral Health Florida membership.

Effective Date

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<Signature> ~

Chairperson: _ ~/


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