Operations Plan Fanshawe Pioneer...

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Operations Plan

Fanshawe Pioneer Village


2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Attendance Targets 2014 – 2016

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Casual 5400 8032 8000 9000 10000

Events 19000 11244 15000 15000 15000

Education 13000 17879 15000 15000 15000

Rentals 4300 4515 5000 5000 5000

Total 41700 41670 43000 44000 45000

Operations Plan Summary: Overall Goals and Objectives for 2014 - 2016

1. A safe, well-preserved, well-maintained and accessible public facility Construct Storefronts Restoration of Colbert Log Barn doors Restoration of interior of Dr. Jones House Final restoration of London Brewery roofs

2. An effective and respected museum Collection moved from Village to Spriet Centre

3. A stable organization Revenue Centers generate $20,000 profit End each operating year with $10,000 surplus to improve cash flow Reinvest 2.5% of earnings from endowment back into capital preservation Develop new long range master plan

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Administration and Finance Department The Marketing and Administration department of Fanshawe Pioneer Village is managed by the Executive Director with support from the Marketing Coordinator and includes:

Marketing: Implementing the BIG on HISTORY! BIG on FUN! Brand.

Administration & Finance: Maintaining administration and finance systems of

Fanshawe Pioneer Village.

Event Support: Support Fanshawe Pioneer Village staff in the preparation and

delivery of rental and programming events.

Administration & Finance Goals

1. Improve upon the already existing $400.00 damage deposit system created as

part of the 2013 rental contract.

a. Damage deposit cheques issued no later than two weeks after the event.

b. Check journal entries quarterly to ensure all deposited damage deposits

have been returned (as long as damage has not occurred).

2. Research and understand the Personal Information Protection and Electronic

Documents Act (PIPEDA) and its significance to Fanshawe Pioneer Village.

a. Create and implement a Staff Procedures document for Fanshawe

Pioneer Village by March 31, 2014.

3. Support the Operations Manager with incoming payments from school tours.

a. Directly receive payments from school groups and tours in replace of the

Operations Manager, when required.

4. Improve cash handling and money management.

a. Implement new cash handling procedures where only the Marketing

Coordinator and the Executive Director can give out petty cash. Only a

maximum of $10.00 can be reimbursed, anything over $10.00 must be

added to an employee’s timesheet. Changes in money handling will be

shared with permanent staff by January 31, 2013 and Supervisors will

communicate this change with all seasonal staff and volunteers.

b. More frequent spot checks for all floats. Spot checks will be completed by

the Marketing Coordinator once a week on all floats. These spot checks

will help to ensure that all floats balance and that any variances are

recorded and accounted for during the 2014 season.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


c. Train all staff on how to properly count floats and how to balance a deposit

at the end of each day.

5. Organize corporate archives. Sort through existing corporate archives. Check

retention dates and shred files beyond this date. Re-box and clearly label boxes

for easy access.

Marketing & Events Goals

1. 2014 Events updated on the Fanshawe Pioneer Village website by February 1,

2014 and external websites no later than April 31, 2014.

2. Improve timeliness of distribution of Media Releases.

a. Media Releases sent out before starting the weekly deposit, no later than

10 a.m. on Tuesdays.

3. Improve timeliness of telephone messages for upcoming events.

a. Change the telephone message to upcoming events every Tuesday, no

later than 10 a.m.

4. Learn to use EventBrite more effectively and to its full potential.

a. Have 80% of ticketed events sold through EventBrite.

b. Set up a “how to” instruction guide on the Fanshawe Pioneer Village

website on how to purchase tickets through Eventbrite.

c. Set up events and ensure information is correct before publishing events,

no later than February 1, 2014.

d. Research ways to improve EventBrite both for Fanshawe Pioneer Village

and those attending events. Look for new and existing features that will

enhance the customer experience when using EventBrite.

e. Improve the system for reservation only events.

5. Increase our social media presence and followers.

a. Implement Flickr and YouTube to share and store photography and videos

throughout the 2014 season and onwards.

b. Pre-write Facebook and Twitter posts in advance.

c. Unlink all of Fanshawe Pioneer Village’s social media so that all posts are


6. Implement new online advertising for 2014.

a. Apply for Google Grants to enhance online advertising.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Curatorial Department

Department Structure

The Curatorial Department of Fanshawe Pioneer Village is directly managed by the Curator and is implemented with the assistance of contract and student grant positions and volunteers.

Overall Goals and Objectives for 2014 - 2016 The overall goal for the Curatorial Department is to continue its development as an effective and respected regional museum through achieving the following:

Permanent Collection completely moved from Village to Collections Storage in Spriet Centre as scheduled in the “Fanshawe Pioneer Village Collections Relocation Strategy” (see below)

Expansion of hands-on educational collection through deaccessioning program related to above

Deaccessioning program fully completed and all surplus objects physically removed from the site

Cleaning, stabilization, registration and storage completed for all retained objects in both collections

PastPerfect Database complete

Changing exhibition program launched and schedule confirmed through 2017

Programming for newcomer and multicultural groups developed in relation to community exhibits program

Continuing enhancement of site interpretation through installation of Dr. Jones House exhibit

Collections Management & Care: 2014 Objectives

In addition to carrying out all regular functions related to collections management and care1, the main museum priority for 2014 will be continuing the relocation of the

1 Regular collections care and management functions include: developing the permanent collection through new acquisitions and research, arranging object loans, maintenance of collections records and databases, an ongoing preventative conservation program, and the delivery of proper artifact handling training to all site staff.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


permanent collection to the new curatorial facility in the Spriet Centre. The following steps are completed for each artifact/set of artifacts from each target storage area:

Artifacts are packed and moved to the holding centre in the new curatorial facility;

Artifact is unpacked in processing area and preliminary evaluation, identification and registration work is completed;

Decision made by Curator for retention/deaccession of object and conservation treatment plans;

Artifact is cleaned/stabilized and conservation treatment administered (if required);

Artifact cataloguing and registration is verified as complete (both electronic and paper records) and accession label is stable and clear. If required, an electronic image of the artifact is taken and attached to the database record;

Artifact is properly packed and stored in appropriate location in mezzanine storage. Location of object updated in Past Perfect database

The following are the 2014 season targets and goals for Collections Management and Care:

Complete processing of remaining artifacts from Stirton House (approx.1,200 objects)

Relocation and processing of artifacts from Peel Basement Room C (approx. 4,500 objects, including archival and book collections)

Relocation, cleaning and processing of agricultural artifacts located in Colbert Barn (100 large pieces requiring heavy conservation)

Should additional support for the Curator become available through grant placements, internships and volunteers, the old Fire Hall agricultural storage may be added to the 2014 targets.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


FPV COLLECTIONS RELOCATION STRATEGY The following strategies and resources will be utilized to achieve the 2014 targets and goals:

Application submission for two Collections Relocation Assistants through Young Canada Works summer student program

Application submitted for three Collections Relocation Assistants through the Ontario Job Creation Partnership program

Targeted recruitment of volunteer interns/student placements from Ontario Museum Studies programs

Targeted recruitment and training of FPV volunteers for cataloguing

Application for funding from the AGAPE Foundation of London and the London Community Foundation Endowment for Heritage Fund to purchase museum quality storage containers and packaging materials required for relocated objects

Annual application to CMOG (Community Museums Operating Grant)

Priority# Area Timeline # of Artifacts Processed

1 Administration Building Completed 2013 906 Reference Books; 1,234 objects

2 Off-Site Artifact Storage & Loan Returns Completed 2013 500

3 Administration Workshop Completed 2013 Carriage Collection remains to be evaluated for retention /deaccession


4 Stirton House Programming Areas Completed 2013 124

5 Peel Storage Hall & Upper Storage Completed 2013 949

6 Peel Storage Room B (Textiles) Completed 2013 1,049

7 Peel Storage A Completed 2013 934

Total Objects Relocated 2013 5,796

8 Remaining Stirton House Storage January-April 2014 1,200

9 Peel Storage C May – December 2014 4,500

10 Colbert Barn July 2014 100

Target Objects to be Moved in 2014 5,800

11 Old Fire Hall (Agricultural Storage) 2015 600

12 Labatt Storage 2015 2,845

13 Carriages Collection, including SS#19 Shed 2015 35

14 Lochaber Shed 2015 130

15 Jury, Miller & Peel Houses (Closet storage) 2015 200

16 Tinsmith Collection (Trailer Storage) 2015 400

Target Objects to be moved in 2015 4,210

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Curatorial Program: 2014 Objectives

In addition to carrying out all regular functions related to the curatorial program,2 the following have been identified as museum priorities for 2014:

“Village Doorways” display installed in the Tollgate for the 2014 season (Partnership with Fanshawe College Graphic Design Program)

Dr. Jones House Exhibit (Partnership with Western University M.A. in Public History Program)

Reinterpretation of Printshop as a timeline display model (following building relocation to Cluster IV )

Research for Caverhill House period rooms restoration initiated, with furnishings plan and identified sources of funding for interior restoration

Fundraising Program for Storefronts Capital Project, including fundraising strategy and initiation of applications

Update labels/signage for building displays: Butter Churning & Laundry display in Jury House, Children’s Toys & Sewing Machine display in Peel House, Jury Barn & Freele Driveshed implement displays

Development of artifact collection kit to support “Early Communications” workshop/lecture/outreach program

Trillium Community Gallery Exhibition Program

Fanshawe Pioneer Village is responsible for mounting and hosting exhibitions which reflect its institutional mandate, represent the interests of London and Middlesex County, and provide engaging and entertaining learning opportunities for the community. The primary purpose of museums is to involve the visitor in the exploration of the past by linking to their personal experience.

The face of London and Middlesex County is rapidly changing with new immigrants from around the world. With the addition of the Trillium Community Gallery in the Spriet Family Visitor Centre, Fanshawe Pioneer Village now has the opportunity to link the immigrant experience of the past with recent immigration to this region through feature exhibitions. The Trillium Gallery in the Spriet Family Visitor Centre will be a key platform for achieving the objective of interpreting the theme of immigrant migrations, multiculturalism and newcomer groups in our local community through time.

2 Regular and ongoing curatorial tasks include: addressing both internal and external research requests, overseeing the annual opening/closing and cleaning schedule of Village buildings, installation/maintenance of seasonal static displays in the Heritage Village, developing and installing off-site displays and outreach kits, ongoing research related to site buildings and interpretive themes, and providing curatorial support as requested for education and public programming initiatives.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Fanshawe Pioneer Village will develop one collaborative community exhibition each year in the Trillium Gallery. “Collaborative” exhibits are understood as particular opportunities to work with community groups or other heritage institutions in contributing to a larger scale exhibition project which celebrates community diversity, anniversaries or key milestones, and promotes civic engagement. Collaborative exhibition programs will be actively linked with the interpretation and public programming activities featured in the Heritage Village to provide visitors with a holistic picture of emigration to and life in London and Middlesex County.

In addition to one annual collaborative exhibit, Fanshawe Pioneer Village may also mount a collections based display relating to the organization’s mandate and key interpretive themes, typically during the off-season (winter months – schedule permitting). This exhibit will be related to the Ontario school curriculum and may feature special education or public programming.

Schedule for Trillium Gallery Exhibition Program 2014– 2015

Date Exhibit Notes

February 18 – April 25 2014 Saturday February 22 Exhibit Launch with Showing of DVD “A Desert Between Us and Them” (Ontario Visual Heritage Project)

The War of 1812:

Perspectives & Pivotal Moments in the

Western Corridor

Partnership with the Canadian Military Heritage Museum & Western Corridor War of 1812 Bicentennial Alliance

Themed interactive programming and activities to be added for the week of March Break for public visitors (March 11 – 14, 2014) in conjunction with Operations Manager

May 12 – December 19 2014 Saturday May 17th, Exhibit Launch

“The Emigrant’s Trunk” Community Partnership Exhibit with the Cross-Cultural Learners Centre.

In conjunction with the Operations Manager, develop workshops and/or a speaker series to coincide with the exhibit

February – November 2015 “Celebrating 100 Years of Rotary in London”

Community Partnership Exhibit with the Rotary Club of London; to feature a themed segment on WWI. Research and planning for this exhibit commenced in 2013 and will continue throughout 2014

February – April 2016 “ A Woman’s Work is Never Done”

Thematic Display featuring a selection of Domestic artifacts and textiles from the Fanshawe Pioneer Village Collection

May – December 2016 “Stitches”: Connecting our Communities through Textile Arts Traditions

Community Partnership Exhibit

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Maintenance Department

Overall Goals and Objectives for 2014 - 2016 The main priority for the next three years will be to shift focus within the department to preventative and sustained maintenance from capital development. This will include the design and implementation of a new maintenance a plan which prioritizes maintenance needs for the site from 2014 to 2016.

Capital Construction and Restoration This season follows the completion of a multi-year program of intense capital work on this site. The capital projects this year will be the wrap-up of that larger campaign. Please find projects listed below. 1.01 Completion of the Print shop project; foundation was completed in 2013 and

the building will be moved over the foundation this winter. Repairs will be made under the building and it will be installed onto the foundation once these repairs are made.

1.02 When funds permit, finish renovation to enlarged Maintenance Shop; work will include insulating remaining walls and ceiling, completing the installation of interior steel and contracting a heating system.

1.03 Planning will continue for the replication of the village Storefronts.

In-House Projects 2014 will be a pivotal year for the maintenance regime at Fanshawe Pioneer Village. Maintenance activities will now shift from executing large capital projects to instituting and implementing a program of preventative and planned maintenance. The department will asses and target specific restorations or improvements that can be accomplished with staff or the help of outside contractors. These projects will be the product of an updated program of frequent and documented inspections for each building. Previous to this process, the following list states priorities. 2.01 Design and implement a preventative maintenance schedule complete with

forms of inspection and procedures for follow-up. 2.02 Continue with minor exterior repairs to the Elgie Log Cabin. 2.03 Farm House repairs are ongoing with this site. These buildings are now in good

shape overall, but need yearly attention to maintain their condition. Both Jury and Peel Houses now require some minor repairs and complete exterior painting.

2.04 Painting of Trinity Church; interior painting will be completed before spring. Minor repairs to the interior will be carried out when this work is done; repairs to vestibule window, improvements to entrance area and the possibility of flooring replacement.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


2.05 The General Store requires the replacement of decking on the front porch. 2.06 To coincide with a larger capital restoration, the front doors of Colbert barn will

be re-constructed and hung in a manner that is historically correct for the building.

2.07 Window re-building for Miller Barn; windows will be removed and re-constructed to match existing. Other minor repairs and painting touch-ups will follow

2.08 Re-construct a staff washroom in the former Curatorial area of Peel House 2.09 Recruit contractor to initiate removal of rubbish from pit dump. 2.10 New dinning patio for Café; early in the season remove old wooden deck and do

the work needed to install stone patio. 2.11 Chimney repairs; contract re-build of the chimneys at the Orange Hall and

Lochaber Church. 2.12 Roof repairs at Peel House; failing a complete replacement of the cedar roof,

repairs should be made to the roof and damaged eaves. Special attention should be paid to flashing around the chimney.

2.13 Expansion of indigenous forest in spring of 2014 with the removal of Print and Woodworking shops.

Farm and Related Projects The maintenance department will continue to present a tailored program of animals and crops that provide the site with the required programming. All related structures have benefited from recent upgrades but will need some minor improvements to ensure the delivery of this program. 3.01 The Caverhill Stable will receive continued minor repairs this year to maintain its

good condition. Some carpentry and chinking repairs need to be done. 3.02 A Fencing project will target improvements to the pasture fencing at the

Caverhill Farmstead. Rail fencing around the east pasture will be re-built to ensure safe containment for grazing animals. Use of this pasture will allow for a greater rotation of grazing.

3.03 Some changes may be required for the turkey coop to make the animals more comfortable and productive.

3.04 To complete the Caverhill Farmstead in the second cluster, work will begin this season to make functional the pasture windmill and pumps.

3.05 Interior improvements to the Colburt Barn; this work will repair and re-organize this barn to make it more useful for fodder and equipment storage.

Health and Safety In the contemporary workplace this file is always increasing in importance. Year to year improvements to this file help keep Fanshawe Pioneer Village on top of any changes necessary. This season will see a continuation of the good practices necessary to

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


create a steadily improving culture of safety in our workplace. Following are listed the points of action needed to maintain this program. 4.01 The MSDS catalogue is a very important component of the WHMIS program.

With help from volunteers it is time to re-visit the catalogue and make updates. 4.02 Continuing with our practice of maintaining a Joint Health & Safety Committee

is very important. 4.03 Personal protective equipment is extremely important in any workplace. It is

especially so when it involves the maintenance work performed on this site. Every year the state of equipment is reviewed, and new purchases are made as required.

4.04 Again this season modifications and improvements to our in-house Health & Safety training will be made to suit the changing needs of the site. This training will be provided in a timely fashion to all new and returning staff throughout the year.

4.05 This department will work hard to ensure the whole of our Health & Safety program promotes behavior and practices that are in compliance with the Ontario Health & Safety Act.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Operations Department

Department Structure

The Operations Department includes pre-booked Education & Group Programs, daily Public Programming, Special Events, and Outreach Programs. The Heritage Village is directly managed by the Operations Manager (the chief administrator for all site operations and staff/volunteers) and implemented by the Site & Programming Coordinator and a team of seasonal educators, interpreters and volunteers. The Operations Manager serves as the education specialist for the department and the Site & Public Programming Coordinator serves as the public programs and interpretive events specialist.

Operations Goals:

1) Review seasonal positions and identify synergies between staffing for education and interpretation programs.

2) Cultivate a positive and safe working environment and build an effective Operations Department Team.

3) Improve communications and create an organized schedule for seasonal staff. Education and Public Programming Goals:

4) Modify and update existing education programs to comply with the new Social Studies Curriculum by the end of 2014.

5) Develop a plan with specific public program goals and objectives for the 2015-17 seasons.

6) Improve organization, storage, care and maintenance of education and public programming supplies.

7) Create public programs for March Break week and develop a lecture/workshop series to complement Exhibitions in the Spriet Centre Trillium Gallery.

Special Events Goal:

8) Improve the administration and organization of Special Events. 9) Review existing schedule of public programming/interpretive events and evaluate

for improvements to be implemented 2015-17. Volunteer Program Goals

10) Improve the administration of the volunteer program. 11) Improve communications between the organization and volunteers.

Department Goals 2014 - 2016

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


2014 Education & Group Programs Education Division Objective: To develop and provide Ontario curriculum based education and group programs to schools and community organizations. To deliver education and group programs that reflect the overall goals and objectives of Fanshawe Pioneer Village and the Fanshawe Pioneer Village Thematic Interpretation Master Plan for Clusters I – IV.

Museum School

Goal: To successfully deliver 6 - 8 week long experiences based on the Ontario curriculum for schools in the Thames Valley DSB and the London District Catholic School Board. 2014 Museum School Plan:

Deliver 8 weeks of Museum School (2013/2014 School Year) & (2014/2015 School Year) (4 weeks Spring – April, May & 4 weeks Fall – October, November)

New Specialized Programs for Museum School 2014

19th century Fashion (Developed for Gr.3, Gr.7/8) – Students will learn about fashion trends for both women and men during the mid-late 19th century. Students will be able to volunteer to try on 19th century clothing to demonstrate to the class.

New! History as Mystery Program (Developed for Gr. 7/8) – Historical Inquiry program. Students will learn the process of historical inquiry and aspects of working in a museum. Students will be asked to use the “Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts” in their analysis of artifacts.

Core & Seasonal Education Programs

Goal: To successfully deliver curriculum based education programming with domestic and agricultural themes in our Day in the Life, Village at Work, Interactive Guided Tour programs. To successfully deliver the Upper Canada Christmas program. To develop and implement a readjustment of the early settlement program in coordination with the implementation of the Thematic Interpretation Master plan, specifically Clusters 1, 2 and 3, 4. 2014 Core Education Program Changes: Core Education Programs will be updated and revised according to the New Social Studies Curriculum

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Key Changes:

Focus on First Nations and Early Settler contact and connections

Focus on early settlement of the London and Middlesex County

Talbot Settlement

Research skills and Inquiry-based learning incorporated into all education programs.

Day in the Life Program:

The Day in the Life program will continue to focus on the domestic life of a 19th century family and will incorporate an activity that represents each Cluster within the Thematic Interpretation Master Plan.

Activities: Butter Churning/Summer Kitchen (Peel House), 19th century Laundry (Miller House), Carding & Spinning Wool (Caverhill House or near Sheep paddock, Elgie Log Cabin), 19th century Leisure (Orange Hall/Victoria Park), 19th century School House lesson (S.S. #19 School House), Early Settler Planting and Food Ways (Elgie Log Cabin and Garden): Early settler agriculture and open hearth cooking. Plant the seeds of the 3 sisters (corn, beans and squash) and learn the food ways of the early settlers by helping to prepare bannock, Apple Bee (Harvesting apples, peeling apples, drying apples) (Apple Orchard and Jury House)

Planting the Three Sisters and Preparing Maize (Elgie Log Cabin Garden) – Students will learn the relationship between First Nations people and the early settlers upon their arrival to Upper Canada. Students will plant the three sisters (corn, squash and beans) in the Elgie Log Cabin Garden. Learn early settler planting and food ways. Students will learn how to prepare the maize (corn) for drying and preparing meals.

Village at Work Program:

The Village at Work program focuses on trades of a 19th century village and agricultural responsibilities of a 19th century farm family. The program will incorporate an activity that represents each Cluster within the Thematic Interpretation Master Plan.

Blacksmith Shop - Demonstrate Blacksmithing to students attending core programs and Museum School as it compliments Custer II Interpretation of the Master Plan.

Woodworking Shop – Demonstrate a 19th century woodworking skill in the Woodworking shop. This activity incorporates Cluster IV interpretation themes of the Master Plan.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Print Shop – Demonstrate 19th century printmaking and the tools of the print shop. Students will be engaged in making a print using the proof press.

Agricultural Program: The Village at Work program will incorporate 1 agricultural activity per program based on Clusters I – IV in the Thematic Master Plan. Activities that will be developed for the spring and fall Village at Work program are: Planting Seed, Plowing Fields, Feeding/Watering Farm Animals.

Activities: Blacksmithing (Blacksmith Shop), 19th century Printing (Print Shop), Woodworking Shop, Rope making, Shingle Making (Elgie Log Cabin), Planting Seed (Elgie Log Cabin), Feeding and Watering Animals (Jury House/Caverhill Stable), Plowing Fields.

New Education Programming

Connecting Our Pasts, Connecting Our Communities: Develop and implement an ESL (English as a Second Language) program that will focus on language development and introduce Canadian and local history to new immigrants and new citizens to the London region. The program will introduce the early immigration story. Participants will visit the Elgie Log Cabin and learn how to make Bannock and spin wool, visit the S.S. #19 School House for a School Lesson and taken on a mini-tour of the rest of the Village to develop conversational English language skills. (Coincide with Community Exhibit in the Trillium Gallery Spring 2014)

New: Gr. 6 Program – Theme: Canadian Identity: based on the new social sciences curriculum. Launch Fall 2014

Seasonal Program

Upper Canada Christmas Program – The program provides insight into how the lives of children in the past differed from their own during the holiday season. Demonstrations and activities will focus on holiday traditions of an early settler family and Victorian family within the London region. The program will transform historical and cultural lessons learned in the classroom to an authentic real life and interactive experience. Activities: Holiday Food Traditions (Gingerbread Cookies), Leisure (Dancing), Winter Preparation (Candle making) and Printmaking (Holiday Card).

Storage Space Organization

Reorganize the Potter Shed. Clean out the cupboards for public programming and education equipment. Organize summer day camp

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


supplies. Organize craft supplies. Organize Hands-on Collection.

Spring 2014: Move programming supplies and organize supplies in the Peel House Basement.

Thematic Education Days

Goal: To deliver and host in partnership with special interest groups (Royal Scots, Canadian Heritage Military Society, Heritage Fair Committee) 5 thematic education days for the 2014 season.

Muskets, Militia and Mayhem: War of 1812 Education Day: Implement a full day, multi-school event exploring the events of the war through a series of real life scenarios and vignettes. 10 stations will be presented by the Royal Scots and Fanshawe Pioneer Village education assistants for the Education Day. Target Attendance: 400-450. (May 9, 2014) Grade Level: Gr. 7, Gr. 8

World War I Education Day – Provide 3 Education Days for the 2014 season. 1 Education Day in April and 2 Education Days in October. Implement a full day, multi-school event in partnership with the History Matters Association and Canadian Heritage Military Society. The education day explores events of World War I and incorporates a mixture of hands-on and lecture style presentations. Target Attendance: 400 – 600 per Education Day. Grade Level: Gr. 10

Thames Valley Regional Heritage Fair – Present 6 – 10 workshops provided by Museums, Community and School Board presenters. Correspond with Heritage Fair committee members throughout the 2014 season. Fanshawe Pioneer Village (Spriet Centre and Miller Barn) is the venue for the Heritage Fair and student project display. Tentative Dates: May 1 & May 2 or May 13 & May 14, 2014 Target Attendance: 200 Grade Level: Gr. 6, 7, 8

Summer Day Camp

Goal: To deliver a 4 week historic themed day camp. To deliver in partnership with the YMCA of Western Ontario a 2 day historic themed program. Time Traveler’s Summer Day Camp Program

Update the Fanshawe Pioneer Village Summer Day Camp Policy, Health & Safety Policy

Update and Modify Summer Day Camp Registration Form, Participant Information, Heath and Privacy Information Forms and Parent/Guardian Information Forms. Make registration available online through FPV

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014



Update Summer Day Camp Training Manual for Education Staff

Promote Summer Day Camp through Social Media, Education Brochure, Special Event Card and Local Summer Day Camp Advertisers and Upper Thames Conservation Area Campers

Distribute separate summer camp flyer to Thames Valley DSB and London District Catholic School Board.

Increase number of participants for the Summer Day Camp to 15-20 participants per week

Time Travelers Summer Day Camp – Write, Develop and implement a summer day camp program for 4 weeks. Two weeks offered in July and two weeks offered in August.

Dates: July 14 – 18, 2014 (9-12 year olds) and July 21 – 25, 2014 (6-8 year olds)

Dates: August 11-15, 2014 (9-12 year olds) and August 18 – 22, 2014 (6-8 year olds)

Target Attendance: 60-80 YMCA of Western Ontario Partnership

Develop a 2 day – 60 minute historic themed program for participants of the YMCA of Western Ontario. July and August 2014

Group Tours

Goal: To successfully deliver history based guided tours to education, adult and senior groups based on the key interpretive messages for Clusters I – IV.

Reevaluate the FPV Guided Tour Training Manual and incorporate new Interpretation Master Plan programming into the tour format.

Incorporate “mystery” object and inquiry based learning into interactive guided tours.

Promote the Guided Tour programs to Community Organizations, Senior Homes, Day Cares and Local Summer Day Camps.

Mobile App Guided Tour (Off Season Tour – January, February and

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


March, April)

Senior Tour – Develop a senior tour with less mobility and a focus on key heritage buildings in close proximity to each other. Incorporate hands-on activities and demonstrations. Coordinate with Visitor Services Manager to create a tour/lunch package.

Outreach & Workshops

Goal: Provide 3 types of outreach to the community. 1. Lectures 2. Education programs 3. Stand-alone Displays

Parameters: Outreach programming will be targeted to the City of London, Middlesex County, Thames Centre and Oxford County. Priority for bookings will be given to non-profit, partnering educational institutions. Due to the demand of this (typically free) programming and limited staff resources, we cannot always accommodate all requests.

Coordinate and Implement 5 FPV outreach programs with the London Public Libraries and Middlesex County, Thames Centre and Oxford County Libraries.

Coordinate 3 FPV Stand Alone Displays with Regional Fairs within the City of London, Middlesex County, Thames Centre and Oxford County.

Develop Jane Austen Lecture/Workshop (Theme: Letter writing and Quill writing) for Jane Austen Society. Date: February 2014

Develop a new education outreach program for children and families Theme: 19th Century Leisure outreach program

Develop a new workshop program for FPV staff and volunteers (In Coordination with Site and Programming Coordinator)

Spriet Centre and Trillium Community Gallery Programs

Goal: To develop and implement education programs and activities for school groups, community groups and public visitors in coordination with the exhibits in the gallery.

1812 Exhibit Public Program – 1812 Theme activities for the week of March Break for public visitors – March 11 – 14, 2014

Border Stories Play – 1812 Theme Play – Grade Level: Gr. 7/8. In conjunction with 1812 exhibit. Date: March 17 – 28, 2014

Trillium Gallery Workshop Series – In conjunction with the Curator develop

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


workshops and/or speaker series to coincide with the Emigrant’s Trunk Exhibit. Develop partnerships with community members to deliver workshops and lectures.

2014 Public Programming Plan

Public Programming Division Objective: To deliver daily interactive public programming and special interpretive events that reflect the overall goals and objectives of Fanshawe Pioneer Village and the Fanshawe Pioneer Village Thematic Interpretation Master Plan for Clusters I – IV.

2014 Programs & Activities Summary

Program Primary Programming Displays Hands-On (HO) Activities & Demos

Fleece Processing sheared fleece/cleaning and carding wool

Spinning Wheels Drop spindle Dying

Carding & Spinning(HO)

Weaving Rag Balls (for weaving in Alders Shed)

Inkle loom (Woven Straps) Tabletop Looms Alder’s Weaving Shed

(Oxford Weavers)

Alder’s Weavers Shed Weaving (HO) Sewing Rag Balls


Rug Making Hooked Rugs Braided Rugs

Rug Hooking(demo) Rug Hooking (HO) Rug Braiding(demo)

Quilting Quilting (crazy or patchwork)- 1 quilt produced from start to finish during the season

Sewing (on treadle machine)

Small hand-quilted objects

Jury Quilt Frame

Sewing Quilt blocks (demo)

Hoop Quilting (HO) Crazy Quilting(demo)

Needlework Lacemaking, Tatting Embroidery: open work,

black work, needle lace, hairpin lace, filet netting, knitting, cross-stitch, smocking, crochet, etc.

Needlework (demos) Needlework (HO)

Food ways & Domestics

Hearth/woodstove/pit cooking

Preserves Historic Recipes Baking Household Activities Feeding Volunteers

Butter Churning Display Laundry Display

Butter Making(demo) Cooking (demo) Baking (demo) Preserves(demo) Laundry hands on-demo

With wringer washer

Fashion Hand, treadle or vintage machine sewing

Sewing Machine Display Ongoing throughout season

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Costuming Repairs Hat & Bonnet Making

“Hands On” Stationary Activities

Games on the Green Washtub Laundry Parlour Games Crokinole Blackboard ABC’s Checkers Tavern Games Paper Dolls Hand Quilting

Farm & Trades

Printer Blacksmith Carpenter Crop Program Draft Horses Fall Fair Dog Agility Demos Sheep Herding Sheep Shearing Farm Animals

Farm Implements(Miller Barn, Freele Driveshed, Jury Barn & Sawmill Lean-to)

Rope Making Egg Grading Feeding the Chickens Sheep Herding

(volunteer) Meet the Chickens,

turkeys, ducks, sheep, pigs

Recreation & Leisure

Games on the Green Puppet Theatre Paper Bag Puppets Tavern Games 19

th Century School

Lesson Phrenology Guess the Artifact Settlers Trunk

2014 Events

Staff Leads:

Interpretive & Volunteer Events – Julie Colfax, Site & Programming Coordinator Education, Public Programming & Partnership Events – Lana Pharoah, Operations Manager

Ticketed Events – Sheila Johnson, Executive Director Exhibitions – Shanna Dunlop, Curator

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


2014 Schedule of Events

Date Event Notes February Launch of Smartphone

Tours of Village Heritage Village

Tuesday, 18 February to

April 25

The War of 1812:

Perspectives & Pivotal

Moments in the

Western Corridor

Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

Saturday, 22 February Gala Opening of

1812 Exhibit

Screening of “A Desert

Between Us & Them”

Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

March 10-14 March Break programs Spriet Centre

Public Programming

March 17-28 “Border Stories”

Spriet Centre

Education Event

Saturday, 26 April Clean Up Day Volunteer Event

Monday, 28 April WWI Education Day Education Event

Friday, 2 May (Tentative)

Alternative Date:

Wednesday, May 14

Heritage Fair Education Event

Friday, 9 May 1812 Education Day Education Event

12 May


December 19

“The Emigrant’s Trunk”

Community Exhibition in

Spriet Centre

Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

Saturday, 17, May

Sunday, 18 May

Opening Weekend Village open to the public

Saturday, 17 May Grand Opening of “The

Emigrant’s Trunk”


Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

Monday, 19 May Queen Victoria’s Birthday Interpretive Event

Saturday, 21 June

Sunday, 22 June

A Day on the Farm Interpretive Event

Tuesday, 1 July Dominion Day Interpretive Event

Sunday, 13 July Victorian Teddy Bear


Public Programming

15,16,17 July

22,23,24 July

Summer Theatre

“LIGHT Comedy”, A

Play by Jason Rip

Ticketed Event

Saturday, 2 August

Sunday, 3 August

“Stepping into the New

Century: Dance from

Ticketed Event

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


1900 to 1914”

Saturday, 16 August

Sunday, 17 August

Fanshawe Agricultural


Public Programming

Friday, September 6 to

Sunday, September 14th

Western Fair Education


Partnership Event

Saturday, 27 September

Sunday 28 September

Doors Open/Culture Days Partnership Event

Saturday, October 4

Sunday, October 5

Fanshawe 1812:

The Invasion of Upper


Partnership Event

Monday, 13 October Thanksgiving Day Last Day Village Open to

the Public

Monday, 20 October

Tuesday, 21 October

WWI Education Day Education Event


Friday, 17 October

Saturday, 18 October

Sunday, 19 October

Thursday, 23 October

Friday, 24 October

Saturday, 25 October

Sunday, 26 October

Wednesday, 29 October

Thursday, 30 October

Haunted Village Hayrides

Gothic Horror Trilogy:

Part II

“Frankenstein in Upper

Canada” A Play by Jason


Ticketed Event

Saturday 25 October A Haunting We Will Go Partnership Event

Wednesday, 26 November Volunteer Christmas


Spriet Centre

Volunteer Event

Saturday and Sunday

6,7 and 13, 14 December

A Visit with St. Nicholas Ticketed Event

Friday to Saturday

Nov. 28 – 29

Dec 5 – 6

Dec 12 – 13

Dickens’ Dinner

“An Upper Canada

Christmas Carol”

A Play by Jason Rip

Ticketed Event

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


2015 Tentative Schedule of Events

Date Event Notes February 21


November 28


Anniversary of the

Rotary Club of London

Community Partnership


Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

March “The Big Lad”

Education Event

Education Event

Saturday, 25 April Clean Up Day Volunteer Event

Monday, 27 April WWI Education Day Education Event

Friday, 8 May 1812 Education Day Education Event

Saturday, 16, May

Sunday, 17 May

Opening Weekend Village Open to the Public

Monday, 18 May Queen Victoria’s Birthday Interpretive Event

Saturday, 13 June

Sunday, 14 June

A Day on the Farm Interpretive Event

Wednesday, 1 July Dominion Day Interpretive Event

Sunday, 12 July Victorian Teddy Bear


Public Programming

14,15, 16 July

21,22,23 July

Summer Theatre

“Grey Days Preferable”

The Story of Paul Peel by

Jason Rip

(155 years since his birth)

Ticketed Event

Saturday, 1 August

Sunday, 2 August

“Stepping into the New

Century: Dance from

1900 to 1914”

Ticketed Event

Saturday, 15 August

Sunday, 16 August

Fanshawe Agricultural


Public Programming

Friday, September 11 to

Sunday, September 20

Western Fair Partnership Event

Friday, 25 September

Saturday, 26 September

Sunday 27 September

Doors Open/Culture Days Partnership Event

Saturday, October 3

Sunday, October 4

Fanshawe 1812 Partnership Event

Friday, 9 October WWI Education Day Education Event

Saturday, 10 October WWI Public Day Education Event

Monday, 12 October Thanksgiving Day Last Day Village Open to

the Public


Friday, 16 October

Saturday, 17 October

Sunday, 18 October

Haunted Village Hayrides

Ticketed Event

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Thursday, 22 October

Friday, 23 October

Saturday, 24 October

Sunday, 25 October

Thursday, 29 October

Friday, 30 October

Gothic Horror Trilogy:

Part III

“Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

Friday, 23 October

Saturday, 24 October

WWI Education Day

WWI Public Day

Partnership Event

Saturday 31 October A Haunting We Will Go Partnership Event

Wednesday, 25, November Volunteer Christmas


Volunteer Event

Saturday and Sunday

5,6 and 12, 13 December

A Visit with St. Nicholas Ticketed Event

Friday to Saturday

Nov. 27, 28

Dec 4,5

Dec 11, 12

Dickens’ Dinner

“Gabriel Grub & the

Goblins: A Christmas

Story from Pickwick


A Play by Jason Rip

Ticketed Event

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


2016 Tentative Schedule of Events

Date Event Notes February - April “A Woman’s Work is

Never Done” Exhibit in

the Trillium Gallery

Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

Saturday, 23 April Clean Up Day Volunteer Event

Monday, 25 April WWI Education Day Education Event

Friday, 13 May 1812 Education Day Education Event

May-December “Stitches”: Connecting

our Communities through

Textile Arts Traditions

Community exhibit

Spriet Centre


(Trillium Gallery)

Saturday, 21, May

Sunday, 22 May

Village Opening Weekend Village Open to the Public

Monday, 23 May Queen Victoria’s Birthday Interpretive Event

Saturday, 18, June

Sunday, 19 June

A Day on the Farm Interpretive Event

Thursday, 1 July Dominion Day Interpretive Event

Sunday, 17 July Victorian Teddy Bear


Public Programming

12,13, 14 July


Summer Theatre

WWI by

Jeff Culbert

Ticketed Event

Saturday, 6 August

Sunday, 7 August

“Stepping into the New

Century: Dance from

1900 to 1914”

Ticketed Event

Saturday, 20 August

Sunday, 21 August

Fanshawe Agricultural


Public Programming

Friday, September 9 to

Sunday, September 18

Western Fair Partnership Event

Saturday, 24 September

Sunday 25 September

Doors Open/Culture Days Partnership Event

Saturday, 1 October

Sunday, 2 October

Fanshawe 1812 Partnership Event

Friday, 7 October WWI Education Day Education Event

Saturday, 8 October WWI Public Day Education Event

Monday, 10 October Thanksgiving Day Last Day Village Open to

the Public


Friday, 14 October

Saturday, 15 October

Sunday, 16 October

Haunted Village Hayrides


2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Thursday, 21 October

Friday, 22 October

Saturday, 23 October

Thursday, 28 October

Friday, 29 October

Saturday, 30 October

Jack the Ripper in

London Ontario

Gothic Horror IV

A Play by Jason Rip

Ticketed Event

Friday, 21 October

Saturday, 22 October

WWI Education Day

WWI Public Day

Education Event

Saturday 30 October A Haunting We Will Go Partnership Event

Wednesday, 24 November Volunteer Christmas


Volunteer Event

Saturday and Sunday

December 3,4 and 10, 11

A Visit with St. Nicholas Ticketed Event

Friday to Saturday

Dec 2,3

Dec 9, 10

Dec 16, 17

Dickens’ Dinner

“The Chimes”

A Play by Jason Rip

Ticketed Event

Fanshawe Pioneer Village Volunteer Program

Fanshawe Pioneer Village has over 200 volunteers who provide support in all areas of the organization. A full review of Fanshawe Pioneer Village’s volunteer policies, procedures, practices and administrative and placement systems is recommended as part of the organization’s next strategic plan. In the interim, the following objectives have been identified for the program in 2014-2015:

FPV Volunteer Program

Goal: To improve communication and administrative systems within the program.

Improve and refine communications systems with existing volunteers, including: administrative contacts/databases, scheduling systems, and opportunities for group learning and socialization among volunteer core.

Evaluate and refine application and intake procedures and requirements

Discussion with Core FPV staff who supervise volunteers regarding key needs, capacities and limitations relating to the program.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


Visitor Services Department

2014 Goals

To provide quality products and services within Fanshawe Pioneer Village’s mandate and to ensure an enjoyable experience for all of our visitors. Visitor enjoyment should manifest in return visits and ongoing positive word of mouth publicity.

To maximize the potential of local markets including the campground, Upper Thames staff and the Safety Village.

To expand the usage of “The Trillium Gallery” for private and corporate functions.


Review the 2013 menu and make any necessary changes. Drop any menu items that were unsuccessful and replace with new appropriate ones.

To recruit and train the best possible candidates for the staff in the Café.

Paint floor in the dining room.

Revenue target: Break even


Maintain a high level of user friendly services and hospitality to generate positive word of mouth advertising.

Implement a preferred caterer that has provided us with dinner menus to be offered and in turn marked up to provide a new revenue stream. If the preferred cater is not used a per plate fee will be charged to the user to engage another caterer.

Maintain the current level of exposure through Bridal Shows in spring and fall with heavy promotion for Trillium Gallery and adding two new shows to add to our exposure.

To market the Trillium Gallery to as many Caterers and Wedding Planners as possible as they will add to our word of mouth advertising.

Revenue target $70,000.00

Denfield General Store

Attend the Gift Show in January 2014 to continue our search for more unique and appropriate items to target our markets of children, teachers, souvenirs and quality gift items with an eye on Christmas giving.

Continue our search for more locally produced handmade and artesian items.

2014 Operations Plan

Approved by BOARD: January 20, 2014


To improve our consignment program to reflect the artisans in our area with higher quality goods.

To skip the Manager of Visitor Services conference in January 2014 to use the funds for the two extra bridal shows.

To recruit a part time Shopkeeper to accommodate the current Shopkeeper cutting back on hours and her possible retirement in 2015.

Revenue target $50,000.00

Conclusion The Master Development and Business Plan for Fanshawe Pioneer Village has effectively guided this organization for the past decade. Significant growth in all program areas and the capital improvements of the site has been outstanding. In 2014, the new Spriet Family Visitor Centre was completed, a new exhibition program launched and the move of the collection from the Village to new curatorial storage commenced. All of the key goals of this original long range plan are either complete or nearing completion. It is now time to write the next long range master plan for Fanshawe Pioneer Village and this project will be the priority for this organization for the next two years. Respectfully submitted, Sheila A. Johnson Executive Director December 16, 2013