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The Average Annual Income of an Illegal Mexican

Immigrant is $15,207

The Average Annual Income of an American Born Citizen is $37,124

A3Opinion April 28, 2006Ben Davis High School

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Volume 71 • Issue 14April 28, 2006

Editor in ChiefMike Beam

Design EditorsLindsay AlpyMegan Noller

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WritersJeff BumgardnerMorgan DresharStacy DuncanTiffani HarrisAmber Hull

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Danielle SchneiderJess Stevens

Stefanie WestbyDugan Zellefrow

Management TeamLindsay AlpyMike Beam

Brent FowlerMegan Noller

AdviserJanet McKinney

PrincipalJoel McKinney

PrinterBanner Graphic, Greencastle, IN

Ben Davis High School1200 N. Girls School Rd.Indianapolis, IN 46214


11 Million illegal immigrants

were living in the United States at the time of the 2000 census

9.5Percent of the population

at the time of the 2000 census were immigrants

60Percent increase has been put on border security since President

Bush took offi ce

4.5Million illegal immigrants have been turned away by

border security offi cers

350,000Of the 4.5 million turned

away had previous criminal records from their country

85Percent of people trying to

get into the country illegally are from Mexico

500,000Hispanics rallied in the streets

of Los Angeles California April 10 to show their dislike

for the reform bill

20,000Hispanic people rallied downtown Indianapolison April 10 to protet the

reform bill

12Times is how much the minority population is growing more than

the non-Hispanic white population

25.8Percent of Mexican immigrants

live below the poverty level

By TheNumbers

The truth about how millions of

immigrants continue to come

Sources: www.msnbc.msn.comwww.numbersusa.comwww.whitehouse.govwww.cis.orgwww.rapidimmigration.com

Another Successful and Complimented Evening of Prom

Migrant slack-off day also known as May 1To “prove a point” is

why Hispanics and immigrants across the

United States will protest by walking out of jobs and schools on May 1.

Immigrants, in-cluding one of the organizers Javier Rodriguez, believe that the country could not survive without them hav-ing jobs and paying taxes. Some legal immigrants play a huge role in our society. Illegal im-migrants are doing nothing but break-ing our laws.

Why risk losing their jobs and other complications?

One website, http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org, posted, “We will settle for nothing less than full am-nesty and dignity for the millions of undocumented workers.”

If those millions of workers came in the right way, then they would have their digni-ty and their citizenship.

The process is hard and takes time to accomplish, but when done the right way immigrating to our country pays off. A few of the requir-ments that immigrants com-ing in the right way have to face; knowing English, posi-tive disposition, understand-ing of American history and a continuos residence within the country.

The website also said that people rallying will not go to work, school or buy goods.

Really, this entire day of protest is nothing but a reason to skip school. If im-migrants want to show that they are a ma-jor part of so-ciety, setting the example at school and work by coming is their best option.

Some of the supposed de-mands that immigrants wish to be met after the boycott is a path to citizenship, fam-

ily reunifi cation measures, worker protections and full rights for all immigrants.

People can be reunited with their families by going

back to their h o m e l a n d . Immigrants chose to come to the U.S. and be sepa-rated from their fami-lies.

Immigrants who bluntly ignore our laws by com-ing here ille-gally also do not deserve

amnesty and citizenship for breaking the laws our coun-try has stuck to from day one.

On some levels, we cannot blame illegal immigrants for wanting to come here and make a decent living to support their families. How-ever, the fact is that they are making these wages illegally. We must con-demn the Amer-ican citizens who are hiring these people knowing that they are in our country ille-gally.

These Americans are feed-ing the fi re by showing that they are willing to break

the law for cheap labor.

Just this month ar-rests of hundreds of works and some man-gers hap-pened at IFCO Sys-tems, who has a plant here. U.S. I m m i g r a -tion and Customs En-f o r c e m e n t

agents raided the plants and offi ces in nine states.

This company obviously did not care about our laws and deserved to be reprimanded.

Greed started the fl ood of

illegal immigration.Illegal immigrants are not

what they think they are to this country. They are just an outlet for more money. The joke about the whole thing is that these immigrants think that our economy is going to collapse without them buy-ing goods or going to school.

Honestly, without our country’s legal immigrants, we would not be the same. If these illegal aliens think they are making a difference to our society, they have an-other thing coming.

Immigrants are what cre-ated our country in the fi rst place, but times have changed. People cannot just cross the ocean or country borders and expect to auto-matically become a full blown citizen. Immigrants also can-not expect for the country

they have invaded to change and conform to their beliefs.

One edito-rial journal-ist for The Washington Post wrote, “ W h i t e Americans, and black

Americans, too, are going to have to get used to sharing this country- sharing it ful-ly- with brown Americans. Things are going to be dif-ferent. Deal with it.”

This man should not have the nerve to say this. Our culture should not have to change because of some il-legal immigrants. Even though, there are millions of legal immigrants in the United States we will not change because of them.

A law that makes perfect sense is to make illegally immigrating to the United States a felony. We must condemn illegal aliens. Put them in their place. Do not allow illegal immigrantion to feel welcome, especially if they plan on being part of nationwide boycott of school and work.

Anyone who is an Ameri-can would never want to hurt our economy. Support being an American: come to school and go to work on May 1.

Immigration Patterns

In part because of the last immigration reform in the 1960’s, more illegal im-migrants have crossed the border into our country on the hopes that they will be awarded amnesty again. In 1970 there were ten million immigrants in the United States.

As of the last census in 2000, 28 million immigrants lived in our borders. An immigrant is anyone who comes to live in our country from another country.

Once again, our prom-go-ers were complimented by the convention center staff, security offi cers and admin-istrative organizers, on how well-behaved they were.

According to security offi -cer Kevin Poe, the behavior at prom was very good.

No breathalyzer tests had to be administered. There were only a handful of dress code violations, and no one was forced to leave prom due to bad behavior.

More than 1,100 students attended prom. Poe believes that there is a real connec-tion between how students dress and behave. So, when students are in formal attire, they act more like adults.

Ann Helft, junior class sponsor, and our student body made this prom a suc-cessful evening. Good job to everyone who attended.Source: http://www.cis.org


The Average Annual Income of a Legal

Mexican Immigrant is $21,194

Senate Bill 4437 De-tails• 700 miles of fence along Mexican border• Make being an illegal alien a felony• Employers would have to verify their worker’s legal status• Fines for being deported• Illegal aliens children would become wards of the State at the time of birth•Requires criminal record, terrorist watch list clearance and fraudulent document checks for any alien before being granted legal immigration sta-tus• Eliminates the Diversity Immigra-tion Visa•Reimburses states aiding in immi-gration enforcement Source: http://en.wikipedia.org

There Has Got To Be A Better Way To Combat
