Ops F2 Exam Paper

Post on 01-Mar-2018

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  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    SECTION A[10 marks]

    [Time suggested: 15 minutes]

    Answer all questions in t is !a!er

    The text below is about a trip to Sarawak.

    "uestion 1

    Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined foryou.

    #rite one word to $orre$t t e error in the space provided. An example has been given. Thecorrect word must not $ ange t e meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling andpunctuation errors in the text.

    We went to Sarawak last week and had a wonderful time there.

    We landed at the Kuching airport at the morning and proceeded to ncik

    Aiman!s house by taxi. ncik Aiman who are our family friend" showed us

    Around the Kuching town. After reaching his house at #.$% a.m." we have

    breakfast with him and started our &ourney at '%.'( a.m. )e reached the

    town market after thirty minute &ourney by bus. There" we seeing all kinds

    of beautiful items for sale. * bought a brown ceramic vase for my mother.

    We left the town market at ''.$% a.m. and proceeded to the museum with

    foot. *t was a +% minutes walk to the museum. We reached a museum at

    ''.(% a.m. ncik Aiman told us that the &ourney will only take '% minutes

    from the town market by taxi. At the museum" we saw much historical items

    such as traditional weapons" cooking utensils" clothing with even miniature

    longhouses. *t was a very interesting and unforgettable trip.

    e.g in











  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    SECTION %[&0 marks]

    [Time suggested: '0 minutes]

    "uestion (

    Read the following text. Then" answer /uestion ,a- 0 ,&-.

    )amil* +olida* in ,ietnam and Cam-odia

    1uestion ,a- 0 ,&-2sing the information from the text" complete the following graphic organi3er.

    The holidays are here4 5y family and * want to go on a family vacation. 5y

    parents love exotic holiday destinations. They want to visit Angkor Wat as it is a

    26 S78 World )eritage Site.

    We!ve checked out a few tour packages. Wow4 There!s so many to choose

    from. There!s a six9day tour to Angkor Wat and )o 7hi 5inh offered by :otusTravel and Tours. At R5';

  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    (10 marks)

  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    "uestion &

    Read the itinerary below. Then" answer /uestions ,a- 0 ,&-.

    "uestion .a/ .d/: ?ased on the itinerary" state whether the following statements are T 2E or)A3SE

  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    ,a- 8ne popular item which people buy in Kuantan is batik . ,' mark -,b- Kuantan is situated in ast 5alaysia. ,' mark -,c- >isitors will stay at the :ee Bardens Serviced Apartment ,' mark -,d- xhibits with themes are occasionally held at the Cahang Arts 5useum. ,' mark

    "uestion .e/ .i/: Read the itinerary carefully and answer all the /uestions below.

    ,e- Which tour in the itinerary would appeal to those who are nature loversD

    ,' mark,f- What are you advised to do so that you get a place on the tourD

    ,' mark

    ,g- =ill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the itinerary.

    4eaning rase

    i. noisy and busy ,' mark -

    ii. including all details of a trip ,' mark -

    ,h- What is Sungai :embing noted forD

    ,' mark

    ,i- Why do you think the word Elively! is used to describe the performance of the traditional dance

    at the Taman ?udaya CahangD

    ,' mark(10 marks)

    ,&- Fou are interested to &oin the tour and would like your friend to &oin you. *n a-out 50 words"write an e9mail to your friend. *n your e9mailG

    ask himHher to &oin you give reasons to get your friend interested you may use the information given in the itinerary.

    ear "

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  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________


    ,'% marks

    SECTION C[(0 marks]

    [Time suggested: (0 minutes]

    "uestion '

    Read the letter from Binny to Swee 5eng.

    ear Swee 5eng"

    * am so happy to hear from you. )ow are you and your familyD * have beenmeaning to write to you about our last conversation.

    * know exactly how you feel because * used to forsake rest too. * was spending toomuch time staying connected with my friends and relatives through emails" textmessages and instant messenger. * did not get enough sleep at night so * ended up

    feeling tired and sleepy in the morning.

    )ere is what * did to overcome the problem. =irstly" * logged out from my emailaccount" instant messenger or a social networking site when * wanted to go to sleep.Four friends will also log out if they see that you are not online.

    Then" you should turn off any electrical devices in your bedroom. *f you leave themswitched on" the glowing screens or dim lights can make it harder for you to fall asleep.5oreover" hearing the pings coming from your devices in the middle of the night onlymakes matters worse.

    * also think that you should make sleep a priority. Tell your friends that you will notanswer any calls and text messages" or reply to emails one hour before your bedtime.This will give you enough time to prepare for bed. Four body and mind needs time towind down as bedtime approaches.

    Clease try out these steps to a more peaceful slumber. A good nightIs sleep is whatyour body needs to boost your energy so you can focus in school the next day.

    * hope these tips will be useful to you. Clease write soon.

    Four friend"


  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    Read the letter carefully and answer /uestions ,a- 9 ,i-.

    .a/ Why was Binny tired and sleepy in the morningD

    (1 mark)

    .-/ What will Swee 5engIs friends do if they see that she is not onlineD

    (1 mark )

    .$/ :ist two disadvantages of leaving your gadgets switched on in the bedroom.

    i. (1 mark)

    ii. ,' mark-

    .d/ According to Binny" what should be Swee 5engIs priorityD

    ,' mark-

  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    .e/ =ill in the table with an appropriate wordHphrase from the letter. [+OTS]

    4eaning #ord6 rase

    i. to stop having

    ii. a particular place

    iii. connected to the computer

    iv. a good relaxing sleep

    ,< marks)

    .7/ What should Swee 5eng do one hour before bedtimeD


    .g/ Why should Swee 5eng have enough time to prepare for bedD

    _________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    . / Why do you think Swee 5eng should get enough sleepD Bive two reasons. [+OTS/

    i. (1 mark)

    ii. (1 mark)

    .i/ Bive + ot er suggestions to help Swee 5eng prepare for bedtime. .+OTS/

    i. ,' mark-

    ii. , 1 mark)

    (15 marks)

    "uestion 5Read the poem below carefully. Then" answer /uestions ,a- 0 ,d-.

  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    ,a- *n stan3a one" what is described as greenD

    (1 mark),b- What time of the day does stan3a $ refer toD

    (1 mark),c- *n stan3a five" what is hanging according to the personaD

    (1 mark),d- State two values we can learn from the poem.


    ii- (2 marks)

    [5 marks]

    SECTION 8['0 marks]

    [Time suggested: '5 minutes]

    "uestion 9*magine you have &ust come back from a holiday at :angkawi with your family. Four pen pal iscurious and wants to know what you did there.

    2se the notes below to help you write your letterG

    last school holidays 0 :angkawi *slanddad 0 drove9 beautiful scenery9 crystal clear water checked in9 7ity ?ayview )otelbeach 0 swam 0 cool watertourists9 sunbathing 0 sailing

  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


    dad9 shopping9 sightseeing 0 famous tourist spot 0 the 5ahsurileft :angkawi *sland 0 returned home 0 tired 9 happy

    When writing your letter G you must use the notes given

    describe two other things about your holiday add any other relevant information write between '+% 0 '(% words

    _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


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    _______________________________________________________________________( 30 marks)


    The following are the short story and novel studied in the :iterature 7omponent is nglish:anguage.

    1. Flipping Fantastic Jane ang!"r# 2. $ne is $ne an# %ll %l"ne & Jeannie 'irby

    ?ased on one of the short story" write about t e $ ara$ter *ou like most .Bive reasons for your opinion and provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

    Four response should beG not less than (% words in continuous writing form ,not note form-

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  • 7/26/2019 Ops F2 Exam Paper


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    (10 marks)