Optimize WordPress Like a Super Affiliate

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Optimize WordPress Like a Super Affiliate

by: David Vogelpohl

What you’ll learn

How to easily manage your website, get more traffic from search engines, and make

money using WordPress

Decrease time to market, pick the right theme

Look for a theme that matches your content



Save yourself headaches, pick a good theme developer

Go premium, reputable, & active

Mobile is very important to your earnings

Overall Mobile Usage is 60%!

Source: ComScore


Don’t flush your mobile rankings

Test Google mobile friendliness


Search friendly URLs boost rankings!

Configure Permalinks Post name is safe

Custom structure makes analytics easier

301 redirect if changing!


Growing traffic with the Yoast SEO plugin

Bulk editing titles / descriptionsConfigure meta title structure

Advanced permalinksVideo, News, & LocalEnable Open Graph

Create sitemap


A/B test ads and make more money


Configure ad units for easy testing and reporting

Ad Unit

Mobile is super important!

Make your sight lightning fast at converting

Use managed hostingRight size imagesW3 Total CacheReduce Plugins


Things you can do

Don’t be Homer Simpson!

Don’t let your developer be Homer Simpson!

Solve the mystery of the slow site


For your developerReduce elements per page

Optimize your databaseClean up functions.php

Move JS to footer


Pick quality plugins to keep your site fast & secure




Protect your asset, prepare a strong defense


Build walls, close doors, update


Guard your commissions with backups & staging

VaultPress for backups Stage your changes


You can’t make money if you don’t know how


Set up goals on clicks and formsConsider category URLsImplement Authorship

Use Mouseflow



Take care in your decisions, always test, and track everything!

Thank you!

David Vogelpohl@davidvmc

Optimize WordPress Like a Super Affiliate