Optimized Certificate Revocation List Distribution for ... · Following the PPKI approach [12], we...

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Optimized Certificate Revocation List Distributionfor Secure V2X Communications

Giovanni Rigazzi∗, Andrea Tassi∗, Robert J. Piechocki∗, Theo Tryfonas‡, Andrew Nix∗∗Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, UK

‡Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UKE-mail: {g.rigazzi, a.tassi, r.j.piechocki, theo.tryfonas, andy.nix}@bristol.ac.uk

Abstract—The successful deployment of safe and trustworthyConnected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) will highly dependon the ability to devise robust and effective security solutionsto resist sophisticated cyber attacks and patch up critical vul-nerabilities. Pseudonym Public Key Infrastructure (PPKI) is apromising approach to secure vehicular networks as well asensure data and location privacy, concealing the vehicles’ realidentities. Nevertheless, pseudonym distribution and managementaffect PPKI scalability due to the significant number of digitalcertificates required by a single vehicle. In this paper, we focuson the certificate revocation process and propose a versatile andlow-complexity framework to facilitate the distribution of theCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) issued by the CertificationAuthority (CA). CRL compression is achieved through optimizedBloom filters, which guarantee a considerable overhead reductionwith a configurable rate of false positives. Our results show thatthe distribution of compressed CRLs can significantly enhancethe system scalability without increasing the complexity of therevocation process.

Index Terms—ITS, PPKI, vehicular networks, certificate revo-cation, Bloom filter, autonomous vehicles.


Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) rely heavilyupon a wide spectrum of heterogeneous technologies com-bining autonomous driving and vehicle-to-everything (V2X)communications, with the goal of achieving social and eco-nomic benefits, such as enhanced road safety, reduced trafficcongestion and air pollution [1]. Besides innovative emergencyservices and infotainment applications leveraging Global Posi-tioning Systems (GPS) and cellular systems, Dedicated ShortRange Communications (DSRC) connectivity allows vehiclesto exchange real-time information provided by on-board sen-sor devices, and make decisions based on multiple factors,including road conditions and traffic status [2].

One of the most critical issues concerning the deploymentof such vehicular networks is how to efficiently integratecyber security mechanisms, and ensure trustworthiness andanonymity of exchanged data. Due to the their intrinsic char-acteristics, V2X communications can be targeted by numerouscyber attacks and security threats, ranging from injectionof bogus information or node impersonation, to maliciouslocation tracking and privacy leakage [3]. As a result, securityfor CAVs has been subject of intensive joint research activitiesamong automotive industry, standardization and regulatorybodies, public authorities and academia, resulting in a plethoraof research projects and initiatives across the world [4].

As part of the IEEE 1609 Wireless Access in VehicularEnvironments (WAVE) suite, IEEE 1609.2 represents the ref-erence standard for security and privacy adopting a Public KeyInfrastructure (PKI), where vehicle authentication is achievedthrough a Certification Authority (CA) or Trusted Third Party(TPP), in charge of issuing legitimate digital certificates andbinding vehicle identity to its public key [5]. An authenti-cated vehicle can then use its corresponding private key todigitally sign each outgoing packet, whereas sender identityverification is performed by using the public key includedin the certificate assigned by the CA. Moreover, the CA isresponsible for revoking certificates associated with corruptedor misbehaving entities. To this end, IEEE 1609.2 definesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) containing the identitiesof the revoked certificates, which are periodically updated anddisseminated by the CA in the vehicular network [6]. Upon thereception of a new message, a vehicle can identify a legitimatesender by verifying whether the corresponding certificate is notpublished in the CRL.

To further preserve data privacy and limit vehicle traceabil-ity, vehicle identities (VIDs) can be replaced with multipleabstract short-lived identifiers, i.e., pseudonyms, thus realizinga Pseudonym PKI (PPKI) [7]. The pseudonym credentials areissued by the CA, which is also responsible for verifyingthe eligibility of a vehicle to exchange data by storing itsVID. Therefore, location privacy is preserved, as two con-secutive messages are signed under two distinct and unlikablepseudonyms. However, this comes at the price of a significantincrease in the CRL size, which in turn undermines thescalability and efficiency of the revocation process [8].

In this paper, we propose a low-complexity framework forensuring trustworthy communications, aiming to reduce theoverhead of the CRL distribution via optimized Bloom filtercompression. Authors in [6] first adopt Bloom filters to com-press the CRLs and reduce the amount of data disseminated.The resulting Compressed Certificate Revocation Lists (C2RL)are then broadcast, while certificate validation is quicklyperformed by checking the Bloom filter associated with thelatest C2RL update. Similarly, [9] proposes the Revocationusing C2RL (RC2RL) protocol, where the dissemination ofcompressed lists is achieved through Road Side Units (RSU)and mobile units. In addition, a quantitative analysis of theprotocol performance is presented, showing the existing trade-off between computational complexity and probability of false








] 1

9 M

ay 2


positives. Bloom filter compression is also employed in [10],where vehicles locally compress and store the list of revokedcertificates by generating the revocation keys with the help ofoptimized CRLs, which are disseminated in a V2V epidemicfashion. However, these solutions do not specify optimal val-ues of the parameters associated with Bloom filters and do notconsider the case of multiple certificates assigned to a singlevehicle. Differently from the proposed approaches, we aim toevaluate the efficiency of C2RLs in PPKI vehicular networks,and introduce an optimization framework to jointly minimizethe filter size and the number of hash functions employed,according to a predefined probability of false positives. Ourresults show that the CRL distribution process can benefit fromthe significant overhead reduction, which can be characterizedthrough the compression gain, without causing an increase incomplexity. We also demonstrate the C2RLs effectiveness incomparison with a standard CRL approach in an urban settingthrough large-scale network simulations.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section IIdescribes the network model adopted as well as the certificatecompression and the CRL distribution. The proposed optimiza-tion framework is illustrated in Section III. In Section IV,we analyze the numerical results obtained, whereas the finalconclusions are drawn in Section V.


In this section, we describe the vehicular network and themain entities involved in our system model. We also discussthe fundamental aspects of the C2RL issuance and distributionas well as the procedure to compress the certificates andperform the verification.

A. Network Model

In a typical hierarchical PPKI setup, a Root CA (RCA)coordinates the CAV authentication within a predefined juris-dictional area, such as a city, region, county, etc., by registeringvehicles and assigning long-term certificates. Fig. 1 showsthe reference scenario considered in this paper. A certainnumber of Pseudonym CAs (PCA) are also connected to theRCA through wired links, and are responsible for issuingpseudonyms and CRLs. We assume that RCA and PCAsare equipped with sufficient resources in terms of storageand computation, and cannot be compromised by potentialattackers. Moreover, the RCA maintains the mapping of short-term credentials to the long-term identity of the vehicles. Anumber of Road-Side Units (RSU) are deployed along theroads, each connected to a single PCA via a wired backhaulnetwork, while V2I wireless connectivity is achieved by em-ploying DSRC interfaces, such as IEEE 802.11p or ETSI ITS-G5. To mitigate the potential lack of DSRC due to the RSUsparse deployment, we also assume that CAVs are suppliedwith a cellular radio interface, e.g., 3GPP LTE-A. Althoughcellular systems introduce additional delay and present limitedapplicability for safety critical applications, we expect thatthe integration of these two technologies will represent a keyfeature of next-generation V2X communications [11]. CAVs





Fig. 1. Illustration of the system model, where two PCAs are connected toa single RCA.

sign and broadcast safety-related messages, i.e., CooperativeAwareness Messages (CAM) and Decentralized EnvironmentalNotification Messages (DENM), attaching the sender cer-tificate, and are provided with a tamper-resistant HardwareSecurity Module (HSM) storing the cryptographic material.

B. Attacker Model

We assume that an internal adversary is able to inject bogusinformation in terms of fake messages through a legitimateprivate/public key pair and a related pseudonym certificate. Anattacker may also perform a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attackby broadcasting messages with the goal of reducing networkresources necessary to reliably exchange safety messages.We assume that anomaly detection algorithms are capable ofidentifying these threats and triggering the eviction process.

C. Certificate Compression

Following the PPKI approach [12], we assume that eachvehicle is assigned a certain number of short-term certificatescontaining different pseudonyms and pairs of public/privatekeys. In passive revocation schemes [13], the pseudonymcertificate lifetime is minimized, thus vehicles and PCAs needto frequently communicate to initiate the certificate renewalor pseudonym refill procedure. This requirement is usuallydictated by the need for minimizing the vulnerability window,i.e., the time between a vehicle is declared illegitimate andsubsequent pseudonym refill requests are denied, and all theassociated pseudonyms are expired. By contrast, our approachseeks to limit the frequency of pseudonym refills according tothe pseudonym change strategy adopted and the storage capa-bility1. Efficient compression of CRLs can be accomplishedwith the help of Bloom filters. A Bloom filter is a probabilisticdata structure typically adopted to verify whether a certainelement belongs to a set [14]. Such a filter is characterizedby a probability of false positives, i.e., probability that an

1The problem of how to efficiently change the pseudonyms and determinethe change rate is out of the scope of this paper.

0 0 0 0 011 . . . 01

H1(x) H2(x) Hk(x)

0 1 2 m-1m-2m-3

Element x

. . .

3 4 5

Fig. 2. Example of Bloom filter of size m bits and k hash functions.

element not included in the set is detected due to multiplehash collisions, while false negatives cannot occur. As shownin Fig. 2, a Bloom filter corresponds to a sequence of mbits set to 0. To add an element x, a set of k independenthash functions H1, . . . ,Hk are employed. The output of eachhash function matches one of the filter elements and setsto 1 the corresponding bit, while an element previously setto 1 cannot be altered. The verification procedure is thenperformed by checking the bits corresponding to the outputof the hash functions. If all the corresponding bits are set to1, an element is assumed to be contained in the filter with acertain probability, whereas negative outcomes are always trueif at least one of the filter bits is 0. For a target number offilter elements m, the probability of false positives δ is givenby [14]:

δ(m, k).=


(1− 1


)kn]k, (1)

being n the number of elements to add into the filter. Hence,the filter accuracy is influenced by the size, the number of em-ployed hash functions and n, as the larger the set of elements,the higher the probability of obtaining a false positive. More-over, Bloom filters involve a small amount of computationaloverhead for insertion and search operations [10].

D. CRL Issuance and Distribution

Every time a misbehaving vehicle is identified, a new CRLneeds to be issued and sent to the registered CAVs. As aresult, all non-expired certificates associated with the evictedvehicle must be revoked, otherwise any pseudonym still validmay be used to sign the outgoing traffic2. We also assumethat a revocation authority, e.g., a government agency, is incharge of recognizing malicious vehicles and informing theRCA. As shown in Fig. 3, a WAVE CRL consists of (i)a header, including a version field set to 1, a signer fieldcontaining information on the CA issuing and signing theCRL, and a signature field carrying the signature of the signer,and (ii) the unsigned CRL field. A detailed description ofeach sub-field is reported in [5]. To discuss the differencesbetween a standard CRL (see Fig. 3(A)) and a Bloom filtercompressed CRL (see Fig. 3(B)), we focus on the entries sub-field, containing the identifiers of each revoked certificate.Specifically, in a standard WAVE CRL, each certificate is

2This assumption entails linkability among pseudonyms, which limits dataprivacy. The analysis of the tradeoff between overhead and privacy is left forfuture work.

version signer unsigned CRL signature

type CRL series CA ID CRL


periodissue date

next CRL entries

1 byte 136 bytes

1 byte 4 bytes 8 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes

ID expiry date

10 bytes 4 bytes

64 bytes

ID expiry date

10 bytes 4 bytes

Bloom filter

⎡m/8⎤ bytes

(A) (B)

Fig. 3. Structure of a WAVE CRL [5]: standard CRL (A) and C2RL (B).

identified with an ID field and an optional expiry date field,used to enhance the efficiency of the certificate storage. Bycontrast, in our approach, a single Bloom filter of fixed sizem bits is carried by the entries field. As a consequence, thesize of this field remains constant as the number of revokedcertificates increases, thus resulting in a significant reductionof the size of the CRLs distributed to the CAVs, as illustratedin Sec. IV. We assume that a C2RL is issued by the RCAand delivered to its connected PCAs. Next, the RSUs receivethe C2RL forwarded by the PCAs and validate the attachedsignature. The C2RL is then signed by the RSU and broadcastto the CAVs through DSRC connectivity, which verify theauthenticity and store it in the HSM. Hence, untrustworthyvehicles can be quickly identified by verifying whether thecertificates attached in the messages are contained in thefilter transmitted in the latest C2RL. We also point out thatonly the parameter k needs to be notified to the CAVs inorder to fulfill this process, as long as each CAV adopts thesame implementation for the k uniformly distributed hashingfunctions employed. To this end, we consider a single hashingfunction and provide it with different seed values3.

Being the generation of false positives inevitable, howto handle vehicle identities wrongly revoked represents anopen research question. To overcome this issue, we adopt theapproach proposed in [10] and provide the vehicles with a setof backup pseudonyms to replace those pseudonyms generatingfalse positives. Each vehicle periodically establishes whetherthe pseudonym in use triggers a false positive. In other words,each vehicle validates the pseudonym in use against thelatest CRL update. Should a legitimate vehicle trigger a falsepositive, the pseudonym in use is replaced with one of thebackup pseudonyms. This entails the provision of additionalcertificates to compensate for the number of pseudonymsdiscarded because of false positives. It is worth noting that theresulting false positive probability decreases exponentially asthe number of backup pseudonyms per-vehicle increases [10].


Let S = {k1, ..., kn} be the set of certificates to be addedinto the Bloom filter, being |S| = n the cardinality of S. Weformulate our filter optimization (FO) model as follows4:

3In our implementation, the i-th hashing function is simply obtained bysetting the corresponding seed value to i.

4By N we denote the set of natural numbers.

k1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50









0.05 0.1 0.150.2

Fig. 4. Contour plot of δ(m, k), for n = 102. We only reported thelevel curves corresponding to the pairs (m, k) where δ(m, k) is equal to0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2.

(FO) minm,k

m (2)

subject to δ(m, k) ≤ δ̂ (3)k ≥ 1, m ≥ 1 (4)m ∈ N, k ∈ N. (5)

We observe that the FO model carries out a joint optimizationof m and k, having as objective the minimization of m, asper (2). Constraint (3) ensures that the probability of falsepositives is smaller than or equal to a target value δ̂. Obviously,in order for a Bloom filter to exist, it should be at least onebit long and be associated with at least one hash function.These existing constraints are summarized in (4). Finally,constraint (5) imposes m and k to be integer values.

In the attempt of solving the FO model, we re-lax constraint (5). In addition, we regard the functionδ̃(m̃, k̃) : R+ × R+ → [0, 1] as the real expansion of δ(m, k)over the set of positive real values R+. As such, the relaxedFO (rFO) model can be expressed as follows:

(rFO) argminm̃,k̃

{m̃∣∣∣ δ̃(m̃, k̃) ≤ δ̂ ∧ k ≥ 1 ∧m ≥ 1

}. (6)

Remark 3.1: From (1), it follows that δ(m, k) goes to 0 asm tends to infinity, which is not surprising (see Section II-C).Furthermore, from (1), we observe that as m increases,δ(m, k) cannot increase. Hence, considering constraint (3), themore δ(m, k) approaches δ̂, the more m is likely to decrease,as also shown in Fig. 4. Obviously, the same observation alsoapplies to δ̃(m̃, k̃).

For a given value of δ̂, we define the function m̃(k̃)providing the value of m̃ such that relation δ̃(m̃(k̃), k̃) = δ̂holds. From (1), m̃(k̃) can be defined as follows:



(1− δ̂−


) 1k̃n


. (7)

We denote by (m̃∗, k̃∗) the optimum solution of rFO. FromRemark 3.1, we observe that the optimum solution of rFOshall satisfy condition δ̃(m̃∗, k̃∗) = δ̂. As such, the value ofk̃∗ can be defined as follows:

k̃∗ = argmink̃


}, (8)

Procedure 1 Solution of FO1: k̃∗ ← the real root of (11)2: m̃∗ ← m̃(k̃∗)3: i← 14: for k ← bk̃∗c, dk̃∗e do5: k(i)← k

6: m(i)← bm̃∗c7: while δ(m(i),k(i)) > δ̂ do8: m(i)←m(i) + 1

9: i← i+ 1

10: for i← 1, 2 do11: if δ(m(i),k(i)) > δ̂ then12: m(i)← NaN

13: k(i)← NaN

14: if m(1) 6= m(2) then15: j ← index of the smallest element in m16: else17: j ← index of the smallest element in k

18: return (m(j),k(j))

while m̃∗ is simply equal to m̃(k̃∗).From (7), we derive the first order derivative of m̃(k̃), which

is [15]:




(1− T1k̃n )2


1k̃ log(δ̂)

k̃3nT− log(T )


], (9)

whereT.= 1− δ̂

1k̃ . (10)

We observe that the equation ∂m̃∂k̃

= 0 has at least a real rootiff the equation

δ̂1k̃ log(δ̂)− k̃T log(T ) = 0 (11)

has at least a real root, as well. By resorting to the bisectionstrategy [16], it is numerically simple to observe that thiscircumstance occurs for practical values of m̃, k̃ and δ̂5.Finally, we observe that the real root of (11), if it exists, isequal to k̃∗.

From the optimum solution (m̃∗, k̃∗) of rFO, we derivethe optimum solution (m∗, k∗) of FO, as per Procedure 1.In particular, for each value in vector k = [bk̃∗c, dk̃∗e], thefor-loop at lines 4-9 and 10-13 (of Procedure 1) derives theminimum filter length that meets constraint (3). These valuesare then stored in vector m. Lines 14-17 allow the procedureto select the solution associated with the smallest filter size or,if both the solutions refer to the same filter size, the procedurereturns the one with the smallest number of hash functions.


In this section, we discuss the performance in terms ofoverhead reduction obtained by employing our optimizedframework. To this end, we denote by G the compression gain,

5Specifically, we refer to m̃ ∈ [1, 232], k̃ ∈ [1, 103] andδ̂ ∈ [10−4, 2 · 10−1].


Parameter Value Parameter Value

Area size 3km × 2km Max. UDP packetsize

1024 bits

Sim. duration 3600 s Carrier freq. 5.89GHz

SUMO throughtraffic factor [17]

7 TX power 20mW

SUMO trafficcount [17]

15 Phy. layer bitrate 11Mbps

No. pseudonymsper-vehicle

1000 Sensitivity −89dBm

CRL TX interval 300 s Thermal noise −110dB

Optimized Bloomfilter

δ̂ = 10−3, n = 300

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100







Fig. 5. Optimal number of hash functions k∗ for different values of n andδ̂.

corresponding to the ratio between the size of a standard CRLand the size of a C2RL adopting the Bloom filter compression.As described in Sec. II-D, a standard CRL consists of afixed section of 230 bytes and an additional 14 bytes pereach revoked certificate, whereas the size of a CCRL is equalto 230 + dm/8e bytes. Finally, we consider a large-scaleurban scenario and evaluate the C2RL gains through networksimulations.

A. Optimal Values of k and m

Fig. 5 shows the optimal number of hash functions k∗ fordifferent values of δ̂ and varying input load n. As expected,a less strict requirement in terms of false positives leads toa lower and constant k∗ as the number of certificates to becompressed becomes higher. On the other hand, by decreasingδ̂ we observe an increment of the optimal number of hashfunctions, which is necessary to reduce the probability of falsepositive reports. In addition, Fig. 6 shows the optimal filter sizem∗ (in bits) to meet different values of δ̂ as a function of n.We note that m∗ linearly increases as the input load becomeshigher, thus allowing to keep the false positive rate less thanor equal to δ̂. Furthermore, the filter size increase becomesmore relevant for δ̂ = 10−2, as shown by the gap betweenthe blue and green line. This in turn indicates the amount ofspace required in the filter to prevent multiple hash collisions.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100








Fig. 6. Optimal filter size m∗ for different values of n and δ̂.

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5











Fig. 7. Compression gain as δ̂ increases and for different values of n.

B. C2RL v.s. Standard CRL

Fig. 7 shows the compression gain G as δ̂ increases andfor different numbers of certificates revoked n. We can notethe key benefit provided by the CRL compression, consistingin a significant reduction of the overhead generated by therevocation process. It is also worth pointing out that for lowvalues of n the gain is constant, as the probability of falsepositives does not significantly influence the choice of theoptimal m. By contrast, for higher loads, e.g., n = 103, weobserve that G increases from 7 to 9, which shows the effi-ciency of Bloom filters for storing high amounts of certificatesas compared with standard CRLs. To analyze the performanceof the optimized CRL distribution, we also consider an urbanvehicular scenario, where vehicles are distributed on an area of5 km2 with different spatial densities, i.e., number of vehiclesper km2, managed by a single PCA. Furthermore, we assumethat each vehicle owns a set of 43800 certificates, whichcorresponds to the fixed amount of certificates requested by avehicle driving for two hours and every day of the year [18].Moreover, we define the revocation rate ρ, representing thepercentage of vehicles per hour whose certificates must berevoked. Fig. 8 shows the average compression gain overan hour, for different values of ρ as the vehicle densityincreases, and fixed δ̂ = 10−3. We note that for ρ = 0.1%,G considerably increases in the range of densities between20 and 40, whereas a saturation effect occurs for values ofdensity higher than 60 vehicles per km2. This is more evident

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1007.5







= 0.1%

= 0.5%

= 1%

Fig. 8. Compression gain as the vehicle density increases and for differentvalues of ρ (δ̂ = 10−3).

Fig. 9. Map of the simulated area in Holloway (London, UK). The figureshows the footprint of the main buildings present in the area and a possibleRSU deployment.

for ρ equal to 0.5% and 1%, where the compression gainimmediately reaches a saturation level around 7.78. In otherwords, for higher values of ρ the filter size needs to increaseto meet the δ̂ constraint, while m∗ remains low for lowerrevocation rates.

C. Large-Scale Urban Scenario

To further evaluate the performance gain of the C2RLscheme over the standard CRL performance, we implementedthe aforementioned revocation schemes in a OMNet++ net-work simulator based on the Veins framework [19]. Weconsidered the urban area of Holloway (London, UK) wherea realistic traffic of vehicles has been simulated by meansof SUMO [17]. Each vehicle is equipped with a DSRCcommunication device capable of communicating with RSUsdeployed at the side of the road. In order to investigatethe impact of different RSU deployments, we placed RSUsuniformly at random in the simulated area preventing the RSUsfrom being placed within the footprint of a building, as shownin Fig. 9. In particular, we considered scenarios ranging from28 to 139 RSUs. Periodically, the CA generates a CRL, whichis fragmented by the RSUs, encapsulated in UDP packets andtransmitted over the DSRC interface. A list of the relevantsimulation parameters is reported in Tab. I.

28 40 60 80 100 120 139

Number of RSUs












50 revoked identities - #CRLs received

100 revoked identities - #CRLs received

50 revoked identities - fraction of vehicles receiving at least a CRL

100 revoked identities - fraction of vehicles receiving at least a CRL

50 revoked identities - CRL download time

100 revoked identities - CRL download time

Fig. 10. Gains in terms of CRL delivery ratio, percentage of vehiclessuccessfully receiving a CRL and CRL download time.

Fig. 10 shows the gains achieved employing the C2RLscheme over a standard CRL approach in terms of total numberof CRLs received by all the vehicles, fraction of vehiclesreceiving at least one CRL, and average CRL download time asa function of the number of RSUs. The derived performancevalues have been averaged over multiple instances of RSUdeployments. We simulated the cases where 50 or 100 vehiclesidentities per-hours are revoked and each vehicle holds 1000pseudonyms. We observe that, in the case of the C2RLscheme, the Bloom filter parameters m and k have beenoptimized as in Sec. III, by referring to δ̂ = 10−3 and a valueof n equal to the average number of vehicles present in thesimulated area per-second. We note that a higher number ofRSUs per-area ensure higher gains for 100 revoked vehicleidentities both in terms of the total number of CRLs receivedby all the vehicles and the fraction of vehicles receiving atleast one CRL - thus ensuring, in the case of 139 RSUs, gainsgreater than 1.55 and 1.6, respectively. These effects are alsodetectable for 50 revoked identities per-hours, yet limited dueto the lower traffic load. From Fig. 10, we also observe thatC2RL guarantees a shorter CRL download time resulting inan average CRL download time gain greater than 2.5, for 139RSUs and 100 identities revoked per-hour.


In this paper, we proposed an optimized framework tostreamline the certificate revocation distribution in a PPKI-based vehicular network. We illustrated the scalability issueresulting from the adoption of a large set of pseudonymcertificates per each CAV and discussed the benefits of CRLcompression through Bloom filters. Significant compressiongains can be achieved by adding revoked certificates into aBloom filter and then disseminating the C2RL in the network.We also investigated the impact of different input loads andfalse positive rates on the optimal choice of k and m, andcompared our approach with a standard CRL distributionscheme in a realistic large-scale scenario.


This work is part of the FLOURISH Project, which issupported by Innovate UK under Grant 102582. The authors

would like to thank the project collaborators, in particular,Melina Christina, John McCarthy and Ben Miller.


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