Oracle P2P Cycle Introduction

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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Oracle P2P Cycle Introduction


  • The Procure To Pay cycle is vital to an organization as in this process the organization buys

    and received goods or services from its vendors and makes necessary payments.

    The P2P cycle comprises of the following steps,

    1. Create requisition 2. Approve requisition 3. Create purchase order 4. Approve purchase order 5. Receive goods 6. Create Payables invoice 7. Pay the invoice 8. Return to Vendor (optional) 9. Transfer to General Ledger 10. Import Journal into General Ledger

    Step 1: Create requisition

    Responsibility: Any Purchasing responsibility

    Navigation: Requisition > Requisition Summary

    Click on New button

    Create a new Purchase Requisition.

  • Enter the requisition details and save the form.

    Step 2: Approve the requisition

    After the requisition is saved the Approve button is enabled.

  • Click on the Approve button to send the requisition for approval.

  • Click on OK button and the requisition will be sent for approval.

    Now go into Workflow Administrator responsibility to approve the workflow.

    Check Activity History.

  • Open the Notification and approve it

    After the requisition is approved the status of the requisition will change to Approved.

    Step 3: Create the Purchase Order from the requisition

    When the Requisition is approved we need to create a Purchase Order for it. We shall use the

    AutoCreate feature of Purchasing to do the conversion from Requisition to Purchase Order.

    Responsibility: Purchasing responsibility

    Navigation: AutoCreate

  • Enter the requisition number, 112005226, and click on Find.

  • You might get the message above. This because a Buyer (shown on the screen) is not

    assigned to the requisition.

    Navigation: Management > Manage Buyer Workload

  • Enter the requisition number, 112005226, and click on Find button.

  • Now assign a Buyer to the requisition so that this requisition can be picked up by him to

    create the Purchase order.

    We shall assign a new buyer, Uzair Ahmed Khan, and select the requisition.

    Save the form.

    You will get a confirmation message.

    Now you need to log into oracle as the Uzair Ahmed Khan (i.e. the buyer who was set on the

    requisition). After logging in to Oracle, go to a Purchasing responsibility.

    Open the AutoCreate form.

  • Enter the requisition number, 112005226, and click on Find button. The AutoCreate

    Documents form opens with the requisition details.

    Select the requisition. We shall take the default values,

    Action: Create

  • Document Type: Standard PO

    Grouping: Default

    Click on Automatic button.

    Click on Create button to create the PO. The PO form opens with the new PO details that has

    been created from the requisition.

  • The PO number is 412005703.

    Step 4: Approve the Purchase Order

    Enter the Supplier and the supplier site on this PO. As the PO description is set to mandatory

    enter some text as description.

    Save the PO. Click on the Shipments button.

    The Shipments form opens. We find the shipping org is set to IFS. This means that the goods

    will be received in the IFS org when it is shipped by the supplier (Step 5).

    Close the Shipment form to go back to the PO form. Click on Approve button to send the PO

    for approval.

  • The Approve Document form opens. Click on OK button to send the PO for approval.

    The Budgetary control message appears. Click on OK and the PO will go for approval.

    Once the PO is approved the status changes to Approved, Reserved.

  • Step 5: Receive the goods/items

    Once the PO is sent to the supplier to be fulfilled the supplier sends the goods to the

    organization. The goods now have to be received in Oracle.

    To receive goods go to any Purchasing responsibility that has the receiving functionality.

    Navigation: Receiving > Receipts

  • The Organization screen opens. Select IFS (As checked in PO shipment in Step 4) and click

    on OK.

  • Enter the PO number and the supplier name is populated automatically.

    Click on Find button. The receipt header form opens.

    Close this form and the Receipts form opens.

  • Select the Line. You can change the quantity received at this juncture. We shall change the

    quantity received from 10 to 5.

    Save the form.

  • To get the receipt number, click on the Header button.

    You now have the receipt number, 111208387.

    Close all the forms

    Step 6: Inspect the goods

    Now that we have received the goods based on the PO (even though the shipment was partial)

    we need to have the goods inspected and QA check done (This is required if the PO is based

    on 4 way matching, else the payment cannot be made).

  • Responsibility: Purchasing responsibility that has the Receiving Transactions or QA

    functionality enabled

    Navigation: Receiving > Receiving Transactions

    Enter the Purchase Order Number, i.e. 412005703.

  • The supplier number is populated automatically. Now click on Find button.

  • Note that the Inspection status shows as Not Inspected Standard Receipt and the Destination Type is Inventory.

    Click on Inspect button. The inspection window opens.

    We are going to pass all 5 goods as part of the QA check process. We shall select Quality

    Code from the list of values as Excellent.

  • Enter a comment on the right most field.

    Press OK button. The window will close and the receipt status will change to Inspect.

    Requery the receiving transaction on the PO.

    Note that the Inspection field has the value, Accepted Standard Receipt. QA check has been completed. Close the form.

    Step 7: Create Payables invoice

    Responsibility: Payables responsibility to create an AP invoice

  • Navigation: Invoice > Entry > Invoices

    Create an Invoice for supplier 7 EMIRATES SUPERMARKETS. This is the supplier

    which had received the PO (Refer to Step 3 or 4).

    Note: We are creating the invoice manually in this case. The invoice can be created automatically

    by executing the concurrent program named, Pay on Receipt AutoInvoice, from the

    Purchasing responsibility and entering the goods receipt number (GRN) as the parameter.

    Click on Match button at the bottom right of the form.

  • Important: We shall not enter the invoice distribution as this will come automatically from matching the

    invoice with PO receipt.

    There are 3 options for matching.



    Purchase Order

    We are matching Receipt to this invoice so that the supplier is paid for only the amount that

    has been received in the store.

    Matching is done in 3 ways

    Type of

    matching Description

    2-way PO and Invoice quantity and total amounts are matched

    3-way PO, Invoice, Receipt quantity and total amounts are matched

    4-way PO, Invoice, Receipt, QA (Acceptance) quantity and total amounts are


    Find Receipts form opens.

  • Enter the Receipt number (End of Step 5)

  • Click on Find button. Match to Receipts form opens.

    Check the box under Match.

  • Notice that the Distribution Total is in Red. It means that the Invoice header amount and

    distribution amounts are not matching. Click on Match button at the bottom

    You will be taken back to the Invoice form. Modify the Invoice header amount to match the

    amount of the distribution.

    Now you can validate the Invoice by clicking on Actions button on the Invoice form and

    selecting Validate.

  • Click on OK button.

    Now the invoice status changes to Validated.

    Close the invoice form.

    Step 8: Pay the invoice

    We are going to create a single payment to pay the invoice (invoice number #BALLPENS1)

    created earlier.

    Responsibility: Payables responsibility with payment functionality

    Navigation: Payments > Entry > Payments

  • Enter the bank and supplier details

    Click on Enter/Adjust Invoices button to enter the invoice

  • Save and close this window.

    Click on Actions button. Select Format and Print Remittance Advice.

  • Click on OK. The Payment Process Manager will handle the payment and will execute the

    remittance program as well to make the payment.

  • After the processes are over the supplier is paid fully for the goods that he has supplied.

    Step 9: Receive the remaining goods or Close the Invoice line

    The supplier has been paid for the goods that have been received in the stores but we have

    received 5 goods out of the total number of 10. Therefore we have the option of receiving 5

    more to complete the PO. If we receive the other 5 goods then we have to create another

    invoice to pay off those received goods.

    If we do not want to receive the remaining goods but instead we want to close the PO at this

    stage then we need to Close the PO line so that the remaining quantity is cancelled and the

    PO is closed.

    Note: If we do not finish this step the PO will remain in open state and the amount will go into

    encumbrance, i.e. the open amount will be carried over to the next periods as the amount

    which will need to be paid to the supplier.

    Responsibility: Purchasing responsibility

    Navigation: Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Summary

    Query for the PO, i.e. 412005703.

    Click on Find.

    Click on Lines button.

  • On the top menu click on Tools > Control. You will get a popup message.

    Click on OK.

    The Control Documents window opens. Select Finally Close and enter a reason.

    Click on OK button.

    Click on OK button. Now requery the PO.

    The PO is now Closed. Note the PO status, Approved, Closed, Reserved.

    Step 10: Transfer Payables data to General Ledger

    Responsibility: Payables

    Navigation: View > Requests

    Execute the program. Payables Transfer to General Ledger

    After the program completes check the output.

    Note the value of Journal Import Group ID. It is 609337.

    Step 11: Import Journal into General Ledger

    Responsibility: General Ledger responsibility which can run Journal Import

    Navigation: Journal > Import > Run

    The Journal Import form opens. Select Source as Payables and Selection Criteria as Specific

    Group Ids. Enter the value of the Group Id from the previous step, i.e. 609337.

    Click on Import

    Click on Yes.

    You get the concurrent request ID as 20165930.

    Now go to View > Requests and click on Find and check the concurrent program.

  • Once the program completes check the output. The output shows the details of the journals

    created. You can open the journal for viewing and posting.

    The P2P cycle is now complete.