Oracle talk 20131213

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Slides of talk at Japan Java Users Group on 2013/12/13 on JEE7. Download source code at


A new wave of

JEE & JSF Arshal (@aforarsh)

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

❖ Download code

www.arshal.orgBefore we start !

www.arshal.orgComing back..❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components!


www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components!


<h:inputText value="#{passthroughBean.age}" p:type="number"/>

www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components !



www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components!


<f:view contracts="#{contractsBean.contract}">

www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components!

❖ CSRF<h:inputFile value="#{fileUploadBean.file}"/>

www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components!



www.arshal.orgJSF 2.2

❖ Pass through attributes!

❖ Flow scoped!

❖ Resource library contracts!

❖ File upload!

❖ Components!

❖ CSRF!<protected-views>! <url-pattern>/jsf/file/index.xhtml</url-pattern>! </protected-views>

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgCDI 1.1

❖ Bean discovery mode!

❖ Vetoed beans

www.arshal.orgCDI 1.1

❖ Bean discovery mode!

❖ Vetoed beans


www.arshal.orgCDI 1.1

❖ Bean discovery mode!

❖ Vetoed beans @Vetoed

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgBean Validation 1.1

❖ Custom constraints!


❖ Method validation

@NotNull(message = "{org.sample.zipcode.cannot_be_null}")!public @interface ZipCode {

public String saveZip(@ZipCode String zip)

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

Interceptors❖ InterceptorBinding!

❖ @AroundConstruct!

❖ Prioritisation standard!

❖ @Priority(Interceptor.Priority.APPLICATION+10), @Interceptors

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing`

❖ Transactional scoped beans!

❖ @TransactionScoped!

❖ Transactional methods!

❖ @Transactional(value=Transactional.txType.Required, rollbackOn={SQLException.class, JMSException.class},  dontRollbackOn=SQLWarning.class)

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgEJB 3.2❖ Asynchronous bean!

❖ @Asynchronous!

❖ Non persistent timer service!

❖ @Schedule(hour="*", minute="*", second="*/5", info = "Every 5 second timer", persistent = false) !

❖ Passivation capable!

❖ @PrePassivate

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

• Non blocking I/O: Check for resource availability before trying for it. while (input.isReady() && (len = != -1) { String data = new String(b, 0, len); System.out.println("--> " + data)}!

• Improved security!• Async supported

@WebServlet(urlPatterns="/async", asyncSupported=true)!

Agenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgAgenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

• Schema generation! <persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation=“ persistence/persistence_2_1.xsd"> <persistence-unit name="myPU" transaction-type="JTA"> <properties> <property name=“javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="drop-and-create"/> <property name=“javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source" value="script"/> <property name=“javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source" value="script"/> <property name=“javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source" value="META-INF/create.sql"/> <property name=“javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source" value="META-INF/drop.sql"/> <property name=“javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source" value="META-INF/load.sql"/> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence>

• Bulk update/delete using criteria API CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();!

CriteriaDelete deleteCriteria = builder.createCriteriaDelete(Student.class); Root<Student> updateRoot = deleteCriteria.from(Student.class); deleteCriteria.where(builder.equal(updateRoot.get(, "1234")); Query q = em.createQuery(deleteCriteria); q.executeUpdate(); !• Unsynchronized persistence contexts


Agenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

• Simplified!• Easier resource configuration!• JMS resource definition annotations.

Agenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

• Lambda expression support

Agenda❖ JSF 2.2!

❖ CDI 1.1!

❖ Bean validation 1.1!

❖ Interceptors!

❖ JTA 1.2!

❖ EJB 3.2!

❖ Servlet 3.1!

❖ JPA!

❖ JMS 2.0!

❖ Web socket 1.1!

❖ Expression Language 3.0!

❖ JAX - RS 2.0!


❖ Batch Processing

www.arshal.orgQ & A

❖ Contact Info!

❖ e-mail:!

❖ Twitter: @aforarsh!

❖ Web:

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"How can I improve the code so that this comment isn't needed?" Improve the code and then

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