Oral Communication Assessment Committee Melodie PhilhoursTerry Roach Kelly FishStephen Horner...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Oral Communication Assessment Committee

Melodie Philhours Terry RoachKelly Fish Stephen HornerPatricia Robertson James WashamDewayne Powell Ahmad SyamilDavid Kern Bill RoeJeff Pittman Stephen ReplogleTina Quinn Larry DaleCourtney White Mei Cao Gary Latanich Jerry Crawford

College of Business

Oral Communication Assessment

College of Business16 July 20083:00 p. – 4:30 p.

BU 426

Dr. Terry RoachDr. Sandra Bevill

Ms. Courtney BracyMs. Susan Glasgow

SCOM 1203 Oral Communication

Oral Communication Assumptions:

Students learn how to …

… choose topics… stand: body mechanics… gesture appropriately… dress: what to wear… develop points: build the presentation… give source credibility… draw conclusions… make recommendations

But there is hope:

BCOM 2563 Business Communication

College of Business

Oral Communication Assessment Rubric

Oral Communication Rubric ASU College of Business

Presenter’s Name: _______________________________ Time of Class: _____________ Points earned: _______ Topic: _________________________________________ Introduction:

+3 +2 +1 0 ___ Attention Getter. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Creates a reason to listen. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ States Central Idea. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Professional Attire.


+3 +2 +1 0 ___ Sources were quoted. Established credibility. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Developed each point.

+3 +2 +1 0 ___ Used transition from point to point. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Appropriate language. Spoke with

professionalism, confidence, and authority. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Good sentence structure and grammar.

uhs, ums, ahs, and-uhs, ands. _________ +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Appropriate uses of PowerPoint.


+3 +2 +1 0 ___ Alerted the audience to closing. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Appropriate summary. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Reviewed/re-listed the main points. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Time limit is met. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Effective Question/Answer portion.

General Delivery: +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Appropriate hand, eye, and other body

language. +3 +2 +1 0 ___ Maintained eye contact with audience.

Professor’s Comments:


First Part of the Formal Presentation

“Tell me what you’re going to tell me.”

√ Attention Getter

•Proverb or Anecdote•Statistics or Shocking Statement•Joke or Humor (appropriate)•Headline or Related Story•Reference to the Audience •Reference to the Occasion

Need or Purpose for PresentationEstablishes RapportTells the Order of the Presentation

√ Creates a Reason to Listen

Main IdeaWhat is to be ProvedAssigned Topic

√ States Central Idea

What Business ExpectsWhat the Professor RequiresFor the TopicFor the Workplace

√ Professional Attire

Want Examples for Dress?

Business Semiformal

Source: Bachrach

Business Casual

Source: Bachrach

Business Relaxed

Source: Bachrach, Dillards


Source: Bachrach, Dillards


Source: Dillards

Business Casual

Source: Dillards

Business Relaxed

Source: Dillards


Source: J. C. Penny, Dillards


Second Part of the Formal Presentation

“Tell me what you’re going to tell me.”

•Sources were quoted. Source Credibility•Where (sources) did the information come

•Articles, Interviews, Personal Experiences•Television, Movies, Training Programs•Books, Magazines, Handouts, Class notes

√ Sources were quoted/ established credibility

Points to be made: 1, 2, 3, or more Points are related Points are supported with sources Points support the Purpose

√ Developed Each Point.

FANBOYS: for, and, nor, because, or, yet, so. Although Further Also Additionally In addition Furthermore Hence Thus Consequently However Nevertheless Therefore Nonetheless On the other hand

√ Used Transition between Points

Uses terms of the trade Knowledgeable Self-assured Has the support of the sources

√ Appropriate language. Spoke with professionalism, confidence, and authority.

No “ums, uhs, ahs, and uhs, ands” Complete thoughts called sentences

◦ Subject-verb agreement They was, he don’t, she seen

◦ Singular/plural subject-singular/plural possessive pronoun ‘each-their, his/her-their, employees-his/her’

√ Good sentence structure and grammar

No more than three colors. ◦ Exceptions: themes, graphics, photos.

No more than three fonts Seven Lines with seven words No red beside green Usually one slide for each minute Source credit on the slide Color families: orange/yellow, red/pink Uses blank screen to draw attention to self

√ Appropriate uses of PowerPoint (1 of 2)

High contrast colors over low contrast colors

√ Appropriate uses of PowerPoint(2 of 2)


Low Contrast

Handouts◦ When needed

Boards and Flip Charts◦ Professionally written: Get someone who can

write for you Overhead Transparencies Electronic Presentations

◦ PowerPoint 35 mm Slides Models or Physical Objects

◦ Safety of items belongs with presenter

Other Visuals (not on the evaluation)


Third part of the formal presentation

“Tell me what you told me.”

Makes a statement of summary or closing Begins the ending statements that draw


√ Alert the audience toclosing.

The summary reflects the points made in the Introduction and Body of the presentation

Summary is a conclusion to the presentation with a course of intended action and or purpose

√ Appropriate summary

Review/relist the one, two, three, or more points made in the presentation and the brief reason(s) why these points were made.

√ Reviewed/re-listed the main points

What is the time limit? Five minutes, ten minutes.

√ Time limit is met

Appropriate hand, eye, and other body language.◦ Did the speaker look at his/her audience, use

hands, arms, eyes, and/or stance to make positive or negative emphasis?

Maintained eye contact with audience.◦ Did the speaker look more at his/her audience

than at his/her PowerPoint and notes?◦ Did the speaker read the presentation rather than

tell it?

√ General delivery

Positive statements about the presentation Points for further consideration or

investigation Points that should have been emphasized Points or statements that were useless or

meaningless Points to improve future presentations Praise where needed Suggestions for improvement

Professor’s Comments

Ideas you have Your thoughts Further discussion Closing the loop


Closed the loop.