Oral habits- Tongue Thrusting- O.SANDID-PDF-2008

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Oral habits in children- tongue thrusting O.SANDID


  • 1. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com

2. Tongue thrusting 3. The Basics of Swallowing www.orthofree.com The importance of the N sound.,Test yourself! Tip of tongue positioned behind upper front teeth during N sound Brian Palmer 4. The Basics of Swallowing www.orthofree.com Peristaltic motion of tongue across roof of mouth during swallow Brian Palmer 5. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting Tongue thrusting, is the habit of placing the tongue in the wrong position during swallowing www.facingfunction.com 6. Causes tongue thrust www.orthofree.com 1-Upper airway constrictions - deviated nasal septum) or obstructions -enlarged tonsils-or infections rhinitis 2-General hypotonia or low body tone 3-Low-lying resting posture of the tongue 4-Imbalance in dental growth 5-Inadequate development of facial and cranial bones 6-Inappropriate development of muscles in the head and neck areas 7. Causes tongue thrust www.orthofree.com While identifying the causes of tongue thrust, it is important to remember that the resting posture of the tongue, jaw, and lips are crucial to normal development of mouth and its structures. If tongue rests against the upper front teeth, the teeth may protrude forward, and adverse tongue pressure can restrict the development of the oral cavity. The tongue lies low in the mouth or oral cavity and is typically forwarded between upper and lower teeth. If tongue thrust behavior is not corrected, it may affect the normal dental development. The teeth may be pushed around in different directions during the growth of permanent teeth 8. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting www.facingfunction.com Causes tongue thrust: Thumb sucking, Some artificial nipples used for feeding infants, Mouth breathing Nasal congestion, allergies, Difficulty swallowing, adenoids, tonsils, macroglossie, hereditary factors ,Muscular, neurological, physiological abnormalities short lingual frenum 9. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting www.facingfunction.com Types of tongue thrusting: Anterior open bite, Anterior thrust, Unilateral thrust , Bilateral thrust, Bilateral anterior open bite, Closed bite thrust 10. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting Tongue thrusting, is the habit of placing the tongue in the wrong position during swallowing www.facingfunction.com 11. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting www.facingfunction.com Consequences of tongue thrust 1-Lisping (for e.g., saying thun for sun) 2-Imprecise articulation of speech sounds 3-Open-mouth posture 4-Open bite 5-Abnormal eruption of teeth and dental arch 6-Abnormal tone of facial muscles 7-Prolonged meal times due to ineffective chewing and swallowing 8-Spillage of food/fluid from the anterior mouth 9-Negative cosmetic effects 10-Problems with fitting of denture in futur 12. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting www.facingfunction.com What are the consequences? The force of the tongue against the teeth is an important factor in contributing to malformation (bad bites). Many orthodontists have had the discouraging experience of completing dental treatment, relapse orthodontic treatment 13. Consequences of not having a correct swallowing pattern www.orthofree.com www.orthofree.com Brian Palmer Infant tongue thrust and resultant anterior open bite. In this case the tongue thrust was due to a tight frenum. 14. Consequences of not having a correct swallowing pattern www.orthofree.com www.orthofree.com Brian Palmer Tongue thrust with resultant anterior open bite malocclusion. 15. Consequences of not having a correct swallowing pattern www.orthofree.com www.orthofree.com Brian Palmer Adult tongue thrust created anterior open bite and caused gingival recession. 16. Consequences of not having a correct swallowing pattern www.orthofree.com www.orthofree.com Brian Palmer Posterior open bite on left side due to a posterior tongue thrust. 17. Consequences of not having a correct swallowing pattern www.orthofree.com www.orthofree.com Brian Palmer Adult tongue thrust created spaces and significant malocclusion. 18. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting www.facingfunction.com Speech- Language Therapy Is speech affected by tongue thrusting? 19. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting Tongue thrusting and myofunctional therapy 20. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting, Treatment 21. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting, case report 22. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting, case report 23. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com . Tongue thrusting, case report 24. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting, case report 25. Oral Habits in Children www.orthofree.com Tongue thrusting, case report