Oral Surgery Exam 1

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    $nstrument Disinfe%tion

    - ;lutaraldehyde )0idex+

    o #ost commonly used for disinfection

    - %odophores )

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    iodophor compounds )

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    - one end and side of towel

    o dry both hands and one arm well progress up from hand to elbow

    - other end and side of towel

    o other arm

    - don9t let towel touch non-sterile items

    o scrubso surgical tables

    Principles of Surgery*rin%iples of surgery

    - 7ollowing surgical incison3excision8 surgeon maximies the opportunity for

    healing and restoration of function to occur without complications- general principles

    o apply to all aspects of surgery

    - specific principles

    o apply to certain areas like cancer surgery etcE

    - ? main principleso perioperative assessment

    %D diseases that may complicate anesthesia

    e,g, 0F disease8 etcE

    %D diseases that may compromise surgery or healing

    e,g, diabetes8 A%DS8 hemophelia8 pts who have undergone

    radiation treatment8 etcE

    %D social habits that may complicate surgery

    e,g, smoking8 alcoholism8 cocaine use etcE

    elective surgery

    optimie existing conditions )heart disease8 diabetes)BbAc value+8 chronic renal failure etc,,+

    non-elective surgery

    not always possible to optimie existing conditions

    so complications are much higher )trauma8 acute infection8


    T"e a&ility to "eal %an affe%t t"e surgery ire%tly/t"ese

    potential pro&lems nee to &e ientifie early on

    o a%%ess

    to ade(uately visualie problem

    to preserve important structures

    to allow for handling of complications )bleeding8 etcE+

    )also a major problem with restorative dentistry+

    if access isn9t ade(uate8 stop what you9re doing and make

    necessary adjustmentsG


    good assistance



  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1



    o #ust be large enough for good visualiation

    o $n skin use resting tension or Canger9s lines

    o Avoid important structures,


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    o !emove foreign bodies

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    Dog -ite to 7"il

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    o re(uire antibiotics

    - antibiotic cover for surgery

    o principle high peri-operative blood level of antibiotics during period of


    o dose %F ?5 min pre-op

    o . doses %F at 1-J hr intervalso I days of antibiotics are :$& indicated leads to bacterial resistance


    - primary

    o occurs at time of sx

    o pressure8 vasoconstrictors8 ties or clips

    - reactionary

    o 1-J hrs later

    o after local wears off vasodilation

    - secondary

    o *-5 days after

    o due to infection @liver clot

    - Drains may be useful in large wounds with gross dead space to @suck the tissues

    together and also to prevent the formation of hematoma

    o :eed to have good oral closure with suction drains to prevent salivary


    Ex%essive Healing

    - despite good would closure8 healing may become excessive due to


    low grade irritation infection

    foreign body

    mobility )bone callus in inade(uately fixated fracture

    genetic 3 racial factors- "ypertrop"i% s%ars

    o example on slide 24

    o scar hasn9t grown out of its initial boundary but it9s raised and larger than

    it should be

    - ,eloi s%ars

    o example on slides I5 > I

    o grow beyond the initial boundary of the incisiono common in African-Americans

    o can inject steroids into them to attempt to reduce volume

    o small ones can be excised and followed with low-dose radiation but in

    general8 nothing can be done

    o 2elois are typi%ally on people of ar,er s,in


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    Hypertrop"i% s%ar "as more volume of s%ar tissue+ &ut oes not

    gro4 outsie area of in'ury

    2elois gro4 4ell outsie of t"e area t"ey starte in

    Inflammation and Wound Repair

    7auses*at"ologi% surgeon has little control over this type of tissue damage

    - caused by bacteria8 malignant processes8 metabolic processes etcE

    Traumati% surgeon can do a lot to either favorably or unfavorably alter this type of

    tissue damage

    - B"S%0AC

    o incision8 crushing

    o extremes of temperature

    o irradiation

    o desiccation

    o obstruction of arterial inflow or venous outflow

    - 0B'#%0ACo non-physiologic pB or tonicity

    o disruption of protein integrity

    o ischemia due to vascular constriction or thrombosis

    ;oun Healing

    - T"e p"ases signifi%antly overlap an ea%" p"ase is epenent on t"e

    pre%eing one to o%%ur

    - three phases

    o %:7CA##A&$!" BAS'

    o !$C%7'!A&%F' BAS'

    o #A&H!A&%$: A:D !'#$D'C%:; BAS'

    o !'S&$!A&%$: $7 7H:0&%$:

    $nflammatory *"ase

    - main function remove amage tissues an eliminate any invaing organisms

    an e&risvia phagocytosis

    - release of factors that cause migration and division of cells )proliferative phase+

    *roliferative *"ase

    - divided into 2 major processes

    o angiogenesis

    restoration of blood supply to tissues in the wound

    new vessels grow from endothelial cells

    o granulation tissue formation

    fibroblasts grow and form a new '0# by excreting collagen and


    must have a good bed of granulation to allow the new epithelialcells to move in


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    o epit"elialization

    epithelial cells proliferate and migrate along '0# until continuity

    is reestablished

    mucosa is replaced on internal surfacesK skin on external surfaces

    o 4oun %ontra%tion

    myoepithelial cells induce wound contracture to bring the woundedges closer together

    extremely important in reducing the sie of the wound- :o restoration of blood flow prevents the next stage

    - roliferation of cells into wound )endothelial and fibroblasts+

    o !eplace blood vessels and '0# respectively

    - 0overing of wound with mucosa3skin

    o !e(uires granulation tissue to build upon


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    o serotonin8 bradykinin8 prostaglandins8 prostacyclins8

    thromboxanes8 histamine

    increase cell proliferation and migration intoinjured area

    cause vasodilation and increase capillary

    permeabilityedema L entry ofleukocytes

    leukocytes debride wound and neutralie

    any foreign factors etcE

    o &

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    - begins .-? days after wounding even before inflammatory phase ends under the

    influence of ;7s

    - fibroblasts and endothelial cells enter wound and begin laying down new '0#and blood vessels

    o endothelial cells enter first because a blood supply is needed before

    anything elseo then fibroblasts migrate and proliferate along fibrinogen and fibronectin

    )can9t migrate in fluid+


    - under the influence of ;7s fibronectin and chemokines produced by platelets and

    macs w3in the wound8 stem cell endothelial cells proliferate and migrate along thefibrin matrix to create new capillaries

    o critical step brings oxygen and nutrients to migrating fibroblasts and

    other cells

    o tissue appears erythematous due to presence of large P capillaries

    - to migrate8 endothelial cells produce collagenases8 metalloproteinases andplasminogen activator to degrade the clot and '0#

    - low $.tension and lactic acidosis in wound is essential for platelet and mac

    production of ;7s and chemokines

    - when $.tension is restored8 production of these factors ceases- fibroblalsts secrete

    o '0# components ;A;s8 glycoproteins8 collagen )type %%% later to be

    replaced by type % after wound matures+

    o ;7s for epithelial cell proliferation and migration

    7ollagen Deposition

    - fibroblasts begin to secret collagen by day . or ? )peaks at -? weeks+- collagen production continues for .-2 weeks )afterwards8 destruction matches its

    production+- essential for wound strength before that8 only thing holding wound closed is

    fibrin fibronectin clot

    - once maturation begins8 fibroblasts undergo apoptosis and decrease in number signals the end of the proliferative phase and granulation tissue

    o maturation phase can now begin


    - ;ranulation tissue in wound permits re-epithelialiation

    o S,in an mu%osa must migrate over t"e granulation tissue- 'pithelial cells migrate and proliferate across wound under surface scab to form a

    new barrier


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    o ;ranulation tissue persists if wound gets infected back to inflammatory

    phase and granulation tissue is broken down whole process restarts

    o %f there9s inade(uate oxygenation8 granulation tissue can9t be formed

    wound will persist as non-healing ulcers )D%A

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    Maturation an 0emoeling

    - 0ollagen production and degradation are e(ual

    o 0an last a year or more depending on sie of wound

    o &ype %%% collagen is replaced by stronger type %

    - 0ollagen fibers are rearranged8 cross-linked and aligned along tension lineso %ncreased tensile strength )only I5-J56 or original strength+

    o 7unction is not completely regained either

    - 'lastic fibers are not replaced flexibility of tissues is reduced

    o Scar tissue is much more rigid important in cosmetic sx

    - Fascularity )redness + decreases

    - Nound contraction is also undesirable in burns and curved wounds

    o Skin grafting has been shown to reduce wound contraction

    - &issues returns to normalcyEby 1 months8 clinically appears as normal tissue

    )not histologically though+

    >a%tors t"at $mpair ;oun Healing

    - foreign material

    - necrotic tissue- ischemia like in diabetic pts

    - tension why we suture wounds scab are only I6 strength of original tissue

    >oreign Material

    - anything host9s immune system considers non-self


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    o decreased blood supply thus decreasing delivery of $.and nutrients to

    wound necrosis L lessens delivery of Abs8 N

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1



  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    - reat for%e %an &e exerte

    o %are must &e ta,en to avoi alveolar fra%ture

    Maxillary >or%eps #1@9

    - single rooted teeth )incisors and canines+- beaks curve to meet only at tips- beaks ?5/ to handle

    Moifi%ations of #1@9 >or%eps

    - 1@9

    o parallel beaks that do not touch

    o for premolarso :$& for incisors )poor adaptation to roots+

    - 1@9S

    o same as I5A except they have serrations

    se peo for%eps (1@9S) for pts 4"o %an

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    - removes conical rooted max .ndand ?rdmolars

    - broad smooth beaks

    - beaks offset from handle

    #FG- for root tips

    - offset molar forceps w3 narrow beaks

    - :arrower beaks fit right into socket- may also be used for narrow premolars and mandibular incisors


    - mandibular universal forceps- beaks similar to I5 and meet only at tip

    - beaks at 15/ angle to handle

    - useful for single rooted teeth

    - can be used for primary teeth8 including molars





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    - mandibular molars

    - pointed tips in center for bifurcations

    o -ea,s engage &ot" fur%ations

    - beaks at 15/ to handle

    - :$& for molars w3 conical or fused roots- straight handle )usually+


    - similar to P* or%eps

    - &issue 7orceps

    o Adson with teeth to pick up tissueK can crush

    o Allis clamp

    used a lot in neck surgeryK not as much in oral surgery

    great for grabbing tissue )also crushing tissue+

    o OT use if you

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    0 -a%, %tion Elevator

    - blade similar to ?5

    - offset to permit better access to posterior teeth )has a bend in it+

    *i%, TypeK 7ryers Elevators

    - pennant-shaped

    - come in pairs !ight and Ceft- useful to remove broken roots adjacent to an empty root socket

    - tip of blade is placed in empty socket

    - shank rests on buccal bone and cortical plate

    - can remove interseptal bone if crown fractures then remove roots

    7rane *i%, Elevator

    - used as a lever to remove roots

    - place hole in tooth )purchase point+o &hen elevate w3 the crane pick

    0oot Tip pexo Elevators

    - used to tease small root tips from sockets

    - much more delicate than 0ryer or 0rane ick

    - can9t be used as a lever type or wheel and axle elevator

    - come in pairs !ight and Ceft- 0oot "as to &e elevate+ loose or mo&ile in orer to use t"is

    o se to get &et4een root an alveolus

    *otts Elevators- come in pairs !ight and Ceft

    - used mainly to remove maxillary ?rdmolars

    - long with cross-bar handles

    o generate a lot of force

    o %an fra%ture maxillary tu&erosity

    - used after a straight elevatorK secondary instruments

    *eriosteal Elevator #8 Molt

    - double ended- pointed end sharp8 used in prying motion to elevate mucoperiosteum from bone

    )usually interdental papilla+o 'levates the gingival cup and breaks the gingival fibers

    - rounded end push stroke once under periosteum to lift it from bone

    o also used in a pull3scrape stroke to lift mucoperiosteum )greater risk

    tearing tissue+


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    Mis%ellaneous Surgi%al $nstruments

    - mouth mirror - Dean scissors )tissue cutting8 suture cutting+

    - retractors


    Benahan gingival )does not elevatemucoperisoteal flaps+

    o Austin gingival

    o #innesota


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    2, 0entric points on the I?! and C and on the * are to engage root furcations

    I, P.? )0owhorn+ are forceps > elevator in one #HS& use a biteblock

    1, &he way you estimate the closeness of beaks is to look at the proximity of thehandles

    *, Allis clamp is for grabbing tissue can9t use it for tissue that will be submitted to

    pathology because it also crushes tissueJ, "ou have more control of forces with elevators than with forceps

    4, &he tip of an elevator should be placed towards the apex of the root to avoid

    putting pressure on adjacent teeth5, !oot-tip elevators are designed to go between the root and alveolus and should be

    used when the tooth is already partially elevated

    , A possible complication of using a otts elevator is fracture of the maxillary

    tuberosity., &he direction of force when using a bone file is in one direction only pull you

    use it in a push-pull manner but you will only be cutting bone in the pull direction

    )so only put force in the pull-direction+

    Extraction ForcepsHanle


    - creates more force- mandibular teeth

    - more ris, of root tip or %ro4n fra%ture

    - ;ives apical type pressureBoriontal

    - S&A:D%:; %: 7!$:& $7 A&%':&

    o #ax alm Hp


    #and alm Down- S&A:D%:;

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    >or%eps for t"e Extra%tion of Maxillary Teet"




    to Hse

    Additional :otes

    Anteriors conical



    - can use even if there is no clinical crown

    - transmit forces directly in apical directionremolars oval I5


    - universal forceps

    - not best suited for trifurcated teeth

    - good for sectioned molars- stpremolars can have buccal and palatal

    roots palatal root tends to break be


    - for crownsK does not move apically as well

    as I5- Nhen removing maxillary st premolars 8

    remember the palatal root is just as long as

    the buccal root- &herefore always expand palatal-buccally

    )more of an emphasis on the buccal


    - alatal root more likely to snap off8 so goslowly

    stL .nd#olars

    trifurcated J445

    JJ! L C

    I?! L C

    - palatal beak adapts to palatal root ratherthanentering furcation

    - T"e pointe &ea, is al4ays on t"e &u%%alsie

    - @upper cowhorn

    - < and furcation prongs- must use caution to avoid alveolar fracture

    or tissue damage

    good adaptation but should be avoided when

    - caries is extensive- large amalgam

    - !0& has rendered tooth brittle

    'rupted ?rd#olars





    - beaks similar to I?- no central point to engage furcation

    - to remove conical rooted ?rdmolars

    - especially for split roots


    .J1 - bayonet shaped- long slender beaks

    - sometimes for very small premolars

    *rimary Teet"

    - I5-S

    o smaller version of I5


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    >or%eps for t"e Extra%tion of Mani&ular Teet"

    !oot Shape %nstrument Additional :otes

    Anteriors L



    shaped L

    *28 *2-:8 *2-

    extra :)aka @Ash+

    I8 I-A


    - vertical handle

    - must continually reposition fulcrummore apically

    - a lot of tor(ueK can twist crown right

    offse a &u%%al6lingual motion+ not


    - universal forceps

    - thinner beaks for incisors and root


    stL .nd


  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    *rimary Teet"

    - I-S Anteriors use Ash forcep )*2+

    Bas a lot of tor(ue )potential to twist off crown+

    Cong lever arm allows you to apply a lot of force

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    o urchase point can be made with drill in the tooth

    o Adjacent tooth should not be used as a fulcrum

    o 0up shaped elevator

  • 8/13/2019 Oral Surgery Exam 1


    ee to o "emi%oronal in%ision to get unerneat" t"e

    zygomati% ar%"

    - $f t"e toot" goes &a%,4ars+ t"e elevator 4ill stop it- oo retra%tion is ,ey

    7rane *i%, (#J1)

    - wheel and axle type- most dangerous

    - most often used w3 a purchase point

    o point should be at least ?mm apical to 0'Q and ?mm deep

    7ryer (?9 an ?1 03)

    - wheel and axel type

    - may be used w3 or w3o purchase point

    - primarily use to remove roots 4"en t"ereorm >itters (03)

    - a cross between a cryer and a potts

    - not often used- very pointed tip

    pexo Elevator (03)

    - wheel and axle type- not designed to be a displacement instrument

    o may break tips

    o may dislodge root tip into sinus

    - great for getting retained root tip fragments

    o note not all root tips need to be removedo only remove ones that are associated w3 pathology $! R?-2mm+

    o #ust weigh the pros and cons of removing root tips

    #aintenance of elevators

    &o be effective8 it must be sharp to engage the root surface

    Sharpen periodically


    7irst dental chair )J2J+ Naldo Banchett

    7irst electric dentist drill )Qan .18 J*I+ ;eorge ;reen

    7alse teeth date back as far as *55