Orana Heights Public School - oranahts-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · 11/27/2018  · Isabella Hall Rome...

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Orana Heights Public School

Annie Munro, Principal

Excellence, Opportunity and Success in a caring school.

Email: oranahts-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Web Address: https://oranahts-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Telephone: 6884 9188 Fax: 6884 3272

Term 4 Week 7 Tuesday 27 November 2018

Orana Heights

Public School


Congratulations to Mahaliah Lesslie & Tia Davidson who received their

medal at our last assembly.

This is the highest welfare award received at Orana Heights

Public School.

Orana Heights Public School - Banner Awards

Congratulations to Tilly Smith, Samuel Gilholme-Hodgson , Kimberly O’Reilly, Andi McTiernan and Kaleigha Schaefer who

received their banner at our last assembly.

This is the second highest welfare award received at Orana Heights Public School.

Dubbo College Delroy Campus Suppport Class Band played at our last assembly. Everyone enjoyed their performance.

Term 4 - 2018 Planner

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

7 26 27 28

9am - 3pm Christmas Book Fair

29 12.30pm SRC Speeches



3 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons

4 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons School Banking Yr 6 Orientation Day

5 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons 6.30pm Presentation Evening

6 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons

7 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons


10 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons

11 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons

12 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons

13 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons

14 10am - 12pm Yr 2 Swimming Lessons 12.30pm K-2 Assembly House Captain Speeches Colour Run


17 Stage 3 Big Day Out Semester 2 Reports Home

18 School Banking Stage 2 Fun day 5.30-9pm Yr 6 Farewell

19 12.30pm Yr 3-6 Assembly Students Finish

20 Staff Development Day




12.25 PM (Session 3)

School Auditorium

Parents are welcome.

Principal’s Message:

Quote: “Begin to be now what you will be hereafter.”- William James.

Some points to note at this time of year: School starts at 9.00 am. In the last week there have been a significant number of students

running late to class. Missing the start of their day can have an impact on their education. Brimmed hats are available at the canteen as well as the uniform shop. Caps are not to be

brought to school. Students are encouraged to wear school uniform with pride both in and out of school.

Planning for 2019 is well underway and class teachers are starting to finalise student reports. Next Wednesday evening is our Presentation Night. This will be held at Senior Campus hall. If you are still in the grounds after 3.05pm please respect the school rules and have your child

abide by these. End of year school activities are a privilege, not a right, for students to attend. Many students

are looking forward to the fun!

Student of the Week – George Kale

Class - 3/6W What is your nickname - Digger If you had three wishes what would they be? - To have a dog, to have super powers and to hit 20 million subscribers on YouTube. What is your favourite subject and why? - Science because it is fun When you grow up what do you want to be? - A police officer in the SWAT team. What is your favourite thing about OHPS and why? My friends because they are fun.

Presentation Evening

Wednesday 5 December 2018


Dubbo College Senior Campus Auditorium

Albert Namatjira is one of Australia’s

best-known Aboriginal artists, and the first Aboriginal painter to receive international

recognition for his art.


A person is a person no matter how


DATE: Wednesday 28th November 2018 PLACE: School Library

TIME: 9 – 3pm

Start your Christmas shopping early and save! This year promises to deliver an extra special experience for everyone.

Students will have the following opportunities to view books during lunch breaks, rostered class times and class library lessons. Students may complete their wish list during these times. Book sales will occur Wednesday 28th Nov. Favourites titles, authors and book series priced from $5 - $15. If you are unable to attend the Book Fair you may wish to choose from the books in the invitation brochure. Simply fill in the order form provided and pay online. Orders returned to school must have a receipt number.


Congratulations to the following Award Winners

Honour Awards Tori Daley x 2 Grace Carr Taya Millington Leaum Walford Sebastian Sutton Isabella Hall Rome Williams Harper Robinson Jacob Cole Rome Williams Toby Luckie x 3 Lachlan Mules Tai Jaggard Kody Hannifey x 3 Ava Baker Ruby Brown Toby Dowler Brody Wallace Chloe Richards x 5 Bailee O'Dea Tilly Smith Kye Carr Hayley Wilson Indiana Davies Shavawn Dyer Decklan Sutton Jake Wykes Kai Mundine Jett Nicholls x 2 Dillan Roberts Breanna Verrall Ziggy Blyton Janara Webster Tyler Marfleet Brianna Xuereb Kale George x 2 Georgia Weidner Joshua Fardell Abbie Farmilo Claire Spence Connor Richards x 6 Antonios Haralampopoulos Ayla Pittock x 2 Paeton Macrae-Lowe Jake Jaggard x 2 Mahaliah Lesslie

Distinction Awards Tori Daley x 2 Charlotte Dewar Connor Richards Ava Baker Brody Wallace Chloe Richards Tilly Smith Harper Tobin Jei Han Charlie Lockyer Alarna Jeffries Rowdy Cooper Andie McTiernan Joshua Fardell Claire Spence


Andie McTiernan Kaleigha S chaefer Samuel Gilholme-Hodgson Kimberly O’Reilly Tilly Smith


Mahaliah Lesslie Tia Davidson

Royal Far West School Holiday Camps

At Royal Far West, we understand the challenges many families face in trying to access disability supports for their children. That’s why, in January 2019, we will be holding two school holiday camps for children with Autism as part of our Windmill Program. The camps are for NDIS participants aged 10-12 years and are exclusively for children from rural and remote New South Wales. They will combine group therapy and supported recreation activities to build children’s social skills and confidence and provide an opportunity to try new activities in a safe and nurturing environment. Royal Far West will be subsidising the cost of these camps to minimise the financial burden on parents. Gemma Delaney, Recreation Manager, Health and Wellbeing W: royalfarwest.org.au P: 1800 500 061