OrCAD / Allegro PCB Editor Design Guide

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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This guide is intended to help getting started using OrCAD / Allegro PCB Editor and understanding the Nordcad configuration package, the shortcuts etc. that will help speed up the design process.



Nordcad Systems A/Ssupport@nordcad.dk

Design Guidelines



– Purpose

– Shortcuts

– Design topics

– Schematic preparation

– Netlisting

– Board outline

– Constraints

– Placement

– Routing

– Autorouting

– Shapes (copper pours/areas)

– Design Rule Check and design status

– Post Processing

– Data for manufacturing

• Requirements

– Installed company setup for paths, shortcuts, templates etc.

– Libraries correct and configured



• To aid the occasional user of PCB Editor in the most common and daily tasks

• To get more knowledge

– Attend training

– Try doing experiments

– It comes with experience

– Use online documentation

– Use http://sourcelink.cadence.com

– Signup at http://www.nordcad.dk/dk/teknik__service/e-service/sourcelink_videndatabase_tilmelding.htm

– Receive technical tips and tricks from e-SERVICE newsletter

– Signup at http://www.nordcad.dk/dk/teknik__service/e-service/e-service_tilmelding.htm

• Comments and suggestions to this guide are welcome

– support@nordcad.dk


Important Shortcuts

• Standard windows shortcuts– Save (Ctrl+s)

– File, Open (Ctrl+o)

– Undo/Redo (Ctrl+z/ctrl+y)

– Refresh screen (F5)

• See much more shortcuts much later in this presentation

• More capabilities– Slide (s + l)

– Pan (Middle mouse and hold)

– DRC Check (.)

– Measure (M)

– Change between widths (W ~ shift+w)

– Change to another width (lx)

– Change application mode (ctrl+a)

– Layer setup (l)

– Constraint Manager (c)

– Display Status (comma)

Legend: S=Shift, C=Ctrl, SC=Shift and Ctrl


OrCAD Capture and Layout like Shortcuts

– Zoom area (z)

– Zoom fit (Shift+Home)

– Add via at cursor location(V)

– Add via at last mouse click position (v)

– Place (p)

– Route (w)

– Zoom in (i or Ctrl + mouse wheel)

– Zoom out (o or Ctrl + mouse wheel)

– Horizontal scroll (Shift + mouse wheel)

– Vertical scroll (mouse wheel)

– Use arrow keys to scroll up/down/left/right

– 1 turn top layer on/off

– 2 turn bottom layer on/off

– 3 turn layer3 on/off

– 4 turn layer4 on/off

– …

– Ctrl+7 turn solder mask top on/off

– Ctrl+8 turn solder mask bottom on/off

– Ctrl+9 turn solder paste top on/off

– Ctrl+Alt+0 turn solder paste bottomo on/off

– Ctrl+Alt+1 turn silkscreen top on/off

– Ctrl+Alt+2 turn silkscreen bottom on/off

– Ctrl+Alt+3 turn assembly top on/off

– Ctrl+Alt+4 turn assembly bottom on/off

– Ctrl+Alt+5 turn drill on/off


Application modes

General Edit Application ModeObjekt Type Drag Shift Drag Ctrl DragGroup Move Move CopySymbol Move Spin CopyVia Slide Move CopyCline Slide Move CopyLine Move Move CopyShape Move Move CopyCline Segment


Figure Move Move CopyText Move Move CopyRat Tee Slide Move

Etch Edit Application ModeObjekt Type Drag Shift Drag Ctrl Drag Single klik

Group Move Move copySymbol Move Spin copy Move Pin Move Add connectVia Slide Move Copy Add connectClineShape Move Move copyCline Seg Slide Delay tune Slide Rat Add connectRat Tee Slide Move

• Use ’ctrl+a’ to shift between the 2 application modes

– Observe status bar (’EE’ or ’GEN’) to see current application mode

• Mouse over object and use action or right click to get options

– Mouse over and pressing ’TAB’ shifts between object types


Schematic preparation

– Edit properties on Nets and Comps

– How

– Select one or more nets/components

– Ctrl+E to edit properties

– Select Filter By to ’Cadence-Allegro’

– Net Properties – use Flat Nets

– ’Min_line_width’ is the default width used during routing

– ’Net_physical_type’ puts net into netclass for easier handling of width and via assignments

– ’Net_spacing_type’ puts net into netclass for defining advanced spacing constraints

– Netclass (spacing and physical type) definitions are needed for auto matchup towards board template

– Component properties

– ’Room’ used to group components for easier placement

Constraints = Design Rules


Spacing and physical rule matchup

• Use the following Net_Physical_type names to get constraints as shown

• Use the following Net_spacing_type names to get constraints as shown

Net_Physical_Type Width Via type<None> 0.2mm via26Power 0.5mm via40AD 0.1mm via26

Constraint Sets in PCB Editor01mm 0.1mm via2602mm 0.2mm via2605mm 0.5mm via40

Via names Size HoleVia40 1mm 0.6mmVia26 0.7mm 0.3mmvia75 2mm 1mm

Net_Spacing_Type <None> Power AD<None> 0.2mm 0.5mm 0.2mmPower 0.5mm 0.5mmAD 0.1mm

Constraint Sets in PCB Editor L-L L-S V-S V-V V-P01mm 0.1mm 0.1mm 0.1mm 0.1mm 0.1mm02mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm05mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 0.5mm

Legend Type DescriptionL Line Track/clineP Pin Component pinS Shape Copper pour/areaV Via

• Individual Constraints (properties like Min_line_width) overrule above table per default

• See animation slide for creating constraint sets and matchup as shown above



– Tools, Create Netlist

– Choose PCB Editor tab

– Select

– Create PCB Editor Netlist

– Leave ’Nelist Files Directory’ as is

– First time netlisting on job

– Select ’Create or Update ..’

– Specify ’Input Board File’ to template

– Leave ’Output Board File’ as is

– Already started on PCB job

– Select ’Create or Update ..’

– Specify ’Input Board File’ to existing job

– Add number to ’Output Board File’

– Choose ”Board Launching Option” to

– ”Allegro” for installation from Allegro CD’s

– ”OrCAD” for installation from OrCAD CD’s


Board Outline

– Setup, Outlines, Board Outline

– Select Create

– Specify the ’Board Edge Clearance’

– Creates route and place keepin at a distance inside outline

– Takes care of spacing to the edge of the PCB

– Select ’Create Option’

– ’Draw Rectangle’ to draw a rectangle

– ’Place Rectangle’ to specify size in design units

– ’Draw Polygon’ to make any kind of outline

– To edit, move or delete the outline select the command Setup, Outline, Board Outline again


Board Outline – the DXF way

• File, Import, DXF

– See movie for guidelines

• Use Edit, Z-copy to create

– route keepin

– Package keepin



• How

– ’c’ for Constraint Manager

– Excel like spreadsheet with constraint values

– Preferred method

– Create Constraint Sets (Csets)

– In ”Physical/Spacing Constraint Set” section of constraint manager

– Let Net and NetClasses reference these Csets

– Use ”Referenced Physical/Spoacing CSet” column

– Individual constraints can be set

– Blue values denotes overrides

– On net

– Mouse over net, Right click, Property Edit



• Press ”p” for placement dialog

– Filter components by room, net, refdes etc.

– To place using coordinates click p-icon at the bottom

• Most used Place Shortcuts– Rotate 90 degree (r)

– Rotate 45 degree (R)

– Rotate other angles

– Set angle in options panel

– Mirror (m)

– Place by coordinate (x or y)

– ’P’ for hidden placement dialog

– Use to move placed components


Routing• Shift to ’EE’ application mode

– Use ’ctrl+a’ until status bar shows ’EE’

– Click rat, pin or via to add connect

– Click cline to slide

– Change settings during route using Right click options or Options panel

– Layer and net informtion can be seen in status bar

• Most used Route shortcuts– Route (w)

– Change between widths (W)

– Change corner type (A)

– Finish route (f)

– Slide (s)

– Add via at mouse cursor (V)

– Add via (v or double click)

– Toggle corner (ctrl + t)

– Change routing layer (+/-)


Shapes (copper pours/areas)

• Add shape using icons

– Adjust settings in Options panel

– Draw using mouse

– Change existing shape

– Shape Select

• Change global parameters for shapes

– Shape, Dynamic Params

• Change object parameters

– Mouse-Over, right click, property Edit

– Use Dyn_xxx properties

• Delete islands

– Use Options panel to control delete operation


Design Rule Check and Design Status

• Run Design Rule Check

– Press . (point sign) or icon

• In case of DRC errors

– Get information using Mouse over DRC marker, right click, show element

– Waive any DRC errors that are acceptable.

– Mouse over, Right click, Waive DRC

• Footprint library path check

– Tools, Quick Reports, Symbol Library Path Report

– Will show if all footprints are taken from company footprint library

• Display Status

– Press , (comma)


Post processing

– Double check Display, Status menu

– Create drill legend (drawing)

– Manufacture, NC, Drill customization

– Click ’Autogenerate symbols’ for unique drill symbols to each drill type/size

– Manufacture, NC, Drill Legend

– Adjust settings to your need and press OK

– Now place the legend on the PCB

– Create drill files

– Manufacture, NC, NC Drill

– Check settings and press ’Drill’

– Create Route files (if slots are present)

– Manufacture, NC, NC Route

– Check settings and press ’Route’

– Ipc out

– File, Export, IPC 356 and click export


Post processing

– Create Pick and place data

– File, Export, Placement

– Select the correct option and press Export

– Create Gerber films

– Custom, Create Gerber Settings to create the gerber films necessary

– Create Gerber data

– Select Manufacture, Artwork

– Check that all settings are as expected


Data for manufacturing

• Gerber RS274X (Extended Gerber) or ODB++ use is recommended

– All gerber files get the filmname specified in the Artwork dialog and file extension ’.art’

– Navnene tager udgangspunkt i vores setup

– 1_TOP.art (copper layer)

– 2_GND.art (copper layer)

– 3_VCC.art (copper layer)

– 4_BOTTOM.art (copper layer)

– Soldermask_top.art (solder mask top)

– Soldermask_bot.art (solder mask bottom)

– Solderpaste_top.art (solder paste top)

– Solderpaste_bot.art (solder paste bottom)

– Silkscreen_top.art (silkscreen top)

– Silkscreen_bot.art (silkscreen bottom)

– Assembly_top.art (assembly top)

– Assembly_bot.art (assembly bottom)

– Board_outline.art (Board outline)

– NCLEGEND-x-y.art (drill drawing)– Where ’x’ is the start layer and ’y’ the end layer for drill

– Use of blind/buried vias will create more ’.art’ files

• Drillfiles– Designname-x-y.drl (plated holes)

– Where ’x’ is the start layer and ’y’ the end layer for drill

– Designnavn-x-y-np.drl (non-plated holes)

– nc_tools_auto.txt (drill sizes)– Also embedded into ’.drl’ files if ’Enhanced Excellon’ is used

• Pick’n’place data– Place_txt.tx (x,y coordinates)

• IPC-356 netlist– Designname.ipc

• Remember to create a text file that describes all file types. E.g., use data shown on this page.

• Zip all this up and send to PCB manufacturer

• Add text description separately

• Ask manufacturer to check gerber and compare against IPC netlist file.


Appendix – Create design template

• 2 Slides

– First describes constraints to be implemented

– Second shows how this setup can be accomplished


Spacing and physical rule matchup

• Use the following Net_Physical_type names to get constraints as shown

• Use the following Net_spacing_type names to get constraints as shown

Net_Physical_Type Width Via type<None> 0.2mm via26Power 0.5mm via40AD 0.1mm via26

Constraint Sets in PCB Editor01mm 0.1mm via2602mm 0.2mm via2605mm 0.5mm via40

Via names Size HoleVia40 1mm 0.6mmVia26 0.7mm 0.3mmvia75 2mm 1mm

Net_Spacing_Type <None> Power AD<None> 0.2mm 0.5mm 0.2mmPower 0.5mm 0.5mmAD 0.1mm

Constraint Sets in PCB Editor L-L L-S V-S V-V V-P01mm 0.1mm 0.1mm 0.1mm 0.1mm 0.1mm02mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm05mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 0.5mm

Legend Type DescriptionL Line Track/clineP Pin Component pinS Shape Copper pour/areaV Via

• Individual Constraints (properties like Min_line_width) overrule above table per default

• See animation slide for creating constraint sets and matchup as shown above


Nordcad Systems A/S

Company PCB Setup


• Agenda

– Purpose

– Configuration

– Shortcuts

– Add-on programs in NsWare, Nordcad and PCB Flow menu

• Preparation

– Decide a directory for company setup and configuration

– E.g., C:\Cadence\Company

– Change this to network drive. Above is used during this setup guide for explanation



• To customize and setup the PCB Editor for

– most efficient use

– standardizing on a common company setup for library and setup management

– Can be used as a single user setup also – see next page

• To get more knowledge

– Attend training

– Try doing experiments

– It comes with experience

– Use online documentation

– Use http://support.cadence.com

– Signup at http://www.nordcad.dk/dk/teknik__service/e-service/sourcelink_videndatabase_tilmelding.htm

– Receive technical tips and tricks from e-SERVICE newsletter

– Signup at http://www.nordcad.dk/dk/teknik__service/e-service/e-service_tilmelding.htm

• Comments and suggestions to this guide are welcome

– support@nordcad.dk



• Notice: If you downloaded and installed SmartStart all the configuration is done during installation

• Download from

– http://www.nordcad.dk/dk/teknik__service/downloads/setupguide.htm

• Unzip to directory of your choice

– Will create the directory structure shown

• Single user setup– Run ’PCBEditor_Setup.bat’ to use as is

– Will not establish company setup!

– Will establish setup files on individual PC

• Company configuration

– Installation guide on next page

Get configuration files


Install setup

• Do the following

– Copy the complete pcb folder to a directory of your choice

– In the example C:\Cadence\Company is used

– Change ’C:\\Cadence\\Company’ directory path to your own directory choice inside ’setup_regdata.reg’ (use text editor)

– Install client data by running PCBEditor_user.bat

– Go to Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment Variables

– Click OK

• Now you can start PCB Editor and it will contain the new settings


• Place your own files in the correct directories

• Padstack files– .pad

• Symbols– Package (.psm) ~ footprint– Shape (.ssm) for use in padstack– Flash (.fsm) for use in padstack– Format (.osm) is logos and titleblocks– Mechanical (.bsm) is outlines, mounting holes etc.

• More directories are described on the next page

Directory structure at C:\Cadence\Company

Padstack files (.pad)Contain pad definitions

All types of symbols including footprints(.psm, .bsm, .fsm, .osm, .ssm)


Directory structure at C:\Cadence\Company

Device files for 3rd party netlist import (.txt)

DFx check setup(.arl & rle)(Performance Option)

DFA setup (.dfa)(XL & GXL)

Extracta command files (.txt)Used for custom reports

Tools → Reports

Dialog windows (.form) for skill programs

Bitmap pictures (.bmp) for skill dialog windows

Drill legend templates (.txt)

Scripts (.scr)File → Script

Technology files (.tech)

Menu files (.men)

Parameter files (.prm)File → Import → Parameters

Signoise models & IBIS models(.dat, .wave, .ibs, .mod, .ctl)Read readme.txt in directory

Visibility setup (.color)Found in the Visibility panel

Crosstalk tabels (.xtb)For autorouting with PCB Router

PS: Use Topology directory for topology templates


Shortcut and setup

• All company configurations are stored in

– ’site.env’

– This includes shortcuts

• All user setup is stored in

– ’C:\Cadence\user_setup\env’

– Changes made using the Environment editor will be saved inside this file.



Keyboard combination Functionality

spacebar Minimizes connections during ’place, manually’

comma (,) Status manager

point (.) DRC update

”a” Toggle rats on/off

”A” Toggle between corner types (45, 90 and off) during ’route’ and ’slide’

”Ctrl+a” Toggle between application modes (General, Etch Edit and Placement)

”b” Design Parameter dialog

”c” Constraint Manager

”C” Show constraints

”d” Done (right mouse click → Done)

”f” Finished current route (single net autoroute)

”g” Toggle grid display on/off

”ly” Opens Cross-Section (layer stackup)

”lx” Change width during add connect (illegal or no value return to constraint val)

”L” Fix

”h” Toggle ’bubble’ during ’route’ and ’slide’

”H” hilight

”i” Zoom in

”J” Dehighlight

Notice many changes compared to earlier setup guides



Notice many changes compared to earlier setup guides

Keyboard combination Functionality

”m” Mirror component to other side of PCB during placement

”M” Measure

”n” Next

”o” Zoom out

”p” Place manually

”P” Place manually with hidden dialog, very good for moving components

”q” Show element (query items)

”r” Rotate with 90 degree increments

”R” Rotate with 45 degree increments

”s+c” Snap to arc or circle center

”s+f” Snap to figure

”s+i” Snap to intersection

”s+l” Activates slide command

”s+f” Snap to figure

”s+p” Snap to pin

”s+v” Snap to via

”s+s+m” Snap to Segment Midpoint

”s+s+o” Snap to Symbol Origin

”s+s+v” Snap to Segment Vertex



Notice many changes compared to earlier setup guides

Keyboard combination Functionality

”ctrl+s” Save

”S” Toggle shadow mode on/off (very good function for review)

”t” Delay tune

”ctrl+t” Toggle cline segments between horizontal and diagonal during route

”V” Add via at cursor location

”v” Add via at latest mouse click location

”w” Activate ’add connect’ command (interactive routing)

”W” Toggle cline (track) width during routing between 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2

”X” Route from the other end of connection (exchange ends)

”x” or ”y” Specify coordinate.

”ctrl+y” Redo

”z” Zoom area

”ctrl+z” Undo

”shift + home” Zoom fit

”alt+F1” List of available commands and help on commands

”Del” Activates Delete command

F12 Show scroll button and shortcut definitions

”Home” Zoom fit



Notice many changes compared to earlier setup guides

Keyboard combination Functionality

Hold Middle mouse button (scroll wheel) Pan

Mouse scroll wheel Scroll vertically

Ctrl+mouse scrooll wheel Zoom in/out

Shift+mouse scroll wheel Scroll horizontally

Shift+ctrl+mouse scroll wheel Change active subclass

Arrow keys Pan up/down/left/right

”0” Toggle all layer information on/off

”1” Toggle top layer information on/off

”2” Toggle bottom layer information on/off

”3” → ”9” Toggle inner layer 3 → 8 information on/off

”ctrl+0” → ”ctrl+6” Toggle inner layer 9 → 15 on/off

”ctrl+7” and ”ctrl+8” Toggle soldermask top (7) or bottom (8) information on/off

”ctrl+9” Toggle pastemask top information on/off

”alt+ctrl+0” Toggle pastemask bottom information on/off

”alt+ctrl+1” and ”alt+ctrl+2” Toggle silkscreen top (1) or bottom (2) information on/off

”alt+ctrl+3” and ”alt+ctrl+4” Toggle assembly top (3) or bottom (4) information on/off

”alt+ctrl+5” Toggle drill layer information on/off

”alt+ctrl+8” Toggle dimensioning information on/off


• Use the file 'user.men'– Placed in C:\Cadence\user_setup\menu

• Add MENUITEMS and specify command to be used for this

Change Example menu