Order and progress

Post on 25-May-2015

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Artist presentation as given at the MIS, São Paulo.


Definition of Glitch technological definition of glitch:

A short lived fault or break from an expected flow of operation within a digital system.

sometimes also referenced to as (digital) noise artifacts.

glitch art: The metaphorical, conceptual or Aesthetic use of technological


Still from Jodi. UNTITLED GAME: Ctrl-F6. 1996. Videogame Mod Executable. <http://www.untitled-game.org/download.html>

Serial Cosign. Broken Mac Screenshot. 2008. Screenshot.

Glitch Studies Manifesto The dominant, continuing search for a noiseless channel has been — and will always be — no more than a regrettable, ill-fated dogma.

Len Lye. A Colour Box, 1937.

Cory Arcangel. Panasonic TH42PV60EH Plasma Screen Burn, 2007. webcrash2800. %SCR2, May 16, 2009.

Nam June Paik, Magnet TV, 1965.

Glitch Studies Manifesto Dispute the operating templates of creative practice; fight genres,

interfaces and expectations.

Get away from the established action scripts and join the avant-garde of the unknown. Become a nomad of noise artifacts!

RyBN performing Monochrome, (Cimatics Festival, Brussels: 28 November 2008).

Still from registration of Botborg performance at TransAcoustic, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2005.

Beflix. Glitch (12). 2001-2005, re-colored 2007. Fuji Crystal Archive prints from hi-res digital images.

GLITCH STUDIES MANIFESTO Celebrate the critical trans-media aesthetics of glitch artifacts.

* Glitches can show any medium in a critical state (ruined, unwanted, not recognized, accidental and horrendous state); a state of hypetrophy.In images, this leads to the exposure of and exoskeleton or the

Vernacular of the File Format

* Glitches can be used to criticize the inherent politics of the medium (genre, interface, norms and expectations)

Libeskind, Daniel. Jewish Museum Berlin (Blitz or Between the Lines). 1989-1999. PIXACAO close to Republica, São Paulo, 2010. The pixação, is just like Libeskinds sliced facade adds new information, while showing the building in a ‘ruined’ state.








Takeshi Murata. Monster Movie, 2005. Nabil Elderkin. KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak”. Directed by Nabil, 2009. http://vimeo.com/3256023

Glitch Studies Manifesto Employ bends and breaks as a metaphor for différance. Use the

glitch as an exoskeleton for progress.

Realize that the gospel of glitch art also tells about new standards implemented by corruption.

From glitch artifact to filter, plugin or effect. Glitches are inevitably connected to the development of new


noteNdo. 2001. Circuitbent Nes Console. no-carrier. GlitchNES. March 2009.

Rosa Menkman. Romscape. July 2008. Dan Winckler, Anton Marini. OPEN EMU. Jan. 2009.plugin for Quartz Composer.<http://openemu.sourceforge.net/>


GLITCH STUDIES MANIFESTO From Cool to Hot glitches (McLuhan):

A hot medium allows of less participation on the part of the viewer to determine meaning (than a cool one).

Title Credits America’s Next top Model. 2009. Title Credits America’s Next top Model. 2010. A Perfect model grows out of glitched images.

Cool glitches are the glitches that do not just focus on a static end product, but (also) on a process, a personal exploration or a narrative element (that often reflects critically on a medium).

29th Bienal São Paulo 2010 Documentation Shock Photos, Crypt Djan and Rafael Pixobomb.

28th Bienal São Paulo 2008 40 protestors invade the second floor of the Bienal, which is supposed to be empty. Caroline Pivetta, makes Pixação and is send to prison.


Mongrel: Animal from a mixed background, bastard, crossbreed, illegitimate.

Monoglot: (person) knowing one language only, or

written in one language only

ORDER AND PROGRESS Force the audience to voyage the acousmatic videoscape  

Still from Order and Progress; the video based on the Glitch Studies Manifesto, 2010/2011.

Friedrich, Caspar David. The wanderer above the sea of fog. 1818. (Orignal and BMP bend).

MARIA ROSA MENKMAN The unlikely story of why I have a Latin name