Organisation Details - SmartyGrants · Does your organisation have a policy relevant to this aspect...

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Organisation Name

Postal Address

Street Address

Business Phone


Name of incumbent

Official title

Start Date

Primary Contact Name

Official title

Phone Number



Organisation Details

indicates a required field.



Suburb State Postcode


Suburb State Postcode

Must be an Australian phone number

Must be a URL

Agency’s Chief Executive Officer

Title First Name Last Name

Must be a date. dd/mm/yyyy

Primary Contact

Title First Name Last Name

Must be an international phone number (country code, area code, phone number)

Must be an email address

Organisation Overview

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Re-applying for Accreditation?

If Yes, Date of Last Accreditation

What level of Accreditation are you applying for?

Attach: Most recent confirmation from ACFID of signatory status


Word count:

Must be no more than 500 words

Accreditation Details

indicates a required field.

Accreditation Information

NGOs can seek accreditation at either Base or Full level.

Base Accreditation

Organisations applying for base accreditation are expected to have sufficient capacity to address criteria across 5 categories of assessment and a minimum 2 year track record of implementing development projects that would satisfy the ANCP Guidelines.

Organisations applying for Base accreditation must have a minimum recognised development expenditure of $50,000, averaged over three years.

Full Accreditation

Organisations applying for full accreditation are expected to have sufficient capacity to address additional criteria across the same 5 categories of assessment as base accreditation and a minimum 2 year track record of implementing development projects that would satisfy the ANCP Guidelines.

Organisations applying for Full Accreditation must have a minimum recognised development expenditure of $100,000, averaged over three years.

Subject to the DFAT delegate's decision on accepting the NGO into ANCP:

Base-accredited NGOs receive a fixed amount of funding as an accreditation factor. The accreditation factor is capped at a maximum amount per organisation per annum.

Full accredited NGOs receive a higher fixed amount as an accreditation factor, plus a ‘volume factor’ proportional to their average recognised development expenditure compared to all full accredited NGOs.

Criteria for Base and Full level accreditation are outlined in the Australian NGO Accreditation Manual.

Must be a date

Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Membership

The Australian Council for International Development is the peak Council for Australian not-for-profit aid and development organisations working to attain a world where gross inequality and extreme poverty are eradicated. More about ACFID.

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Criterion A1: Legal Status

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to verify a partner's identity to establish that the NGO is a charity registered in Australia and is not included on any prohibited entities listings.

Australian Business Number

NOTE: Only Australian Organisations may apply. Individuals, as well as organisations based outside Australia, are not eligible to apply and your application cannot be accepted by DFAT.

LookupLookupThe ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.

Information from the Australian Business Register

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Organisation operates an overseas aid fund from which tax deductible receipts for overseas aid programs are issued?

Date of registration with the Australian Charities Not-for-profit Commission

Governing Instrument

AGM Minutes for last two years

Most recent Annual Report

Most recent Audited Financial Statements

Three most recent Governing body meeting minutes

Organisation Chart

Information from the Australian Business RegisterABNOrganisation NameStatusType of OrganisationIs registered for GST?Is a Charity? TypeIs a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR)?Tax ConcessionsRegistered Address

Must be an ABN

Australian Charities Not-for-profit Commission

Must be a date. dd/mm/yyyy

Criterion A2: Governance

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to verify a partner’s identity including membership structure and governance arrangements to establish that the NGO’s governance structure and practices ensure accountability, including to its supporters.


Provide the following documents:

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For example: Certificate of Incorporation, Rules, Constitution, Trust Deed, Memorandum, Articles of Association

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If available

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The election or appointment and induction process of the governing body

The key functions or role of the governing body

Compliance obligations such as annually auditing financial statements

Any provisions relating to conflict of interest

Describe organisational governance and management structure

Does your organisation have a Conflict of Interest Policy?

Provide reference to relevant clauses in uploaded governing instrument that outline:


Complete the following table outlining Membership types. (Formal members are defined as members who are approved by the Board and can vote at the AGM.)

Membership type Number of members

e.g. formal members, ordinary members, associate members, donors, supporters Must be a number


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Governing body

List the office holders of the governing body e.g. president, secretary, treasurer, board member

Office Holder Name Position Length of Service Occupation

Number of months

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The guidelines require a delineation of responsibilities between the governing body, management and staff, and volunteers. Decision-making procedures and role descriptions should be documented. If the NGO relies on the voluntary efforts of governing body members to handle any of its operations, or if for example, multiple family members are involved in its governance and operations, there must be clear delineations of roles, role descriptions and decision-making procedures (for example, no two family members should be bank signatories or be solely responsible for decision making). Those arrangements should be documented and approved by the governing body.

Word count:

Must be no more than 250 words

Conflict of Interest Policy

The NGO should have mechanisms in place to handle potential conflicts of interest among governing body members. For NGOs seeking full accreditation, those mechanisms must be explicit in the governing instrument or a board-approved policy. NGOs seeking base accreditation must be able to at least demonstrate good practice in handling conflicts of interest, such as the inclusion of a standing agenda item at governing body meetings and the documentation of any examples of conflict of interest in the minutes of governing body meetings. For example, the Board always has a quorum for dealing with any conflict of interest matters which may arise among Board members from a single family.

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Policy title

Date Approved

In the absence of a formal policy, describe any mechanisms in place to manage conflict of interest.

Is your organisation part of a global network or alliance?

Describe how your organisation is independent from the international network

MoU between NGO and international network

Provide reference to any relevant clauses in MoU or equivalent between your organisation and the international network that demonstrates your independence

If Yes, provide the following information:

Must be a date

If No, provide the following information:

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Global Network or Alliance

A Global Network or Alliance is a group of international organisations who have developed formal linkages to work together to achieve their objectives.

Where an Australian NGO is part of an international network, it needs to establish that it is sufficiently independent from that network in order to be accountable to its Australian membership.

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Additional questions for Full Accreditation (Not Applicable)

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Complete the following table outlining sub committees within a global network. Please be explicit:

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Outline the Vision / Purpose / Mission of the organisation

Provide reference to relevant clause in

Sub-committee Key function Meeting frequency

Must be no more than 25 words

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Criterion B1: Track Record

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to verify past performance to establish that the NGO has a documented track record of achieving development outcomes in developing countries.

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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uploaded governing instrument that outlines organisation's Objects/Objectives

Project name



Name of Delivery Partner(s)


Expected Outcomes

Project details

Complete the following table to provide a brief description of three current projects which represent your organisation’s overall development approach and (if available) which adhere to the Australian NGO Cooperation Program guidelines and guiding principles.

Projects should only be listed where the NGO has oversight of the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of project activities, including finances. Some of those tasks may be delegated to the NGO’s in-country partners, but the organisation should still be in a well-informed position and able to influence decisions throughout the project cycle.

Projects should not be listed where the NGO has only raised funds and sent them to an in-country partner or other party. Funds which are managed in this way are an example of "channelled funds" (refer to RDE Guidelines).

Use the "Add More" button below to add additional project details for each.

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Must be a number

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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Income for development projects

Complete the following table to outline your organisation’s income for development projects in the last 3 financial years

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Attach list

Does your organisation undertake non-development activities?

If yes, describe how your organisation differentiates between development activities and non-development activities.

Does your organisation have a policy relevant to this aspect of practice?

If yes, please attach

Income Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount

$$ $$ $$

For example: DFAT ANCP, DFAT other, Grants from other Australian government sources, other grants including overseas and consultancies

e.g 2012/13 Must be a dollar amount

e.g. 2011/12 Must be a dollar amount

e.g. 2010/11 Must be a dollar amount

Total: Total: Total:

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Attach a list of all projects included in your RDE calculations for the most recent completed financial year.

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Non development activities?

Definitions of ‘Development Activities’ and ‘Non-development Activities’ can be found in the RDE Guidelines. Non-development activities include welfare, evangelistic and party political activities.

NGOs can be engaged in non-development activities, but those activities must not be funded using Australian Government or tax deductible funds that are earmarked for development activities. Many NGOs that are engaged in both non-development and development activities have chosen to structurally or even legally separate the parts of their organisations that do each type of work. At the very least, an NGO involved in non-development activities such as evangelism must be able to demonstrate how funds are raised, managed and accounted for separately for the different purposes, how projects are managed and monitored separately, and how partners and communities manage and monitor the separation.

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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Additional questions for Full Accreditation (Not Applicable)

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Program Strategy (Not Applicable)

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Is your organisation contributing to globally funded activities; for example through a global network or alliance?

Global Programs

If an Australian NGO is contributing to globally funded activities, it must be able to demonstrate its involvement in the program management cycle as part of the agreed framework for global programs. While the NGO does not need to be an active participant at all points in the cycle, it should provide examples of where it has participated in the management of global programs and demonstrate its capacity to intervene where its interests dictate.

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Describe your approach to undertaking project design, with specific reference to the participation of partner and primary stakeholders.

Provide one example of a completed design document.

Describe your strategies for ensuring the participation of marginalised, vulnerable and less represented groups of people in the development process, including women, children and people with disability.

Describe your approach to building local community capacity

Does your organisation have a formal policy

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Criterion B2: Good Sector Practice

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO is committed to and operates in a manner consistent with current good practice guidelines for the sector including the ACFID Code of Conduct, safeguards and effectiveness principles.

Approach to project or program design

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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Must be no more than 300 words

Capacity Building

Must be no more than 300 words

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relating to building local capacity?

If yes, provide Capacity Building Policy


Describe how your organisation ensures the sustainability of development outcomes.

Does your organisation have a formal policy relating to sustainability?

If yes, provide your Sustainability Policy

Child Protection Policy

Policy title

Date of Board approval of child protection

Describe how your organisation operationalises this policy?

Gender Policy

Policy title

Date approved

Describe how your organisation operationalises this policy?

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Must be no more than 300 words

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Child Protection

To ensure that NGOs understand and act on their obligations for managing risks to children, DFAT has mandatory child protection compliance standards, which are outlined in the DFAT Child Protection Policy.

DFAT requires NGOs to develop their own child protection code of conduct and to ensure that all personnel implementing DFAT-funded activities agree to it and abide by it. It also requires overseas partners who are receiving DFAT funding to have their own child protection policies in place if they are implementing activities involving personnel working with children.

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Must be a date

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Gender Equality and Equity

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Must be a date

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Describe how your organisation incorporates disability inclusive principles into activities.

Describe your organisation’s approach to assessing and mitigating environmental impact in overseas programs?

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Upload (Not Applicable)

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Disability inclusion

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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For full accreditation, the following question must be answered

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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Describe how your organisation identifies its projects

Describe how your organisation designs its projects

Template used for project design

Humanitarian relief (Not Applicable)

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Criterion B3: Program Capacity

indicates a required field.

Project management

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO has the capacity to exercise appropriate influence and control throughout the project cycle to add value to the development process and to manage risk, as well as capacity to deliver program/project objectives in a way that meets contractual obligations to DFAT.

Management systems that address all aspects of the project cycle, risk management and appropriate decision making processes are all part of that capacity.

Organisations should, where possible, demonstrate a track record of managing projects that meet Australian NGO Cooperation Program guidelines and guiding principles.

Financial risk is assessed under Criterion E.

Word count:

Must be no more than 250 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 250 words

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Typically, an appraisal seeks to ensure that the potential project supports the organisation’s overall development priorities and strategy; that it reflects key development principles, such as community participation and sustainability; that the overseas partner

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Describe how your organisation appraises its projects and specifically who undertakes the appraisal process

Template used for appraisal

Describe how your organisation assesses and manages project level risk

responsible for implementing the project has sufficient capacity and support; and that the goals, budget and approach of the project appear reasonable. In addition, for activities funded by the Australian Government, project appraisal must ensure that the project does not include welfare, evangelistic or partisan political activities and does not support organisations or individuals linked with child sex offences or terrorism.

Word count:

Must be no more than 250 words. i.e. staff, a committee, external advisors etc

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your organisation part of a global network or alliance? on page 4".

NGOs are expected to have in place adequate systems to comprehensively manage risk. As a minimum, this would include appropriate travel insurance and guidelines for staff and volunteers travelling overseas; risk assessment and management integrated into the NGO’s project management system; an appraisal system related to partner capacity; comprehensive agreements with overseas partners; and attention by the governing body to issues of high risk.

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Attach one example of a project level risk management matrix or plan

Describe how your organisation manages risk associated with staff safety and security

Describe the procedures used to prevent funds going directly or indirectly to individuals or organisations associated with terrorism.

Counter Terrorism Policy

Policy title

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words.

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words. Make reference to the policy if available

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The Australian NGO is expected to have a counter terrorism policy which outlines the organisation’s commitment to taking all reasonable efforts towards ensuring that it does not provide support to organisations that are listed by the Australian Government as terrorist organisations. In addition, the Australian NGO is required to pass on its counter terrorism obligation to its partners and this should be reflected in the partnership agreement between the NGO and its partners.

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

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If applicable

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Date approved

HR Policy

Code of Conduct

Staff Safety and Security Policy

Describe how projects are monitored and who is responsible for undertaking monitoring?

How often do you receive interim or progress reports from the field?

Template for progress reporting

Must be a date


Outline your organisation’s practices to check the integrity of staff, contractors and volunteers prior to engagement with specific reference to:

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Staff involved in development

Complete the following table with regards to program, finance and technical staff involved in development:

In-Australia staff In-Australia volunteers In-country staff In-country volunteers

Must be a number Must be a number Must be a number Must be a number

Total: Total: Total: Total:

Criterion B4: Monitoring and Evaluation

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to verify an NGO’s approach to performance management by establishing that the NGO is able to assess the effectiveness of development activities.

Organisations may wish to also refer to monitoring and evaluation requirements for the Australian NGO Cooperation Program.


The NGO is expected to have established systems that enable it to track the progress and determine the effectiveness of the work of its partners and programs overseas. It must have systems that:

• provide regular project/program progress information• collect sufficient information to enable the NGO to analyse project progress and make appropriate decisions• collect sufficient information to enable the NGO to make assessments of project outcomes and impacts.

The NGO is expected to have developed its own monitoring and reporting tools and not rely on DFAT reporting tools as its main form of monitoring. While useful for DFAT as a donor, DFAT reports do not capture the depth of monitoring that is expected of an accredited NGO.

Reporting from in-country partners should be supplemented by the organisation’s own field monitoring and regular contact between the NGO and the overseas partner.

Monitoring and reporting are also expected to reflect key project management and development principles, such as attention to community empowerment, sustainability, gender, the environment, financial accountability and risk management.

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Describe how interim or progress reports and field monitoring reports are used in your organisation?

Where partners undertake project monitoring, how does your organisation ensure the quality of monitoring?

Template for field monitoring report

What procedures does your organisation have for making changes to a project if monitoring indicates this is needed?

Describe how your organisation generally conducts project evaluations?

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words


Evaluation is a distinct exercise that makes an assessment of the approach, methodology, outcomes and impacts of a project or program.

Evaluations undertaken by NGOs seeking base accreditation may be smaller and more limited than those for NGOs seeking full accreditation, but they must still demonstrate that they are undertaken by those without a direct interest in the project and that they have the ability to produce a qualified assessment of project outcomes.

While an assessment of outcomes and impact may not be possible in the early stages of a particular project, there must be sufficient evidence from the NGO’s portfolio of activities that it has made substantial efforts to make such assessments.

Word count:

E.g. peer review, internal, external. Must be no more than 200 words

Provide a list of recent evaluations

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Describe how your organisation uses the findings and recommendations from evaluations

One example of an Executive Summary of an evaluation report or full evaluation report if not longer than twenty pages

Evaluation Name Date Undertaken

Provide up to 10 most recent evaluations Must be a date

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words


Provide the following documents:

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Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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One example of a signed agreement

Criterion C1: Documented partnership arrangements

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to verify the identity and structure of downstream partners by establishing that the NGO has documented, contractual frameworks in place to manage partnerships, projects and programs through appropriate documentation.


Provide the following documents:

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The NGO should be able to demonstrate a record of working with in-country entities. Local partners could include the NGOs’ own country office, indigenous NGOs, in-country government partners, local civil society organisations, village groups or other informal associations.

Complete the following table listing all current partners

Country Partner name Type of organisation

Years of Involvement

e.g. 5

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For accreditation at both Base and Full level, the NGO must have documented agreements in place with all partners and for all projects or programs. The agreements may be formalised in MoUs, annual contracts, exchanges of letters or other documents covering the partnership or specific projects. Documents should identify downstream partners and intended beneficiaries.

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Describe documented arrangements your organisation has with in-country partners

Agreement template

Describe how your organisation ensures shared understanding and acceptance by partners and the organisation with agreements and relevant policies

Describe how your organisation responds to poor partner or organisation performance providing reference to the relevant clause/s in your agreements

Whatever form the agreements take, as a minimum they must reflect the contractual obligations of the organisations and embody reasonable project management practices.

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Provide reference to the relevant clauses in your partner agreements which relate to your organisation's contractual obligations under a head agreement with DFAT with particular reference to child protection and counter-terrorism.

Clauses in partnership agreement Issue addressed

e.g counter-terrorism

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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This section has been disabled because of your response to question: "What level of Accreditation are you applying for? on page 2Is your organisation part of a global network or alliance? on page 4".

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Describe the process used by your organisation to assess the capacity of potential partners

Describe an example of how your Organisation has accommodated partner capacity in project design.

Does your organisation support partners to undertake non-development activities?

If Yes, describe how your organisation ensures your partners are differentiating between development activities and non-development activities

Describe how your organisation ensures

Criterion C2: Partner Capacity

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO takes a systematic approach to assessing the capacity and performance of its partners to deliver and develop projects or programs appropriate for that capacity.

Capacity assessment

The NGO should have internal processes in place to review and understand the capacities of its partners as these are likely to change over time. The organisation should use a transparent, systematic approach, such as a standardised set of criteria or guidelines, to assess all aspects of partner capacity. An assessment might be undertaken initially to determine the suitability of a new partner, and would usually cover all aspects of the partner organisation, such as its legal structure, integrity, philosophies and practices, project and financial management capacities and so on. The assessment should be revisited from time to time throughout the life of the partnership.

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Partners adhering to key policies

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partners understand, accept and comply with your organisation's Child Protection Policy?

Describe how your organisation ensures that partners have systems in place to comply with counter terrorism requirements.

List the attributes or characteristics your organisation seeks in its partners

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words. Make reference to the Child Protection policy attached in B2 if applicable.

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words.

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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Criterion C3: Effective Partnerships

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO’s partnerships reflect good development practice of equality, mutual respect and learning, self-reliance, accountability and transparency through appropriate documentation such as written agreements, documented records of meetings, correspondence etc.

Effectiveness of partnerships

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How does your organisation ensure that its partnerships reflect the principles of equality, mutual respect and learning, self-reliance, accountability and transparency?

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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Criterion D1: Branding and Identity

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to assess that NGOs and their partners acknowledge and attribute Australian government support. NGOs need to demonstrate that they have the commitment and capacity to comply with DFAT Visual Identity Guidelines.

Describe your organization’s approach to acknowledging and attributing the Australian identity and the support of the Australian Government in: -

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Countries where support is provided


Countries where support has been provided

Describe your organisation’s processes and systems to ensure that the NGO's partners will comply with the requirements of the DFAT Visual Identity Guidelines

Provide reference to the clause

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

If your organisation has received support from the Australian Government, please attach up to three examples of promotional or other materials which shows public recognition of the Australian identity and the support of the Australian Government in Australia and in countries where support has been provided.

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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of the DFAT Visual Identity Guidelines.

Criterion D2: Transparency and Accountability

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to assess an organisation’s commitment to providing accurate, timely and accessible information about the organisation, its objectives and its activities, in a manner that respects the dignity of recipient communities.

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Describe your organisation’s approach to sharing detailed information with its stakeholders on its work including policies, plans, processes and the results of its activities including evaluations and research.

Webpage reference 1

Webpage reference 2

Webpage reference 3

Attach the three documents here


Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Must be a URL

Must be a URL

Must be a URL

Provide three examples of information materials that have been shared with your organisation’s stakeholders in Australia and overseas:

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Multiple documents can be attached

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Describe your organisation’s practice concerning the collection and use of life stories/photos of beneficiaries in promotional materials.

Describe how the public is able to make inquiries, suggestions or complaints to your organisation

Describe how your organisation manages inquiries, suggestions and complaints from the public

involved. Its communications should promote partners and beneficiaries as active agents, and not as passive recipients of aid. NGOs should avoid sensationalising the challenges faced in developing countries. If the NGO uses images of people involved in projects, it should gain their permission in a way that is culturally appropriate and contextually sensitive and ensure that they are aware of how the images may be used.

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Summarise any in-kind, pro-bono or low-bono support your organisation receives from the Australian community

Describe how Australian community members are actively involved in the organisation’s activities

Describe your organisation’s strategy for maintaining Australian community support (both financial and in-kind) for its development programs

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Criterion D3: Australian Community Support

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to verify that the NGO has and can maintain Australian community support for its development activities.


Fundraising categories should be listed – such as events, regular donations, appeals, bequests, etc - with total amounts received for each of the last three financial years.

Fundraising Category FY 12/13 FY 11/12 FY 10/11

$$ $$ $$

Must be a dollar amount Must be a dollar amount Must be a dollar amount

Total: Total: Total:

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Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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Describe the main regular fundraising activities of your organisation

Provide the name of your general ledger system

Does your organisation have a general ledger system with the ability to account for income and expenditure at a project level?

Describe your organisation’s policies, systems and procedures to ensure funds are used for the purposes for which they are intended

Attach documented arrangements

Document Reference

How is the document (instructions) made available and used by administrative and project staff, eg intranet, hard copy

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

This section has been disabled because of your response to question: "What level of Accreditation are you applying for? on page 2".

Criterion E1: Financial Management Systems in Australia

indicates a required field.

The NGO must be able to show that it has the management, administration, financial and technical performance and capacity to participate in DFAT NGO schemes. It must have ‘necessary and sufficient’ financial and management systems to be accountable for Australian Government funds.

General Ledger

Fiduciary Risk

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

This question seeks to understand how your organisation ensures, for example, that donor funds are applied to the projects or activities that they were intended to support. Another example could relate to ensuring that funds raised for a specific purpose or to support a specific cause are applied as intended.

If these arrangements are documented attach a copy (if brief); otherwise provide a copy of the document index and reference the document title.

Attach a file: Browse...Browse...

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What general challenges, if any, have you encountered in the last 2 years, with regard to accountability or reporting requirements?

Must be no more than 200 words

Describe the policies, systems and procedures in Australia in the following areas:

• Responsibilities of officers and their delegations• Purchasing/contracting policies and procedures• Accounts payment systems, including overseas transfers and payments• Certification of accounts and acquittals• Assets management• Staff records• Travel approval• Financial records management• Project financial management• Calculation and use of interest, with specific reference to donor funds• Management of exchange rate gains/losses, with specific reference to donor funds

Word count:

Must be no more than 1000 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words


List audits that have been undertaken of your organisation and any overseas projects in the last five years?

Date of audit Type of audit Who undertook the audit Reason for audit (eg, donor requirement, scheduled)

Must be a date

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Describe how your organisation makes an assessment of the financial systems and overall financial capacity of its overseas partner organisations and international affiliates

Describe the typical arrangements within documented agreements with delivery organisations for the management and use of funds and which reflect Australian Government financial accountability and reporting obligations

Describe your organisation’s process

Date of audit Type of audit Who undertook the audit Reason for audit (eg, donor requirement, scheduled)

Must be a date

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Criterion E2: Financial Management Capacity of Partners

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO and its overseas partners and international affiliates have the capacity and commitment to undertake activities, in a professionally competent manner, especially with regard to financial operations.

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

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for receiving and reviewing project acquittals from delivery organisations

Describe any other systems your organisation has in place for financial monitoring of delivery organisations

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 300 words

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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This section has been disabled because of your response to question: "What level of Accreditation are you applying for? on page 2Is your organisation part of a global network or alliance? on page 4".

Criterion E3: Financial Risk Management

indicates a required field.

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Describe the systems your organisation uses to manage financial risk

Attach a schedule of delegation and authorisation levels for personnel, including cheque signatories

Attach a list of your organisation’s insurance policies

Describe the systems your organisation uses to conduct assessments of financial risks particular to the operating environments and activities it conducts

Describe the systems your organisation uses to manage risk related to expenditure through partner and delivery organisations including systems and procedures your organisation may have to control funds sent overseas

Describe your organisation’s approach to preventing corruption

Describe your organisation’s processes and systems to

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO applies systems to itself and its partners to assess and manage financial risk that are appropriate for its level of expenditure and operating contexts.

Financial Risk

Word count:

Must be no more than 200 words

Attach a file: Browse...Browse...

Attach a file: Browse...Browse...

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

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effectively prevent, detect and investigate fraud

Describe your organisation’s system for reporting and recording allegations of corruption or fraud, any subsequent administrative or investigation action and their outcomes

Has your organisation identified or reported any fraud in the last two years. If yes, provide summary details and describe what action has been taken post discovery to improve financial systems and processes?

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

Word count:

Must be no more than 400 words

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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Does your organisation include the value of volunteer services and/or goods-in-kind donations in the RDE calculation

If so, are these included in your Audited Financial Statements or Notes to the Accounts?

If not, describe the method for valuation of volunteers and goods-in-kind and the nature of records mainted to support the calculations.

Criterion E4: Recognised Development Expenditure

indicates a required field.

This criterion seeks to establish that the NGO is able to raise its own funds from the Australian community for development activities; differentiate funds for development and non-development activities in Recognised Development Expenditure (RDE) calculations.

The required minimum level of RDE, averaged over three years, for base accreditation is $50,000; for full accreditation is $100,000. Eligible contributions include donations of cash, gifts in kind and volunteer services. The NGO should understand which expenditure may be included in RDE, as anything included in RDE is subject to examination (see RDE explanatory notes for guidance).

Re-accredited (Not Applicable)

This section has been disabled because of your response to question: "Re-applying for Accreditation? on page 2".

This section has been disabled because of your response to question: "Re-applying for Accreditation? on page 2".

- -

Must be no more than 400 words

Additional Questions for Full Applicants (Not Applicable)

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I am authorised to complete this application and have read and understood the declaration and privacy statement

Authorised person's name

Position held

Date of declaration

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Declaration and Privacy Statement

indicates a required field.

Authorising Officer

All information we collect complies with the Information Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988.

Your organisation information will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided or in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. We will not add you to other mailing lists unless that is the purpose for which your organisation information has been collected. We will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose. We will not disclose your organisation information to a third party except in the following circumstances, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, where:

you have consented to use of the information for another purpose;

1. we believe on reasonable grounds that use of the information for another purpose is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of the individual concerned or another person;

2. use of the information for that other purpose is required or authorised by or under law;3. use of the information for that other purpose is reasonably necessary for enforcement of the criminal law or of a law imposing a

pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of the public revenue; or4. the purpose for which the information is used is directly related to the purpose for which the information was obtained.

The staff managing this sites are subject to the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988

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