Original Art Studios Catalog

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Best illustrators in the world


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Rob Frankle is an artist who uses watercolor and acrylic on paper to create illustrations for editorial, advertising, publishing and corporate clients. His work strives to communicate ideas with expres-sive color and striking compositions, creating a visceral connection with audiences. Pushing the line between fine art and conceptual illustration, Rob is always looking for the great idea in every assignment and the most interesting way to visualize its essence.

Rob’s illustrations have been featured in many leading publications, books as well as corporate and marketing communications worldwide. Clients have included Caterpillar, Citigroup, Harvard Business Review, Hewlett Packard, MIT and Vanderbilt University.

What was your most creative assignment? Having great difficulty painting a large dynamic sweep of expressive color for an assignment, I pulled out a three foot Chinese calligraphy brush I had hanging on my wall and in Chinese style tried standing over the painting swinging the paint loaded brush like a madman. Better than therapy and after some practice, not a bad painting technique.

What is your favorite assignment anecdote? After spending several days working on a assignment for a “family-oriented” publication, I submitted the final painting which had a predominantly purple color tone. The editor was aghast at my use of the color purple. “Don’t you know that purple means sex?” So I now try to incorporate purple in all my paintings.

Where do you get your best ideas from? Plenty of good espresso.

Other than working as an illustrator, what would be your favorite job? Graphic designer.

What natural gift would you most like to possess? Photographic memory.

If you had to live in a world with just one color, which would it be? Purple.

What is your favorite typeface? Garamond

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When Lael Henderson entered college, he planned on becoming a graphic designer. After several design assignments were finished using his own illustrations and very little type, his teachers suggested he transfer to the illustration department. Lael thinks this was some of the best advice he was ever given.

Lael graduated with a BFA in illustration in 1993. After graduation, he got a job working as an in-house illustrator for a publishing company doing book cover illustrations. In a few years and after finishing more than 100 book covers, he left the small publisher and started freelancing full time.

Lael has illustrated for Abcomm, AG Edwards, Boston Business Journal, Computer Shopper Magazine, Consumer’s Report, Dow Jones, Kemper Funds, New York Law Journal, The Wall Street Journal and Welchol to name just a few.

Lael loves working with art directors, and says there is nothing better than a new illustration assignment.

What do you regard as the highest point of creative fulfillment? I have to admit, I really love getting a call or email from an art director after I have delivered a final piece of artwork. When they call and let me know that everyone liked what I created — that can be such a great feeling.

What was your most creative assignment? When I first started freelancing, I got the chance to illustrate a brochure for Kemper Funds. It was a large job for me at the time. I was working with a very talented designer and she let me sketch whatever I thought would work as I read through the manuscript. Then she designed around my pencil sketches and used almost all of my drawings.

What is your favorite time period? I guess if we are talking illustration I guess I’d have to say 1910-1930. I really like almost all the illustrators of that time period.

If you had to live in a world with just one color, what would it be? I think I’d get tired of a world with just one color…very quickly!

There is a fire. You can only save one item. What would that item be? I did a drawing of my wife soon after we married. I was working late on a school assignment and she fell asleep on the couch. I drew a pencil sketch of her as she slept. It was just luck that I used some good art paper, because it turned out pretty well. I’d grab that one picture for sure.

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Farida Zaman has a passion for art and design. During her more than 20 years as a freelance illustrator she has worked in countries across the world, bringing style, color, and joy to many.

Trained in fine art and illustration and now a seasoned freelance professional, Farida displays a wide versatility of applications in her style. Her work has been commissioned for posters, book covers, children’s book illustrations, clothing, packaging, and giftware. The look is un-mistakable: lively, colorful, whimsical, executed with flair and drama - designs that always enhance and enliven.

Farida enjoys travel and loves food, music, and people from around the world. Her trips in recent years have included Morocco, Thailand, Turkey, Iran, Italy, and China. These travel influences come through strongly in her work: she is cosmopolitan, appreciates global cultures and multiculturalism, and has a world view.

Farida’s developed sense and appreciation of the diversity of mankind translates into a passion which makes her art enriching and inspiring, the perfect artist to reach out to the world at large.

Farida went to boarding school in England and went on to a foundation course at the Chelsea School of Art in London. Graduating at the top of her class with honors from the Wimbledon School of Art, Farida built an inter-national career as a freelance illustrator in Geneva, London, New York, and Toronto. Her work has been exhibited at private shows and public galleries in New York City, New Jersey, and Toronto. Her limited edition prints were exhibited and sold at the American Craft Museum in New York City to wide acclaim.

Farida’s designs are licensed for use by manufacturers of home furnishings and accessories and found at retailers throughout North America. She is a member of the Society of Illustrators in New York, SCBWI (US-based Society for Children’s Book writers and Illustrators), and CAPIC (Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Communication). Farida is married and lives in Toronto with her family.

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Wall Street JournalNew York TimesThe Globe and MailMary KayO.P.IThe Body ShopLatin Grammy AwardsGrey AdvertisingNissanLoblaw

BMG MusicDecca InternationalLondon UndergroundUntied NationsBloomingdalesPhysiotherapy Association, CanadaInternational YWCA, Geneva


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