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BATCH NO :- 434



Referral sales through happy customers

Are your customers happy?

Is your FTR >95%?Is your Repeat job less than 0.2%?

If no,

then go back and correct these

key performance parameters first.

If yes,

can you generate sales?

How can you generate sales?

Obviously, through happy customers.

Generating sales from which customer base is cheaper?

New customer or

An existing one?


New customers:

•More efforts required?

•Cost is high?

•Need to do all round efforts to win them

Who is a cold enquiry customer?

•Just came to see•Just wanted to know the price

•Only window shopping•How many people buy in a shopping mall

or how many people go to eatery shops in

a shopping mall?

Who is hot enquiry customer?

•Wanting to buy a product•Talks about immediate delivery

•Already tapped customer•Institutional customer

•Die hard fan of company

•Desperately waiting for new product arrival

Benefits of existing customers

•Know your product well•Having product & service experience

•Selling cost is less•Capable to spread positive word of


Generate sales requirement?

•Identify happy customer who give 8~10 score

•Doubly ensure their happiness•Can you get references? -

just a phone number & name•Tie up with one of your sales persons

•Create interest for sales•Sales person should work on these leads

It is Service job; not a sales person job


Scenario 1

•Some customers may not be happy at all; they will not give any lead, so please make

them happy first

• Resolve all their issues and set right first

•Leave them to experience the product performance

•After some time check & confirm

Scenario 2

•Some may be just ok; but we will wait and watch

•Please make them happy first •Can be your next customer, who is not unhappy but at the same time not very

happy.•Follow them later

It is Service job; not a sales person job


Scenario 3


•Please take lead and work on.

•If your PSFU, FTR and R/J are good & consistent this should work. Should it not?

It is Service job; not a sales person job


Will you give this responsibility to sales ?

NO.•Because they cannot handle

scenario 1 & 2.•They have no answers.

•Will get diluted. •Will be a separate activity so more efforts.

•Where as for Service it is a only add-on job.

•So it will work or serve better.

What will you do?

The Target

•3-4% of your fully satisfied customers•Devise a good incentive system;

•For customer no money, but very good service so that he can do for second or third …..


Capture data through:- Product service Details

- Customer contact numbers

Call customers: Flexibility of time & convenience for customers

Understanding sensitivity:- Customer availability

- Customer queries handling- Noting requirements

- Handing over to sales Counter-part

Motivate & monitor – how?

• Big poster in the customer reception area

• Display how many you have done so far?• Next month plan?

• Spend a sizeable amount for the sweets? or celebrations?

Yes; you can make this possible!!

What problems you may have?

•No support from dealer’s key persons

•Knowledge from sales counterpart on product range & finance schemes.

•Flexible timings

Pre requisites of a CCE

•External Agency ~ through Call Center Or

•Internal ~ through CCE •Competent & dedicated CCE for PSFU.

•Smart & flexible in work.•Fluent in Local language, English & Hindi.

•Understanding nature.•Good in co-ordination.

•Believing in long term relations

Do you accept it?

All the best!