Orpheus and Eurydice. Narrator: Orpheus is a famous musician and he lives in Greece. He plays the...

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Aristayus: It’s terrible! My situation is terrible! Orpheus is my best friend and I love his wife Eurydice!!! What can I do?


Orpheus and Eurydice


Orpheus is a famous musician and he lives in Greece. He plays the lyre very well. His wife is Eurydice and he loves her very much. One day his friend Aristayus comes to stay with them. When Aristayus sees Eurydice, he falls in love with her.

Aristayus: It’s terrible! My situation is terrible! Orpheus is my best friend and I love his wife Eurydice!!! What can I do? What can I do?

Narrator: He sees Eurydice alone.

Aristayus: Hello Eurydice. It’s a lovely day. Let’s walk together. …. I love you Eurydice. Come with me and leave your husband. Please!!!

Eurydice: You are crazy!!! I love my Orpheus and I don’t love you. Leave me alone, go away!!!!!!

Aristayus:Come with me, please. I love you!!!

Narrator:Eurydice runs quickly from Aristayus. There is a snake in the grass, but she doesn’t see it.

Eurydice: Ahh!!! I’m going to die. Ahhh

Aristayus:Oh no! This is horrible! I am responsible for Eurydice’s death!!!! I must go.

Narrator: Orpheus goes to find Eurydice.

Orpheus:Oh no!! My wife! My dear wife! I can’t live without you! I can’t!I know! I’m going to the underworld to find her.

Narrator:Orpheus decides to go to the underworld to find Eurydice. He travels to far places, deserts and oceans,. Finally he arrives at the underworld. At the entrance he finds a dog with three heads.

Orpheus:Oh a dog with three heads. I know! I’ll play the lyre to him. …. Sleep dog, sleep………

Narrator:The dog falls asleep with the music and Orpheus enters the underworld. There he sees a river. An old man stands near a small boat.

River man: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Orpheus: I’m Orpheus and I want to visit the underworld. Can you take me across the river?

River man: Impossible!!! You are not dead. This is a place for dead people. I can’t take a mortal to the underworld!

Orpheus:I have an idea. I can make you smile and then you must take me across the river!

River man:Me? Smile? I can’t smile! Make me smile and I promise to take you across the river!!!

Narrator:Orpheus takes his lyre and starts to play his music. The river man is happy and smiles.

Orpheus:You smiled!!! Now you must keep your promise!! Please take me across the river!

River man:Ok, Get into my boat! .. There is the castle!

Narrator: Orpheus arrives at the castle and the doors open. He enters a room. There are two thrones. A man and a woman are sitting there.

Hades:I am Hades, God of the underworld and this is my wife, Persephone Who are you? You aren’t dead. What do you want?

Orpheus:I want my wife Eurydice. She must leave this place immediately and come with me.

Hades:That’s impossible. Nobody leaves the underworld. This is the place for the dead.

Orpheus:Please!! I can’t live without her!! I love her!!!

Hades:Love? What do you know about love??


Orpheus starts to sing songs of love. Persephone starts to cry.

Hades: My wife is very emotional. I feel compassion for you. I give you permission. You can take Eurydice. But there is a condition: You must play the lyre and she must follow the sound. You mustn’t turn around to look at her. First pass the doors. Then wait for one minute and then you can turn around and look at her.

Orpheus:Thank you, Hades

Narrator: He follows Hades’ instructions. But he doesn’t hear anybody walking behind her.

Orpheus:Is she following me? Is she behind me? I can’t look!!!

Narrator:He arrives at the river, he continues playing the lyre. He walks and walks and arrives at the doors.

Orpheus: I’m at the doors. Is Eurydice behind me? I must turn around and see her.

Narrator:He turns around. Eurydice is behind him, but her face is white and when Orpheus looks at her she disappears.

Orpheus:Oh no, Eurydice!! Eurydice!!!