Oscar The Christmas Puppy€¦ · But most of all, Oscar loved Jesus. Oscar knew that Jesus is the...

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The Christmas Puppy

By: Michelle Lores


Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores

All illustrations

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores

Oscar the Christmas Puppy

By Michelle Lores

All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all

contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other

person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form

without the permission of the author.

Adapted from the story, “Oscar the Christmas Puppy”

From the book,

When the Sun Comes Out Again,

Copyright © 2015 By Michelle Lores


This book is dedicated to

My niece, Ariana.

Ariana, I love your sweetness,

And I love joining with you in your play!

May you never outgrow your simple childlike love

For Jesus!

I love you,

And I so look forward to watching you continue to



Auntie Michelle



Oscar the puppy loved

EVERYTHING about Christmas!


He loved trotting about

in the powdery Christmas snow

with his red Santa hat on.


He loved catching

Christmas snowflakes

on his tongue.


He loved that each person in his family

had a special sparkle in their eye.



He loved the fun music that made him want to


and the special music that sent shivers up and

down his spine.


He loved all of the yummy treats

there were to eat.


He loved the bright shining Christmas tree

with its glowing, colorful lights.


He loved the beautiful red, green, and

gold ornaments

and the shiny silver icicles that decorated

the tree.


He loved giving gifts…

and getting them, too!



But most of all, Oscar loved Jesus.

Oscar knew that Jesus is

the reason for Christmas.


He knew that Christmas was a celebration of

Jesus’ birth.

And because Oscar loved Jesus so much,

that made Christmas the best time of the year.


Yes, Oscar was definitely a

Christmas puppy!




The End…

Sweet Dreams Until Next Time!


Knowing Jesus and God’s Love

For Yourself

Do you know that God loves you? Did you know that God

made you for a special reason? He loves you very much.

The Bible says that every good and perfect gift is from

above—from God, the Heavenly Father (James 1:17). Can

you think of some good things in your life? Those are

some ways that God is showing you that He loves you.

God’s biggest gift to you is Jesus. God sent His only Son

Jesus to earth to live, die a cruel death on a cross, and be

raised to life from the dead—because He loves you, and He


wants you to know Him personally so you can live with

Him forever one day.

You see, every person does wrong things, which are called

sin, and deserves to be punished forever—but when we

receive Jesus as our Lord, our sin is forgiven, because Jesus

died in our place. Jesus lived the only perfect life, and that

is why He could take our place and suffer the punishment

we deserve.

Now that Jesus is alive in Heaven with God after being

raised from the dead, Jesus offers to cover our wrongdoing

and give us the only way to heaven and the only way to

come before God and have a relationship with Him.


If you want to receive God’s love, ask God to forgive you

for your sins, and turn from the wrong you have done.

Believe in your heart that Jesus is God’s Son and that God

raised Him from the dead, and acknowledge Him as Lord

of your life both in your heart and before others.

Be baptized in obedience to God’s Word.

By answering God’s call to believe in and love Jesus, you

will become God’s child, God will become your Heavenly

Father, and you will be saved from God’s eternal

punishment in hell.


God’s love will now be yours to live in and share with


As God’s child, you will have His Holy Spirit living inside

of you, and He will fill you with lots of love to share with

others. You will have a Heavenly Father to call upon

whenever you need help to love a difficult person or

whenever you need help with anything at all—big or small.

God is Love.

Is He drawing you to Himself?

Come to Him, for He made you, He knows you better than

anyone else, and He loves you more than anyone else. He

knows everything you have ever done wrong, and He still


loves you more than anyone else ever could. He wants you

to know His deep, deep love for you.

Those who come to God are called by Him (John 6:44;

Acts 2:39).

Come to Him, so that you can know His Love and so that

you can live your life with Someone who will never leave

you. Once you are His child, He has promised to be with

you always, so there will never be a reason for you to fear.

(Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5)

Come place your trust in Jesus, and know that He is always



Michelle Lores

Writes what God puts on her heart for the purpose of producing materials that

build up and strengthen families in Jesus Christ.

Her desire in doing this is to bring glory to God her Maker and Heavenly Father.

Family is very special to God, the Heavenly Father of all believers in Christ


Every family on earth derives its name from Him. (Ephesians 3:14).

May God bless you with His grace, peace, and love as you believe and trust in

Him and His Son, Jesus Christ.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Titles by

~Michelle Lores~

Children’s Titles:

Andie’s World

Auntie Netta’s Letters to Jollee and Ned

Book of SonShine Coloring Book

Branches of the Heavenly Father’s Love

Button Rose ~ A Little Bunny with an Unshakeable Spirit

Celebrating Seasons and Holidays with Oscar the Puppy

Dwight’s Prayer Journal

Godly Stories in Rhyme for Children and Families

Oscar the Christmas Puppy

Oscar the Puppy Explores His World

Prayers in the Attic

Pudge the Sheep

Stories and Tales Filled with God’s Love: For Kids and Families


Inspirational Titles:

A Closer Look: A Picture Book

A Cup of SonShine for Your Day: A 31 Day Devotional

A Season for Change

Art & the Heart of God

Bowling with Limes in the Morning

Christmas Stories and Poems to Warm Your Heart

Fresh Paint!

His Name is Love: A Small Book of Poetry

It’s All About Jesus

Marriage with a Mission

Poems and Letters for the Hurting

Poetry, Inspiration, and Hodgepodge!

Poetry, Love, & Art

Reflections of the Light

Springtime is Here!

Summer Posies: Images and Rhymes of Florida in the Summertime

Sweet Memories with Mama

Tikvah ~Hope’s Treasure Within~

Tranquil Moments in the Garden

When the Sun Comes Out Again