Osho- Meditation for Busy People

Post on 04-Dec-2015

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Osho- Meditation for Busy People




Day 1 - Relax Your Breathing

Dear Luca,

Your OSHO: Meditation For Busy People Day 1 of the 21 Day Meditations is live - to start today’s meditation - Click Here

If you would like to own the complete meditation program today - Click Here


Thank you for joining OSHO: Meditation For Busy People, a 21 Day Meditation Program for people with no time to meditate, presented by Osho International and Mentors Channel. If you have never experienced the wit and wisdom of Osho, you are in for a treat. If you were with us on our last collaboration, we know you are eager to learn more. This meditation series is taking a next step and based on a book newly published by Osho International, entitled Meditation for Busy People.

Each day our facilitator will introduce the subject for the day, followed by Osho’s words on a specific aspect of meditation. Then you will be instructed on and led through one of Osho’s meditations, all of which you will soon discover are quick, easy to do and able to practice anytime, anywhere. All of the instructions for the meditations will also be available to you in a PDF file.

Osho is a contemporary mystic and a scientist, a rebellious spirit whose unique contribution to the understanding of who we are defies categorization. His only interest is to alert humanity to the urgent need to discover a new way of living. His understanding is that only by changing ourselves – one individual at a time – can our societies, our cultures, our beliefs, our world – also change. The doorway to that change is meditation and one of the pathways to meditation is breathing.

Get ready for a very special journey into the mind and heart of Osho, and meditation.


"Meditation cannot be something that you can do apart from life just for one hour or fifteen minutes. Meditation has to become something synonymous with your life; it has to be like breathing." ~Osho


To your wellbeing,Mentors Channel

Day 1 – Relax Your Breathing

Buddha said that watching your breath indicates the state of your mind. There exists a very close link between breathing and thinking. When your emotions are high, mind not at rest, your breathing becomes unsteady and shallow – centered in the chest. When you are relaxed and at peace, your breathing is slow, rhythmic and deep. Watch a child breathe – that is the natural way of breathing and breathe that way. Today you will learn how you can tame your random thoughts and change your emotions by relaxing your breath.


Every breath I take creates a healing wave to my body, mind and soul.

Daily Quote

"Meditation cannot be something that you can do apart from life just for one hour or fifteen minutes. Meditation has to become something synonymous with your life; it has to be like breathing” ~Osho


Do you breathe from the chest or the belly – shallow or deep?

Are there daily situations in your life that alter your breathing pattern?

Welcome to Day 2.

Today is about learning to be a witness, a non-judgmental observer.

Meditation is a very simple process. It is not about shutting off your mind, but learning to witness the process instead. Let go of the idea that meditation has to be a certain way – that your mind must be still and if it isn’t, you are doing it wrong. Self-judgment leads not to peace but to agitation and restlessness.

Instead, practice acting as an observer, as if you were another person watching the traffic of your mind, seeing the thoughts, memories, concerns, dreams. As you move from feeling as if you have to do something about the thoughts to just observing them, self- judgment departs and you are left in a space of peace, calm and acceptance. Once you learn this, meditation becomes what


it is meant to be – simple.


"Witnessing simply means a detached observation, unprejudiced; that’s the whole secret of meditation…" ~Osho

To your wellbeing,Mentors Channel

Day 2 – Diminish Restlessness

Meditation is simple, once you become a witness. Practice acting as a witness, an observer, as if you were another person watching the traffic of your mind, seeing the thoughts, memories, concerns, dreams. As you move from feeling you have to do something about the thoughts to just observing them, self- judgment departs and you are left in a space of peace, calm and acceptance. Once you learn this, meditation becomes what it is meant to be – simple.

Thought for the day

Today I become an observer of my life and all life around me

Daily Quote

"Witnessing simply means a detached observation, unprejudiced; that’s the whole secret of meditation” ~Osho


What do you do when thoughts drift into your mind during meditation?

What steps can you take to move closer to sublime love?

Welcome to Day 3 of our series on Meditation for Busy People. In today’s lesson, we will see how ten minutes in the morning can change the whole day.

Osho compares meditation to a rose. When you want to plant flowers the first thing you have to do is select the exact right place. Will the seedlings get enough water? Sunshine? Shade? Once you can answer “yes” to those questions, you know your flowers will grow strong and beautiful.


And when it comes time to plant next year, you will most likely plant in the same spot. So it is with meditation.

You can travel to a sacred place or create one in your home – right where you are. There are places in your living area that put you at peace. It may be a special chair, your bed, or a sunny patch of grass in the yard. That’s where the ‘rose’ of meditation can be planted. That’s where you will go to meditate. Setting aside that place of serenity, knowing it’s where you enter the silence, will make a huge difference in your meditation practice. For as you settle into that space you have set aside as sacred, the outer world disappears.


"Meditation is a rose – the greatest rose, the rose of human consciousness." ~Osho

Day 3 – Sunrise Meditation

"Meditation is a rose – the greatest rose, the rose of human consciousness” ~Osho

Thought for the day

I take the sacred with me, wherever I am

Daily Quote

You can travel to a sacred place or create one in your home – right where you are. There are places in your living area that put you at peace. It may be a special chair, your bed, or a sunny patch of grass in the yard. That’s where the ‘rose’ of meditation can be planted. That’s where you will go to meditate. Setting aside that place of serenity, knowing it’s where you enter the silence, will make a huge difference in your meditation practice. For as you settle into that space you have set aside as sacred, the outer world disappears.


Where, in your home, do you feel most at peace?

Can you – will you – plant the rose of meditation in that spot?

Welcome to Day 4 – Find the Silence.


You have heard people say proudly, “Of course I meditate – 20 minutes every morning. That is the usual definition of a meditation practice. Having any kind of meditation practice is certainly better than none, but according to Osho, meditation is less a time set aside than it is a constant state of being. He likens meditation to the beating of your heart that continues every second of every day.

Your heart beats as you walk, as you sit, as you eat and as you sleep. It remains with you no matter what you are doing, where you are or what time it is. Osho teaches that in order for your life to become transformed, it too must be one continuous meditation. Setting aside a time and a place is a great and necessary beginning. Your transformation occurs when that time expands into always and that place into everywhere.


"Meditation is the breath of your soul. Just as breathing is the life of the body, meditation is the life of the soul." ~Osho

Your heart beats as you walk, as you sit, as you eat, and as you sleep. It remains with you no matter what you are doing, where you are or what time it is. Osho teaches that in order for your life to become transformed, it too must be one continuous meditation. Setting aside a time and a place is a great and necessary beginning. Your transformation occurs when that time expands into always and that place into everywhere.

Thought for the day

As I practice awareness, my whole life becomes a meditation


"Meditation is the breath of your soul. Just as breathing is the life of the body, meditation is the life of the soul” ~Osho


What has been your meditation practice so far?

What steps can you take to bring meditation into all aspects of your life?


Welcome to Day 5 where we practice moving from the head to the heart.

Becoming headless sound like an impossibility, yet the possibility is there. Think of how people describe someone who has fallen in love. They might say, “He lost his head. ”This is not a bad thing. It simply means he is viewing this part of his life, not through his head, but through his heart. What if he could live all of life through the heart?

The mind is divisive. It sorts out life into opposites: good or bad, big or little, handsome or ugly. The heart is inclusive. It doesn’t think love, it feels love – love of everything and everyone. When Buddha or Gandhi or Dr. King preached non-violence, it was a way to create a loving attitude toward all of life. The mind can only dissect and divide. Only the heart gives unity. Move through the world today through your heart.


"When mind knows, we call it knowledge. When heart knows, we call it love. And when being knows, we call it meditation." ~Osho

The mind is divisive. It sorts out life into opposites: good or bad, big or little, handsome or ugly. The heart is inclusive. It doesn’t think love, it feels love – love of everything and everyone. When Buddha or Gandhi or Dr. King preached non-violence, it was a way to create a loving attitude toward all of life. The mind can only dissect and divide. Only the heart gives unity. Move through the world today through your heart.

Thought for the day

Today I move through the world leading with my heart


"When mind knows, we call it knowledge. When heart knows, we call it love. And when being knows, we call it meditation” ~Osho


How can you tell whether you are living through your heart or mind?

How can you live more frequently through the heart?



In order to live from within, we must move from mind to no-mind. In the busy world of today, our minds are always operating. We’re thinking about what happened yesterday, what we can do tomorrow to further our career or make more money or even more altruistic concerns about doing more for the world, or for our loved ones. Even in our sleep, we may dream about these things. To be present in the moment means letting go of the past and future. This is what the busy mind doesn’t allow. It always transports you somewhere else.

Being fully present in the moment is how to quiet the mind. The door to the present is through meditation. Meditation is all about being in the present moment – no past, no future, no expectations, only the now. Today you will see how just by standing in one place for a few minutes, quiets the mind, leaves the outside world where it belongs – outside, and brings you to that special place of no mind – the precious present.


"This is the way of meditation: encountering the present in all its tremendous beauty." ~Osho

Day 6 – A Pillar of Energy

Being fully present in the moment is how to quiet the mind. The door to the present is through meditation. Meditation is all about being in the present moment – no past, no future, no expectations, only the now. Today you will see how just by standing in one place for a few minutes, quiets the mind, leaves the outside world where it belongs – outside, and brings you to that special place of no mind – the precious present.

Thought for the day

All my good lies in this moment, right here and now


"This is the way of meditation: encountering the present in all its tremendous beauty” ~Osho


Does your mind focus more on the past or the future?

Are you willing to experiment and spend 10 minutes standing in the present?


Day 7 - From Thinking to Feeling

Dear Luca,

Your OSHO: Meditation For Busy People Day 7 of the 21 Day Meditations is live - to start today’s meditation - Click Here

If you would like to own the complete meditation program today - Click Here


According to Plato, man is divided into three parts: thinking, feeling and desire. The head, of course, is where thinking originates. We think about this or that. But notice the word ‘about’. Thinking is not the real thing – it’s about the real thing. You can think about a nice, juicy steak or a smooth milkshake, but thinking about it will never satisfy you any more than thinking about being at peace will get you there. Desire, another word for longing or craving, will not satisfy you either. You can lust after people, after gold, or after fame but gaining all of it will never bring you peace.

It is living from the heart, not the mind, that is most fulfilling. When you live each day from the heart center you will find your life more gratifying, more harmonious and more joyous. Although the mind has filters and judgments, there are no such things within the heart. Consciously breathe from the heart and you will find the ultimate peace and harmony that you have been searching for. In today’s meditation, you will learn to move from the raucous thinking of the brain to the comfort and beauty of the heart. This is the way to transform your life – to move from thinking to feeling, through the practice of meditation.


"Meditation is to be one piece, and when you are one piece you are in peace." ~Osho

To your wellbeing,Mentors Channel

Day 7 – From Thinking to Feeling

It is living from the heart, not the mind, that is most fulfilling. When you live each day from the heart center you will find your life more gratifying, more harmonious and more joyous. Although the mind has filters and judgments, there are no such things within the heart. Consciously breathe


from the heart and you will find the ultimate peace and harmony that you have been searching for. In today’s meditation, you will learn to move from the raucous thinking of the brain to the comfort and beauty of the heart. This is the way to transform your life – to move from thinking to feeling, through the practice of meditation.

Thought for the day

I practice moving from thinking to feeling

Daily Quote

"Meditation is to be one piece, and when you are one piece you are in peace” ~Osho


When you inhale, where in your body, does your breath naturally go?

How does it feel when you consciously take your breath into your heart?


In the Western World, the word ‘nothing’ has negative connotations. They may speak of someone being ‘empty headed’ or a person who does ‘nothing’, questioning their value. Westerners have a great need to keep busy, keep occupied, keep moving. Sitting still, particularly with no media interference, is difficult. Yet, for centuries, great Eastern mystics have talked about nothing as the ‘no-thing’, the gap that is the destination for any meditator.

Daytime or nighttime, the busy mind continues to keep busy – many times keeping what may be a very tired body awake. Thoughts run through the mind. To-do lists to remember Tasks of the previous day incomplete. People to call. The more one tries to fall asleep, the more evasive sleep becomes. And if sleep does come, the person may wake up the next morning as tired as the night before. How to get to the place of no-thing? Osho suggests an unorthodox way to clear the mind in our meditation today.


"When consciousness is empty of all contents, that’s what we call no-mind or meditation." ~Osho

Day 8 – A Deep, Restful Sleep

Daytime or nighttime, the busy mind continues to keep busy – many times keeping what may be a very tired person awake. Thoughts run through the mind. To-do lists to remember. Tasks of the previous day incomplete. People to call. The more one tries to fall asleep, the more evasive sleep becomes. And if sleep does come, the person may wake up the next morning as tired as the night before because the business never stopped. How to get to the place of no-thing? Osho suggests an unorthodox way to clear the mind in our meditation today.


Thought for the day

Tonight I relax in deep, restful sleep.


"When consciousness is empty of all contents, that’s what we call no-mind or meditation” ~Osho


How many nights a week to you get a deep, restful sleep?

Are you ready to try a non-toxic, non-addictive method to achieve that rest?

Day 9 - Becoming the Vastness

John Andrews, medical doctor and scientist, wrote the introduction to the newly published book,Meditation for Busy People. He writes, “Modern science is confirming (an) ancient understanding: that the self is really just a bedtime story we tell ourselves so we have something to say at cocktail parties. In reality we are a process, a river, not a fixed pond.” So if what we think is our self is make believe, who are we?

How would you describe your ‘self’? A great teacher, loving mother, successful business person? You are so much more than your successes and labels. Your self is not what you have, but who you are. The tendency is to try and figure it out, to ask questions, analyze the situation and discover the answer. Osho teaches the exact opposite. He says that analysis is never the answer. Using the mind to find the core of our being is not possible. Going beyond the mind through meditation is where our true self emerges.


"Meditation means that, seeing that the mind is infinite, there is no need to bother about it – you can get out of it. Meditation is contrary to analysis." ~Osho


How would you describe your ‘self’? A great teacher, loving mother, successful business

person? You are so much more than your successes and labels. Your self is not what you

have, but who you are. The tendency is to try and figure it out, to ask questions, analyze the

situation and discover the answer. Osho teaches the exact opposite. He says that analysis is


never the answer. Using the mind to find the core of our being is not possible. Going beyond

the mind through meditation is where our true self emerges.

Thought for the day

The more I meditate, the more my true self is revealed

Daily Quote

"Meditation means that, seeing that the mind is infinite, there is no need to bother about it – you can

get out of it” ~Osho


What labels do you use to describe yourself to others?

In truth, who are you?

Day 10 - Awaken with Laughter

Ancient teachers suggest you become centered by sitting upright, quietly and letting go of all thoughts that cross the mind. Osho defines meditation as your body, your mind and your soul all functioning in harmony. High performance athletes understand this concept. Many times they speak of being in ‘the zone’. They begin with the body which they train to accomplish certain goals – run faster, hit the ball straighter, and swim more smoothly. When the time comes for them to compete, their bodies perform the tasks even without the mind giving it step by step directions.

There are some who can get to a deep, meditative state while sitting quietly, while others begin with movement. Some Sufis do walking meditations. Whirling dervishes spin themselves into the ‘zone’. Laughing meditations are practiced around the world. There is no perfect way for everyone to meditate. Today we will see how you can achieve that harmony Osho talks about, the melody that lulls you into your inner most being.


"Meditation, awareness, watchfulness, witnessing – that is the uniqueness." ~Osho

Day 10 – Awaken with Laughter


There are some who can get to a deep, meditative state while sitting quietly, while others begin with movement. Some Sufis do walking meditations. Whirling dervishes spin themselves into the ‘zone’. Laughing meditations are practiced around the world. There is no perfect way for everyone to meditate. Today we will see how you can achieve that harmony Osho talks about, the melody that lulls you into your inner most being.

Thought for the day

I discover my perfect meditation and practice it daily

Daily Quote

"Meditation, awareness, watchfulness, witnessing – that is the uniqueness. No psychoanalyst is needed” ~Osho


What is the first thing you are aware of upon awakening in the morning?

Which activity you practice calms you the most?

Day 11 - The Power of STOP

How many mobile devices do you have? A cell phone, a tablet, an MP3 player, a laptop? How much time during the day – and into the night- are all the stimuli turned off? Many people never experience an ‘unplugged’ moment. Centuries ago, when meditation was first practiced, there was no question of quieting the stimuli because there wasn’t any. Quiet was something natural for most people.

Osho is not only one of the most outspoken contemporary mystics, his words have always had a wide and long view. Even before computers, he said, “The sensory stimuli will go on increasing more and more. You will be getting more and more information and life will be changing, with faster and faster rhythms…” Because he envisioned today’s busy world, he created meditations such as the one we will do today, which, if done 6 times per day, takes only a total of 3 minutes. Want to easily unplug? STOP!


"Meditation is nothing but a time when you can relax utterly into yourself when you close all your


doors, all your senses, to outside stimulus." ~Osho

Day 11 – The Power of STOP

Osho is not only one of the most outspoken contemporary mystics, his words have always been indicating things to come. Even before computers, he said, “The sensory stimuli will go on increasing more and more. You will be getting more and more information and life will be changing, with faster and faster rhythms…” Because he envisioned today’s busy world, he created meditations such as the one we will do today, which, if done 6 times per day, takes only a total of 3 minutes. Want to easily unplug? STOP!

Thought for the day

As I STOP, my body/mind is renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated

Daily Quote

"Meditation is nothing but a time when you can relax utterly into yourself when you close all your doors, all your senses, to outside stimulus” ~Osho


How easy is it for you to completely unplug?

Can you see yourself doing a 30 second STOP meditation several times a day?

Day 12 - Saying Yes to Life

“No” is one of the first words a baby hears. Parents don’t want a to touch anything that might hurt them, so they will say ‘no.’ As we grow into our teen-aged years, we want to spread our wings, yet our parents know that we may not consider the dangers involved with the activity we want to pursue. They still want us to be safe, so many times they continue to say ‘no.’ Is it any wonder that ‘no’ gets to be a habit? “Can I help you?” “No, thanks, I can do it myself.” “Do you want me to drive you to the airport?” “No, thanks, I’ll take a bus.” What would happen if we decided to change the negative response and practiced saying ‘yes’ instead.

“No” is a word that closes doors and may keep you from some of life’s greatest experiences. “Yes” opens doors. As you practice saying ‘yes’ to life, good things happen. Opportunities you may have shut


out before come to you. People you kept at arm’s length show up to assist you. Relationships improve. Everyday opens up new possibilities. Once you throw out an aura of acceptance, life itself wants to give to you. You have opened up a space for universal good to fill. Try saying ‘yes’ to today and watch what happens.


"If you feel much resistance against meditation, it simply shows that deep down you are alert that something is going to happen which will change your whole life." ~Osho

Day 12 – Saying Yes to Life

“No” is a word that closes doors and may keep you from some of life’s greatest experiences. “Yes” opens doors. As you practice saying ‘yes’ to life, good things happen. Opportunities you may have shut out before come to you. People you kept at arm’s length show up to assist you. Relationships improve. Everyday opens up new possibilities.. Once you throw out an aura of acceptance, life itself wants to give to you. You have opened up a space for universal good to fill. Try saying ‘yes’ to today and watch what happens.

Thought for the day

I leave the word “No” out of my vocabulary today and replace it with “Yes.”

Daily Quote

"If you feel much resistance against meditation, it simply shows that deep down you are alert that something is going to happen which will change your whole life” ~Osho


How many times a day do you say “No”?

What would have to happen for you to change that “No’ to “Yes?”

Day 13 - Connecting with the Earth

Have you ever noticed that when you are doing something you love, time seems to disappear, outside


noises don’t distract you, you don’t feel hungry, tired or stressed out? That is because you are grounded, totally immersed in one thing, and for an instance, you realize your mind was clear of the future and the past, that you are only in the present. That is the power of meditation. As Osho teaches that meditation doesn’t mean not doing anything, but means doing whatever you happen to be doing, without willing it to happen – simply being in the flow of life.

Using our will to make something happen is exhausting. We somehow believe that if we take our attention off a goal, it may disappear. In truth, the opposite happens. A great example is when you are trying so hard to think of a solution to a problem. You try and try and try. Then for a while you let it go, almost forget about it. Suddenly – you may be in the shower, or taking a walk, or reading an unrelated book, and Voila! The answer pops into your head. Herein lies the difference between willing something to happen and letting it happen.


"Meditation is just an open, relaxed being, availability – to all that is happening" ~Osho

Day 13 – Connecting with the Earth

Using our will to make something happen is exhausting. We somehow believe that if we take our attention off a goal, it may disappear. In truth, the opposite happens. A great example is when you are trying so hard to think of a solution to a problem. You try and try and try. Then for a while you let it go, almost forget about it. Suddenly – you may be in the shower, or taking a walk, or reading an unrelated book, and Voila! The answer pops into your head. Herein lies the difference between willing something to happen and letting it happen.

Thought for the day

As I reconnect with the earth, I deepen my connection to life

Daily Quote

"Meditation is just an open, relaxed being, availability – to all that is happening” ~Osho


When was the last time you walked barefoot on a beach or in a garden?

How does it feel when you are ‘grounded’ on the earth?


Day 14 – Exhale the Stress

How tiring and stressful it is to worry about time. “When will this day end?” “When will the weekend come?” Osho says “The fool lives in time. The wise man lives in timelessness.” What if, instead of thinking about when happy experiences will begin and painful ones end, we enter into a space of no-time. That space is meditation. Time disappears. Space disappears. What is left is the eternal, the limitless, the incredible expanse of all that is.

Thought for the day

I always have the right amount of time and space in my life.

Daily Quote

"This world consists of space and time, and in meditation you disappear from both, or both disappear from your being” ~Osho


In what circumstances do you find yourself wishing time would pass more quickly?


Day 14 - Exhale the Stress

Albert Einstein taught the time and space is relative. We all know that. As children, we thought Christmas would never arrive. The wait after Thanksgiving seemed endless. As adults we wonder if we can get everything done before the family arrives for the Christmas visit. Sitting through a boring class in school, we watched the clock tick painfully slow. Watching an exciting movie or reading a great book, we almost hope the story will never end.

How tiring and stressful it is to worry about time. “When will this day end?” “When will the weekend come?” Osho says “The fool lives in time. The wise man lives in timelessness.” What if, instead of thinking about when happy experiences will begin and painful ones end, we enter into a space of no-time. That space is meditation. Time disappears. Space disappears. What is left is the eternal, the limitless, the incredible expanse of all that is.


"This world consists of space and time, and in meditation you disappear from both, or both disappear from your being." ~Osho

How can you look at all your circumstances with new eyes?

Day 15 - Listening Cheerfully

In this world of multi-tasking, it’s rare that the average person sits in silence. They may ‘take’ time away from the day by sitting in quiet meditation, but the rest of the day is spent in doing. So many people either don’t know how or have forgotten to sit in the quiet of the day and just listen to ambient sounds – traffic outside, birds singing, rain falling, appliances running, kids laughing, music coming from the neighbor. All of these stimuli are not enough for them. They crave more. They need the distraction of a mall, a drive, an errand, lunch with friends, a meeting. The list can go on and on. Why can’t some people simply sit still – in the stillness?

Osho says, “Doing is a way of moving out. Non-doing is a way of moving in.” Being still both physically and mentally means thoughts get louder, emotions get stronger, physical discomfort get more pronounced. Some are afraid of what they might hear or feel. They have lost touch with their inner being. They feel safer in the outside world, so busy-ness fills the days, and perhaps the nights of non-restful sleep. Meditation is the path to safely moving inward. Remaining in the silence for a few minutes, the thoughts and fears subside. The true self emerges and it is good.


"How to meditate” There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously." ~Osho

Day 15 – Listening Cheerfully

Osho says, “Doing is a way of moving out. Non-doing is a way of moving in.” Being still both physically and mentally means thoughts get louder, emotions get stronger, physical discomfort get more pronounced. Some are afraid of what they might hear or feel. They have lost touch with their inner being. They feel safer in the outside world, so busy-ness fills the days, and perhaps the nights of non-restful sleep. Meditation is the path to safely moving inward. Remaining in the silence for a few minutes, the thoughts and fears subside. The true self emerges and it is good.

Thought for the day

Today I practice stillness, moving within and listening to the sounds of life.

Daily Quote


"How to meditate? There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously” ~Osho


How much time do you spend each day alone, in the quiet?

What is your favorite distraction and how does it make you feel?

Day 16 - Breaking Old Habits

We speak about body/mind connection but often don’t realize its deep significance. The next time you feel angry, notice your breathing. You are most likely taking short, shallow breaths. Your body becomes tense as shoulders rise and facial muscles tighten. Your mind picked up the signals and sent numerous messages to your body. Once the anger is dissipated, breathing becomes more regular and deep once more, and the body relaxes.

What if, at the first sign of anger, you consciously override the mind and deliberately change your breathing? Remember, all of the habits of mind and body are intimately connected. Therefore, if you can change one part of the process, the rest will follow. Next time you feel angry, stop for a moment and begin to breathe more deeply. You will have distracted the mind from old patterns and anger will cease. Today Osho talks about breaking out of the box.


"Just by sitting like a stone Buddha, you will not attain to meditation" ~Osho

DAY 16

What if, at the first sign of anger, you consciously override the mind and deliberately change

your breathing? Remember, all of the habits of mind and body are intimately connected.

Therefore, if you can change one part of the process, the rest will follow. Next time you feel

angry, stop for a moment and begin to breathe more deeply. You will have distracted the mind

from old patterns and anger will cease. Today Osho talks about breaking out of the box.

Thought for the day

Today I change one negative pattern in my life


Daily Quote

"Just by sitting like a stone buddha you will not attain to meditation” ~Osho


What repetitive emotion keeps you from your ultimate good?

How can you consciously break out of your self-imposed box?

Day 17 - From Hands to Head

According to Osho, meditation is not relaxation, is learning to be conscious. In true fashion, today he debunks different meditation techniques, all of which he says do nothing more than hypnotize you into a dream-like state. His premise has always been that since meditation is awareness, it is not something you turn on and off but live moment to moment conscious, aware and meditative, noticing the wonders that surround you.

Artists, craftsmen, musicians all practice meditation through their hands. The pianist doesn’t take three deep breaths and settle down. He puts his hands on the keyboard, his mind goes somewhere else, and he is fully aware of his fingers touching each key, the sounds they emit and the vibrations the sounds leave in the room. He has used the hands to bypass the mind and spends this time in that state of ecstasy every meditator strives to attain.


"To fall asleep is not meditation, it is consolation…meditation means the sharpening of intelligence." ~Osho

Day 17 - From Hands to Head

Artists, craftsmen, musicians all practice meditation through their hands. The pianist doesn’t take three deep breaths and settle down. He puts his hands on the keyboard, his mind goes somewhere else, and he is fully aware of his fingers touching each key, the sounds they emit and the vibrations the sounds leave in the room. He has used the hands to bypass the mind and spends this time in that state of ecstasy every meditator strives to attain.

Thought for the day

As I work with my hands, my mind stays in the moment


Daily Quote

"To fall asleep is not meditation, it is consolation… meditation means the sharpening of intelligence” ~Osho


How do you feel when working with your hands?

How can you incorporate the hands into your meditation practice?

Day 18 - Conquering Pain

Some action movies foretell the time when robots take over the world. Osho believes most of humanity already functions like robots – routinely, mechanically, acting and reacting the same way. You may drive to work over the same route everyday, yet fail to notice the scenery around you – that small garden down the road, the new roof on the house at the end of the street, the kids playing happily in the schoolyard. When you look at your surroundings with new eyes, you find many surprises that have already been there. Osho teaches that meditation is being aware and that awareness should happen every moment of the day, whether you are walking, working, driving or eating.


"Above our so-called conscious mind is the real conscious mind that is attained only through meditation." ~Osho

We are taught from childhood not to be selfish. “It is better to give than to receive.” Giving is certainly a most fulfilling part of life, however, we have to remember to give back to ourselves as well. Whether it’s time, care, love or energy, taking care of ourselves is the first step in being able to care for others and make a difference in the world. One of the ways to care for ourselves is to learn how to let go of the stresses of the day and move into restful sleep.

Thought for the day

As I become more watchful, I notice the miracles of life around me.

Daily Quote

"Above our so-called conscious mind is the real conscious mind; that is attained only through meditation” ~Osho



Do you consider yourself an observant person?

In which areas of your life can you practice more watchfulness?

Day 19 - Retrieving Energy

We are taught from childhood not to be selfish. “It is better to give than to receive.” Giving is certainly a most fulfilling part of life, however, we have to remember to give back to ourselves as well. Whether it’s time, care, love or energy, taking care of ourselves is the first step in being able to care for others and make a difference in the world. One of the ways to care for ourselves is to learn how to let go of the stresses of the day and move into restful sleep.

Life today can be very busy and this busy-ness can be exhausting. Often we go to bed so tired, we can’t seem to turn off our minds and go to sleep. The more we tell ourselves, “Relax!” the more the mind spins. Osho says the place to begin to relax is the body. “During the day relax your behavior, relax your acts. Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way.” Once you conquer relaxing the body, the mind will follow.


"Meditation is not anything of the mind, it is something beyond the mind. The first step is to be playful about it. If you are playful about it, mind cannot destroy your meditation." ~Osho

Day 19 – Retrieving Energy

Life today can be very busy and this busy-ness can be exhausting. Often we go to bed so

tired, we can’t seem to turn off our minds and go to sleep. The more we tell ourselves,

“Relax!” the more the mind spins. Osho says the place to begin to relax is the body. “During

the day relax your behavior, relax your acts. Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk,

listen in a relaxed way.” Once you conquer relaxing the body, the mind will follow.

Thought for the day

Today I affirm my divinity by taking better care of myself.

Daily Quote


"Meditation is not anything of the mind, it is something beyond the mind. The first step is to be

playful about it. If you are playful about it, mind cannot destroy your meditation ” ~Osho


Do you give more to others than you give to yourself

In what ways can you take better care of your own well-being?

Day 20 - Breath Within the Breath

Many spiritual teachings speak about the gap between thoughts. This is where thinking stops and our true nature is revealed – silent and at peace. We can try to find the gap by closing our eyes and thinking we can stop thoughts from appearing. This method is usually futile, because the more we direct the mind, the less success we have. Only within the rhythm of the breath can we continuously find the gap.

There is a space that comes between inhaling and exhaling. We don’t consciously tell our breath to stop coming into our body, stop and move out. Although breathing can be deep or shallow, quick or slow, the process is automatic. If we learn to be a witness to the miraculous respiratory system in our bodies, we can identify, without forcing, the moment when the breath stops and changes directions. That precious moment is the gap – when breath pauses, when thoughts cease and only silence remains – in body, mind and soul. Today’s meditation will take us there.


"Silence is the space in which one awakens, and the noisy mind is the space in which one remains asleep." ~Osho

DAY 20

There is a space that comes between inhaling and exhaling. We don’t consciously tell our

breath to stop coming into our body, stop and move out. Although breathing can be deep or

shallow, quick or slow, the process is automatic. If we learn to be a witness to the miraculous

respiratory system in our bodies, we can identify, without forcing, the moment when the breath

stops and changes directions. That precious moment is the gap – when breath pauses, when

thoughts cease and only silence remains. Today’s meditation will take us there.

Thought for the day

As I pay attention to my breath, I meet my true self in the gap.


Daily Quote

"Silence is the space in which one awakens, and the noisy mind is the space in which one

remains asleep ” ~Osho


Have you noticed how your thoughts stop when your breath pauses?

How can this meditation exercise help in your everyday busy life?

Day 21 - Breathe Like a Child

Within every adult lies the remnants of a child. A child is innocent, trusting, non-judgmental, and views most things wide-eyed, as if they were miracles. Isn’t that the kind of person we all would like to be? Unfortunately, as we grow up, we tend to lose much of the child-like nature. Layers of life cover childhood awe. We cannot go back, but we can recapture some of that innocence. The way to that innocence and awe is through the breath.

Most adults breathe from the chest, in shallow, short breaths. Children breathe deeply, from the belly. This kind of breathing is the most relaxing, the kind you use in meditation, but not so much throughout life. Chest breathing is meant for emergencies. If you need to fell from danger, being relaxed as belly breathing gets you, would not be good. But if you want to move through life in a state of relaxed awareness, breathing like a child is the way within.


"Meditation is a way to go within yourselves to that depth where thoughts don’t exist." ~Osho

Day 21 – Breathe Like a Child

Thought for the day

All through the day I remind myself to breathe slowly and deeply.

Most adults breathe from the chest, in shallow, short breaths. Children breathe deeply, from the belly. This kind of breathing is the most relaxing, the kind you use in meditation, but not so much throughout life. Chest breathing is meant for emergencies. If you need to fell from danger, being relaxed as belly breathing gets you, would not be good. But if you want to move through life in a state of relaxed awareness, breathing like a child is the way within.


Daily Quote

"Meditation is a way to go within yourselves to that depth where thoughts don’t exist ” ~Osho


Is your breathing deep or shallow?

How do you feel when you consciously take deep, belly breaths?