Osulti J)ntuuuil (KHliia.tnu controlofu resident memberofthe Fuculty, has been tilled with casesol...

Post on 01-Jun-2020

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"Osulti J)ntuuuil (KHliia. '

I)g-gggag ,1. I ' 11,1 I rngmmmgarn- i _jjl.






$2,500,000.Empowered by Act of Parliament, 2 Vict..Royal Assent,

July 27, I8J7."A Savings Hank far the Orphan and t/u Widow."II. S. HOARD OP LOCAL DIRECTORS AT NEW YORKJacob JIauvuy, Clialr'u. Samoki. S. Howlanu,John J. Pai.mrk, Gokham A. Worth,JONA. GoOUMUK, SAMURL M. KoX,Jambs Uookman, Wm. Van Hook,Ghokok Uauglay, C. Edw. Habight.

rpUE FOLLOWING ARE AMONO THE ADVANTAGES1 OFFERED HY THIS INSTITUTION.- Tl»e guaranteeof a large capital, III addition to the accumulation of prClllluiilm.The peculiar benefits secured to the assured by the principleof tiic LoiUi Department.The payment of preiuiuuis half-yearly or tplurierly, by

pui-tics insuredfur whole term of lijtt at a trilling additionalcharge.

Tiic travelling leave extensive and liberuhPersons insured lor life, can at once borrow half amount

of anuual premium, and claim the same privilege for liveI successive years, on their own note-ana deposit 01 policy.

l*uri of the ('uphill is permanently iuvesled in the UnitedStates, in the names of three of the Local Directors, as Trustees.availuhle always to the assured in cases ol disputedclaims (should any such arise) or otherwise.Thirty days allowed after each pa/meiR of premium becomesdue, without forfeiture of policy.No charge lor stamp duly, or for Medicul Examination.The Society being loundtd on the Mutual and Joint Stock

principle, parties may participate in the profits of the Society,two-thirds of which are annually divided among thoseassured tor life on the participation scale.The Society is not connected with either Marine or Fire

Insurance.pry- The Baltimore Branch of the United StateH Local

Hoard will meet on the First Monday of every mouth at theoffice of the Chairman, lor the trauMuctiou of business.

CCJr- The Medical Examiners will meet daily ut 41 Lexingtonstreet, at 4 o'clock, P. M., to receive applicants..* Fee paid by the Society.

Pamphlets, explanatory of Life insurance, and the peculiarsystem of this Institution, blank lorins of application,Ac., obtained at the Agent's office, ti German street.

Untied Stale* Local Director* of Baltimore.JONATHAN MEKElilTU, Esq., Chair'u.SAMUEL HOFFMAN, Esu.S. II. MoCULLOII, Esq., M. D.

J. MEREDITH, Esq., Standing Counsel.J. MASON CAMPBELL, Esq., Solicitor.

Medical Examiners.T. II. BUCKLER, 41 Lexington street.S. R. T1LG1IMAN, 46 St. Paul street.

Agents.DONALD MolLVAIN, 6 German street.TilOS. H. WILLIAMS.

oct 8.lyd*

Buck's Patent hot and Air-tight CookingStove

IS REMOVED from Light street to No. 42 South Culvertstreet, 2d door above Lombard street,

It is now one year since the subscriber first introducedthis stove to the luhubiiauis of the city and county of Bal:tnnore and its uiljuceut country, and will venture to saythat uo stove ever introduced into this market, where so

large a number hus been sold, ever became so popular inso short a time, or gave such general and universal suUfctactionas it has done. It is now eight years since 1 firstcommenced selling this Stove, during which time 1 havesold almost all and every kind ol Cooking Stove that nowis or has been in the market lor the last lil'teuu years:there lure ain, irout experience, piepurcu iu b»j, wiwuui

tear of coulradictiun, taut there never has betu tliul Maciunemtule in shape of either Siuve or Rauge, (hut is capableof doing no much work, of doing it an well, and al asemail expense lor labor and fuel, aa the Buck Stove. Thelire in m.tde an brought directly under aud very close toallthe boilers, rom 4 to 12 in number. The oven,is verylarge, being the lull size of the wove, including the heartn,consequently 10 twice an large as the generality of ovens inCooking Stoves uow iu use, and a third larger than theoven 01 any other stove ever made: aud ia so constructedthat the heat passes in flues entirely around the oven, beinga distance trom eight to twenty leet, (according to size,)wnioh not only gives the oven a perelclly even lieut at topand, bottom, but by couliuiiig and sending the heat tinsextraordinarily long distance iu the stove before coming tothe pipe, must make it appurent to every one that it wouldrequire much less fuel to co6k or keep it heated. It is alsoa superior haker; and the small size being capable ofbaking lour loaves of bread at a time, it at once does awaywith the ueeessity of a bake oven lor family use, therebysaving a large amount ol fuel that is usually wasted in thisway, aud reuders it peculiarly adapted to llic use of bourdiughouses, academies, hospitals, steamboats, and thelurgest class hotels. Hundreds of certificates might be addedto substantiate the above facts, butdeem it not necessary,believing that all who wish to study economy and convenience,and at the same tune obtum the most simple,inosl ornamental, and most durable Stove in America willat least call and examine this before purchasing elsewhere.The tallowing are a lew names selected to which I am

most kindly permitted to referMr. David Keener, 10 North Charles street.Ilishop Waugh, 2u Creen street.Thomas Wilson, corner Calvert and Lexington sheets.Dr. John L. Chapman, Mulberry street.Mrs. June liaynard, fiO North Calvert street.Ldward L. Fant, Hanover street.Ceorge A. V. Spreekelseu, 71 Bast Pratt street.Abraham Mister, 146 Jlanover street.laiut-N P. Williamson, corner Cay and High streets.John II. Rhodes, 182 Hanover street.Dr. J. M. Jennings, 0 Nortii Hsgh street.Jane S. Jewell, bl Howard street.James Young, % Eden street.Dr. II. If. Hopkins, 167 Park street.Joseph ilusbuud, jr.. 2111 Pratt street.I0I111 S. Helhy, esq., 1124 ilultunoru street.#I. Win; PVimnvnv, >i i ».»v.

Female Orphan Asylum, Mulberry streetBaruum Ac Co., City Hotel.1'. Tliurston, Fountain Hotel.Daniel Horsey, Exchange Hotel.William Field, National Hotel.Thomus James, Rainbow Hote!.|Col. H. Caprou, Laurel Factory, Mil.Many more names might be added, but suppose the above

will suffice. See little book at the store lor certificates amifurther particulars. Any person purchasing one of theseStoves, uller giving it u fair trial for thirty days, and find itdoes not unswer their purpose, can return it, and will havetheir mouey refunded.

N. II. No. 42 South Culvert street is the only place wherethey can be had.

oct 8 ly " UI'RR PECK, Agent.

Waaiilngton Uiiivemlty of Dieltimoic.

MuLIK'AL DEPARTMENT..ScMiou of 1817 and 1818.Prof, J. C. S. Munkuh, M. D., Tucory and Practice of Midi-


| Prof. K. Foiihman, M. D., Chemistry.| Pro!. Wii.i.iam T. Wilson, M. D., 'i'iierupeutics and MateriaMedico.

Prot; William T. Luonaiui, M. D., Anatomy.William II. Si-ukas, M. !>., J'roiessor ol Obstetrics, Diseasesot Women atid Children, aud Medical Jurisprudence.

1 Prof. UkouorMoCook, M. I)., Surgery.Dr. Wakkman IIkyauly, Deinousiraior of Anatomy.The annual course ol Lectures will commence ou Moniday, 2Gui of October ntxt, and continue lour months.Toe College hus grculiy enturged its capabilities lor impartingMedtcul instruction. Tin; Hospital Department, undertnu control of u resident member of the Fuculty, has

been tilled with cases ol disease. A Museum ot Auutomicatand other preparations hits been esuiblisncd, and manyimportant additions to the obstetrical Department havebeen received trom Paris. The rooms lor the resident Studentsare numerous, comfortable and economical, and willprove greatly advantageous to such us wish to pursue auussiduutis and uninterrupted course ol study.

FeesJ'or the Session.Matriculation ticket g 5Proltssor's ticket, each JODemonstrator's ticket 10Diploma 20

oct b.iyd" E. FOREMAN, Dean.


for tub exclusive sai.k of ooods adaptedTO MEN'S WEAR.


413 BALTIMOHB STHBBT,ftrltrrrn ulmrln amI Lirhl


tTHE Subscriber, hurltiB completed the repair* of

*mproved mx hlnerv, l« now prepared to execute, wl

ne of business. "The Improvement* err each as toor rift fabric*. In the moet durable mennor.

oet ft.Imd*



IFACULTY OK PHYSIC SESSION OK tntr-ft.Thelectures will commence on Monday, li&th ticlober, and

continue until the lirst ol Murch ensuing.Obstetric Surgery and Medical Jurisprudence,

Therapeutics, Materia M«dicu, ami Hygiene, Samuel(/'HEW, M. I>. VAnatomy alt(I Pfiygiology, Jobsup Hour, M. I>.Theory ami Practice ol Medicine, William Powuii, M.

D .Ohemibiry and Pharmacy, William E. A. Aiken, M. I>. n

LI. it. ISurgery, Nathan Smith, M I).Demons!rutor of Auatomv, Uhuiiok Mii.ti-.nmkoek, M. d. fInstruction ill Ohiiicul Medicine and Clinical Surgery J1

every day ul (he llallluiore Itilimiury, opposite (lie Medical "

College. The rooms lor practical anatomy will be opened I'October 1st, under the charge of the demunstraior. Keen hilor the entire course gut).Comhnmhle board may be obtained iu the vicinity of the **i

Medical College lor to gd.fiO.WILLIAM E. A AIKEN, J

oct8<l)y* Dean of the Kacuity. "

* The vacancy in the Obstetrical department will be filled (before tbe commencement ol tiie session.


s MERCHANTS!./DUE subscriber would respectfully invite the attention ofX Meroliunts vigitiug this cay, for Hie purpose of selectinga slock of goods lor iTie Kali and Winter suit s, lo his exlvinHive Mock ol '/'in, Japanned, »S'hut Iron unit liriluuniaWare, comprising » general variety, which lion been nmuuiu<lured iu inflow u tslabhalunuit, uii<i by tin ucM workmenin the eity, Mil o! Winch in olfcrcil at extremely low prices.Purchasers Irom the dillerem Stub s, will linn it greatly tuIheir advantage to cull ul Huh establishment, where theywill liiid every vuricly pi Tin Ware, ui price* that will not(ail to plcuse. Goods will be careiully packed uiul scut touny purt of the city tree ot charge.

A1.KltLI) II. map,act 8.-ly' No. 335, Hallo, w., ubuve Hie Globe Inn.


UAGGEK 6c UKOTHKllS, No. hi), South si., three doors I.Irom Pratt sireel, iluiumore, ManuJ'tulurers ami Jul- b

porters uf Mulhtuutlicul, Opltcul, uiut Phikmaphical lustra-- dinenls..A good assortment ol the lollowmg uritcles, whichwe oiler lor aalo at reduced prices: dSurveyor's Compasses; Engineer's Levels; Therordolites

Tiieodohteu Compasses; Ships, Plain, Storm, and Trunspa- I1rent Compasses; Spy-glasses; Plain and Double Tangent dQuadrants; Sextants; Uarometirs; Tnerununeters: Lug $Glasses; Mull-hour Glasses; Tupe Lints; (Justs ul Druw- a

tug Instruments; Pocket Coinpussts; Surveyor's Chums: '1Carpenter's and Lumber Rules; Tailors and Siilmakcrw' *

Stpntrts; Hruss and Guuter Scales; Parallel lluu s; Draw- c

tug Pens; Dividers; ProLfliCtora: ltowdiich Navigators;Hluut's Coast Pilots; Shipmasters Assistants; Seaman'sFriends; Nautical Ahnunucs; Lunar Tables; LogDookB;Shipping Papers; Scuuiuit's Journals; Ready Calculators; u

A good assortment ol Churls ol all parts uf the world; "

Gauging Rods; Out Sticks, 6cc. Together with u large as- J4,sortmeul ut' Instuomsnts 111 tlie Mathematical line. 11

tor Instruments ol' every description repaired, or made ,,

to order, in the ucaiest manner.ociS-ly'- ^POPPLE1N, OKltlCK, A, THOMSK.N, t


Nc. 184 lialllmurc Street,OFFER FOR SALE.

100 bbls. Epsom Suits 1U00 ounces Quinine50 bbls. Whil nig 40 pounds Iodide Potash2 tons Ext. Logwood 1000 pounds Gum Myrrh

.'10 ruses CampbelPis Shellac 30 boxes Calc'd Mucin sill10 cases Liver Shellac 20 cases Curb. Magnesia3d hull pictd cases Cassia 5 bags Gum Senegal j;2 casks Mace 2cases Gum Opium2 cusks Nutmegs 2 cases Gum Arabic ^

On Consignment, at Manufacturer's Prices. 1'

20 bbls. Glue 10 bbls. Copal Varnish *"

oct 8.

Laboratory of Titomsoitiau Uotuulc Medicinen. v

Li bus always on baud the largest and most complete us.- orimeiitof pure Botanic remedies in the United Stuterv v

prvpttM uuuer hie special care ut ine laboratory.being f

lie ti hi en-cteil in lis- Uuin «l Slates lor the spec in purposeof preparing Thutuaoniim lioiunic. Medicine*. Allot thepulverised and compounded articles, are put up |u quarter >

and half pound pat Rages, and ueatly labelled, with directionssuitable lor retailing uiul upon bitter terms than thesame articles can be had for in the United Slates. Everyarticle in his line is wurraided genuine.the public can relyupon this. 1

fcCP" A liberal discount made to country merchants, whoare particularly requested to cull and examine quality, dec., '

before purchasing. 1

03. The various Treatises, embracing the most reputedauthors, upon the Thomaoniuii or Botanic System of Medicine,may also be hud ul his establishment, by the quantityor single copy. oot 6.

New Pickling ami Preserving Establishmentand Vinegar Depot.

THE Subscriber begs leave to iutbrm bis friends and thepublic generally, that he has now nearly completed his

stock, consisting ol an extensive supply and choice assortmentof Pickled Pruitaand I 'aqrhthie*, Prcaervus, lirandy/ Yutl*, JtlhjH, iStjt upH, Culm//<«, Mmm'W, Ac., inaiiulacturedby himself in an improved manner, and unsurpassed style,and depeudiug solely ou the merits ol their superior quality,lie tlaturs himself ol a large und exleugive custom, lie is

now prepared to furnish Families, Hoarding and OysterHouses, Ac., through (he season, with Cucumbers, pickled nhi salt and water or Vinegar, and nicely spiced, by the 1UD,in kegs or barrels, ou HaiiKiactory terms.Merchants, Navy Agents, Snippers, Ac., are respectfully

solicited to lavor him with a cull, and to examine ins stockand articles prepared lor Navy and Ship Stores, before purchasingelsewin re, as he can supply litem with any qualities,in tlie shortest time, packed neatly, ami with care, uiulwould lake pleasure in inniisliuig them with a Catalogue4of all his articles, and wholesale prices ol his establishment.

Also, u superior article ol Pickling, Wine and Pure CiderVinegar, warranted, constantly lor sale by

WILLIAM NUMSEN,oct8. 307 West Pratt si., bet. Paca and Eutaw ut.

PIANO FORTES.'PHE undersigned are manufacturing at their establishment^ lu Uultunore, G, 0 1-2, and 7 octave PIANOS, ol ull patternsand styles, which they can confidently recommend toprolesaors and amuleuni. The Pianos umuuiactured by themnave thai peculiarity of touch which commend tiieui toplayers of every school, as well us those who are distinguishedby u suit and delicate action, us those who urc characterizedby a bold, licry, uud rapid iimvemciit.They ure authorised to refer to numerous professors in

Ualtiinoru, who have given their Pianos u trial, lur theirnstiinoihulH in their luvor, and they are warranted in rucomuieudiugthem by tlie universal upprubaliou which theynave received from the great number of persons who havelitem in use iu Baltimore, uud in tlie south and west generally.They arc confident l!iul they make an instrumentequal lo any made anywhere in this Country or iu Europe,and tlu'ir extensive manufacture ol Pianos enables them losell on terms liberal uiul MUlisiurtory. All instruments madeby them are warranted, uiul they will lie kept in tune one

yeur alter purcliuse, without charge.An agent will visit Richmond in a short lime, and various

parts oi Virginia and North Carolina, and will receive orders,which will be luiltwuily and promptly executed ul ourmuiiuiuctory.ttjr- Orders will also be received at our factory direct,

and special pains taken to give satislaclion.IVAAUUi 06 <>A Ijil I.I'j,

No. 0 Euluw St., opp. the Eiiluw House, Halt.oct 8.lyd* J

TO THK PLUL.it.'IMIE Subscribers would respectfully call the attention of* the public to their mock oi CAKKIAttlOS, ot their ownmanufacture, at their establishment, Tiik Ualtimokb CoachFactory, bWderick street onedour north of Uitiliiiiorc street,wliurc ttiey keep oil hniut and will manufacture to order atthe ahortem notiefe, Carriages of every description, and in n

style of uuequulled beauty of construction utid ol superiorworkmanship.Old Carriages rcpuircd ol the shortest notice, or token in

exchange. i

CorriugcR sold on commission.Two firm rule lour-p.isseuger Carriages, one u doctor's

close carriage, both llAliimore built; liiu owner having no

further use for them, will sell at a sacrifice if immediateapplication be nuuie.

K. 8. A A. V. I'll Volt,oct 8.lyd* Frederick street, near Uaitimore.


One Door Below Baltimore Sired, Baltimore.p E8FECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, thatII lie continues to nuuiutacturu Saddles, Ilarntsu, Ttunks,tec., and lias now on hand a large and beautiful stock olires!i goods, which he is soiling at uncommonly low pricesCountrydealers will find it to their interest to give me acall before buying. j

fine, Fashionable, Coach uiul lfoggy Harness, and ladies'uud geiitleuielis' Saddles, Ifridles, Ate., always on liuud.-.Mililury Work ddne in the best maimer. Ioct Cf.lyd*

hi* old ertahllxhmcni by the Introduction nf nrw|andlih promptncm and In th« heat atyle, nil order* in hi*afford the greatest faclHtlea In r(>k"1m^c<mon^woolcn,

"«nn»y lTi.|«Yn »OVin not, Btiw. vu « ivin



IN THEIR OWN CARS,.DAILY,JH.I.F.K Ac Co. moat respectfully inform I lie public thatII thejf ftuvecoinplctetluiittrrttiiutiii. nl («'oimucneiiig on«« 4th October) tor running their Express in their Own KxreusCan*, iiimI in charge ol their own Messcngera, by mail-aiiiH between Philadelphia and Baltimore, via York, Ooimhia,and JauicuMler, arriving in Baltimore and Philadelhiuiu linn? for the curly delivery of all packages, parcels,jieeie mid hunk notes, aud the truiiNuclion of uli couunisioiihentrusted to their care, ul reduced rateu and iucreaaedpeed.Their Expresses will leave Philadelphia at midnight, andrrive next morning in Baltimore, connecting with theirout horn and Western Expresses.The Northern Express ieuvca Baltimore daily, at 3 1*. M.

.jurvih miimiug*. DBiiuunro

Susoiivhuuiui llull, YorkHO Cliesnut street, PhiladelphiaGay 4c Co., No. 1, Wall street, New York '

Gay 4c Co., ProvidenceGay 4c Co., No. 7, Stale street, Boston.

The Southern Express leaves Tuewlay ami Friday, at 0

mi'iass..Depot Fredericksburgdo Richmonddo Petersburgdo Wi-liJon.

All goods nuiHt be marked " Miller 4c Co.'h Express," amireefed ns above,oct 8.lyd*



THE CAMDFN ANI) AMHOY RAILROAD LINE, FOllHILADEI.PHIA AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, will?ave Pier No. 1LN. R.. foot of Battery Plrcca, by SteamoatJOHN POTTER lor South Auiboy, every day, (Sunuvexcepted,) ut six o'clock.Passengers will take the cars front South Amboy hi Camenuud,arrive hi Philadelphia, about 11 1-2 o'clock.Fare to Philadelphia, £J; for forward duck passengers to

'hilndelphiu, 42,50; Emigrunt and Transportation Line everyay, by Steuinboal Transport, ut U 1-2 o'clock P. M., fare2,2.'»; Freehold and Monmouth, via Stages from Higlitslowiiud West's Turnout; from New York to Freehold by Wests'uriioi*,H7 1-2; front New York to Freehold by Hightstowu.1,50; Jo Spotswood and Wests, 75 cents; South Amboy, 2ucuts; Perth Amboy, 12 1-2 cents.

DAILY EXCURSIONS TO PHILADELPHIA.For the accommodation of those persons wishing to spendpart of the day in Philadelphia, either on business or pleaure,Excursion tickets will be furnished, entitling th» pasaugersto reliiru by the Mail Line at 4 1-2 o-clock, P. M.,

lie same day, or at b o'clock the next morning.Tickets for lite Excursion *5. to be had at the office, No.West Street, or on board the boat.Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passetierin this line, uud pass* tigers are expressly' prohibited

runt taking anything us baggage but their wearing upparel,irhirh will be at the risk ot its owner.oct8.dly I. BLISS, Agent.UNITED STATES MAIL LINES FOR


fit-^Iw dfriSr-1 MEMORNING LINE,

'Ell PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, ANI) BALTIMltltI! It All.ltflAllMa Wilmington, Newark, Elkfon.Havre do Grace. Ac., willrave the dc|tot, Eleventh uiul Market streets, daily (exceptituiilay,) at 8 A. M.

AFTERNOON LINE.Via New Castle ami Frciicbtown.

The steamboat OHIO, Capt. Davis, will leuve Dock streetvliarf, daily, except Sunday, at 3 1-1 P. M.

NIGHT LINE.Per Philadelphia, Wilmington and Ualtimore Railroad,vill leave the depot, 11th and Market streets, daily, at 10

. clock, A M.The Mail Lines will leave Ualtimore for Philadelphia at 9

V. M. and 8 P. M. per Railroad, and 8 o'clock, P. M., bySteamboat.SUNDAY MAIL LINE.

The only Line for lhdiimore, ou Sunday, will leave thelenot, 11th and Market street, at 10 P. M.Passengers must procure their tickets before taking thcii

teats iu the curs.WHEELING AND PITTSBURG.

Tickets through to Wheeling or Pittsburg, can be procur?d at the depot, or ou board the steamboat.Fare to Pittsburg #12; to Wheeling #13.NOTICE..All baggage by Die afaive lines is entirely al

he owner's riskf ami passengers are expressly prohibitedrom taking anything us baggage, but their wearing apparel;0 lbs. of baggage allowed each passenger.oct8.dly G. H. HUDDELL, Agent.



Carrying the Great Central United Slates Mail.SCHEDUDK:

Leaving Spear's Wharf, Ualtimore, daily, except Sundays,it 4 P. M., by the well kuown route, via* Chesapeake Bay,Jity Point, Petersburg, Weldon, Wilmington, to Charleson,8. C., without loss of sleep to Weldon.In the popular,oml'ortahle, ami safe steamboats, with their experienced-nptnius ami crews. GEORGIA. Captain Cannon, orilERALI), Captain Russell, or JEWESS, Captain SuttonI'll is Line has been running for upwards of twenty years,Vlthout loss oflife or property, The boats built expresslyor this route. Arriving in Norfolk, after a comfortablelight's sleep, next morning, at 6 o'clock, A. M. Thence uphe James River, with its beautiful scenery, in daylight, bylie seam boat CURTIS PECK, Captain Davis, or ALICE,.'aptain Urougit, to City Point.thence ta Petersburg in thele.'iutiful iron steamboat MOUNT VERNON, Captain Blow,tome time in advance at Petersburg of the Grout U. S. Mail,ine. with the passengers leaving Baltimore same time, orWashington City next morning, whore Una Great U. S. Mailane take their start from, thereby deceiving the public, withheir false advertisement of 84 hours ahead or any other,ine. The Bay Line gives the traveller at least six hoursest at Petersburg, to encounter (lie night travel to Wiliningon,N. C. The same passengers that leave Baltimore bylie Bay Line suialgumateat Petersburg with those that leavelultimore same evening, and Washington next morning,via the Great U. 8. Mail,) at Petersburg, therefore arrive alMinrlesloii all together.Also connecting with the Sea Board ami lloanoke Railnndto Gnrysvilte and Franklin.thence by the steamer'OX to Edenton, Plymouth, Newborn, uml Washington, N.J. Hetiirning with same connection.Returning leaves Norfolk at .'laud Portsmouth at 4 o'clock,

\ M., daily, except Sunday, arriving in Baltimore inimc for the several routes going North, EaBt, South, andWest,Furc between Bull. A- Norfolk or Portsmouth, Va. #.">

4444 14 Elizabeth City,N. C. 7 5(1u 44 44 Franklin, ti44 44 44 Richmond or Petersburg, Va., C4j 44 44 Gaston or Weldon, N. C., 944 44 44 Tlirough to Charleston, S. C., 21Meals on board Bay and James River Boats, included,

hereby saving to each passsenger by tills route #1 50.Travellers by the above route will please be directed byur Soliciting Agent in the Cars, and by the Porter iu theDepot yard4 ("Norfolk Line" labelled on his hat,) who willliruct you uud your baggage to the boat.

T. S11EPPAKD, Agent.Baltimore, October 8lh, 1847 dly

Steam CommniUcatton direct, from22^1,12, Soiilhaiuptoii to Mew Orleans and*uwit.* I'ursuiitii lo oruvr from tlie Lords Commissioner*f the Admirably, on the 2d of November next, mid thencenrward on the 2nd of each succeeding month, the ROYALMALL STLAM PACKETS will proceed direct from Southimplon to IJurmudu, Nassau, Havana. Cat or Ship IslandNew Orleans,) Vera Crui and Tampico, returning by tiniuutu route to England.This arrangement admits of an easy and quick convey

nice to and from Southampton and the places above mentoned, and passengers for New Orleans will be conveyeihither from the Company's veswcls on their arrival at Ca»r Ship Island, by die Mexican Gulf Railway Companywho will have a steamer ready, and other conveniencesprovided for (hat purpose, at a cost not uxceediug three dolurn for each person. The same facilities will be aflbrdetfrom New Orleans, embarking on board the Royal Mai:Sleaiu Packets for Europe, dec.The estimated lime for the voyage from Southampton h

im follows:.To lJertnudu, 10days; Nassau21 days; Havaiu23 <lays, Ship or Cat Island, New Orleans, 281-2 days; VertCruz, 33 (lays: Tampico, 30 days.The Sicam Packets are appointed to leave Ship or Cat Island llurbor on their return to Kugland at 0 A. M., on tinwist of each month, lly the above alteration, passengenproceeding to the West Indies, by the 2d of the mouth steamur, will be conveyed via Bermuda, and by lite 17th of th<month steamer, as herulofore, via Modem ami BurbiuloesParticulars as to fhres, etc., may be obtained on applieslion at the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company's Offlces, 5(

Yloorgatc Street, London; ditio Winkle street, SouthamptonMessrs. Delrue & Co., rue d'Enghien, Paris; Mr. tileanzer14 Boulevard Polseoulere,ditto; Mr. Ilundeiker, HamburghMexicau Cull Railway Company, New Qrleaus.06 Moorgate street, London- E. C1IAPPEL, Secretary.


jnlBBBMbil 1 AaaiA"WW-n* TO 1 IMLTo Ci. MUt.iii.AM), iiHO WHS ViLLti. J'lTTS


ARNANfJKMKNTS huvc been made with Messrs. llnrk *Co.*a l'jxpn kh Imm llnliintorc to Pitt*hiirKli lor the ex

motion of tin* I.mi, on and altt r Monday, October 4th, t<lite above named plana, with mail apeed. The wagons ollita him are all new, built with the capacity of 4,uUl) Iba.nud the belt teams to he obtained have been placed alonj(he line of the National Koad.M' twa-ugtrw will accompany all roods by this line, and *e<

that the drivers on the road make the allotted time Ironhtuiion to station, without failure.

All goods will be receipted lor at any of our office* oagencies, North or South, to arrive in Pittsburgh in 60 hourimid VVheeling in tiO hour* from Baltimore,floods received until IU o'clock in Ui« day.out fl.tyd*


MRS BOMJBY S Whrttoale and Retail Corwtl Manufwlory ih removed to llultiinore street, over John W

Koyeiun Ac Co 'n Store, where Merchant* ran be suppliewith OOMUrrtl on the moat rearonahle terms

W HAI.T1MORE STREET,octS. South aide, 3 doors from Oaj street

I Ac WILLIAM f STEVENS. Broadway, ashort distance above the Park, IMPORTERS ANDDEALERS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH AND UERMAN ENGRAVINGS, MANUFACTURERS OFLOOKING GLASSES, fc.W. A S. have made euch arrangements with the first

publishing houses in Uie PRINT line, iioth in Loiulon andParis, as will secure to them a constant supply of ull themost popular subjects from the best artists, as well as thelirst of all novelties as they are produced, which they willsell nt very reasonable prices.MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, in all the varieties

of French, Eli&uhethian and Gothic slyhg, coiiHtantly onhand or framed to order from original designs, with superiorFrench plates, and with that faithful attention to qualitywhich has always cluiraclerized their establishment

Portfolios and Btauds constantly on liand.oct 11.lyd*NEW LINE LIVERPOOL PACKETS

To sail from New York. 21st, and from Liverpool Gth ofeach month.

From Nrtc York. Liverpool.New .hip. Liverpool, 1100 » J*gJ. Eldridge. £ August 21 October ti

New .hip Quevfl of Hi. Wert, 1250 VIff.""* & JX?" jjtous, P. Woodboiwe. Jg»S ft* «

New -IP Cation, IMOUm^ S J* *& ^ gJohn BnUou. f October 81 Dec. 6

Ship Hottinguer- IOGU Urn., tewSjftf1 *}gUurshy. i Nov 2g Jan. GThese substantial, fast sailing, tfrst clans ships, all built in

the city of New York, are commanded by men of experienceand ubility, and will be despatched punctually onthe 21st of each month.Their cabins are elegant and commodious, and are furnishedwith whatever can conduce to the ease and coinlort

of passengers.Neither the captains or owners of these ships will he responsibletor any parcels or packages sent by them, unless

regular bills of lading are signed therefor.


The vessels appointed to nail hrotn LIVERPOOL arc theCALEDONIA on the 19th Annual.UUITANNIA on the 4th September

% HIRERSIA on the 19lh September.The vessel* appointed to mil from BOSTON nre theCAMRRiA on the let September.CALEDONIA on the 10th September.UUITANNIA on the let October.

IIIHERNIA on the 16th October.} Tliene ships carry eiperiwotd Surgeons.

No Berth ercumt until paid lor.,1 No Freight, except Specie, received on dayn of nailing.Afoto.<«-All Letters aud Newspapers tunef pom through tin. Poet Office. Merchandiser and Specie (except tor personaexpeunet) nhipped under the name of loooao* will hi

charged ae freight, and liable to Custom ilouee Regulationsr Specie takm ae freight.

For freight or pamage, apply to S. S. LEWIS, No. I Com' meroial wharf, Boston.In addition to the above line between Liverpool ami Doe

ton via Halifax, a contract has been entered into with HnMajesty'» Government, to establish a line between Llverpooand New York direct. The Steamships for this service annow being built, and due notice will be given of the tinuwhen they will start, tinder the new contract,the steamertwill sail every Saturday during the eight mouths, ami tverjfortnight during the other four months in the year.goinjalternately between Liverpool and Halifax and Boston, anc

ten Liverpool and New York,g.lyd ocUa*

For freight or passage apply toWOODHULL A MINTURNNR,

87 South street, New York,or to FIELDEN, BROTHERS A CO.,

oct11.Uly* Liverpool.


CORNER OF TREMQNT AND BOSTON STS.,1)1roily pypoflte Boston Common* o

MR. JOHN WRIUHT having relinquished all connexionwith the Winthrop House, it will lor the future be underthe aula management uf the subaeriber, und the house

is now opened as a Hotel for tha travelling public, aa wellaa u home lor more permanent boarders.The situation o! the House, directly in front of lloaton

Common, its spacious and airy rooms, and alt ita Internalr accommodations, render it unequalled by any public houae

in the city, in its attractions for the traveller, and for thosedesiring more permuueut lodging*.Every convenience as to apartments, table and attendance,will be furnished at die huune, which can be had at

any hotel in the city, in its attractions for the traveller, andtor those deairing more permanent lodging*.Every convenience as to apartments, table and attendance,will be furnished at the house, which can be had at

any hotel or hoarding house in the citr, aud the subscriberwill devote himself to the comfort of all who may favor himwith their patronage.

Parties travelling with their families, and with ladies,will t\ud the Wtntnrop House especially adapted to theirconvenience.The patronage of the travelling public and of permanent

hoarders, is respectfully solicited.oct 8 ly' WILLIAM II SPOONEli.

New Carpet Warehouse.BALLARD A PRINCE inform their customers and the

public that they have removed from the old aland solong occupied by them, to the large and commodious Warehouse,recently erected on the north side of

DUOOMFIELD STREET,a short distance from Washinglou street, where they offerfor sale an extensive assortment of English and AmericanCarpeting*, of all qualities; do do Stair Carpetiugs; HearthRug*; Rocking*; Straw Matting*, Ac. Ac.

Also, English and American Painted Floor Cloths, of alldimensions. net 8 ly*

adams house,No* 371 Wsihlnglonatreet, Boston.

THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends nudthe public, that they have become proprietors of the

above new unci splendidHotel.The Adams House was erected during the past season to

supply an obvious demand for increased aud superior accommodationsin this city. It is located on WashingtonHtreel, within five minutes' walk of the great Southern andWestern Railroad Depots, and the business sections of thecity. It is adjacent to the Park, aud thw Cupola commandsa beautiful view of the Harbor and adjoining towns.The House lias been constructed alter the most approved

plans, with all the modern inventions that minister to thecotnibrt and convenience of the traveller, and the constructor'slong experience In hotels, has enabled him to introducenuuiy improvements which are, as yet. peculiar toIds establishment. It is built of Quincy granite, aud coutainsOne iluudreU aud Fifty Rooms, conveniently arntnged in suits and single apartments, well ventilated, and suppliedwith an abundance of pure soft water.The Furniture was muds to order from the best patterns,with special regard us well to comfort ahd convenience, as

luxury ami spleudur.Our Table will be supplied with all the luxuries of the

season, and we nlerigc ourselves that the pihst rarities ofthe season shall be found upon it.Ws have devoted unusual attention to the selection of

servants, auu our guests may reiy upon prompt and politeattendance.Porter* will be in readiness. at the various Depots, to take

charge of Baggage and provide Carriage** for our guest*.The proprietors trust by strict attention to the want* nl

guests to merit a share of patronage, assuring all who maytuvor them with a visit, tliut nothing shall be wauling ontheir part, to render the Adams Hons* second to none Intiie Union. L. 4c W. T. ADAMS, Proprietors.

l. adams, jr.,WM. T. ADAMS.

Adams House, Boston. Oct 8 ly*Merchants' Exchange Hotel,STATE STREET, HUSTON.

rnilE subscriber will oueu on the 1st of September next,X the Merchant*' Ksc&ange Hotel, located in State street,and in the immediate viciuity of the Hanks, the Post Office,and the Exchange, and hones by the strictest attentionto the wants and conduits of his gueata, to merit a goodshare of the public patronage. The house lias one T»uuidred rooms, has been thoroughly renovated anil repair,ed, and the undersigned feels couth lent that he is now prepared to entertain the travelling public In a style equal toany ilotel iu lite city. The bedding and furniture generallyhas been replenished, and the appointments and convenfIences of the House are inferior to none. of its kind. Byprompt personal attention to the desires of his guests, the

t subscriber hbpes to merit his share of the public favor andpatronage.Transient Boarders One Dollar per day.

oot 8 ly* HENRY POOLEY.British and North American Royal Rail

! STEAMSHIPS,Jlfttv, Appoluted by the Admiralty to sail2li|UmU between LIVERPOOL4c BOSTON, *2231A2.cuiinig *i HALIFAX to land and receive Pnssntxi in anuHer Majesty's Mails:

CAMBRIA. CJspt. Charles II. E. Judkins.! CALRDONIA, Edward U. Lott

BRITANNIA^ 44 William HarrisonHIBURNIA, 44 Alexander KyrieACADIA, 41 Niel Slmnnon.

OOBAI 8TBAM MAVieATION COM PAN VUnited Wide* Muil Line to flpw mut Mouthum/ilim, and

Bremen.-HflrT. The apleudid urw Slennnd.ip WABHINUi^§LSJtm '/'ON, 17G0 lona burthen, Frederic Hewitt, commanner, wiU atari from New York on the 23d of Septeuiher, carrying the II. H- Mall.She wftl lunch at <N»wch ami Southampton to land na#

oeugera and deliver the mail* fur England, France and Belgium,and will then proceed Ui Bremrrhaveii. Ueiiirnuig,will leave llreinerliaveu the Ibth October.The WaHhingiuii Im huill in the strongcMf manner, with a

View lo be nix converted into aldp of War, and eubjeel atany time to ineperliun by officera appointed by the Preaident,both during and after ronatruclion.She Iium two eugiuca of HX» home power each, and ac

commixlaliuiiH lor 120 ptpweugera.I'aaeage from New York to Southampton or to liremeu,120.Do from llremen and Southampton to New York, §1C0.Site will carry abeng 300 tone freight, which will be

charged according to the nature of the gooda mlVriug. Alliettera niUHt inum through lite Poat Olfice. Purcela, lorwhich billavf lading will he signed, will be charged $0 each.For Freight or Passage, apply at the Office uf die Ocean

Steam Navigation Company, 46 William street, corner ofWall. K. MILI.S, (ieneral Agent.

Ageiitn at Southampton, 1IAV, CROSKKY ut ROSS,at Itrcinen,' O. A- IIK1NKKRN dc CO.at Havre, WILLIAM IIISKIJN.

The aecouil steamer of the line is in due course of construction,and will be in readiness in the ensuing fall.oct 8 ly*



WILL nail Aram New Yurk $u (1m* SAHIt, and from u*#'pool on lie II tli of each >nl li.

FROM NEW YORKShip HIIERIDAN. C.'apt. O. II. Cornish, 26th Jail.Ship ( Alt Kit K, Cant. II. J II. Trask. tfkli FebShip KOHLTES, Cant Aha Eldridge, 26th Man hSlitp|HIIIDONS, Edward li Cobb, Itiih April

FROM LIVERPOOL.Ship CAHHII'K, L'apl. U. J II. Trn»k. Uh DecShip KOSrlDS, ('apt Asa Ml.li iti«e, lllli Jail.Ship HIDDONS, Cant. K. II. Cubb, I llli Feb.Ship HIIEItlDAN, Cdpt. («. II. Cornish, UUth Jim.These ships lire ull of the Urol class, upward of 11(10 tons«

built in (he City of New York, with aiir.fi improvi im nts ancombine great himted with uiiiiNtiul comfort tor passengers.Every care has been tukeii in the. arrangement of their accommodations.The price of (wssage hem e in #75, forwhich ample stores will be provided. These whips arecommanded by experienced masters, who will make everyexertion to give general satisfaction.

Neither captains nor ownera of these ships will be responsiblefor any letters, parcels, or packages went by themutiles* regular hills of lading are signed therefor.For freight or passage, apply toEDWARD K COLLINS,56 Smith St., Nsw York, or toBROWN', SHIPLEY, 4k CJO.. Liverpool.Letters by the packet ships will be charged twelve aud u

half cents per single sheet, 50 cents per ounce, and newspaper*one cent each. ,

EDWARD K. COLLINS respectfully requests |lhe publishersof newspapers to discontinue all advertisements notiu their name of their Liverpool packets, viz: The lloscius,Siddoiis, Slier)dau, ami Darrick.To prevent disappointment, notice is hereby given that

contracts for passage cull only be made with (hern,octil.dly"

MowExhlliltingat Bio. id] Hassan street, N. Y.litIteem bSillon 4" Ann ata., next to thr llvrultl office.

Qa AAA AC HERMAN'S CARVED LETTERS for.OUiUUU 8IQN&,caii be had at the following prices: IinIproved Carved Letters, gilt witii extra deep gold leaf, warrantednot to fude, at 10 cents an inch.'J in. letters each 20 cts. 8 in. letters each R0 ctn.0 do do 30 9 do do 904 do do 40 10 do do #1 005 do do 50 11 do do ] 106 do do GO 12 do do 1 207 do do 70And larger sixes in proportion.Ornamental Signs, Banners, Coat of Arms, Flags, Ac.,executed in a superior manner, at the Old Establishment,101 Nassau street, between Fulton and Aim.To Country Merchant*..The difficulty of procuring in

the country a handsome and attractive sign, and the trouble,expense and inconvenience of Ub transportation, when obtainedin the city, induces the suhsorib. r to offer to the noticeof merchants and others, w hen visiting New York, his newand beautiful Cold Carved I.< iters, which are of so convenient a form that they can easily be» packed In the trunk orin the same box with other goods. Full directions are givenso that any one can put them up either on a sign board oron the building itself The cost of these, while more durableand elegant than anything yet Introduced, is about thesame as any ordinary gilt sign, for instance the name of

ZACHARY TAYLOR,being 13 letters, if of 8 inch would cost but *10,40 cents.Their advantages are so obvious that Uiey are already adoptedby many of the tlrst Anns In the city und country, andthe subscriber will take pleasure hi showing to those whowill favor him with a call, the superiority of their workmanship,the symmetry of their design, the convenience oftheir transportation, and the facility with which they4muybe put up in uny desired situation. Parties residing at adistance cun have them safely favored by sending the nameof the firm or designating the particular letters wanted,

oct 11.dly * JAMES ACKKKMAN, 101 Nassau st.'Old KwtablUlittcft PaHwnge OlUci-, 47ft Pearl HI.C1AMUEL THOMSON A NEPHEW, Agent for the "Black0 Slur" I.lne of Packets.1M7 LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. 1M7Ship* Captain* T. Ilrflater. T. Burden.

Mnrimon, (new) VV. Edwards, 8Uu I4«0i)Sardinia, (new) C. K. Crocker, WW 144N1Sea, T. F. Freeman, 847 HI)Liberty, P. P. Norton, 792 |.«N)Huguenot, S Goodhue, 932 16U)America, (new) Wear, 1180 1900Empire, (new) G. Uussell, 1090 IhOONiagra, H. Ruaaell, 730 1350Senator, (new) H. Cosiu, H50 1460Ohio, T. J. Bird, 762 1375Cornelia, P. M. French, lubft 1750Chaos, J. L. Wilson, 810 14U0Elizabeth Densoii T. W. Spencer, 806 1400Peter Hatrick. J. D. Post, C7U 1300The aubticriherB would respectfully inform their friends

aud the public that they have added several splendid newships to their line of packets between this port and Liverpool, which lias been favorably kuown and extensively patroiused for a period of more than thirty yearn, andhavino hesitation in assuring those who may wish to make engagemenla for the passage of their friends from 'RutlandScotland,.or Inland, that they will tind their shijis infrrioto uone in point of comfort, convenience and safety, one owhich will sail from Liveri>ool every six clays fhroughuiithe year, making delay and the consequent expense to endgrants at the port of embarkation impossible.A free passage per steamer from the various Irish and

Scotch porta with breadstutt'sand hospital money paid, mayhe secured all at the lowest rates; and when those settledlor decline coming out the full amount paid will he promptlyrefunded us usual. For further particulars apply to

SAMUEL THOMPSON A NEPHEW, 276 Pearl sf.Or to C. GU1MSHAW A CO, 10 Goree Planus, Liverpool.Drafts on exchange pay able ut sight are also furnishedfor any amount on R. C. Glyn A Co., Bankers, Loudon; C.Grimshuw A Co., Liverpool; the National bank of Ireland,National Bank of Scotland, ami Northern Banking Company.Apply as above. octll.dly

STEEL PENS.MYER PH1NEAS, Manufacturer and Importer of English

and American STEEL PENS 4 PEN HOLDERS;128 William street, between Fulton and John sts., N, York,respectfully invites the Attention of the public to his justlycelebrated Bank, Commercial and Original Pens, which areused by the principal houses in the city, who have foundthem the best Pen ever used. Also, Ornamental Pens lorvarious writings^which are both durable and elastic, andare preferable to the Gold Peu, possessing the same rarequalms*Bank Pens 330 1 Capital, F 306

Do do336 2 Barrel, F 1IJ1Commercial 337 1 Exiruline Point .'it 15

Do 337 2 Suavetor do 30tyRegister 328 Eagle Pensdo 3:13Original 335 Do do334Dieble Damnscus 364 School Pens, F f»lDamascus 264Also on hand, uii extensive assortment of Pens of various

makers, which M. P. offers for sale at very low prices. Forwile by G. F. Nesbitt, II. Cogswell, Messrs. Wheeler AWood, lloweu A Co., I«inihert A I.ane, |>. Felt, iu Wall

mii.I hv nil III.1 KfiilK.ii) >-w i.i tl.M i-itv ...-ill JB'

lSlnnl& Book* and SlMlouery of every description.GEORGE F. NESBITT\STATION ICR AND PRINTER,Tontine Building, cur. Wall and Water uit eeiu, New Yurk.

rpo BARKERS. IRSFRANCE COMPANIES ANDA MERCHANTS UEOIKiK F. NESUITTlakes leaveto slate tliiit having established Resident Agents hi Englandand France, lie will be euiibled In supply any und every articlein his line at the lowest prices. The object of the subscriberis not so much to do an extended wholesale businessas to supply merchants and others with such articles aslhcymay require in their business, in small quantitiesfut wholesaleprices, by which a saving of at least2o percent will bemode. The loltowing articles will be fouiul hi his presentextensive stock:

Papers, Cutlery, Slates, Sealing Wax, Steel Pens, Seals,Inkstands, Copying Presses. Slunddishcs, Waters, Had Tape,Inks, Pencil Cases, Ivory '1 ablets, Envelopes, Cum Tickets,Mlunk Cards of every variety.Together with every other article made either in England

or France, and constituting a pint of a stationer's stock.Domestic Slntioucry, in quality und assortment not surpo.Cd.net 11.lyd*

RICH & LOVTREL,importers of



PRESSES, ij'*c., i|vc.01 William Stkkst, Nbw Vouk.

oct 11.dly*FRENCH BOOTS,

AT THE PARIS BOOT EMPORIUM,Corner of Fulton und Nojuiuu at., opjwite the Herald office.'IDUS is one of the first and most fashionable establish-*meats in this city ; the quality of their Moots and Shoeshas made it Uic resort of alt who want to have a nice andeasy Moot at the extreme low price ol 44 00, equal to thebeat made in other stores lor 40 and 47. We would call theattention of our friends to his establishment, where theywill no doubt be kindly received by MR. YOUNU, the proprietor.Fine Calf Moots for £1 Go, that cannot be beat for4o. Small profits and quick returns, is Ins motto.

ocl 11.lyd*Ladies Drew Trliumiitga Manufactory.

r|1HE undersigned has just received from recent intportation, together with her own manufacture, a beuutilulussoruueut of Dress Trimmings, such as:

Hl.u k and col'd Mullion and Sewing Silk Fringes, fur MunnllnamiiiI Visiles, sll widtl.M ami «mii. «.u^

Splendid rich black and coi'd Bull fcdk Fringes, fur Cloak*,Mantillas and Walking Dresses.Hluck and col'd Ciinp Head Mohair Fringes, very handsome.A large assortment of Cut Silk Fringes, comprising everywidth and shade lor Full Dresses.Black and xolored Silk Gimps, of the newest and most

fashionable styles of imtterns.Tugeiiicr with u beautiful assortment of rich new styleButtons, tor lull trimmings; with a large assortment ol

Purse Trimmings, Purse Silk. Velvet Knap. Bags ami Keticults, Curtain Gimps, Cordssud Tassels; rich patterns Veniliait Cords and Tassels, S.Ik Bindings, with a mil assortntent ol Odd Fellows', Sons of Teutpenutce, mid BedMen's Regalia. All of winch 1 am prepared to sell lutewholesale and retail.

MRS. A. SISCO, Ceiicrul Furnishing Store,oct It.ly* i*> Baltimore,opposite llolliday Bait.

UAIiVANlHKI) T1NNKD IKON.'1MIIS material, recently patented and throughly approve,*- of by the most eminently practical and srirntitie clicmists, architects and navul constructors in Eugltuid, Franc,and the United States, found Co be s cheap, strong and mdestructible substitute for tin, copper, xinr, or Iron in tinordinary slate, when they are exposed to the action of Wuler or the atmosphere, is now furnished by the subscribersin nil its various aud useful forms, and in any (piautily.As a covering lor roofa it is comiug into general use, am

has been employed for the purpose to a very large cjUciiwithin a year or two past, superseding tin, slate, xlnc, an.shingles liy its various admirable qualities, durability amirrcdom from oxydaiioti. In addition to the roofing plaleiSpikes of all descriptions, Nulls, Chains, Bolts, BanL««cks, Keys, Iliugts, Srrews and Nuts, Clamps, Rail:

, Bars and Fixtures Tor hydraulic works, are lor sale by th| subscribers, manufacturers and patentee*.

GEO B MURKWOOD * CO.,oct 11.ly# U and 16 Beavsr stmt,fl. Y.

i:\( i! \ \<;i: hotki.,M outgome r> , Ala*

IT wilt be u mutter ol grutiliealioii to tin- eiti/.-mi ol Moulgoniery, uh well an the travelling community through

that great commercial thoroughfare, to learn thut MrWiuihiiigloii Tilly, no long uliti favorably known a* theenurieoua ami gentlemanly proprietor of Montgomery Hall,will open, on the hi of November, tlie above new ami admirablyarranged Hotel, unde r Mr. J. J. Stewart, the proprietor. In the nn-ummodatiou for permanent boarder*ami iranNlent viaitrm, no ex]* n*e ha«d>*eii hpa red by theproprietor ami the tmdenugiied, aw manager, to merit that

iMilronage which their experience ami popularity tnerile.I'he building and furniture are new and nartly, and welladapted to auit the luele ol traveller*.the furniture modern.The table* will he well Hiipplnd with every articlerequisite for the moat liiatidlnu* aHtm, ami the wine* of

usscmhle in Him city, and upon thin, us upon every occaaiou,(ho nu mbers, a» well us the public* in general, mayexpert no diminution of the attention hey have hithertoexperieinMtl from the undersigned.

net 8 iy' WASHINGTON TgXY.Fill:M il TUANHATLANT1C KTKAMSHIPCOMPANY.JMM^ The aiiipa of thia Company are appointed to

ua follows:FROM NEW YORK.

The UNION. Capt. Herbert, sails on the 30th Sept. IM7.44 PHILADELPHIA,Capt. Ikaaon,44 16th Oct.44 MISSOURI, Capt. Monti, 44 31st 44

44 NEW YORK, t<iipt. Ferrand. 44 15th Not.FROM IIAVKE.

The PHILADELPHIA sails on the r*h of Sept.44 MISSOURI. 44 44 anil 4444 NEW YORK, 44 44 1 5th Oct.44 UNION, 44 44 31 atPassage from New York to Havre, 9130; wines not included.Berths not secured until paid for. *

An experienced surgeon is attached to eacli ship.These ships having been constructed lor the French RoyulNavy, are inferior to no vessel in ull sea-worthy qualities.Their cabins are large, well furnished, and unusually

well ventilated, and their table is unsurpassed.Wines of ull kinds and of the best quality atfu furnished

at very low rates.For freight or luiseage, apply to the Company's Agency,

No. 14 Broadway. oct 8 ly*"NEW YORK LAMP DEPOT,"

Not. 134 and 130 Pulton st. Run Buildings.LAMPS. GIRANDOLES, CHANDELIERS, ac.-J O.

FAY has made such arrangements with a large manufacturingestablishment as will insure to the public, merchants,and others a ruru opportunity to procure cheap andvery superior articles of44Solur, Hanging, and Stand Lamps"in greut variety.

(iirandoh-s of new and superior style and finish.Solar and (Jus Chandeliers, with '3 to ti orw lights, of the

most splendid workmanship, with or without prisms.C'undelubrns, Hall Lanterns, Ac., dec.. In great assortment.Bracket, Solar, and Tin Side Reflector Lnmns and Wicks.The above articles are unequalled in quality, style, and

beauty of finish, and w ill be sold at the manufacturer's lowestprices, wholesale and retail. Gilt, Bronzed, and Silvered.

N. B. Don't forget, before purchasing, to call and examinethe assortment ut the Lamp Store 131 and 130 Fultonstreet, Sun Buildings.Also, old launps rcbronzed, gilt, and silvered, made to

look like uew at short notice, and Astral Lumps altered to4$olar. oct 11.dl'y



to corrode. All who appreciate comfort in writing shoulduse the above beautiful pens, as they ure warranted not tocorrode; and for elusiicity, fineness and durability, areunequalled by any other pens ever ottered. These punawere lirst introduced into this country in August, 1845, atwhich time the maniilocturers were unknown to the writingromiuuiiily; the pen, therefore, hud to stand on its ownmerits. It is therefore gratifying to the manufacturers to.ii K iiow ICtlgO iiiul u UIHCCriUlig pUOIIC IIUS pUltl Uie fUglieKItribute tu their lulw.rs, and Unit the present demand (winchis daily nu n-using) lur exceeds their utmost expectations.The quantity of pens nuidu and sold by Herts A Suit,

hunt December, 1815, till December 1846, is37.1,(100 gross, or 4,500,1*Jl) dozen, or 46,0tt),000 of pens.Tlie enormous demund for them* is a sufficient proof of

the quality; it is therefore unnecessary to publish tlie varioiihcertificates that the maun fur Hirers have received fromall parts ol the Union. Tin y may be hud at wholesale atthe manufacturers' depot, Ha John street. New York.or 36Coruhill, Uostoii ami retail from ull Stationers iu Die UnitedStates. oct II.ly*nOTYON HAIL. CLOTH, HEAVY CAN*IJ VASS, Ac. Ac..The subscribers have in store a comTplete uasortmeul of Cotton Cauvuss, comprising u great varietyof styles of all widths slid weight, both plain andtwilled, among which is the United Slates Pilot Duck, Nos.

J- 1 to Id inclusive, both bard and sod. The latter lor squareriggedvessels, lias been pronounced by practical men tobe riilly equal to either hemp or flax Ducks, costs muchless.

Also, the New England Cauvuss, comprising nil numbersfrom 1 to Id, and varying in widths from &Tto 44 incheswide, of any weight or thickness desired.Also, the American Pilot Duck, Nos. 1 to 6 inclusive.Also, the Navy Duck, Nos. 1 to 6 inclusive.Also, 1U0 pieces of heavy wide Canvass, 44 to 72 inches,

made expressly for paper manufacturers. These goods areused iu pretereuce to Ihe woollen lelt; are said to be equallydeskrahie to purposes of utility, and costing ubout outquarter.

Also, about 500 bolls of Cotton Havens Duck, 24 to 3dinches wide, pluiu and twilled, suitable tor light sails, awnings,lelilh, Ac.

Also, ldd bahs heavy twilled Cotton (lagging, 21, 22,24,28, and 41 inches wide.

Also, Hail and Seine Twine.A full assortment of all'numbers For sale by FOX A POLIIEMUS,

oct 11 ly' 59 Broad, corner Beaver street, N. Y.


Sail ww^wwSHIPPERS of goods for ull parts of lite West ure informedIj that we run the only Expiesa hy mail train to the West.Ail goods will be receipted ai our office to be delivered in

Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louisville, oruuy ol the principal Western cities, uheiid of any other line,or no freight will be charged at the point of delivery West.

( HKENE A CO.,oct 8.lyd* Office Pratt street DepotThe <4reeat Spring Hydropathic Institute.

UNDER the charge ol Dr. Wm. Bods, a pupil of Priesutt/.of (Irieletihcrg, is now open lor the reception ol patients.

It is distant from Baltimore 14 miles by the SusquehannaItailroud, air Id miles by the Ueisterlown Turnpike. Thebouse, Ixiihing establishments, and quantity and quality ofWater at this Institute, altbrd every means for the efficientpractice of tho water cure. The grounds are so arranged,and of such extent, us to enable and induce the inmates totake ample exercise.Applications fur admission to be addressed to.

Da. WM. BODE,oct sOwing*1 Mills Post Ollh;.-, li.t111in.>i. ..only


fllllE above Periodicals are reprinted in New York, Im±mediately on their arrival by British steamers, in abruutilul clear type, oil fine white paper, and are luiliifulcopies «'»f the originals-- Blackwood's Magazine being uuexact litc-similie ol the Edinburgh edition.The wide-spread lame ol these splendid periodicals rentiersit needless to say much iu their praise As literaryorgans, they stand far in advance of any works of a similarstamp now published, while the political complexion ol

each is marked by a dignity, candor, and Ibrbturance, notoften found in works oi a parly character. jThey embruce the views of the three great parlies in

England-Whig, Tory. uu.I Radical. « Blockwood" andMil! i.wikhiii Vtunricnjr on: iury, inc ttUlilimrgll 1U'view," Whig, and the "Westminister," Radical. The"North British Review" is ofa more religious cast, and huslor itM editors Sir David drewhut and Dr. Haiina, hou-iiilawof the late Dr. L'halmers, of Edinburgh. lis literaryarticles are of the Ural order, and it is liberal in its politics.The prices of the reprints are leas than one-third of thoseof the loreigu conies; and, while they are equally well gotup, they athird all that advantage to the American over Die±Jngh*/i reader.


Payment to be nuulcin advance.For any one of die four Reviews, 00 per annum.For any two do 5 00 44

For any three do 7 00 44

For all four of the Reviews 8 00 44

For Uluckwood's Magazine 3 00 44

For Blackwood and the four Reviews,10 00 44

CLUSBINO.Four conies of any or ail of the above workB will be sent

to one address, on pnymcut of the regular subscription lorthree; the fourth copy being gratis.,ccj- Remittances and communications must be mode in

all cases without expense to the publishers. The formermay always be done through a postmaster, by handinghim the amount to be remitted, taking his receipt and lorwarduigit by mail, post-paid, or the money may be enclosediu a letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers.N. 1). The jHMhtgc oil nil these periodicals Is reduced, bjrthe late post olllce law, to about one-third the former rulea.making a very important saving in the exptuse of mailsubscribers.CO- In most of the large cities and towus in the United

States lying on the principal railroad and steamboat routes,these periodicals will be deliveredfree of itoetnge.LhONARD SCOTT A CO., Publishers,Ipet 8 ly* 79 Fulton strget, N. Y.


TIIK Mutual Benefit Life Insurance.Company (No. 11 Wallslre« t) issued, during tlio month of September, 1847, one

hundred and twenty-one new policies, via:To Merchants& Traders 40 To Indies 4

Clerks 8 Mariners ..... 0|Manufacturers 9| Agents itMechanics 14 Civil Knginecr ILawyers 4 Judge Supreme Court 1Clergymen* 0 Naval Otnrer ... 1Physician* Cashier of Hank Ilint-keener* a See. In*. Company I

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t New policies issued in September l'ilI ROM T I.. PATTKRSON, Pnm'lil IICNJ N J Mil J'.K, SCry

H J. C. Law la, Agent, Washington, 7t|i at opposite CJene»,ral Post Office.«, Hakvky l.iNoai.v, M D Physician, comer of C ami 4 1 Jie I streets.

A pro«|>ectus to be had of the Agent, netting forth the princ.iples, operation*, and benefit* of lire insurance showiuialso the great success ol the Company. oct tf 6t


CONGRESSIONAL REGISTER.WITH lb* commencement of the 3Uth Cougrraa, we pro|M»weto continue Ihf Congressional Register «y thehuh if plun aa pubiiahctl during t«* Uat acwMou. It wilfcooluiun lull aiuiacciiratt report of the busiutau proceedings«Cungrt-MN, together with aketrhea of the debate* which lakeplace in eai*1» Ih>umc. The neat Congress will be one ofthemoat imporluut Which ha* osaeuibled (or years, and it isone III I. inii.nlii.il til irive l/i Ilia ikeimle a nmnlt-I* hisfofVof their proceedings, ami at such a lotsprice that every person who ultra aii interest in the acta of Dial body eau procureu ropy. It is believed that the lat session of the 30throiigrrNM will continue at least eight months; and we fherelorepropose to Issue weekly, on a mammoth aheet, octavoforui. their proceedings at the unprecedented tow r*M of

One dollar per ropyfor the erosion


Thia publication ia uot only the cheapest, but it coutainamore valuable reading matter than iu to be found in anyother Weekly published at the wme price in the country.Beside* the politics of the day, it contains all the lots amiimportant tunes, bothforeign and domestic; and ita commercialurtichs are not equalled. It will also contain a completesynoptical summary ol the proceedings of both Rouewsof Uougreus, and U> furnished to subscribers at the lowrate ofOne dollar and twenty five cent* per copyfor the session.< 'lube will be furnished with ten copies lor #10. fAU subscriptions must be fHiid is advance. |Postmasters, by sending us five subscribers far either qfthe abore publications, witI be entitled to one copy gratis. ' 1!

Subscription price of Daily Union per yean- #10 00Subscription price of Send-Weekly, published triweeklyduring the w anions of Congress 5 00Subscription price of Weekly . 2 00

Clubs will befurnished with5 copies of the Daily for ....#40 00fi do Semi-Weekly W0 0010 do do . .. 30 00

f»doWeekly 8 00f10 do do . 15 00

Distant subscribers may forward us money by letter, the

Coutage 011 which will be paid by us, and all risk assumedy ourselves in Its safe transmission. [Postmasters ore authorized to art as our agenta; and by

wiuliug UK 11** Daily subscriber* with &) enclosed, or fiveSemi-'Weekly subscriber* with *4& enclosed, or five Weeklysubscribers with 910 enclosed, will he emitted to oue »

copy of the nme edition uh they furnish us subscribers lor,gratia.Notice..Nettmpaperi.hy publishingourprospectus, with

this uotire attached, until the let ol December next, will receive,during die next session of Congress, the Congrrasiunal Rtgintrr and Tri- Weekly IJtUuit.

oct 8 dtbec 1*





THE SUBSCRIBER iu now enabled to announce the comliUtioti of Itih arrangements for the establishment of it

wi ll organized ami independent Journal of Newu at theneat of the General Government. *The lending featured of the United States Reporter will be

the following:I. Early intelligence of the inovemfhlsnf the variuuw Departmentalol' the Government, in reference to domestic uf- J

lair* and to the foreign reiatiouu of the country, will hegiven with scrupulous fidelity. Possessing peculiar facilitieslor obtaining information, the "Reporter" will be enabledfrequently to coininunicate, excluaively, intelligence olthe moot important character.

II. The Verbatim Reports of the Proceedings and Debater*of .the United Stateu Senate, which the proprietor (aboundto furnish daily to thut body, in accordance with the termsuf the contract made at the cl«»ee of the lost session of Congrcas. The arrangements now made will at once fully se- jcure to the Senate ol' the United States an authentic andcomplete record of its debates; and to the people.in a

greatly enlarged degree.the benefitof the experience, sagacity,and stiileMmanslilp of that hotly, to which they haveever looked w)lh solicitous and respectful regard. i

III. The Proceedings ami Debates in the limine of UcprercMMUlatives will alao be given, with fullness, impartiality,and promptitude, giu-.li day'a record will be completely Jmade up, aud appear u» in the " Reporter" next moruiug.

IV. A Bynopucal View of the Proceedings aud Debates of Iail State Legislatures will be regularly given. Members ol(Congress, und ail classes of readers, will thus be kept lully Iand systematically informed of <louies4ic iekishiiuMt in ail Isections of the United States.

V. Early Intelligence ol' all important movement* In the i

Legislatures oi Crest Uritain ami Fruuoe, will be comuiuuirated by every steamer from Europe, through Reporters illf.oiiiioii uml Paris, who possess peculiar facilities tin* obtaininginformation.

VI. The General New* of the Day will be given in a condeused lorm, willi industry and attention.Such is a lirief view of what the '* United State* Reporter"is designed to be. All the. plana and arrangements Ihave been well matured, and the hope is conlideutly cherished,that the "United States Reporter" will prove itself

an energetic, industrious, dignified, and |ierieciiy independentjournal. It will have uo party views.110 political ,bias. The proprietor, by (be terms of his contract withthe Senate ol the United Stales, is bound to the conditionthat the paper shall contain no political discussion exceptthe debates." It will be a vehicle of news.not the organof any set of opiuions. The grand aim of the subscriber jis to establish at the seat of Uovernjtteni a lailhlu! amiprompt reporter of all sorts of intelligence--u'resperiaiA/eagent, on which the politician, the business man, the muluiiarturer,the mechanic, and every one interested in the iu(lairs of Congress and the Government, may rely at alltunes with implicit contidence.

It is believed that the establishment of such a reliableJournal of intelligence, ou terms which place it within thereach ofthe great masses ofthe people, at the commencementof what promises to be a mom interesting and eventful periodin the history of Congressional proceedings, will beregarded witli favor by all classes of community; and havingthus slated his objects,The subscriber respectthlly solicitsa liberal and general support from the enlightenedpublic of the United States.

JAMES A HOUSTON,Stenographer to the Senate of thf United States.The 44 United States Reporter " will be printed on u largeami handsome sheet, and issued every morning, except Sundays, at the rate of six dollars per aunum single copies, twolu connection with the daily paper, there will be issued

from the some establishment,THE MIRROR OF CONGRESS

This publication will contain exclusively the reportsof the proceedings and debates of the Congress of the UnitedSlates. It will be issued semi-weekly, in an elegant quartoform, throughout the session of Congress, and will be furnishedto subscribers at the rate of two dollars for the longsession, uud cue dollar for the short session. It is believedthat this great national work will he deenml indispensablein the library ofevery public iustpution, politician, and professionalman throughout the country ; and that It w»ll bevkkiucvi j uic maw wi uic peopie as me very *>estpolitical text book for their own instruction and that oftheirchildren.

IMPORTANT ASNOVKCBHBNT.Throughout the sessions of Congress Extras will be issuedfront the office of the "United States Reporter," containingthe reports of all Htich debates as may possess particularlyexciting interest.All newspapers throughout the United States, who publishthis prospectus once a week from this date till the meetingof Congress will be entitled to an exchange with the

M United Slates Reporter," and will be placed on the list ofthose to whom the Extras will be despatched.Ail communications and subscriptions to be post paid, addressed"J. A. Houston, United States Reporter, Washington,1). C."Washington, 1). C., July 20. 1847.U3- Agent for Baltimore, w. TAYLOR, 4 and 5 Jarvis

Bnddingt^who is authorized to receive subscriptions.

WASHINGTON TO BALTIMORE.AySGB-. | The Steamer OSCEOLA, having been put In

complete order will, on Sunday, the 11th July,commence plying regularly between die above places, leavingthe lower end of Frederick street dock, Baltimore, treryTuesday ut 4 o'clock, P. M. Returning, will leave Washington Kcery Sumluy at 7 o'clock, A. M.She will stop regularly, going and returning, atCone River, Va,, Leoimrdtown, Md.,Currioman, Va., Fort Tobacco, Md.,ami will touch at the followiug landings for signals, or tolaud, viz:

Foiut Look Out, Blackstone'sFiuey Point, Pope's Creek.Nanjemol, Sandy Point,Chapman's Md., Bluff Point.Uuantico, Vs., Boyd's Hole.

FOR NORFOLK.The OSCEOLA vrill leave WASHINGTON every Thuraday,ut 9 o'clock, A. M. for NORFOLK Returning, will

leave Norfolk every Friday at 4 o'clock, P. M. Passage andtare t.r,uu. JAMES MITCHELL, Captain,ocl 8.tjan*


CABINET WARE-ROOMS.,|,M, RANDOLPH U 1KKEVBS, 8th kml,Ok^v^^^^^aouili ot the General post Office, would^HH^^^^^Kcexpccttiilly invite the attention of his

the citizens ol Washiugtnu, amiita vicinity, to tun m«ek of Furniture and Housekeepingarticle*; comprising >'» p»rt~Mahogany spring mat Hofaa

rucking ami parlor Chairs** centre, card. and dining Tables4 Bureaus, sideboards, Arc.4 and UiU Frames, Looking-glasses,Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Cribs, Cradles,Shuck, hair and straw Mttreasea,Feather Beds, S^king Bottoms, As.

Glass, china, stone, earthen, ami Iron Ware,Knives ami Forks, Brushes, and Wooden Ware,With numerous other articles in the Housekeeping huehKinumerous to meution.

lie is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Furniture atthe shortest notice, and on (lis most reasonable terms Hetl.utera hiinaelJ that Irom hia long experience in the rabine;business, all work made by hitn will be done in a faithfulami workuiau-Uke mauuer, aud giveeutire satisfaction.

r*. u. um r muiiuir, iokcii in cxciuiuxe ior UeW.net 8-7md* B


ANM ««1 cur.. "*CS^WWI%I11 l>ngjiit<1 A|^lh , corner 7lhMM ami P«» Avenue