Our 3 Stages Our life journey can be divided into 3 stages Past Here and Now Future.

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Our 3 Stages

Our life journey can be divided into 3 stages

• Past• Here and Now

• Future

Your Story

You have made a start on putting together your life story, the things you have done, places you’ve been, roles

you’ve served, people you’ve met, and no doubts there would have been

good memories and bad, failures and success.

Some of you will have made a start others will be struggling to get out the

blocks. I know everyone of you will have been troubled to some point by

this exercise.

Yet to reinvent your life this is something you have to do, no matter

what the challenge you must overcome it.




The Compass for Life

I’ve talked about how your compass for life can give you direction and



Why is it that so many people feel lost on their life journey? It’s simple. They

don’t pay attention to what’s really happening in their own personal lives.

If they did they’d see so many signs trying to point them in the direction

their life should go. But there is a very good chance that to this point they’ve

missed these signals.

Move Forward

I want you to be able to take your life from where you find yourself right

now to the place that was destined for you when you started on your

journey. You see we all have a purpose in life that we are meant to find, alas

so few go on to find what this is.

While most of us don’t have control over the number of days, months or years we have left in our lives, we do

have control over how we will live our lives. We owe it to ourselves, our

family, to the world to get this right. To live a life as you wish it to be


Start Afresh

You have come to the Reinvention University because you choose to see this as your time for new beginnings.

You owe it to yourself to make the rest of your life the best of your life and

leave a great legacy!

Right now you may beBored with your day to day job

Stale relationshipsNever any energy

Always worried about moneyConstantly having aches and pains

Feel down oftenOf the mind you’ve not achieved all you could have done.

“A person should be ashamed to die, until (s)he has made a monumental

impact on mankind.” Horace Mann

There’s Something I Know About You

You are a bud ready to blossom. You sense intuitively that you have

potential that you’ve barely begun to tap into. You’ve decided it’s time to

wake up!

You feel that you could be more, that you contain an inner self, a true self,

that can emerge only if you give it attention, and you allow it to be





You are ready to reinvent your life but don't know what to do! That lack of clarity has paralyzed you so that you just can't get started with your life’s


You’re getting older day by day and your frustrations are building, you are so desperate to live life the way you

really want to.

You are Unique!

You have a unique mission in life!

You have the unique talents needed to achieve your mission.

You have a unique personal destiny.

You can make it happen

My role as a life coach is to guide you and ask the questions to get you

thinking. To support you to find the path right for you. To challenge you.

The Chinese have a proverb which : “If you want to know the road ahead, ask

someone who has travelled it.”

My Journey

I never, ever thought that I would be starting over in midlife. I had it all

figured out. I was living the dream, great house, cars, holidays, family, a

bright future on the horizon. My goals, dreams, aspirations—all coming

together. Until, suddenly, they weren’t.

All my dreams, all my hopes for my life, collapsed around me. I was devastated. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through. In my darkest periods first dark months, I wasn’t sure I even had enough

left in me to try. At 47 I had lost everything. Yet I’ve gone on to prove you can move onward and upward to create the wonderful future that is possible for


My challenges turned out to be the stepping stones to my complete

transformation. I have shown you can transform your hardest challenges into

opportunities. Yet at the time they happened nobody would have been able to

convince me that anything good would materialise from this stage of my life, and

certainly not that it would lead to the wonderful possibilities materialising in my

life as indeed has happened.

The very moment, the instant I recognized their was potential coursing through my veins, something inside of me woke up. I unleashed a power that would go on to

create the life I envisaged. But I had to take an unblinkered look at how life really was to

enable this to happen.

You are 100% responsible for your life and everything that has happened to you to this point. Now you have to make the decision to put your past behind you and go on a

new course, one that excites you, bringing with it untold possibilities and

opportunities to reinvent yourself completely. You now have to be asking

yourself one question: What do I want to do with my life?

Behind this question must be the desire to make the rest of your life the best of your life. You have to see, feel and believe that what you can do with your life from this moment forward is only limited by your

imagination. You have to accept, that you’ve been put on this earth to do

something wonderful that nobody else can do, and this has to drive you forward.

I want you to celebrate the gifts that are uniquely yours, share your special talents with the world, and become who you were born to be. To have a

clear understanding of your life’s purpose—and be fired up about, and

highly focused on, achieving it.

I want to help you move from the place where you are struggling to

survive in a crazy difficult world to a new location where you're living life as a creator, at peace in yourself and knowing you have the power within

you to create whatever it is you want.

Each lesson in this course will enable you to see a number of “shortcuts” to

happiness, success, and well-being. And as your understanding of what’s possible grows, your life will begin to

change for the better.

So Few People Have Hope

I want you to carry within you the magical power of hope from this

point. The Oxford American Dictionary defines hope as “a feeling of

expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen” and as “grounds for believing that something good may


Hope is the magic elixir that energizes dreams, fuels possibilities, and lets you live

beyond the limits of your existing life.

Hope gives each of us options. You have greatness in you, and we want to be the

catalyst to help you realize it. The world is depending on you to fulfill your greatness and we want to help you do it. We want to

help you make a difference that leaves a lasting legacy.

The problem we face right now, is when life’s not great, when its off course, much of

your mind messaging is negative. So I ask you now, can you persist for the

weeks we have together to be able to make the changes and remove those limitations

currently holding you back.

We now need to clear up the loose ends in your life so as to build a foundation for your life that will

ultimately support your dreams. In order to become who you were born to

be you first need to understand who you are!

I’m now going to cover much of the material in lesson 1.

Quick Test

LOST IN LIFE QUIZ1. Do you feel substantially less alive, having made no more progress than

you did a year ago?Yes No

2. Is your life more run by things you have to do, as opposed to things you choose, want to do?

Yes No

3. Would you benefit from having clear goals that reflect what is truly important to you?

Yes No

4. Do you often feel like there is something holding you back from a much more successful life?

Yes No

5. Do you close people off from you? Yes No

6. Do you often know what you should be doing, but have a hard time actually doing it?

Yes No

7. Do you find yourself getting angry at times, and you don’t know why? Yes No

8. Do you find it difficult to say “no” when you should have? Yes No

9. Are you depressed at times? Yes No

10. Is your career more of a job than a calling? Yes No


11. Is there less meaning in your life, career, relationship, or business, than you would like?

Yes No

12. Do you have a difficult time balancing your career, family, friends, health, etc.?

Yes No

13. Has it been awhile since you really enjoyed yourself? Yes No

14. Would you benefit from establishing great habits that keep you moving ahead in all parts of your life?

Yes No

15. Do you routinely find yourself worrying or stressed out or worrying about the future?

Yes No

16. Do you often find yourself living automatically, or simply going through the motions?

Yes No

17. Would you like to learn how to create a life that directly reflects your greatest gifts, talents and interests?

Yes No

18. Do you want more success, peace, intimate relationships, or a sense that your life is making a difference?

Yes No

19. Are you ready to take a journey of discovery? Yes No

20. Do you ever get a sense that you are not living the life you were meant to live, and that there is much more to life than you are now experiencing?

Yes No

Interpret Your Score

You are ready, able and willing to transform your life and ready for re-invention

Average quality of life and you are close to making the decision to reinvent yourself and go on to transform your life.

Happy with your life and have no interest in bringing about any type of transformation


713 – 7

The Lost in Life Quiz assesses your feelings about your life, particularly whether you have become disillusioned with it and are ready to reinvent yourself. The total of Yes responses provides a general idea of your quality of life. Compare your total score with these standard results:

Are you prepared to dream once again and put in the effort to not just make the changes but put in the time and

effort needed to get started?

This course will challenge you maybe at times frustrate you but isn't transforming your life worth it?

What's your alternative, to just go on forever with the way things are.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the

things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from

the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.

Dream. Discover. Mark Twain 




It's time to revaluate - take a time out to re examine your life see how it is today. You can't move forward until you look at the reality of your


Once you have evaluated where your life is right now, your current

situation as it is, you can then decide upon a different game plan for the future if you’re not happy with where you are. But now you should be starting to see clearly

what needs to change.

Anyone wanting to take a personal development path to a better life, transforming their happiness and

prosperity needs to determine their starting point.

I know this was crucial for me when I woke from my slumber following my lowest period. I finally allowed myself to intensely look at my life,

and I didn't like what I found.

Events had left my life in a mess. And for about a year I did nothing to transform my life instead losing

myself in meaningless work and virtually becoming a recluse.

So taking time to review my life allowed me to face the facts of how bad things were and show that my

life was going nowhere.

Try to answer these two direct questions:


Self-awareness, is the starting point on your journey of reinvention. The

more you know and understand yourself, who you are, and how and why you think and feel the way you

do, the more capable you are of transforming yourself.

By the end of this session I hope you come to see that by examining your past and present you find the answers to how to move your life forward. By doing these exercises

you will already have much of what’s needed to start your


So let’s ask ourselves a crucial question.


Are you Happy?No Somewhat Absolutely What would

make youHappier?

Are you healthy?

Do you have enough money for your basic needs?

Are you involved in productive endeavors?

Do you have a healthy attitude?

Are you generally optimistic about life?

Do you have one or more relationships that provides you with support and affection?

Do you have goals for the future that are specific and realistic?

Are you generally successful when you set a goal?

Are you bored frequently?

Are you lonely?

Do you feel your successes out number your failures?

Do you learn from your mistakes?

Do you have relationship problems?

Do you worry a lot about the opinions of others?

Are you often too tired to do the things you wantto do?

If you scored under 10, you are simply not happy with life, under 7 you are in need of

sorting your life out quickly.

Finish these sentences:Life is ...I am ...

People are ...Money is ...

The most important thing to know about success is ...

Guiding PrinciplesOn your enrolment form you were asked about your guiding principles and which were most important to you. It’s time to reflect to see how you’ve used these principles in your life recently.

Rating Scale:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Not at all successful

Moderately successful

Highly successful

Principle Yes No How important is it to change this

1 Having an exciting life

2 Being ambitious and hardworking

3 Connecting with nature

4 Acting consistently with my beliefs

5 Enjoying music, art, and/or drama

6 Having an enjoyable, leisurely life

7 Being wealthy

8 Being loyal to friends, family, and/or my group

9 Being self-disciplined and resisting temptation

10 Designing things

11 Being Creative

12 Being physically fit

13 Gaining wisdom

14 Maintaining the security of my loved ones

Principle Yes No

15 Teaching others

16 Having a life filled with adventure

17 Experiencing positive mood states

18 Being honest

19 Being at one with god

20 Resolving disputes

21 Enjoying food and drink

22 Creating beauty

23 Being competent and effective

24 Showing respect to parents and elders

25 Building and repairing things

26 Being self-sufficient

27 Having authority, being in charge

28 Helping others

Principle Yes No

29 Making sure to repay favors and not be indebted to people

30 Working with my hands

31 Having a life filled with novelty and change

32 Eating healthy food

33 Promoting justice and caring for the weak

34 Showing respect for tradition

35 Organizing things

36 Feeling good about myself

37 Having genuine and close friends

38 Meeting my obligations

39 Engaging in clearly defined work

40 Being curious, discovering new things

41 Having a sense of accomplishment and making a

lasting contribution42 Having relationships involving love and affection

Principle Yes No

43 Being safe from danger

44 Researching things

45 Figuring things out, solving problems

46 Having influence over people

47 Competing with others

48 Striving to be a better person

49 Engaging in sporting activities

50 Leading a stress-free life

51 Being admired by many people

52 Acting with courage

53 Caring for others

54 Accepting others as they are

55 Working on practical tasks

56 Seeking pleasure

Take A Life Inventory

A great tool for assessing our happiness in each of the important areas of our life is the wheel of life. Taking the centre of the wheel as 0 and the outer edge as 10, rank your

level of satisfaction with each area of your life.

Career &Purpose

Wealth &Finances

Fun & Recreation


Personal Growth


Physical Environment

Health & Wellness Relationships & Family

Go Deeper

• What in your current life “picture” do you like? (Your job, where you live, your relationships with family/friends…)

• Did you expect your life to be different than it is? What would you change, if you could?• What do you hate about your life?• What do you love about your life?

• What do you hate about you?• What do you love about you?

Go Deeper• If I had to sum up this last year in 5 words, what would they be?

• What things are going well for me right now?• What things are difficult for me right now?

• What are my strengths? (What am I good at?)• What are my weaknesses? (What am I not so good at?)

• What are your three greatest struggles historically, recurring problems have you had?

• If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Finally how important is it for you to make changes? On a scale of 1 to 10, what would

you score this as?
