Our Constitution You are cordially invited to the initialCav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839...

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With New Vi s i on

Affiliated with the California Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women

January, February, March EDITION 1 2018 - !st Qtr




Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated

PRESIDENT Beatrice Restifo

blrestifo@roadrunner.com 805-230-2919

1st V.P. (PROGRAMS) Cav. Rosemary Licata

torwf-rl@roadrunner.com 818-889-4839

2nd V.P. (MEMBERSHIP) Ann Shires

805-527-2468 ashires@pacbell.net

3rd V.P. (WAYS & MEANS) Patrice Barlow

925-330-6978 mpatriceb@gmail.com


Connie Malmuth 805-498-2729





818-640-2975 isa.one@earthlink.net


Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839



Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839


Marsha Llanes-Thibodeau marsha729@mac.com

Santa, Natasha Trenev, Larry Elder, Beatrice Restifo at the Lake Sherwood Country Club, Dove Release

Photos by B. Restifo

You are cordially invited to attend the annual

Our Constitution Featuring

Professor Gordon Lloyd, Ph.D. In collaboration with the Reagan Presidential Learning Center Chief Learning Officer Anthony Pennay 40 Presidential Dr., Simi Valley, CA 93065

Monday, September 17, 2018 5:30 P.M. Courtyard Reception 6:00 P.M. Program in the Intro Theater Welcome to Middle, high school, college students, teachers. Adults $30.00 Per Person Students complimentary R.S.V.P by September 10th to: torwf-rl@roadrunner.com

July, August, September Edition 3, 2018, 3rd Qtr.

California 91362

With New Vi s i on

CALENDAR OF EVENTS April, May, June 2016

Wednesday, April 6 Thursday, May 26 CFRW Southern Division Meeting TORWF Luncheon Meeting 11:00 A.M. Pomona Mining Co., 10:30 A.M. Westlake Village Inn, Provence Room

Thursday, April 7 Wednesday, June 1 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting CFRW, So. Division Board Luncheon Meeting 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Four Point Ventura Harbor Sheraton

Wednesday, April 13 Tuesday, June 7, VCFRW Board Meeting 9:30 A.M. CALIFORNIA PRIMARY ELECTION DAY Location – call 805-230-2919 TORWF: ADOPT-A-POLL, page 5.

Saturday, April 16, 8:00 P.M. Thursday, December 8 Cabrillo Music Theater Performance Children Christmas Holiday “Beacon of Light Awards” Of Eden plus hosted post guest/cast reception 10:45 A.M. Sherwood Country Club

Thursday, April 21, 11:00 A.M. Volunteer for Voter Registration-April thru May TORWF Luncheon Meeting Saturdays 1:00-4:00 P.M., Oaks Mall. Westlake Village Inn, Vintage Room Schedule time: Rosemary 818-889-4839

We resume after the California Primary Election

Thursday, May 5 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant For information call 818-889-4839; 804-230-2919, visit torwf.org; friend us on facebook.org

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With New Vi s i on

Affiliated with the California Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women




Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated

PRESIDENT Beatrice Restifo

blrestifo@roadrunner.com 805-230-2919

1st V.P. (PROGRAMS) Cav. Rosemary Licata

torwf-rl@roadrunner.com 818-889-4839

2nd V.P. (MEMBERSHIP) Susan Patena 219-775-0390 susanpatena@gmail.com

3rd V.P. (WAYS & MEANS) Nancy Perry

805-494-8360 nancyjperry@yahoo.com

Patrice Barlow 925-330-69 mpatrice@gmail.com


Connie Malmuth 805-498-2729



805-410-0144 marsha729@mac.com

TREASURER Isa Kendall 818-640-2975


PARLIAMENTARIAN Cav. Rosemary Licata

818-889-4839 torwf-rl@roadrunner.com


Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839


Marsha L. Thibodeau marsha729@mac.com

You are cordially invited to the initial

Lecture and book signing Dr. Robert G. Kaufman will speak on his latest book DANGEROUS DOCTRINE which suggests Mr. Obama’s policies threatens America’s role as a super power weakening its ability to spread democracy... he proposes solutions. His book has received excellent reviews. Thursday, May 26, 2016

11:00 A.M. Reception Noon Luncheon &


Westlake Village Inn, Provence Room 31943 Agoura Rd. Westlake Village $35.00 per person RSVP and pre-order book torwf-rl@roadrunner.com or 805-230-2919


Disclaimer: All information transmitted through the TORWF newsletter is for information only. Nothing is to be considered a position or endorsement by TORWF or its membership. No information supplied will be used for other than TORWF, CFRW or NFRW business.

President’s Message The year 2017 has been another very special one for TORWF. We have been closely following our President and how he has been true to his campaign promises in many ways, even with the congress’ slow progress. At this writing he has been able to get his Tax Reform and Tax Reduction Bill passed in both houses without one Democrat vote. He has tenacity, endurance, perseverance, patience and overcomes all the negative news. We must do whatever we can to keep telling the “good news” and the many accomplishments he has already made even before a full year in office.

Next year we will have crucial elections for local, Assembly, governor and congressional offices. We will have opportunities to meet the candidates at our meetings and present a candidate forum later in the year. This is the time to educate ourselves on each candidate’s history and views. The election of President Donald J. Trump gives us a clue in California: are there enough people disillusioned with the liberals in Sacramento who increase huge gas taxes with no thought to how it effects the working people, over spend with no accounting for what they do, enrich themselves, with a pension system underfunded, students graduating from high schools with D averages and barely can read. We need to find these people and get them registered to vote Republican. We have 2 candidates for governor and we need to support which ever one is on the ballot against the Democrat. Remember we are up against the system of the top 2 get on the ballot after a primary even if they are from the same party. There is an effort to reverse this system and we will be hearing more about it is subsequent weeks. With a primary in June and election in November, we have our work cut out for us. Please make time to help in voter registration commencing in February.

I want to thank and congratulate our 2016 Executive Officers, Committee Chairs, all members for their contributions of time, ideas, support, attendance and participation in our events. You make it all worthwhile.

This year’s programs included Abe Lincoln Comes To Visit; A.J. Wammack as Lincoln; as well as The titanic Exhibit Presentation with Randle C. W. Swan, Supervisory Curator at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library; From Darkness to Triumph, with Vicki Drummond, the Alabama Republican Committee Women; The Trump Doctrine, with Pepperdine Professor Dr. Robert Kaufman; Secrets of a C.I.A. Agent with retired agent Bob Dougherty; Heroes of World War 11 featuring several World War 11 veterans, Michael Reagan and his team showed their film Heroes of World War 11 filmed in Normandy; Our Constitution with Professor Dr. Gordon Lloyd in partnership with Anthony Pennay of the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Presidential Learning center at the Ronald Regan Library; From the Gulag to Freedom we featured our members Dr. Sigrid Weidenweber and Marilyn Fordney; The Annual Beacon of Light Award Gala Christmas Holiday Luncheon at the Sherwood Country Club honoring Humanitarian Award winner Entrepreneur Natasha Trenev and Freedom award winner radio show host Larry Elder. Se p[age 6 and 7 for full review.

Thank you and congratulations to the 2018 Executive Officers who have retained their positions along with me as President. First Vice President Rosemary Licata, Second Vice President Ann Shires, Third Vice President Patrice Barlow, Recording secretary Connie Malmuth, Corresponding Secretary, Anne Hetu, and Treasurer Isa Kendall. They are all dedicated women and we all appreciate all your time, dedication and efficiency. Let us keep our eye on the future we desire, in the America we cherish, for the family we love, and the faith we profess.

Donald Trump tells us: No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. Beatrice Restifo, President

TORWF STANDING COMMITTEES Americanism: Susan Morrison International Outreach: Debby Chang Campaign, Precinct, & Voter Registration: Rosemary Licata Legislation: Marilyn Fordney Caring For America: Ann Shires Literacy: Nada Wall Chaplain: Isa Kendall Support The Troops: Christina Ning Community Outreach: Julie Prince Women In Business: Susan Patena Facebook: Carola DeLong Youth & Scholarship: Patrice Barlow

President’s Message If conservatism is defined as the holding of political views and values with opposition to changes and innovation, it is not completely correct. Conservative ideas do include innovation, but perhaps as a slower pace. If one defines conservatism as the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially conservative ideas, this seems to include more of what we consider conservatives stand for. The recent 3 day conference “Toward a Conservative of Connection – Reclaiming the American Project”.held at Pepperdine University School of Public Policy and organized by School of Public Policy Dean Pete Peterson and Rich Tafel, co-founder of the American Project presented numerous speakers and panels on various topics relating to conservative ideas. Excellent as it was to see the audience of various ages and backgrounds, the ideas and principle need to be presented to high school and college students where young people are forming their ideas for the future. These young people will be establishing their own families in a few years. High school and college years are not too soon to give them opportunities to learn to be able to stand by their ideas. The Young Americas Foundation High school Conferences held in Santa Barbara do just that. In June 200 students from over 30 states attended for 4 days and were treated to excellent speakers including Andrew F. Puzder, recently retired CEO of CKE Restaurants, started with one hot dog stand by Carl Karcher, and now over 3,000 restaurants. We still sponsor students’ attendance at the YAF Conferences so please contact me with prospective students. Many of our members continue to do excellent things. Natasha Trenev, co-founder with her husband Yordan Trenev of probiotic products company Natren, Inc., are noteworthy for their recent expansion of 5,000 square feet production plant in Westlake Village. Their products are used around the globe. Natasha is certainly worthy of the ‘Humanitarian Beacon of Light Award’ awarded to her in December 2017. Dr. Sigrid Weidenweber’s columns on history, current events etc. with a definite conservative aspect can be read at the e-newspaper Citizens Journal- archived under her name. Do you have a special idea or view you want to express. Citizens Journal are looking for guest journalists. We are all engrossed in the political news. Let us keep our eye on Assembly 44 campaign and help Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy win. This year’s race for governor is now down to one Republican candidate so we must do what we can do support John Cox. Our state is in great need for a new Secretary of State and Mark Meuser will fit the bill very well. Voting lists need to be reviewed. Poll watchers during the June election who found discrepancies and questions at the polling stations. Volunteer to work a poll or be a watcher. Soon we will all be voting by mail with only a few places to bring a ballot. Judge Steven Bailey for Attorney General is greatly needed in Sacramento. Follow their campaigns. Have talking points ready to tell people on the fence. TORWF STANDING COMMITTEES Americanism: Susan Morrison Facebook Carola Delong Campaign, Precinct & Voter Registration: Rosemary Licata International Outreach: Debby Chang Caring for America: Ann Shires Women in Business Susan Patena Chaplain: Isa Kendall Youth & Scholarship: Patrice Barlow Disclaimer: All information transmitted through the TORWF Newsletter is for information only. Nothing is to be considered a position or endorsement by TORWF or its membership. No information supplied will be used for other than TORWF, CFRW, or NFRW business.


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

Summer Events Wednesday, July 18, 2018 12:00 – 3:00 P.M.

Luncheon, Tour & Genghis Khan:The Exhibition The exhibit includes artifacts from Mongolia and a musical presentation. This is an excellent Mongol history study for students. Learn the influence the Mongols had on western civilization.

Includes: Admission, Luncheon, Docent Led Museum Tour Self tour of The Genghis Khan Exhibit

$62.00 per person Free Parking

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, CA. 93065 Please RSVP by July 11th torwf-rl@roadrunner.com ************************************************** Attend 5 Star Theatricals (formerly Cabrillo)

Friday, July 27, 2018 8:00 P.M

Beauty and the Beast

Please join in complimentary post-performance cast party This is an opportunity to support our local community arts and performers. A touching, age old story comes to life again on our local stage. Susan Egan, who starred on Broadway, will reprise her original role as ‘Belle’. $37.00 Per Person Kavli Theater Civic Arts Plaza, 1200 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks, 91362 Please RSVP by July 13th torwf-rl@roadrunner.com


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

Community Involvement

Ventura County Fair It is enjoyable to go to the Fair. Ventura County Fair has many activities for everyone! Why not volunteer 3 hours to help register Republican Voters, tell folks what we do, support our President Donald J. Trump’s policies and administration help elect our local, state. and congressional candidates. After your volunteer time you are free to choose to visit the animal auctions, -sheep, goats, swine raised by 4H boys and girls, attend the musical presentations, etc. A must see are the piglet races. Really fun! Times are: 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.; 1:00 -4:00 P.M.; 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. Parking and admission to the Fair is provided for volunteers. Reserve your time at torwf-rl@raodrunner.com or call Rosemary at 805-377-4510. Rosemary Licata. Rosemary Licata, Chair Precinct and Voter Registration

***************** Adopt – A – Poll We once again were selected to serve at our favorite polling place, Lang Ranch Elementary School, Thousand Oaks, for the June 5, 2018 Primary Election. I would like to thank our TORWF Patriots who served that day. All these Patriots made the whole day a big success. Lena Pacifici, a Moorpark College student, as Inspector, was present the entire day. Lena is headed for university to study Political Science. Clerks Carola Delong, Beatrice Restifo, and Rosemary Licata served the entire day. Debby Chang volunteered and was available to interpret Chinese if needed. The Ventura County Elections Board has interpreters at many polling stations. Bill Johnston, Connie Malmuth, Bob Puccio, Karen Rausch all served. Delores Clemens volunteered but was taken ill and hospitalized but I wanted to include her name. Joan and Dwight Teske were invaluable to help tabulate and close up. Thank you Carola for picking up the equipment the day prior. Carola is a great resource for questions regarding equipment as well as from the public on voting day. We will be serving this same polling station on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Election Day. We must keep encouraging people to vote on November 6th. Thanks again to all the Patriots who served! Rosemary Licata, Chair Precinct and Voter Registration

Books Worth Reading The Faith of Donald J. Trump, David Brody & Scott Lamb. Harper Collins, 2018, Both authors presented a talk at the Reagan Library relating how they actually interviewed President Trump in person and how the President was very willing to give his time and views.

Capitalist Comeback, Andrew F. Puzder, Hachette Book Group, 2018. Mr. Pudzer spoke at the Young America Foundation High School Leadership Conference in June 2018 in Santa Barbara. He recently retired as CEO of CKE Restaurants. He related the story of how Carl N. Karcher started his multinational business with $15.00 in cash and a loan on his car and who said, ”The American Dream is alive and well in this country of ours,. I know. I lived it.”

A Pope and A President, Paul Kengor,ISI books, 2017.The connections between the President and Pope John Paul 11

Things That Matter, Charles Krauthammer, Crown Forum Random House LLC, 2013. His columns and thoughts.

JFK and the Reagan Revolution, A Secret History of American Prosperity, Lawrence Kudlow, with Brian Domitrovic. Larry Kudlow is Chief Economic advisor in the Trump Administration.


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

Americanism Recently we have celebrated Independence Day--the Fourth of July--and in September, we mark Labor Day, both federal holidays in our nation, both noting events that are specific to American culture. July 4, 1776, some two hundred-forty plus years ago, the Second Continental Congress selected that date to adopt the Declaration of Independence and the United States of America was a new nation, no longer a part of the British Empire. While the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain actually occurred two days earlier when the Second Continental Congress voted for independence, the wording of the statement explaining this decision was debated and revised until the document was finally approved on July 4. Prepared by a Committee of Five, Thomas Jefferson served as its principal author. Marking the occasion of the vote for independence on July 2, John Adams commented in a letter to his wife Abigail that "[this] will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America," predicting that "succeeding generations...ought to commemorate [it] as the day of deliverance ...solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bonfires, and illuminations..." Adams correctly predicted the fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbeques, picnics, parades, baseball games, and political speeches and ceremonies that celebrate this part of our history and government, events that have become traditions of our country. The significant colors of the Fourth of July, red, white, and blue, mirror the colors of the American flag and patriotic songs including "Stars and Stripes Forever" and "My Country 'tis of Thee" often accompany fireworks. The fight for independence is represented in an iconic painting which has come to be known as "The Spirit of '76", a familiar symbol of American patriotism, and in the musical "1776". Coincidentally, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as US presidents, died on the same day fifty years later, July 4, 1826.

The history of Labor Day in our nation began in the late nineteenth century to honor the American labor movement. It became an official federal holiday in 1894, by which time thirty states were already celebrating Labor Day which is traditionally held on the first Monday of September. As with Independence Day, there are parades, picnics, public gatherings, and speeches.Labor Day, touted as the "unofficial end of summer," marks the beginning of many fall activities. Schools open and sports seasons begin about this time. When school begins earlier, a three-day weekend marking Labor Day is the first holiday of the academic year. Collegiate sports and professional teams in the National Football League (NFL) traditionally play their kickoff games during the week of Labor Day, auto races sanctioned by NASCAR and the National Hot Rod Association are also held, and the US Open Tennis Championship matches are played during this time. In fashion, Labor Day is/was considered the last day when it is acceptable to wear white or seersucker. Many US retailers helpfully schedule back-to-school sales or offer discounts to supply fall and winter wardrobes--a different way to mark the Labor Day holiday. (credit to Wikipedia for facts and inspiration) Susan Morrison, Americanism Chair

Caring For America

Save the date –Saturday, October 27, 2018 to join SWEET WALKING WOMEN for our annual Strides Against Breast Cancer. This fun, non-competitive 5 K walk is a family friendly opportunity to raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society. From the opening ceremony to the post-walk entertainment, this community event is a celebration and a time to remember those touched by breast cancer. This year’s theme is “United – What Unites Us, Ignites Us.” Join our team today by registering to walk and or donate through our team link: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Thousand Oaks, October 27, 2018/donate. Enter name under team, ”Sweet Walking Women.” Volunteer as a team captain. Survivors are welcome! Attend the Kick-Off- 5:30.-7:30 P.M. August 2, 2018, Westlake Village Inn –RSVP- dawn.follinwood@cancer.org Contact Ann Shires: ashires@pacbell.net or (805) 527-2468 for team information. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, at Civic Arts Plaza, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, 91362


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

Recent Events

May 31, 2018 Shawn Steel, California Republican Committeeman to the Republican National Committee gave a dynamic talk to a large audience on the past and present activities of the Republican base in California and how the RNC is involved. He is well known in Republican circles for many years and his support of Republican candidates is well known. Justin Clark, age 19 college student, a candidate for Assembly District 45 visited the meeting. He won a runoff in a special election to replace a disgraced Assembly member and was able to participate in the Primary. He garnered 31.9 % of the vote against 7 Democratic candidates. He did not get on the ballot for November, but we salute his courage. Ronda Badlwin-Kennedy, Assembly District 44 candidate attended with her husband and triplets. Mr. Steel emphasized the importance of the vote

and supporting our Republican candidates. He reviewed some of the races in progress for congress. I have known Shawn Steel for many years as has our Angel Sponsor Frank Visco who was in attendance. The meeting at the Westlake Village Inn Provence Room, reception and dinner is always well received. Many thanks to the staff who for many years have made our members and guests welcome.

In addition we were pleased to present Christina Nepstad, former Miss California, who discussed her interesting, powerful, and important book The Power Seat. Men and women of all ages and professions can benefit from the information and examples in her book. “Life is an interview. Be prepared with a successful strategy.” As a motivational speaker, interview coach, Christina has spoken to many groups, corporations across the country and is very active in presenting her encouraging, life changing ideas to military personnel and especially to veterans groups to aid them in their transition to civilian life as well as one on one programs. Christina sold and autographed her book. The Power Seat, Pinecreek Publishing, 2016, is available where all books are sold. Rosemary Licata, Program Chair

President Beatrice Restifo hosted our champagne toast on June 14, 2018 to President Donald J. Trump on his 72nd birthday with ‘Trumpy Bear’ in a place of honor, We celebrated at the Westlake Village Inn Wine Cave. Delicious hors d’oeurves were enjoyed. We continue to applaud the President’s policies and achievements. Birthday wishes include from daughter Ivanka, ” Happy, Happy Birthday, Dad. I love you very much! Wishing you your best year yet.” Melania’s greetings were private. Donald, Jr., “What do you get for the guy who has everything. Nothing. He works hard and gets it himself. What more could someone ask for than what he’s accomplished in the past 16 months. Happy Birthday Dad!” We wish you many more years Mr.President!!!


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

Women in the Trump Administration

I met and heard Kellyann Conway at a NFRW Conference as the owner of her polling company when she was active in Republican candidate campaigns. Kellyann was born in N.J. Her parents divorced when she was three and her mother, maternal grandmother and two maiden aunts raised her and were her mentors for hard work and determination. She says her hard work as a youth on a blueberry farm and achieving the title of ‘Blueberry Princess’ were important factors in forming her character. With degrees in political science and law she established her own polling company. Married to lawyer, George Conway 111, they have four children “I want all the little girls out there to know that the lessons are very simple. Be kind your entire life because all the kindness I showed to other people came back to me manifold in this campaign. And secondly and most importantly, if you work hard and you get your shot one day, you too will shine. You have to believe in yourself, don’t listen to the critics, don’t listen to the naysayers. You know who you are. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you can do it. That’s my message to all those little girls dreaming out there.” Kellyann was appointed to lead Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign on August 19, 2016 and is the first woman to lead a winning Presidential campaign. On January 20, 2017 she assumed her present position of Counselor to the President. Her undeniable love for her family, her trust in the Lord, her unwavering principles are commendable.

President Trump’s list of female appointees is long: Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations (not only a woman but also child of Indian American Sikh immigrants); Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation; Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; Dr. Heather Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force; Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary, Linda McMahon, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration; Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education; Jovita Carranza, U.S. Treasurer (also a minority and first-generation Mexican American immigrant); Neomi Rao, Regulation Czar (also a minority and daughter of parents from India); Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (also a minority); Heather Brand, Associate Attorney General; Kelly Sadler, Director of Surrogate & Coalitions Outreach; Mercedes Schlapp, Senior Communications Advisor (also a minority whose father was once a political prisoner of Fidel Castro);daughter Ivanka Trump, Advisor to the President; Hope Hicks, Communications Director; Jessica Ditto, Deputy Director of Communications; and Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser. Female ambassador appointees include former U.S. Senator from Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison permanent representative to N.A.T.O.; Sharon Day formerly R.N.C. Vice President to Costa Rica; Callista Gingrich to the Holy See; Robin Bernstein to the Dominican Republic, ambassador to Canada is Kelly Knight Craft; Carla Sands to Denmark. Several more nominated not yet confirmed. Of course Melania Trump plays a big role in her chosen projects. With full support and encouragement from the President she unveiled her ‘Be Best’ program aimed at young people to reduce opioid abuse, address mental health issues, and social media pressures, “to help children enjoy their innocence.” The first lady has a very busy and large role in planning and executing the White House state dinners and hosting dignitaries from all over the world of which there are many. She is an excellent ambassador when she travels with the President around the world. Beatrice Restifo


Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, holocaust survivor, activist, patriot. was Jewish to his core, and in the Jewish state he was revered as a hero — so much so that two Israeli prime ministers offered to nominate him to be the country’s president. Yet Wiesel didn’t make Israel his home. Though he was a frequent visitor and a passionate advocate, though he felt “attached to the destiny of Israel with all the fiber of his being,” he never became an Israeli citizen. Why not? He himself didn’t know, or so he said. But perhaps the explanation was as simple as this: He was in love with the United States. “The day I received American citizenship was a turning point in my life,” Wiesel wrote in a 2004 essay in Parade magazine. “From that day on, I felt privileged to belong to a country which, for two centuries, has stood as a living symbol of all that is charitable and decent to victims of injustice everywhere — a country in which every person is entitled to dream of happiness, peace, and liberty; where those who have are taught to give back.” He was the recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal in 1985 from President Ronald Reagan and the highest U. S. civilian award, the Medal of Freedom in 1992 from President George H.W. Bush. He died on July 2, 2016 at age 87.


PRESIDENT_________________ Donald J. Trump R Washington Office The White House Washington, D.C., 20500 Phone: (202) 456-1414 Comment Line : (202) 456-1111 www.whitehouse.gov president@whitehouse.gov

VICE PRESIDENT____________ Michael (Mike) R. Pence R Old Executive Office Building Washington, D.C., 20500 Phone: (202) 456-1414 Fax: (202) 456-2461 vicepresident@whitehouse.gov

GOVERNOR_________________ Jerry Brown – D State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA., 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 www.governor.ca.gov governor@governor.ca.gov

U. S. Senate___________________ Kamala Harris - D Phone: 222-224-3553 harris@senate.gov

Diane Feinstein – D Phone: (202) 224-3841 feinstein.senate.gov

CONGRESS__________________ Julia Brownley – D – 26th CD U.S. House of Representatives Longworth Office Building Washington, D.C., 20512-6601 202-225-5811 www.house.gov P.O. Box 2018 Thousand Oaks CA., 91358

STATE SENATOR_____________ Henry Stern - D State Capital – Room 5108 Sacramento, CA., 95814 Phone: (916) 651-4027 info@henrystern.com Calabasas Office 805-651-4027


N.F.R.W. Info www.nfrw.org Username: federation Password: 1938

C.F.R.W. Info www.cfrw.org Username your email Password: Enter member name to request password

REPUBLICAN PARTY WEBSITES Republican National Party - rnc.org California Republican Party - cagop.org Ventura County Rep. Party - vcgop.org

Your Elected Representatives


Read the NFRW and CFRW articles weekly – NFRW.org, CFRW.org.. If you have an email you will receive the publications weekly or monthly. Key legislative sites: Currently on the House floor: – clerk.house.gov/floorsummary/floor.html House floor.html U. S. Senate Calendar of Business: www.senate.gov/floor/index.html THOMAS www.congress.gov U. S. Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121


Caring For America

As Chair of Caring For America, Ann Shires has brought us a CFRW commendation for efforts in providing homeless women with purses filled with needed items; organizing with Carola Delong and their Sweet Walking Women team’s participation in the annual American Cancer Society Strides Against Breast Cancer; and at our Beacon of Light Award Luncheon in December members and guests donated hundreds of items and gift cards for the abandoned and abused teen girls at Maryvale Residence and Treatment Center. Member Susan Frazier has volunteered at Maryvale for over 30 years to support these girls with outside trips, gift cards and general help on their road to a better life. We also are participating in the Prayer Shawl project begun by member Gina Conti where women knit or crochet shawls, prayed over and given to people during illness. They also knit hats and scarfs for the military who thankfully use the hats under their helmets and the scarfs around their necks under their heavy uniforms.

International Outreach

Meetings initiated by Debby Chang are being held periodically with the Asian American Community to inform them of the procedure to register to vote, and the importance of remaining informed of current and pending legislation and candidates and to vote. Debby invites special guests to speak to the group including Ventura County Clerk Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark A. Lunn who was well received by the participants. Debby Chang, Christina Ning, Rosemary Licata, and Beatrice Restifo attended the invitation only elegant reception introducing the new Consul General Zhang Ping from the Peoples Republic of China for Los Angeles. The Consul General has been at this Consulate before and has previously served in Washington D.C. It is important to maintain contact with this office as China is in the forefront of the news regarding trade, cultural exchange and, for their contact with our allies in the Asian region. Debby Chang continues in her unique position as International Outreach Chair.


TORWF has donated a one year Smithsonian Magazine subscription to St. Patrick Day School, Thousand Oaks, plus Nada Walls, Literacy Chair has arranged donation of several books to their library. We were able to arrange J. P. Wammack as President Lincoln’s visit to the school’s 5th grade class in February. President Lincoln is always a hit with the students, especially that he gives away bright Lincoln pennies.

Support The Troops

We continue to send items to For the Troops for We Care boxes to military overseas. Please continue to save items such as small cans of fruit, chicken, tuna, personal items, magazines, beef jerky, crossword puzzle books, toothpaste, tooth brushes, gum, hard candy, etc. Bring items to meetings or call 805-230-2919 to arrange pick up. Support The Troops Chair Christina Ning has created many greeting cards for writing messages of encouragement, thanks, etc. which are included in each box mailed. This is an ongoing endeavor and your continued participation is greatly appreciated by the men and women who receive these items.

Youth & Scholarship Patrice Barlow has for the third year, a winner from our club for the Charlotte Mousel Scholarship Essay on “What the Constitution Means To Me”. This time her winner received a total of $2,000.00 from Ventura County and the entire CFRW Southern Division. Great accomplishment. We also sent students to the YAF High School Conference in Santa Barbara. Please let us know of any junior or senior students who want to go to the YAF Conference.


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

Legislation Information from White House briefings: 500 DAYS: In his first 500 days in office, President Donald J. Trump has achieved results domestically and internationally for the American people. A brief summary: Secured Justice Neil Gorsuch to the supreme Court; the most circuit court judges in his first year of any president. Signed the Department of Veterans affairs and Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017; VA choice and Quality Employment act Authorizing Veterans Choice Program. Has substantially increased military spending, “Peace through strength.” His Opioid Initiative sseeks to reduce drug demand, cut off the flow of drugs and expand treatment opportunities. Has ensured that the religious liberties and conscience of Americans are protected and respected by the Federal government. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 signed before Christmas has benefited individuals, and businesses. Signed legislation to give relief to regional and community banks and credit unions from the Dodd-Frank Act. Is working to defend American intellectual property from China’s unfair practices. Working to establish better trade policies to benefit America in China and other countries. As an example, better trade agreement with South Korea to allow more American automobiles to enter South Korea. Withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and agreement. Withdrew from the Iran deal and reinstituted heavy sanctions on Iran. As promised he moved the U. S. Embassy to Jerusalem and declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Has met with numerous heads of state in the White House and has traveled to many foreign countries including president of Japan, South Korea, Met with President Xi Jinping of the Peoples Republic of China at Mar-A-Lago, Florida. He has attended many summits with world leaders. President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage, stood up against threats to our national security, more prosperity and accountability and is achieving results for the American people. The economy is stronger. American workers are more confidents with more optimism for their future at a 17year high. Unemployment in many categories is down. Business is improving. President Trump has prioritized job training and workforce development to empower workers to seize more opportunities, signed an executive order to expand apprenticeships. Has worked with allies to decimate ISIS. His leadership contributed to the release of 17 American held overseas, including 3 from North Korea. Working with the U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport criminal, illegal aliens. Called on Congress to pass legislation to close the loopholes in the immigration laws which prevent immigration laws from being fully enforced. President wants to secure the southern border and follow the rule of law in immigration, continue to combat the threat of MS-13 in order to protect communities from the horrendous violence the gang has spread. The Department of Justice has worked with partners in Central American countries and have arrested over 4,000 members of MS-13. Has deployed the National guard to the southern border. ICE arrests of illegal alien criminals is up. The s President Trump and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo have led an unprecedented global campaign to achieve the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. On June 12th President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, Defense Secretary James Mattis met in Singapore with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un. Initially Kim had sent his sister and a North Korean delegation to the South Korean Olympics as Vice President Pence and his party were attending. Mike Pompeo met secretly with Kim in April which led to subsequent staff meetings and eventually a Summit between President Trump and Leader Kim in Singapore when they had what appeared to be a cordial relationship. South Korean President Moon Jae-in had met at the DMZ with Kim as well as with President Trump in the White House. President Trump and Mr. Kim signed an agreement in Singapore, the forerunner of further talks on de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. President Trump has consulted with Japan and allies in all these negotiations. Very interesting to watch the diplomatic actions of both sides.



A warm welcome to all new, renewing and associate members for 2018. Welcome to all. We challenge every one to bring one new member. We have wonderful interesting events, great speakers and the opportunity to learn about and discuss current events. Use the form below. For further information contact:

Ann Shires V.P. Membership: ashires@pacbell.net

Thank you for your continued support Ann Shires, 2nd V.P. Membership

Michelle Halliwell

HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Robert G, Kaufman, Ph.D., J.D., LLM School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University Professor Michael Shires, Ph.D, MPhil., M.B.A. Assistant Dean, Professor School Public Policy Pepperdine University Frank Visco, Angel supporter



Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Check One: New Member________Renewal________Associate_______ Please Name if Active Member of other Federated Club(s):____________________________________

ANNUAL DUES $35 dollars Active Member, $20 Associate or Student Members, $45 Active Member and Spouse

Checks payable to T.O.R.W.F. Credit Card Number (MasterCard or Visa)_____________________________________Exp:_______________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________________________________

For more info: TORWF-RL@roadrunner.com Mail application form to: TORWF, 1276 Westwind Circle, Westlake Village, CA 91361

ADVERTISE WITH US Ads start at $45.00 per year CALL TODAY ROSEMARY 818-889-4839 Send high resolution photos torwf-rl@roadrunner.com



A warm welcome to all new, renewing and associate members for 2018. Welcome to all. We challenge every one to bring one new member. We have wonderful interesting events, great speakers and the opportunity to learn about and discuss current events. Use the form below. For further information contact:

Ann Shires V.P. Membership: ashires@pacbell.net

Thank you for your continued support Ann Shires, 2nd V.P. Membership

Michelle Halliwell

HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Robert G, Kaufman, Ph.D., J.D., LLM School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University Professor Michael Shires, Ph.D, MPhil., M.B.A. Assistant Dean, Professor School Public Policy Pepperdine University Frank Visco, Angel supporter



Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Check One: New Member________Renewal________Associate_______ Please Name if Active Member of other Federated Club(s):____________________________________

ANNUAL DUES $35 dollars Active Member, $20 Associate or Student Members, $45 Active Member and Spouse

Checks payable to T.O.R.W.F. Credit Card Number (MasterCard or Visa)_____________________________________Exp:_______________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________________________________

For more info: TORWF-RL@roadrunner.com Mail application form to: TORWF, 1276 Westwind Circle, Westlake Village, CA 91361

ADVERTISE WITH US Ads start at $45.00 per year CALL TODAY ROSEMARY 818-889-4839 Send high resolution photos torwf-rl@roadrunner.com


WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Jessica Adkins Stephanie Bell-Eagle Irrra Core Gina Meyer NEW ASSOCIATES John Harbourne Don Meyer HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Robert G. Kaufman, Pd.D., Pepperdine University, SPP Professor Michael Shires, Ph.D., Pepperdine University, SPP Frank Visco, Angel Sponsor


Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at torwf-rl@roadrunner.com of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: westlakewife@earthlink.net in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the CFRW.org site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects

From his address to the Annual National Peace Officer’s Memorial at U. S. Capitol May 15, 2018 “We stand with our police and we stand with you 100 per cent. And I think we’ve shown that. Vice President Pence, members of my Cabinet, members of Congress, and distinguished guests: Thank you for joining us on one of the most important and solemn occasions of the year: the day we pay tribute to law enforcement heroes – and that’s what they are, heroes – who gave their lives in the line of duty. They made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live in safety and in peace. To the families and survivors with us this morning, I know today is filled with sadness and pain. But today is also filled with love – the love of an entire nation wrapped its arms. And they have wrapped their arms right around you. They love

Photo White House archives

you. They’re praying for you, they’re grieving with you, and pledging to you that we will never forget our heroes, ever. (Applause) And thank you. Thank you. (Applause) You know what I mean. You know what I mean. They’re looking down and they’re proud of you, and they love you so much. Thank you…. This morning, I especially want to speak to the young sons and daughters who join us here today. I want you to know that your moms and dads were among the bravest Americans to ever live. When danger came, when darkness fell, when destruction loomed, they did not flinch. They were not afraid. They did not falter. They stared down danger, raced down alleys, chased down criminals, kicked down doors, and faced down evil. Brave. And they did it all with courage, with dignity, with pride, with love for their nation and with love for their families. They lived every day of their lives by that most sacred calling: to serve and protect.” Their immortal legacy lives on in each and every one of you. Their strength lives in your soul, their courage glows in your heart, and their blood flows in your veins. And today, every American heart bleeds blue. (Applause) That’s for sure….If we want to bring down violent crime, then we must stand up for our police. We must confront and condemn dangerous anti-police prejudice. Can you believe there’s prejudice with respect to our police? We’re not going to let this happen to our police. We’re not going to let bad things happen to our police. (Applause) So we must show appreciation, gratitude, and respect for those who police our streets and patrol our communities… Thanks again to all of our wonderful police, our sheriffs, and all of law enforcement and law enforcement officers. You’re incredible people. You are the finest. You are the greatest. You are our heroes. God bless you. God bless our fallen heroes. God bless their families. And God bless America. Thank you. Thank you very much. (Applause) From Commencement Address to U. S. Naval Academy May 25, 2018 Thank you. I want to recognize the entire brigade for a tremendous year. This has been a spectacular year for you. I have heard all about your achievements. And a very special recognition for the midshipmen fourth class, you are plebs no more…to the men and women about to be commissioned as ensigns in the Navy and second lieutenants in the Marine Corps, let me say on behalf of the entire nation, we could not be more proud of the United states Naval Academy Class of 2018. Thank you. Great job. Congratulations to you all. Four years ago, each of you made the most important decision of our lives. You chose the path of hard work, sweat, and sacrifice. You chose the path of honor, courage, and commitment. You chose to serve the nation and defend our great American flag. You chose the Navy, blue and gold, from the first moments of induction day. Through grueling six weeks of pleb summer, you endured and you preserved. And then the rest of the brigade returned, and the real test began. You developed morally, mentally, and physically…This is a great group of people here, admiral I am told this class led Navy athletics to the highest win percentage in your 172 year history…And let me take a guess, you are still not tired of winning. Winning is such a great feeling, isn’t it? Winning nice such a great feeling. Nothing like winning, you got to win… You don’t give up. You don’t give in. You don’t back down. And you never surrender. Wherever you go, wherever you serve, wherever your mission takes you, you only have one word in mind, and that’s victory. That is why you are here. Victory. A very important word. You are now leaders in the most powerful and righteous force on the face of the planet. The United states military. And we are respected again, I can tell you that. We are respected again…

Excerpts from Speeches by President Donald J. Trump Source-White House Transcripts


Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federatedý4038 East Skelton Canyon CircleýWestlake Village ýCalifornia 91362ý


With New Vi s i on

CALENDAR OF EVENTS January, February, March 2018

Thursday, January 4 CFRW Southern Division, February 9-11 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting Board of Directors Meeting & Conference 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Workshops, speakers, California CFRW members invited Westlake Village Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA.

Thursday, January 18 Thursday, March 1 Celebrating President Donald J. Trump & TORWF Board of Directors Meeting Membership Event 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Invitation to follow Westlake Village

Thursday, February 1 Thursday-Saturday, March 22-24 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting NFRW Spring Board of Directors Meeting & Conference 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Members of entire country are invited Westlake Village Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA

Thursday, December 6 Beacon of Light Award Gala Luncheon Sherwood Country Club, Thousand Oaks

For information 805-230-2919 or 805-377-4510 or contact torwf-rl@roadrunner.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS July, August, September 2018 Wednesday, July 4 August 2, 5:30 – 7:30 P.M.

Celebrate our Country’s Independence Day A.C.S. Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Complimentary. Survivors welcome!

Sunday, July 15. 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Join our team: Sweet Walking Women Event to Elect Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy Westlake Village Inn, Agoura Rd. Westlake Village Assembly District 44 Eden Gardens, 3900 Eden Gardens Lane, Moorpark, 93021 October 27, 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. Donation $25.00 RSVP: Ronda4assembly44@gmail.com A.C.S. Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk Civic Arts Plaza, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. T.O. Wednesday, July 18, Noon – 3:00 P.M. Register & donate at: American Cancer Society

Genghis Khan – The Exibititon – Luncheon & Tour Strides/thousand oaks/october 27, 2018 $62.00 per person – Guests are welcome Donate to team: Sweet Walking Women Reagan Library, 40 Presidential Dr., Simi Valley, 93065 Monday, September 17 – 5:30-8:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 25, 10:00 – 2:00 P.M. Our Annual ‘Our Constitution’

CFRW Southern Division Meeting / Luncheon / Conference Adults $30.00 Students complimentary Spanish Hills Country Club, 999, Crestview Ave., Camarillo Reagan Library – Reception & Program $30.00 Per Person RSVP: torw-rl@roadrunner.com 40 Presidential Dr., Simi Valley, 91365 Friday, July 27 8:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 19 Dinner Meeting 5 Star Theatricals Performance Beauty and the Beast VCFRW - Candidates Forum - Details to follow Complimentary post performance cast party. $37.00 Per Person Guests are welcome. Thursday, December 6, 10:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Civic Arts Plaza, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks Beacon of Light Gala Luncheon, Sherwood C.C.

For information or reservations: torwf-rl@roadrunner.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS July, August, September 2018 Wednesday, July 4 August 2, 5:30 – 7:30 P.M. Celebrate our Country’s Independence Day A.C.S. Strides Against Breast Cancer Kickoff Complimentary. Survivors welcome! Sunday, July 15. 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Join our team: Sweet Walking Women Event to Elect Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy Westlake Village Inn, Agoura Rd. Westlake Village Assembly District 44 Eden Gardens, 3900 Eden Gardens Lane, Moorpark, 93021 October 27, 8:00 – 10:00 A.M. Donation $25.00 RSVP: Ronda4assembly44@gmail.com A.C.S. Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk Civic Arts Plaza, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. T.O. Wednesday, July 18, Noon – 3:00 P.M. Register & donate at: American Cancer Society Genghis Khan – The Exibititon – Luncheon & Tour Strides/thousand oaks/october 27, 2018 $62.00 per person – Guests are welcome Donate to team: Sweet Walking Women Reagan Library, 40 Presidential Dr., Simi Valley, 93065 Monday, September 17 – 5:30-8:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 25, 10:00 – 2:00 P.M. Our Annual ‘Our Constitution’ CFRW Southern Division Meeting / Luncheon / Conference Adults $30.00 Students complimentary Spanish Hills Country Club, 999, Crestview Ave., Camarillo Reagan Library – Reception & Program $30.00 Per Person RSVP: torw-rl@roadrunner.com 40 Presidential Dr., Simi Valley, 91365 Friday, July 27 8:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 19 Dinner Meeting 5 Star Theatricals Performance Beauty and the Beast VCFRW - Candidates Forum - Details to follow Complimentary post performance cast party. $37.00 Per Person Guests are welcome. Thursday, December 6, 10:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Civic Arts Plaza, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks Beacon of Light Gala Luncheon, Sherwood C.C.

For information or reservations: torwf-rl@roadrunner.com