Our Greeter - Matt Stamey - directory-online.com Oct...It seems that the excitement was in the air...

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Upcoming SpeakersOctober 24th - Beverly LaneEast Bay Regional Parks Greeter - Kevin McKelvey

October 31st DARK (No Meeting)

HalloweenGreeter - Trick or Treat

Nov. 7th - Mary SheltonSRVUSD - SuperintendentGreeter - Bill Clarkson

Nov. 14th - Dave BollwinkelTeam BuildingGreeter - Mark Armstrong

Nov. 21 DARK - (No Meeting)

Thanksgiving Greeter - The Turkey

Nov. 28th - Club MeetingElectionsGreeter - Letitia Shelby

Community ServiceOpportunitiesCERT TrainingOctober 20th SaturdaySign Up SiteAre you CERTified?

Committee Chairs Community ServiceScott Gerbert

E CommunicationsMatt Chamberliain

Phun CommitteeJerry Hva

Distict ConferencePatty Hoyt

Speaker CommitteeTricia Soliz

Fund RaisingPattty Hoyt

Paul Harris FoundationJane Louie

Sentinels of FreedomMatt Chamberlian

DVSR FoundationPeter Kohn

Club ServiceMarty Elleman

RotacareJohn Soliz

Youth ServicesScott Gerbert

ScoutingMarty Ellman

Links (just click)Our Schedule Our FaceBookOur Web SiteDistrict Web SiteDistrict NewsletterI Want ContributeDistrict Conference Info

Club LeadersChristopher Paul Hemphill PresidentRene Duddy President-ElectLynnette Kathleen Gerbert SecretaryLouis Isaac Dagen TreasurerMark M Ballock Public Relations ChairCynthia Rene Matsumoto

DVSR NewsOctober 17th, 2012

Additional Contributing Editors: Needed

The Rotary Club of Dougherty Valley / San Ramon

CLICK for Photos :DVSR FacebookLast Weeks Meeting Photos: 10-17-12 Meeting

Next Week's Speaker: Beverly Lane "East Bay Regional Parks"

Location: Bridges Golf Course - October 24th, 2012 5:10pm - Greeter: Kevin McKelvey

Our Greeter - Matt Stamey Another wonderful evening of fellowship began with being warmly

welcomed by Matt Stamey.Is it election season or is Matt just that

friendly to serve as greeter twice in the last three weeks? I think he

woulf have been "kissing babies" if he had the oppertunity. A sign

was spotted by the from door with his name across the top. Here is

Matt reminding Robert (aka the "luckiest man in Rotary") not to miss

out on another chance to donate a couple bucks to DVSR and go

home with another bottle.

Halloween Party October 27th - Chris & Lisa'sHome - 8pm Come Dressed In CostumeClick on the above for the sign up geniusEverybody is welcome! We had a great timelast year. Holiday Party?? December 12th - Need aCommittee!! Phun Committe - The Phun Committee is looking forvolunteers to help plan & coordinate our social events. Ifinterested please contact Jerry Hval.

Meeting Recap October 17th, 2012 Our First Club Assembly?

For the first time in a long time we had no visitors! Let’smake it a goal for that not to happen again, it was no fun tohave no one to introduce and welcome.

Maggie was fresh from her Interact meeting and reported

that they had collected $109 to purchase Christmas gifts for

foster children. She challenged us to match that – and we

did! Thanks to Interact for stepping up to help in such a

worthy cause.

Donna Kerger shared with us the tales of her recent train

trip to Chicago for her 50th class reunion (amazing!). She

visited the Shorewood Club just outside of Chicago and was warmly received. They so enjoyed having Donna that

she was invited to be their speaker! Luckily she comes from a club in San Ramon that is doing great work and she

told them all about us. Of course they were impressed. On returning to her hotel, she was met with a bomb scare,

oh no! It turns out it was a prank from one of the weddings taking place there. Whew.

We enjoyed a on the spot "Club Assembly" presented by Chris and Rene. In case you missed the meeting we were

informed about the "Visioning" meeting held just the night before. All members of the "Visionaries" were asked to

stand and be recognized. It seems that the excitement was in the air and the ideas are cemented on just where we

are sailing. Our travel plans are being entered into the ships log and will be shared with all of the captains and crew

in the next few weeks. Rene spoke about the process and how we were able in just 4 short hours to pick our

course. Sounds like there will be a "committee" formed to help steer the boat in a straight line. The committee will

meet every quarter and review direction and make sure the sails are tuned with no flutter.

Cynthia Rene Matsumoto Sergeant-at-ArmsGil C Jardine Rotary Foundation ChairBill Wostenberg Membership ChairMartin Ellman Club Admin ChairGayle Jones Larson Communitty Service ChairCindy Duffy Chase iPast President

Club InformationMeets at Bridges Golf ClubRestaurantWednesday at 05:10 PMCharter Date Founded in 2010 Action Groups 2012-2013July Rene Duddy

Suzanne Hoctor

Patty Hoyt

William Doerlich

AugustMarty Ellman

Kim Gallagher

Jerry Hval

Lisa Hemphill

Lenora Doo

September Matt Chamberlain

Jane Louie

Matt Herman

Laura Montalvo

OctoberRene Matsumoto

Al Pacheco - New Member!

Matt Stamey

Travis Guse

Dimple Marwaha

NovemberBill Clarkson

Ritu Bhalla - New Member!

Carla Goulart

Mark Armstrong

Letitia Shelby

Chip Shabazian

DecemberDonna Kerger

Lou Dagen

Scott Perkins

Peter Adiani

JanuaryGayle Larson

Gary Larson

Adam Lewis

Mark Ballock

Paul Gentz

FebruaryKay Wang

Lexi Davis - New Member!

Cherly Rhoades

Robert Johnson

Cindy Chase

Bill E Clarkson

MarchPeter Kohn

Ian Schuster

Dan Evertsz

Gil Jardine

AprilRachael Hurd

Bill Wostenberg

Ken Mintz

meet every quarter and review direction and make sure the sails are tuned with no flutter.

Rene went on to let us know that at our October 24 meeting the nominating committee will present nominees for her

board elect. Nominees can also be put forth from the floor that night. Elections will be November 28. So now is the

time to look ahead, do you want to take your turn at the helm? well it might be good to get a seat at the captain's table

for the next year.

Chris reminded us that the District Conference is right around the corner, Jane Louie has agreed to coordinate a

Saturday Carpool effort for those who can only afford one day of time. Please call Jane or email,

janelouie@earthlink.net or 415-601-6592. More information is available on line,


If you have not “Registered” it is time!

By Chris Hemphill / Patty Hoyt - Meeting photos just click above and be taken to our Facebook photos of the event.

This Weeks SpeakerHabitat for HumanityOur speakers were Steve Wilcox and Karl Auker who came to talk to us about

Habitat for Humanity –Hope for Haiti. While Habitat builds homes, Steve and

Karl got involved in building outside of the home, building the community.

They work in the town of Santo, the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake toward

the goals of providing safety, sanitation, creating commerce and establishing

governance. Safety comes in the form of street lighting, there currently is

none. When the sun goes down, everything shuts down. Steve and Karl are

working to raise $108,000 for 24 solar powered streetlights. The cost of

$4500 per streetlight includes training and maintenance. See the YouTube

video on the proud community of Santo at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBUmlV720qk


Club Business / EventsOur Rotary District Conference is coming up in Napa, California the weekend of November 2, 3. It will be a fun timefor all. Jane sent out an announcement via email on 10/11/12 about a carpool forming for Saturday morning,November 2, for those who want to just go up for the day. Enjoy the conference and have some dinner later. Moredetails to follow. Here is the link once again DISTRICT CONFERENCE LINK

On October 24, 2012, We will be announcing nominations for the new Board during the 2013-2014 upcoming year.

Be thinking about how you would like to participate in the coming year and would consider being nominated. Or

think about some folks you have seen demonstrate leadership qualities and would be a good fit for a particular

position. Or just raise your hand!

A Note From The President

Committees - Are You Involved? - Can yougive us a hand?"Many hands make light work" "Busy hands are happy hands" "All hands on


Ok.... I am not talking about sitting back and giving us applause.......we have "opportunities" to make your Rotary experience somethingspecial to all concerned. The club is run by committees and many of these opportunities will matchyour availablity. We are looking for each member to find thier home on at least one committee. Ifyou are anything like like me you might say "What Committee?" well on the left hand side we havestarted a list of "Committees" and the respective "Lead" contact. Some committees are still missing from the list, they will be added soon. We have I think one of thegreatest Rotary clubs around. We are active and have tons of potential as we move forward. Join thefun, get more out of Rotary, get back more than you give, we could use a hand. Thanks for you consideration!Action Groups - Much More Than a "Set Up" Team Many have asked, many wondered, what lies ahead? I am now a member of an "Action Group"!!How exciting! Besides helping set the room for one month and having your turn in the spotlight. The

May Dorn Driggs

Lynnette Gerbert

Heather Vilhauer

Scott Gerbert

Kevin McKelvey - New Member!

JuneJohn Soliz

Tricia Soliz

Ryan Sykes

Kimberly Nicola

BirthdaysGary David Larson October 11Gayle Jones Larson October 21

The Four Way TestIs it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and betterfriendships?

Will it be beneficial to allconcerned?

groups form a "team" to get other items accomplished. First up on that list of items to beaccomplished is the recruitment of new members to assit us in our goals to serve our commuinties. Each "Action Group" is asked to be responsible to bring in at least one new member between nowand the end of the year. Yes, we are talking about December. So, my suggestion is to look over the list, find your teammates, exchange emails, phone number andthe like. Meet for coffee, drinks, walks in the park...... and brainstorm, throw out some names, decideamonst yourselves who is going to ask. Bring a Action Group member with you to discuss ourDVSR Rotary Club, do it on your own, ask a board member, ask your kids check with the dog, butjust go ahead and start asking folks to attend. "One and Done" - Somebody even discussed prizes....for the most new members? Past and current Presidents are not ellgible.. What are you waiting for,not sure who is going to be our next speaker? On the left hand side of this newsletter is a list of all "Action Groups" New members will be added tothe sponsoring "Action Group". You will be able to see the new members by their highlighted names.

Membership Profile & Next Weeks Greeter - Kevin KcKelveyOctober 24th

Our Greeter next week is one of our newest members KevinMcKelvey. In case you did not know Kevin’s sponsor was ScottGerbert. It turns out that Kevin is involved in many things and canbe reached at the gym at 5am every day. Kevin has been helpingScott train for some of his personal goals. Kevin is also involved inthe Special Olympics program and helping young adults with Social -Emotional Learning skills, you can visit his web site to Lean more -"Successful Adventures" Kevin is also in the printing business. Please visit his web siteM ckelvey Printing & Graphics Make sure you take a few minutes and get to know one of our

newest members. Here is Kevin's photo from his induction night October 3rd. Kevin has jumped rightin and has assisted in Clib Service" setting up and breaking down the room each week.