Our Journey To AnnaMaria

Post on 15-May-2015

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The Story of Becoming a Family of Six!


Jeff and Sharon 1997

Our journey to AnnaMaria

Jeff and Sharon 1987

7 years later....Claire and Ollie

Life was loud....

and busy...

and messy!

so....we had another baby.


The years flew by...

we had lots of fun...

but, something was missing.

While Ollie was busy at baseball....

the girls took a poll, and decided....

they needed a baby sister.

We were matched with Maria Rosario in January '07.

As soon as possible we went to Guatemala to meet her.

Our first hug.

Talking with the foster mom.

Falling in love.

Another sister!?!

Our first slumber party.

I think you gringos are OK.

It was hard to leave her!

Back home, we waited for emailed photos.

Second visit trip....Holy Week

Carpets lined the streets.

Many are made with colored sawdust.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Some are made with pine needles and flowers.

Many processions.

The streets were full.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Floats are carried on shoulders.

Easter Sunday

When we couldn't stand it...Claire and Sharon moved to Antigua.

The first day of forever together!

Our apartment was nice.

But...we heard noises in the fireplace...

Owl, joined us for breakfast one day!

Antigua, Guatemala

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Life was ducky!

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Life moves more slowly in Guatemala.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Land of eternal spring.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Meeting Grandma....

and Grandpa.

Spending time with friends....

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Webcams and internet kept us in touch.

Claire took daily Spanish lessons.

Chicken buses everywhere...

loud and crowded...

and colorful.

A family vehicle for four.

Laundry day.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

School children wear uniforms.

But, not all kids go to school.




Jeff and Sharon 1997

The Market.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Sign of prosperity.

Fresh flowers.

Bulk grains.

Wonderful fruit.

Catalina sells live chickens.

Wooden carved angels.

Ice Cream...a daily ritual.

Mayan carry their babies and toddlers.

Clara showed us how.

Jeff and Sharon 1997

Dominos Delivers!

Internet and cell phones are quite available.

There are even guards at the fast food spots.

Coffee is a huge export.

Most work is manual labor...

sometimes with only half a shovel.

Guatemala...4th largest macadamia nut producer.

Leaving was bitter-sweet.

US Embassy day in Guatemala City

A US citizen when we touched down in Houston.

One year later.

It's good to be home, but we miss Guatemala!