Post on 10-Aug-2020

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“Tuam Parish is a Catholic Christian community inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ. We want to celebrate God’s love for everyone through our words and actions.”

Priests: Fr. Pat Farragher Adm., Fr. Seán Flynn C.C.

Parish Secretary: Sharon Dempsey. Phone: 093-24250 Email: tuamparishoffice@gmail.com Local Safeguarding Representative: Daithí Quinn.

Please Pray For Evelyn Kelly, Abbeytrinity.

Maura Grealish, Ballymote Rd. Michael O’Dwyer, Dublin & late of Bishop St.

Julia Carron, London, sister of Tony Melia Blackacre. Doreen Rooney, (nee Monahan) Eyrecourt and late of

High St. & The Mall, sister of Tommy Monahan, The Mall.

Monthly Visits: Fr. Pat and Fr Seán will attend to their monthly visits this week. Fr. Pat will do his calls on Thursday August 6th.

Sunday Masses: 6.00pm on Saturday (Vigil Mass); 8.30 & 12.30 on Sunday — As we return to public worship, there will be two Sunday Masses at 8.30 & 12.30. This is necessary to facilitate the sanitization of the Cathedral between the Masses.

Offertory Collection at Masses — As part of the new guidelines for the celebration of Public Masses, it is not permissible to pass the offertory baskets during Mass. You will find collection boxes at each exit from the Cathedral. Please place your offertory in these boxes. Thank you for your ongoing support at this time.

A new pilgrimage on Lough Derg’s lakeshore. Walk and Pray in the Lough Derg tradition on 16, 18, 22, 26 & 30 August. At times in the 1600s and 1700s when Station Island was closed by the Penal Laws, pilgrims undertook a form of pilgrimage on the lough shore. Walk in their footsteps. Contact 0 (0353) 71 9861518 or info@loughderg.org for details. Numbers are limited. Advance booking essential.

Cathedral Readers 3rd August to 8th August 10.00 am Mon Msl: 1073 Sr Maria McGrath Tue Msl: 1076 Mary Potter RSM Wed Msl: 1080 David Breslin Thu Msl: 1625 Marian Daniels Fri Msl: 1083 Brid Donnellan Sat Msl: 1086 Billy Hannon

Sunday 9th August Missal: 304

6.00pm Sr Teresina Daly 8.30am Victoria Osikoya 12.30pm Phil Moran

Cathedral Collection - Sunday, 26th July €3350

Sunday 19th July €3300.

Mass Cards - During the month of July €1085 was received for Mass Cards signed at the Presbytery or at the Parish Office. These offerings, together with the intentions have been forwarded to Missionary priests who will celebrate individual Masses as requested.

Cloonfush Cemetery: The annual contribution would be greatly appreciated at this time towards the upkeep of Cloonfush Cemetery. Anyone with relatives laid to rest in Cloonfush are asked to give their contribution to P.J. O’Connor, Kilmore or Tony Noone, Cloonfush. Cloonfush Cemetery is the final resting place of many generations of the deceased members of Kilmore and Clonfush. Donations would be gratefully accepted from any other residents from the above area who would like to contribute to the ongoing upkeep of the cemetery. Many thanks to those who have already contributed.

Masses Commencing Monday 3rd August 2020


10.00 a.m. Kate & Michael O’Brien & their son-in-law Tom Burke, Ardnagall, Milltown. Robbie McDonald, Gorey.

TUESDAY 4th 10.00 a.m. Mick Gormley, Mary & Jimmy Burke, Mary Curran, Moll & Paddy Jordan, & Kathy Kelly, Gilmartin Rd.

WEDNESDAY 5th 10.00 a.m. Nora Reilly, St Joseph’s Park. Tom & Mary Leonard, Galway Rd. John & Mary Heyworth, Ballymote.

THURSDAY 6th 10.00 a.m. George Varghese, Palace Fields, (Months Mind) Private Intention.

FRIDAY 7th 10.00 a.m. Tracy Ward Tullamore & her brother Martin & their parents Davy & Biddy Ward. Mary McDonagh, 85 Parkmore. Michael Ward, 20 Firdomnach Rd, The Glebe. Eddie Sweeney, 47 Parkmore.

SATURDAY 8th 10.00 a.m. Peter & Mary Mullins & decd members of the Mullins family, Cortoon. Mary Ward, 37 Parkmore. Beryl & Pat Gavin & decd members of the Le Gros family, Milltown Rd. Jason Mills, Gurraun Park, Dublin Rd. John O’Brien, St Annes, Ballygaddy Rd. Nancy McHale & her husband Brod & her parents John & Mary Heneghan, Kilcloghans.


Weekend Masses Cathedral: SatSaturday (Vigil)6.00pm. Sunday: 8.30 am, & 12.30 pm. Our Lady & St. Jarlath, Lavally: Saturday 8.00 pm. St. Patrick’s Cortoon: Sunday 11.00 am.

Weekday Masses Cathedral: Monday–Saturday: 10.00 am. Holydays: As announced. Confessions Cathedral: Saturday 12-1.00 pm or by appointment.

Baptisms Cathedral: Sunday after 12.30 pm Mass. Book at Parish Office - 2 weeks notice. Baptisms Cortoon: Sunday after 11.00 am Mass. Lavally: Book at Parish Office.

Cathedral of the Assumption Restoration Account: BIC – BOFIIE2D,

IBAN – IE13BOFI90397115228497

“Taking the loaves, the Lord broke them and entrusted to

the disciples the honour of distributing them: he wanted not only to honour them, but also to convince them of the truth of the miracle, so that

they might not forget it afterwards, since their hands

would be its witnesses.”

John Chrysostom (347-407)

Dear Parishioners,

Since Covid-19, there have been many traditions that we have had to adjust or indeed forego – from our family life to the workplace. We were reminded this week of two in particular that span decades and generations. For many the inability to climb The Reek has left a gap and for some a day out at the Galway Races has been sorely missed.

Simultaneously, other traditions have been started at home or perhaps a re-visiting of them after many years – the likes of bread making and knitting. Whether old or new, our faith has been the one tradition that has remained constant throughout. Early on in the pandemic, we experienced that with the large numbers tuning into the Cathedral’s live streamed Masses or joining us on the parish radio. Since the resumption of public Mass that same faith and commitment have continued. And so it has been always – through the centuries, in economic hard-ship, in historic conflict and in agrarian strife.

Our faith carries us, provides reassurance and a form of solace. In today’s Gospel, the disciples and the multitudes needed to have faith in Jesus that five loaves and two fish could feed them, ‘They all ate as much as they wanted, and they collected the scraps left over, twelve baskets full. Now about five thousand men had eaten, to say nothing of women and children’ (Matthew 14:20-21).

In the second reading, Romans 8 we are again prompted about the resolve of our faith, ‘Can anything cut us off from the love of Christ – can hardships or distress, or persecution, or lack of food and clothing, or threats of violence; No; we come through all these things triumphantly, by the power of Him who loved us’.

As the summer progresses, thank you for your faith, on-going assistance and encouragement. We are very grateful for parishioners’ generosity and enduring support.

Fr. Pat. Farragher, Adm.

Re-opening Cortoon & Lavally Churches for Public Masses

Thanks to all who attended the planning meetings in Cortoon and Lavally churches on Wednesday July 29th. The numbers in attendance at both meetings were very encouraging. With the help of those who attended, we plan to proceed with the opening of both churches for public Masses on the weekend of August 8th/9th. Parishioners in both communities are asked to keep the following in mind as we return to public worship:

Capacity in both churches is significantly reduced Please follow the guidance of ushers Please sanitize your hands at the entrances Parishioners are encouraged to wear masks Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of Mass in Lavally Church Both churches will be sanitized once a week Parishioners are asked to take responsibility for their own safety regarding social distancing

More volunteers are needed in both churches to help with organizing the return to Public Masses.

Saturday August 1st 8.00 pm (Cathedral Live-streamed)

Declan Scarry, Correlea

Saturday August 8th 8.00 pm (Lavally Church) Tom Ryan, Birmingham, UK (Months Mind)

Sunday August 9th 11.00 am (Cortoon Church) Philomena Quinn, Cortoonroe,

Rescheduled First Communion Ceremonies 2020

Saturday 12th September 11.30 am Students from Gardenfield N.S. and Gaelscoil Iarfhlatha

Saturday 12th September 2.30 pm Students from Trinity Primary School Campus 1 & 2

Sunday 13th September 2.30 pm Students from Trinity Primary School Campus 3

& Educate Together N.S. Saturday 19th September

Students from Brownsgrove N.S. and Lavally N.S. in St. Patrick’s Church Cortoon at 11.00 am