Our Polpit. -...

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JftOnnrML jsjfartiacsr. ewoxattbaarr. ' T K K

B i y ^ y b t B o o k H o u s e ,

E^' •

MTftocMMi m. Tunm,

' 'oflLJk&AXMKAMKliaC—1 erSttSsssrsssTSiiE


ESSeSS^^SSEffiSir ttmb a W M M k M M » e H .

i f l t w B . s f l ' i B ^ e a a s jtatuy f KOTT TjifW mwit atuaete.

illm — >v«iMU«BUittv«B*,widIiar JMn lilMiit In MM <ou»«nMwi ot » gim bubt to um fciiUai l!i MiilKiBUMilmiixl mutBEedtiita urmw ~ cmWKJH auUdTAI. JtrJ. ttJlmtdiutoiu

mcln «n ta» •ai4aet,fia?ft* Bort ibvMMt or oamtmm Into rmcaal Mlmwna >• av |n«i«nhi* to Om oaal m u m koA ruue, idUuw tboM v m a an — mo te«iotii,a«oBt •iltht C*«trc«t tuntumrj. Br Umcd AnbtetoUwdoclrltWBKl uraatiM ar Bavaat ehnralMi. aCT pactK ^ ak«t 3K«UMi<. ay lUwaniT. tana;.0. D. llMM4»tar tblBvaA is to »T« s eiav.wnibosMd bu patapMuamtt* <rliiwa$atBMp<tf>M(ifdtflknaea«Uei>

ttoM «tw wtab to Kbov, ssd Ui<» VIM M^MMomtlrn. Prtef). Bett. ».'TOuna^u « JKT ^ XaUtarmalUtoilMori

lUMifcW. or TOOB ofwlTaUanu roreharolt-

iJbK^^::^ wmat to aim • aetQ tanl kta* of IwtMUaaMdMtbaad btlbn lfa« m»> •matlMi. TMmBtioBtoiwtyaw tally

Baubworui* -

> vatodila •aattiboUOD to iMtaw k aaUoMioa or hlM-amlMi er «aotaa» TTUh

TFiiliiir'-r'tiir'i -- Ton ahaald nad tt imMteML rrtMtvauai.a«ti. CkcMtaa i A OnajpondlBA of Xbootonriar J. M. PndMan. EuD. Xhk


to« I

ataMhnr. KSrii, iako mm* esi>Unatiinr*M pnettdl. A po^ — • etUtal Mwti^ non ttsaanr-EToi^ttS?^ mmmuiMri^ ikud iho uUiar la • tut wbolar wlw M k tettUUbr vltt Vwont. i>llM,BWvoL.«LaD

oTtt, ToabaTOBotlaM (omMiBlHiB boo«. tills muo koofc Of roataavw :a:i:i]t«B«t4halt. Tlw naMBMOMieMMtiw&tlwaq^ tliB»mnimt.n«tv tnm tte ianat t m u ^ I d M Of U» _ MINHIM vith 8 0 ^ lUtuK iKc i> Jb^aad^uaFvttt tiioiSS LaadarotelMttkoi nUskMtt

•odHtlioinlyL n o Cbnrab oFt graaUroniMfiU •UUoB. Ste««lM •m^TriBaL Ukoty. fitrEBCndiHull. Aa tUMartnl

l;«ctu«BMiBaptlrt aumfrr- Br W m B WUttuu, D ST' ' r ^ U M n o CIvmK Coitaiet-Omiemliic Baptkta ltd latwm lia«actr> QeoCI^anma?^ UMik BrHar. V.A.JaR«. TlilB toa BOW and alito t wwunlal Tncuof a m m .

m u orBoT.w.s. CMUaa. atncox- in pmpa I* eU^ In eioUi Tlao lMra_ii||ut]rT 'or tbo «tz-

Um ana and wUoa or Uio B ohQfdi In a w Ming and Um aUadi or Uio rtatiig •MMraUiMi. *«ee.lB otoOultl* posruEAnscAm ••wavAU mw CA> lUw wSlM. lu tbla J toad, tbo oanala la tbo Botdid mitana ' Tletlma arc loraaiod. Hon tbo — tbo I m M M . tb anuttka. the mn ff lfltMi tbo B'Vi'*" thiTlliT obnrab IM oqniSu Y i ^ U M k r blood, tar tbo bkiod of tba aaBtt tf Ood, ttaadi oat aa oao or Um - ^ M M M of tbo Booaa f—»««cl—rd BetaUTO to Aurteolar OoriBfUno, and Ita ntattona to •Mttdolal ooUbMr, eoaranta, BouMariaK

SII9I>. PrteettLS

i^Adanatooa Vbm RntanaBk owr a M ao. ai» Iwr "barioiT I. pmj»aa^»lmotarmt MtUM UM at ;tHiwi IiMMitOTia and doao

iwUESES^SiiSeSSSSrw «iidao-g>o- aalw » m m mU traa BatnMa, GBaloUtli

teatin^^Jl Haatitwo,* Y^ It laaTbriSl wput TIM 10 kara'aibaad ^ eemwBloflt li"*ftlr • Uwuali MtgaiaiiifclOB amr ^ rimwu of

WAerm t«.' w e n m u v f


• . TiWiJi I M^, »b«oia«i8al i te SSHuM


• 'ftSoS So£l ittjS!

rououcAi. i s r s & w j w s c

BBBtlabi and MolkodMa baa ofw boon pro-

«tB bo amfiWatx nlBBMi, tbaa:^ u«t«: bttua BaDUaa;!^

nuiB wBBEr-Tbere abotdd bo a HTBB mad TOM Book la CTOIT ttoL laaoboteowuetlon oCthOTagWor tbattMOtaaqoBd ~

ihoflaaaonboi Ityoatyyaaiaai Rioa, (U* oaob, br BaU.

aadmMad cdHMm, tB vbidi «Ui bo to t*MO tir tbo old lBdoz.oaool faun, tn^ and ate aaaay Bov aad byawMk tabtBK tSrpUio_gf otbara wbloh ««ro laaatlaKlB nMrtt. Tb* aKaacnaoBt aadBotbotlac bavo aot baim Intirf^M. '"SmnSin. $L Ma«ooeji>r( tr_

RUt,raiiiicdii:: SB la tbo •oaai StTS

Oift.tlWMMwtoztaBt. Ho iSSSliXS . S ^ E m s ! ^ * " - S S t SS

jPWo8fcT«au»o». Thm CkviattM Wa>ioBy. Omtatnlnx ebolM «oBart*an or Brana aad Fatfaa; nawa-OdMandAwtharaoftoi thob«i»B>: i^orifowTaaailRMn tai^M

•jTfiMfcJfcriia a J D i ^ js: Tbo ibm«b> or baptfiSi latbor — - — —• *a tbo Tarinoa ayaui br tbo dUktoBt do-

'^jj^yip^ L SS^bff'y'eblldieB apa oaJdooU^ adella, wltbooteBthor oipfceatloiL Pries. U M

r M a K U C T . BrMtaUaato , nualtt^j^^og^t^

OB soma b m on

tbta work iHIImoM tttdUnai •laaboMCNBtTalas la t&s.daj. oIlbeOuIiUeB: UBuybeooao

bm.'tiaf'SSS^, ^ «• tt* Annto MB— n—nH n UB Slf^tSSita fmSETtbam-psn ' «raar va(tMBla<v*tta hUdiaBbuj^

nan. A book •bat la S S f f S T ^ ^ -

I or tbo Bomb: Tbo TboUooliu n o M M w . Bjr Bar HHarrajr.DIX A bMHr^lSiMSWsaaar, wbe^artm m> r bov to bo a end and aartal pastor, a bBTO, tt la ao abs^ ot^yoyn bar Ik Tbo AMBOtotO*

lU aotm an bOsf aad/IWl imt wUboiit llOdbjr ^ tseamplete vubMlk rHoo.^ abasp, auu iHMtaait ^^mSSoooT*

_m*TU>»tWMB0d«i*uifi5rertb0 Biblo. and wbleb bare Bovar ba*es bosB pBt bolnre t^pebUe IB aBsli OQBTsniani

aanaoBS I w TODBit BtlBlslsn. bat a book ealataa teald liiho penwatlee e« a^


^ y g g g g m * g g


peeBuy tbo latter. Uoili.«


. rmAaamm mw tmaMmmm. pa»oM«»Md ay a Br A.

ttiaapMBaak ram,um

simxm^ AJiflk l i s s e R n ^ IB oeiim

l-ot ••ittSW*' Moo,p«r rpLtiJa

'muM.fUk ' • ••

uib«r •3«t«b SS."-f5SS3S?'

s^JW MA BgSlU 4Ui Atviiiu^

Staed ri In the x n w en* aee Bad te th» old P B I ^ w h l ^

Batorad at tbo Puat omoe of Mrmphia, Tmtu, aa aseond Oas Jlattar.

Old S e r i e s - T o K ^ X X X V U . aiEXPfllS^ T E S T K ^ O C T O B E R 9, m o . S ^ W Seriee-Vol. X U L 18,

Our Polpit. T l i S O H B i a T l A M ' S U a H T REFLECTS T H E


bvbu). M. M. MBLTIK.

" Lst yoer Uebt 80 ablBo bete* lasB tlu* tber Bw see root •ood worka, aad ttai r row Fatbor vbo la In baaTeo.* - JUtt-T.U.

rpHEstnofth of the text, what in technic^ J l phnae Ja tenued thecwtnl idea, ht iauae of its

am^kat wo(d»-the little word m>. If I ask t^e «T<sage adioul boy the meaaing of that word, be % i U prampUy anawer, " To mch an extent," or " In aach a manner."

^Qo^ loved the world." h that aUt No. "Ood an loved the world." " Let your ligat shine —more t ^ that," Let your UghtopshUie."

Any lady who ia a hooaekeeper, knows t ^ when she haa lifhted B lamp In her pador, she can hold it in such » manner—she can let its l^ht ioaUner4hat It nay exhibit an object io the room to th^ b st posdble adyanSage-. or that it may throw, that o^eet entirety in the shade.

The Piiarlae^lnthe sermon of whl<^ our text ia a part, were censored, not for the want of light, bat because th«y.<yd mA. hold it right. In their ptayen, thdr almsclvins, their ceremonial ot>-servanctmthey ahed a gmnd l^ht. but they it soddnethaMtteU oathew»in|l9W^ Instead of g l o r i f ^ God they glwiiiM theoiMlves- Thegf

sidriL This to also true of the CatristianVrdatita toChrisai his IMTlDeT<eadiw.

And stUl Inrther: To the extent that the triM Ittiaeipleof 'CairislIan dieiplesUp ia imdcntood and aduiowledgedi the rallng prindple of the diadplei's action will b^ to honor Christ by qaieUy and onqueatlooabiy nxeptiDg the te^ch-ings of Christ, oome what may come of thetteadb-ing of all other teachers. His principle of actioa wiU be: LetClirist be exalled, though aU men be thoeby abased.

Bat some wbo claim to be thedfaciples of CSitist are not dotoe this; who they are it is not our pcesest purpose to say, only to i»t>ve that some who profess to he his diadf^donottakehlsin-stmctlons as eupteabe. *

In sapport of this poriUon, I htie present a logical dilenima, from eme ox the other hom which, to some who profMs to bv the didples of Christ, there i t no pua ibility of escape.

1. ^mebody who prufe89r»to be the di<wipla of Christ does.not try to know what are hb nc> doaivn teachlags; or—

3. Somebxty professing to be his diadpie, and kaowing his will, nas the tumexity. to iwt aside his teachings, in whole or in part, and in t h ^ ^ ^ follow the teachings of others.

This is pUln talk; by many it any be tbooght oeedlea^; even oCfensiveiy, seyixe. Bnt it is the Yoy sublimity of folly to take oflSmsei an aigo-meat, belts positkm tenable or otherwise. lf-« position is false the wi^ to iri«t it is not to be offisnded at it, but refute It; it true, then the way totreatltis iKAkDbecl&ndcd atit, butacceptit. II "

J ( i ^ or the sun of rtg^ttous^ iMM a n thrown on and light op that daiknein; the light thos cast upon him he reflects, and so Kfleetiit aatoglortiyhtenitherwhok in heaven —notto add toUie Divine i^ory, that being ia itself InfEteite, cannot be affected liry any act of maa or angels i ^ l ^ t Is to exhildt the glory of hia Father who is In heaven. Thii8**ttie heavens dedara the giofy of Ckid, and the firmameat ahoweth hia handiwork.*'

Since the fiOl, the IVUher caa only be known to man thitwgh the aoa. " N o man kroweth the lUber SBve the SooJuKllw to whom th ! 8(hi WiU teveal htnu»—Matt. xL 27. A i d as the lather can only be known thro««h ihe Boo, so he can only be glocifled throogh the Son, Christ ta to dnnen the only anthoriaed Teadier concnning God. Oar momt^ theme, therefore, is— Tttit CSBOnAlf » "«> OLOBirV CSURIBT AS A

TXACKBB. " - , Tbe New IMament aboands with the doctrine

that the nriatlon of teacher and leamv, or disd*' pie, exMa betWMQ GhHst aad the Chriatian; and aslb thedMeoraUlnstracton worthy of the po-altioii, tfaekamer. ttiedladide, ahoakl honw the teadbet. This kpneminenOy troeof airia«,6or DMaalhBdiet.

And tether, the exlalenoe of the rdation pre-banneeai—

1. Xhat the taadier knows something that the disdple seeds to learn.

i . nMUtheteeehertoaUeaad wilUng tolm> part aad the disdple willing to receive that in-atTMUMk

S. TbaA the diaelple can honor the teacher only totlM eslaittfeatkeezUhttSB dodl^ teachable

^coming danger. Soch is th^ coniammate felly ot bim who wlU not look existing fitds in Um .&C8, lestbyeodoinghemay distntb Mxne oae^ equinimity. Xo man makes hb aarroandiagi; he b bom to them, and must aece|it hb aitaatioa, i^rasant or nnpleaaant. The exIsUng sia'^ of rdigioos sodety, from whirii tbb favcatigatkw b eUcUed, we coald not ignore if we wonht, and w« m i g h t d a r e ignore if weconld. I t b o a w ; athen made it for u , and vm most accept it. I repeat the assertion I onphasiae it, and will prove, it! Prom one or the-other hom of the dilemma there N tor some who profem disdplecdiip, no poadbUity of escape. Tbo proof: Of Christ, a Teacher, I asumo—

1.. AsaDivineTeacho-, itwasin theudiaedf tbingdimpQsdtde.>tiiat be could tmcfa anythlnr ebethantmth. ~

2. ABBTaacherofinHalte wisdom, it was la the n ^ r e of things impoasiMe that hb tmdiisgB etnld be otherwise than inteUlxible.

S. As a Teadier of di vine authority. U wm in the nature of things impossible that ho cooU have stooped to the trimng of tKwhiitt aoB-esBentiab. ,

4. As a Teacher of iltvine beQevolwce aad compassion, it was in the natore of things impoe-dble that he could withhold the promked aid of he Holy Spirit f ^ tliose who sincerely, aad la

the name oC Jesas. t e ^ that aid. for J e m caa as soon «ea«e to exist aa ftiL to ftaUlt one of hb pceoi-bo: Bat It b a, put of the olllee work of tlie Holy Spirit to gnlde tUe dnewe, inqoirinr didiile iatoiOltmth.

& It b i n the nature of thiags tmr«iifP4ff tkct oaetrath eaa ooatadict aaoUMB troth; this ft

• : • •

appliodile to all truth, human and diviae. Aa a divine ttecber tberdor, Obrkt in hb teaehtagM waa always oomiatent, From the seU wvMMit «raths betee na, thesa

two coadusinDS %ra Inevitable:— 1. "mt the disdple of CMst wlw daeoKiy

dasties to know hb Maala'a will, n«aidlw at the teadiln^ of nun, can learn it wlthooi aib-take. - 2. That the diaripla who reguda hb l i a a ^ will as supreme, wiU, when he leazaa that wiU, obeyit.

BBttn theflueuf aU thb, ve have beianoiic t^es two partias~i«ede8iat«UcBl oigawisatlBas — both daiming to be folded OB the aatteir-Ity of Oirist; both: riahwiag thai tb«y yield obedience to the hKwo{€luM;hoth d t e -lag to be g u ^ by the teachlags oTOdbt, vhkfa partieB, naverthdess, are fooad on priao^fisi of abadutely Inwoncilahle ooctradictioas. 1 bive said twopacUes, aad I repent U. Sobdivided w they may be, they are eaaehtiaiiy only two, and thdr toundations are absolntdy irtecoadleUeu

We have sees that the tcachii^ Chrbt MS tme, that t h ^ IKS infaell tlUe, and that theain* oere disdide liait the promisi- the gui^iann tbe-Holy Spirit. Now le aanune that bcih nC tneso contradictory parties are led by the aptrit of lmth,inobedhiicetotfaelaWaad the tiiaehings of Christ, b to amine idther fliai one tenth caa coatadietaaothcrtnim>«faidrbalMiid, or that Christ tkughtsomethlng d ^ than troth, wfe^Lb Itlasphemotts.


— . . . .

biaqihemy: to do the Utter impeaelin h b v m e -ity, which babo bla^teny.

The qaestioo then bsetUed; the diadpi* who dncerdy trasta to leam hb Master'a will caa know IL Butaomewhodaimtobehb dlscM4a are not obeying that wilL Enan eaaor ttoflOMi; hamof the dilemma there is, t h e r e ^ ao piMBt-bilityofeMpe. ;u SomdMdyt^noitiytsleaahbwilljar— *i. Somebody Ittts the tfiKKrity to defy hbwilL Toanswerthis,Ioff«rtotbektiei)r tte inaU

alifetime, though that litdimehhoBld qaadtnie the lease of Meamsdah. .

I wUl not dtiay tiie light ^ peofMng Oiristians ; that they lAthelr light diiai^ Xi ' biUbowdoealtsiiine; W i u m d ^ u V "

Inonia-to< (osrtop thedaim. t l ^ . t £ e parties in . q n q i ^ are, or may be, letting thdr I^t no f j ^ both ghny ChdU as a !IV«dur« I aof told tJuU neither party b faanded aa priadiOtt Vut coo-tndict the other r that both soe iiaiiad^ on what

•are »*tibo by tjaxe, jwtiftsUlon Igr: Wth,

Stnageasltmayappeor, that latdiigeat roaa aad women wonkl wiOiai^ pnctice o« ehem-adves B decg>Uon,-one o C ^ aad oxiaeqaeiuw e m b a ^ e m i n relii^b thattt tepda^ on its advocaflai the humiliatiur n e c e ^ of d t ^ thbvervUilng.

InMitc|ie«rMlygr«BtUu4aiaayiaBtttiH) dl -vUmaof the partieB Biteded to do nad aoecoBlUly teadi. tfaoe giodoai dootriiii«, aad to the exleot that they a n loeeeMfhl la w^llag sinBatoRpeatane^a8di9i9||dlag the kaowl-

T t ^ i * . H A j r ^ ' j j s r r .


Bam. WUliai iM «od Hii l t Mie iioMiatr a iimvUuk

« t S h w Httpe, HickBMn ciianty, T»-nn. Then-

t u w been twentf-tiiH^ aKldltkHie. Tlw meelinic Is

xnioif oa , wi th & pnxpect (jf several otliPr? j i i n l a ^ .

The vfMteni p f ^ o a o f Jmlooo A>s<atmti<vn is

imitdfoK Bp, wh i le Ibe ms t em portl(in ^ in a

laognii^tiiff eoG&tion. P n ; 6>r a i .

Aug'- ST, 18«0. D . A . CAtMiria:.!^

Bso . O u v E a : — l a t l e m l e t l a. m c H I o ^ u f <Iays

ia S ^ i a . £ e h o i 8 e a i i n t y » G a . , e m b r a e i o e Uie Oiat

StUibsth i n mtHith, a w l buptixt^ oao. I then

m m m e a w i l a. mewUiig a t Statenvii l^, io the tntme

cuouty^ where 1 twptiaed eight pc nhca t belu!vei><,

reecivai six by lettcjr and restumf oixr. I tbeu

proomkid to Mticedooisi, i a the name ei>anty, aiul

temiiiiied two days, where I received SKwa for

baptiian. Themwt i aK w » c o o U B n e d b f £ h l . John .

Sfxtim oat i l W«dae« i « y n ight , and six more

were bttpUaMi, faakinx in all t h i r ^ n . To G»>1

be idl the p ta lw . Y m u a in Chriat,

J a a p a . Fla . , S s p t 27.1S8. J . N. IIKID.

Bao . Q b a t b i : — I aend j o d this report uf the

•meedn i ^ hpld w i th m y ehmcfaes, which , if yoa

tbinlE pntpiir, yoa m a y pobliith :—

licrt meeting w w wi th J»hns im Grove

ehnzch, Cruekctt eoanty, Tenn. , and commenced

on S d i a d a y before the first ^ b b a t h in A u g w L

I i|M WHiated by Etd . W . E . Fawcett, o rM iLm , a

paH ot the t ime. The meetin;; comlnoed eight

days, w i t h t i n foUuwinic RMiitH: Twelve or

lUtoen cuuteigtona and fifteen addit ions by rx-

perienca u d bapifam. The interest wa» grtatt

and the amgnsa t l ooa large.

H j r Q*3t meeting was w i th F r i e n t ^ i p ctrarch,

Crockett emmt ; . The meet ing wi th thi^ chnrch

eommotced oo the a m n d Sunday in Ang i u t , and

eontinaud eight Says. Eld.Jai>eph £1. Burum, of

~ Qyenitiarg, waa with Bsi, and d id inoal of the

preaching. There was a guud interiMt manifest*!*!

tiiraagfa^Hit the meeting, with large congretia-

tifloa. There were three additiuna—<}ne by bap-

t l im and two by letter.

U y th ih l meeting was with Suuth Fuclt Un ion

ehnicb. T t e meeting begiin on Saturday before

the fooitli Sunday i n AngiSit, and continued n i ne

d a y ^ E W - M . WhI tUe. of Haywood , &wistcd as

tiutt-^pr Axir days. A.t in all our other meetings, » • l a i i m i t fifa i i iwii iLii Mr a u U e n IiIwiiiiiiwimi,

d l l ^ to the dui icfa—foortem

by b ' p t l a n and fuur by letter. One iitandd ap-

pDTcd Jur baptism.

M y £ a r t h and h a t meet ing vxa w i t h Parriah'ii

Chapei, Dyer c u n n l y . ' I waa aesfatcd by Elds.

W . O . Stamper. J ohns and GUft. E i g h t were

added to ti^e ehioefa by teptism; oUieis atand ap-

p m r e d . The meet I n ? con t inned seven days, w i th

• goodlnterest.

I n ai( u iy meetings K great m a n y persons came

f o n n i ^ to be prayed fpr, a nd remained upon the


W e feel to blfsH the good Lord a nd tiike fresh

ccniag*. The Lord wiU honor his w w d when

U t h f u D y preai^ed, as waa done In m y meetings

m y hiethrea' in the lo in lat ty and by the writer

aaboAbecot t id . S . K . T i o a i r r r .

F r i e n ^ p , Tenn., ScpL 28, 1880.

D E A T H O F HBO. A . J . F A W C E T T H

U T T I ^ S O N .

BBO . SSLABCY :--Our home, once 90 br ight , ia

dack and au l to-night. A t four o'clodc o a

the 3tth IttO. our aweet Ut t leboy, CSiadey

han fbwcet t , breathed hia life away on m y a r m ,

the « u n e arm on which he ao deUghted to steep.

T h e wtold MM seemed so dark and g loomy since

m y wddo litt le m a s wr« caned away . H i s l i tt le

life was not long—only four years a n d n i ne

m a a U M ; ba t , O , what a sweet, innooeia l i fe i t

waa ! Heeoctainly was t t o must interesting dxild

that I WW. One of m y brethren s a i d :

"CStariqr is the nobleiit q w d m e n of human i t y J

ever s a w . " B m . G n v e s said, - H e b a remark-

a U e d i i l d . " F r oL J a tmanca l l e d h i m " A |>iop-

eOg spoken BtUe gen t l eman . " To w be was

pBHnMny , nciWe, ktveiy and in tdUgeuL Ba t

U d e a d ^ B a ^ l iUlo

• p i d t is r.ow in ^ t t o b r awity home of theson l . "

T ^ gRive wtll never seem so dark to m a n y

liSur^, and wi^ shMlI ever fi?el that we have si per-

WHiat iuterwt in henvt-n. W e w now bttter

t t k n pver pn-part^i " t o weep w i th them ttiat

for wo u»w know t t e p M g s of tiercave-

never knew them before. W e wore

H i nd r ' t » tW by hid innocent Uttle life, and we

UtBt t h i t b y hl-j doUh the IrMon of suboiisBion

Wdstk-rittcn on our heartii I n lasting lines.. We

would not br ing our boy back nnd expuK h im to

the siiw am i temptations wf a f r ^ morta l i ty . . H i s

e i r th ly trials are all over now^ and hia salvation

iaaf i j i tnre . W h i l e we loved oar litUe i m n with

al l the fullness o f human affection, yet we know

the Sitviitr loved h im more. We ir i l l try not

to mu rmu r nor eom plain, but, by Ood 's grace, to

» » y , " H i y wi l l be d one . » W e therefore laid his

bfidy away to rest ti l l the Savior comes. W e

know then that our ^ y wi l l come forth clothed

in the gtorintM Mpleiiiior of imm<»tal i ty , and how

brauti/nl wi l l he l>C then ! Y o o m , in hope of

bPSTtn, A . J . FAWCKIT. B a m x c b g , A r k . , Sept. ao, 1880.

E L D . C . B . YOUNA.R, R I T U E sad news has Just read^ « that this

noUe and worthy b r o t ^ J h a s fallen. For

many y e t u ^ j ^ was rne o f the most £t!th/ul min-

Ljtem of the'St4te of UiiHi^sippi-H « profrnKd and uni ted wi th the church when

qui te ynwig , i n the State of Nor th Carolina. I n

the vijcor (rf manhood be moved to MisBitsippi,

and entered in to the min is try under m a n y dls-

advafitsgva, whic-h, i n a lmost a n y other occupa-

tion, .most other m e n would have abandoned

the nmlertaking B ^ l ike one to i l ing w i t h the

respoof>ibiiity of his own Cuni ly on hia hands, so

B R O . Y o u b ^ felt the responaiUlIty o f the cause of

Uir ist , unt i l he reached that position in the vine-

yard ot Jesus that wi l l be f d t most ly now w i th

tt) who are called to m m i m h is loat>..

As a minfeter w i th a superior, nat ive intellect,

a wonderful executive power, an indomitable

courage, a sound Bapt&t, a fluent speaker and a

truly devoted Chr i s t iw charactcr, he had a l l

combine] in a rather wonderful manner . H e

m a y be truly csdted the And rew Ful ler of the

Oddwater Assoetatlun.

As a c i t l z e ^ e waa true to his coantty i n a l l her

tipcd^ m • Cood Oan^mr, Jmt i o d ' J t i n d tn '&tl b i s deidlngs, aStetioimte to the

mf i^r ing , tmd, l ike the Savior, the oblect of his life

was to do good.

I t m a y be inscribed oh his tomb , " Here lies a

friend of Jesus.**

H b £t l thful wife passed away last spring. H e

leaves two sons and one daughter w h o truly

mAiirn the low of their devoted parent.

J . W. L i f s k t .

M A B B I E D .

A t .the residence of the bride^s I k t h ^ , Sept, 29,

ISSU, b y B e v . W . M . Ko rmen t , of the G u m b o ^

l aw ! Fresby to i an d io rch , B e v . W . A . Bocuie, of

the Baptist church of Ooldwato-, Wbb^ a n d U i s s

Helen J . N e d y , danghter of Bev . T . J . K e d y , of

ti ie M . E . church, of Ha r deman county, Tenn.;

M a y not this un ion of hearts and bands be em-

blematic o f tha t 'Mend ing i n imc, that w i l l be

when love I a s its t r i umphan t reign.

W . M . jSoaxEST.

O J f L Y O X E C O L L A B .

a i!ew days two inlssionarieB start for their

d is tant fields. Two otLera are imp lor ing to go.

Y e t two ixiora are sought by the Board for stations

demand i ng rdMorcements . The treasury Is

empty . W i l l not every Baptist o f the South send

at once one 'dcd l^ , that the cause of the Master

puty not su f iaT ' H . A . T C P P E B , Oor. Sec'y.

B l ehmond , V a .

TaSAAKAIca&S STATE (XKsrv-KirnoN. m a i a b o ^ boiddU aczt saBiial •••Inn vtUi Om Bkptiat

ctimrh U Rnlrtt'rtU*, Ailriii—, eomnfnetBcoo TIWOT. d i t f M m t t a C m M i w H i l B S a r a a b e r . i m . Bnr. j . X . Hu t . Pnattont. K. J . Ooteaa and A. Tatw, riwMwiW.BBT.J.R.O-W. l^XiazoM, Bwntary.Btfr. A. Fxntwwt TnNumw.

It te~h«ind t ^ th« SaeraeaiT v i n proemndOMdnta* at CM on theral inadioTcrvUdi thsddetUMwtUtnML

a p t i s i

Tboo B^ar o i n a a BAxan to nutx tbay r u i t Thbb TBAT n BAT iuDitfi.ArKDBBCArauturvnTitcTii.r~.rii.

f.B.ORA.VKJ, - • . Kdllor aad l-niwtelot jr. Ri'EABCY. ArkaUMn lUUor, Ao&orcr, DonpT Cb.. ACTk

W.tiRAMBKKKY, • • - - - (MBeeSdllM. TAB a If AHAfFY BcMtk-keeper ana Order Clerk

BwOame f l kw : 397 NTCMMI BtrM-L, KMMAte,

risk: oUi«rwiae at ..r» ~ cul l , aend •uusp or pocua

lai I UttteT.BxjmmtorI>ran,atoat

•ender^ U snkirer la d«irad by

Send nuuMT by r I>rart,al o~'

maUaca lakJac P r i a d i i l o f 1. Aa iu&tuu, we are toaUnd

oftbawonloruod a ^ pracUm.

as U>e only and sumeient rale of iaii Tbo Bible, and OMEUtiiecnlT.aaopiMaed to

•a tinmaD ttadlUon Io matteca botb ol fi^ and pnettae, we most claim as being a dlstinrnlxhtnc doctrine of oor de-nomlnaUcm—a doctrine for wbiclt we are called eamcatly to contend.

S. AsBapUsts. waaralosiandlbrtbaatdliianecaofClulat be ec^oined tbem npoD his K>Uo«eta, tbe saae Io nrnmher,

InMiKkilnonler, and In tgu boUc iwiwiiHi, ttnebanged and DCbaiuaaile tlU be oome. X As Baptists, ve are to stand for a splrttoal and racenei-

ated ehnKb. and that none ahai: be ncelTwl Into c£rlst>i ehnrch. or be welcomed to tu onUosnoes, -ariihoot cooftsalnt apenooal tklUi In Cbrlst, and glUng endlblk eTidonM oI

Ckwrcli r M l t y . I . ItapUstii bf itcTft that a ChrisUan cbnich is a loeal! ceo-

SrrnUon, and oomplete In ibieU. iTTiMt, nnder Christ, tach chnr

and independent. 3. That to each chnrch Chr'st committed the teie fmidl-

anshlp and foalrol of the ordlDaneea—preaeliinK the (oapal, andadmlnlstertng haptUm and the Lonl'S snpper.

4. That no semblance of eccleslaaUcKl anuiortt7 can be azvrctsed save by a local ehoRh.

5. That each local chnrch alone U Inveirted irlth aU eccle-siastical power—power to elect and commlnlon and depose lis own oncers,—power to receive, dlsclptlue and exclnde Itaown laembeos.

JMattacalakfJV r v I I r r mf Blatorical BurtUta. The nonHreeoenltlon ot hnman societies as Berlptnra

Ucal, or anjr

) chnrch ta abmlately soTerelgn

ehnrches by SHSwoo. ministerial o n alliance or .co«pention that Is soseepUble of belna ap-pairatly or ta^caUy constmed by our membem or Ihelrm or the world Into a recosmUonoft

or tafleaiireonstnied by our members or t Into a recosmUon of ecdeslasUcal or ministerial

sqtnailty with Bsptlst diarche

M t c s m la tke M a t eOieleat Ar«>iapllr«> Errar .

T O B A P T I S T Y O U N G M E N .

m H E Y say tbe number of young men preparing

forjthe min is t ry has of late years, material ly

diminL-Uied. A s to Southern Baptists, we have

not the means of exactly determin ing whether

th is is so. Bu t Dr . Strong, last year, showed i t to

be so at the Nor th , by the statistics of institutions

o f learning—since almcst all who enter the minis-

try in the older Northern States now go through

a regular course of educat ion ; and a rresbyterian

writer has been recently g i v i ng &cta in tbe same

direction. -The indications are that the same

UOdc tn ie a t tbe Soatb . Especially is I t to Iw

noticcd that the attendance upon h igher institu-

tions al l over the c<>untry suddenly fell off , the

past srssion—of course w i t h exceptions—doubtless

because thesudden and great revival of business

iu tlie summer and fall of 1879 fired y c u n g men

w i t h the desire to m a k e money , some of them in

the hope of seeking education at a future day , a n d

led m ^ y parents to t h i nk they could not spare

the means of educating their chi ldren, a m i d so

m a n y attractive openings for investment In


Y o u n g brethren, look squarely a t this state of

th ings. I n a country o f rap id ly growing popula-

t ion, In an age of boasted, and to some extent

real, progress as to every department of knowl-

i n the last quarter o f the nineteenth century o f

Christ ianity, i n the Amor ican B ip t i s t d« iomIna-

tion, wh ich has had so rapid a growth and has

now sud i magnlf icect pomlbillt ics, t he number of

young men entering the min is try not on ly fails to

increase, bu t Of late seems to d im in i sh . W l m t d o

you t h i n k ? H o w do you f e e l U n d e r o t h w d r -

cnn-stances, p » h a p s you , t he Ind iv idua l reader

of tliese lines, m i gh t be spared for o t h » pura i i tB ;

ba t can you be spared now ? Some men wi l l feel

tha t i f there Is a current tendency to neglect t he

min is t ry , t h « y m a y b e excused for neglecting I t

t o o ; bu t wi l l that do for a m a n w h o is worth a n y

th ing , w h o wants to l ivet i worthy and noble l l fb ?

I f your a t t r i t i on were called to a b o m i n g tioiise,

firom w h i d i perishing inmates m igh t st i l l be

saved, a n d you saw that the n u m b e r (tf men di-

rectly lab(» ing to save them was smal l a nd grow-

i ng smaller, say, wou ld not every nobler feeling

of a true manhood p romp t yon to take h d d , to

tidce hold al l t he more earnestly because some

w o e Ignobly lett ing go, because m a n y w e n

s tand ing id ly b y ? A n d O ! when the call is t o

r i a i f l g A J P T I B T . Q T 7

save toult from death, when the knid cry Is, I often and sadly miawied^ bu t potfwt Cor good. A

" T h e r e w e not m t n enough, and discossion wteti iec Ik thepidp i t .

perishing," wheju feelings of human i t y and feel-1 has great® power ; our bosh»eaSj_w p r i v ^ eg ^ to

i«KS «.f religious devothm are a l ike appealed to, I to m a k e them work together- TOc opportunUlw

Shall not your seul be stirred ? tor ministerial educat oa arp far r l A e r than over

There is xv ia/wtt t lofmin ls lets now, for various I before. A n y young m a n . P f ' J ! ' ^

rewons. A fresh at.d m i gh t y wave of unbelief Is | favored country of oars, w h o has i t o a h i l t t w ^

8w«bpln« over the land . A hundred years ago, |r«d ty w a n e to become " t h o r . ^ H y f u n t w h ^

infitlelity aboumied in Amer ica . K f t y and u p to

twenty yra is ago an avowed infidel was rare M d

usually very quiet, and an avowed atheist would

to many have seemed a curiosity. Bu t , piety be-

i n preparatwy knowtedge ot the Bible M d «>l

w h a t e v a w i l l throw l igh t upon Its teachings and

aid h i m in p roda lm ing them, ha? it arittiin hfa

reach to acquire such knowledge, at excellent

a n d parents o f yoang men w h o are thua f m m d of P*«)videcoe, go* ) l emn ly to year k w a a a w ! i i k

wha t these provldeotlia advantages m a n . AaA i l l one's means be very narrow and Idseaxiy

<9Portunit i ts have been very' pooi« W M m » •

member hew lustny have r i sm f tom a IU»JtItnft>

Uon ta emitieot usefulnws, and bnWTemaikcbJe

are the lacilitles for thus ris^ wh ich oar age and

o >autry af t i td .

W e a p p M to young ipcn of lofly ambi t iua .

James and J o h n were nainral ly v « y ambil iooa,

a nd ao was FanL W i t h this natnral a m b ' t k a

piftly who|8cnoo» , couegea aua u i cw»s i v « . Mmctified, they were all the bettor fcr u»-

W ^ d ^ i ' v ^ niid sonie Who were de l i v e r s , and IW pecuniary assistance aa »fe reaBy faineas in Uie minwtry. I f yon mean to l ive a

m S ^ S ^ r e S e ^ ^ ^ ^ Another a d v a n ^ t e iu the ^ U a n . Is t ^ r e re^Iy a i ^ w o A ao n o ^

n r o l L e d ChriFtUns ti l l i hey b c c m e a by-word I age is favorable to.free inqu i ry and original t h i nk y a , as the mii istr>: oT sa lvahoa? Try to a S ^ i s S d a ^ ^ W Wh l l emany th taker roneous lyandson .every brether, how it wiU aU took f rom the d e i ^ h e d ,

made i r «< ,me department , of science the early I when men are encouraged to t h i n k . w h o m I g W

results of w h i c h t ^ m e d to conflict wi th the Bible, [ R ^ d e s s u c h s p e d a l n eedsandspec i a l a d « a t aK«

a great and ra.icUy increasing n u u i l ^ o f men for ministerial labor in our day , th . »e are ga,rral\ f « g r « l " have thought , or rHnci«l. that at l a s t " science » r « t . on , for becoming preachers o f the g o s p e l . « i ^ J i ^ ^ i t S ^ S S ^ S l T f

had o v e r t L m n the Bible, and , i n all the arrtv which Christian youn ^ men gmce of a pr .«rcs . ive age, couinined w i t h the reflect, a nd prstyerfully to consider wha t bearing | we can't be ^"cry good p r w A e o s please miuke a ^

these have upon t he great question o f p ^

lo many nave seeinen a cunosi iy. c um pm^** i — - .» ^ -.mi

Ingpopu iar , many m ^ e p . r f e ^ l o n s o f ulety w h o

^^ -w w f - - - - - — —r» T

paa>i"n for frts-dom <if Umnnht.and of action, they

have become Infidel or c^keptical ; whi le others

have htrtvrn to correct these tendencies by unwise

and tmwarmntct l concessinns, till now the laud ie

lu l l of doubt and dispuUti'»n, as rewards not only

the tSiristian r^'liainn, but the future existence of

maw and tbe real existence ot Gml . the same

t ime, there is n m igh ty whir l of worldliiiess, stlm-

ulated by the ap|ili<-ation of a thousand dL-«ov-

erles and inventions to the pro^uotion and enjoy-

ment of wealth. A young man of ttensitive and

"aspirins nature, looking ou i wi th e:i«er eyes ui>on

tbe world of t iwlay, i-t sorely teii ip'wl to jo in the

wh i r l ing cmwd and <lismiss all care forausht but

worldly good. \»unB brother, how dues the

thought of nil this afffC. you ? God has calletl

you to enter ujk>u mature life ja»t now. Is u n l »

lief m i g h t y ? I s w-ula i ism strong with fresh

strength? Are uiuUiludes going to ru in , ami

sonal du ty . I f Christlaidty ia true a t al l ,

i t is " t remendous ly true." I f salvation

is real and necessary, it it is indispensaUe.

W e may do good in many ways, and In w^hatsw

ever citlling, the Ch r i ^ i a n shooW be c o o s ^ U y

str iving to do good. Some can d o more for

good of men and for the glory of iJ»\ In other

callings than they could do as minL-iters. But , if

a man is fairly weU suitwl to the work of min-

isters, tben, unless he ptMse^ 6ur grestw and very

extraordinary adapfcttlon to some other Wsh ly

uselul cal i iuz, he ought ta*U>wime a lu in i i t f r ,

etpecially i n an age when there sptx-ial deiaand

for ministers and some fa l l i ng off in the supply.'

Consider, t hen , brother, wha t ki, in this rwpcct,

your duty to ymtr fellow men. How can you Iw ao useful to them as by direct lalior for the salvar

tion of souls? Consider your du ty to your own

wUling to be poor prea«iierB."

O B.^ptlst young men of Amesica, in tbe Sear of

God , we make our h . v i i ^ appeal to all of yow

whom we c m reach. Wil l not every who

reatte these lines c o n f e r again tbeqaest ioDol Jtia

du ty to the g«»spel m in is t ry? j . A .« . p . W e trust that other mpwB wUl publish

articles on this subjtvt, which, we th ink , ha t . In

these test years, been very generally neglected.—

neligumt Herald. [ W e feel a deep interest i s this Hllv^ct and have

1 written much upon the subject a n d now traasfcr

Bro. DtT«3ilus't a rUde b> tair columiw, a* the very

th ing that shouUI be sa id .—Ed. B A m s T . ]

A L I T T L E L l F r N O W .

I ^ U E b r e t h r o i u t S e l n u . U tew m a n r C h r l s t i » n s r « t d y . i n « i a < h D e « o r i n a . ^ p a i r , spirit«:.l life. I f > « «

Z i L m go? H o w do >ou ftel, ss j o u «ur>-ey through sloth, through woridly amb,t ioo, thn.ut fh

the sccne? A h ! brotl . .r , in all the royally of longing for wealth or |.l«isure, ..r thr .H^h the

vouth ^ d hoiH'. " who kHowwl . wh< thrr thou pride of indepen.Jaoc»-, then , h , ^ e v e r the t ^ ^ 1 ? r t « i ^ t « t h c U i n p l o u . r o r s u e h a i i . n « ! « l h L s ? » m , r t i v e m a y b e h l d d « . i n s e l f . ^ ^

of "„U. i . torU. l lal>.,r s ldl cul ur«»t tUmage, and m a y be ped l i ng >-our j ^ i ^ l ^ c g w H- p r ^ t v H t ^ A».« .fl.r Br,-Ht nKHlt-r,. IV.r»lKn m l * l o n L« lv«t iu« i . Courfder your du ty to the tMVi^nr. ^««. ider. t lon that •

I 1-n.Vwiu I b c - t t y l o B o u totbhwoHa a K r ^ J I ^ ^ t o ^ bulH. A good house has wotk i^ no « j o t«.r.> . ^ ^ _ ^ I ^ ^ ^ means. qui te I ^ ^ T ^ S U ^ i ^ r - w ^ w o o d . Boon

county, A i k . .

are sUU oppressed w i t h the wtdghto f Uwar

chtm-h tleUt H o w they came to bu i ld fc) eoaUy

a house, a nd ' t h u s bec«Hue so heavi ly involwrf ,

has often been exphiincd W e migh t here rtate,

however, that there w » a " - " T ^ l t f S S S

wide hU over the h iathen world, :i«d wi th

e J « f t h «»nvitt l . ,« of . luty ChrisUaiw at

r r t r « t o i nHko t he . « f«n.i>.h ol .upi-ort, if t Z L whom they know and love u il^ co-.e for-

^mvs tru.. that the laUacrs must st.-p forwart^

r r Thov uut^l wi l l ing, anx ious . l e t e rm i n ^

; and 'then the means wil l

L d lh.-n, nnd mainta in them. Y . .ung Im thren

Tnd sLTers, let your thought , go forth to the g n «

world. J uot the s m a l l n t ^ of our

Z i . H e « l the Macedonian cry

^ y ^ r n t r of every c o t i u e n t , and every island

T a U ^ e oc«ins, and . If j o u

o f t S c Lord , and you wi l l find a v uy to go.t-r

" S j r i n the oid«. t and mo . t htvored parts of

o o T S n country, our noble old m i n i s t e ^ long

among us, are passing aM-ay, one alter an-

S L S ^ N o m a n may fill their places-the t h w g b

K e ; bu t other men must stand up and m

S a c « of their own, and thus the work wi l l be

HooT T ime w i « when they were young, a ^

S S t h e ^ g e d f a l l i n t h e h a m « « . and relt " n o v ^

toVi «»>all none be moved by t h d r


t b f S l t e r C ^ ^ r k . The great S u n d a y . « h « l

centennial the Christhin wortd

really but in its Infancy, w i th a

S ^ Z ! i ^ W e future; ^ ^

a l r eadyTmigh ty force lor good, and the wise

S i S o T T r n ' l e k m J o l i nk its work in

^ h his own , that both may co-operate f « g i ^

S S t a L o n g y o u u g and o ld . The p re « has be-

J T e g r ^ t « t forces of s ode t y-a foree

f-NlvntJuwi. — —

Is cHttyloR on In tbis woHU « krtail a n J dflHewIt work, through human means, qui te bM^p^y through preachers of the g««pel. I tbo ' l^i idi 'ng t,eB.n some of its •trongeA « p -prt-ssing need of ,K,rUr, were removed oy death, others failed i n made known to you. N o w , i f you are suucu xo 11 . . . . .

usehilnos» as a preacher, a leading workpr in this

great enterprise, why shall you not take ho ld?

The question is no longer, W h y shall y o u ? but in

your position it is s imply, ^yhy no t ? O brother,

do not chc«t yourself as to this greHt ^juestson.

" N o t good enough to bo a preucUer."' T h t n you

ought at once to set aljout b ewmt ag liottcr, i f you

intend to be a Christian at all . Take care,

brother, false hum i l i t y Is' here a favorite sntoe

As to the pracllcal qncsUon whether one is w ^

suited to the w w k of the ministry. U* a man con-

sult, to a id his own j udgmen t , some of the wbest and best men and women who know h i m . L ^ t

t i lm not be content wIUj a single j od^men t , b.--

cause i t happens to suit h is own wishes, bu t take

much p ^ n s to seek counsel and d c dde Sr ighl , for

sorely this is the most important question a

Christian can ever dcdde . I f general Instruction

be desired as to the grounds on which bUtA a

quesUon must be dedded , there is an M c d l m t

teact, on " A ca l l t o the Min i s t ry . " by B . H a n l y ,

which m a y be had by e i d o s i n g two three cecte

s t a m p s t o B . Griffin, 1420 Chestnut street, Phila-


I n coodosion, we appeal to young m « of c m

more wealthy famnies, and to ' " ' f

slender means. The formesr dass m igh t have, in

liorU-rs were removed oy death. oihetB failed i n

bu5it.t>*. and thus left a pirtideroas deW. upon m

few p.-or brethren. They worked n o « y ; the d ^

n<.minallou ralUed to their rescue, a n d helped

t hem cheerfully. But just B O W there I S need trf a

l i t t le more help. O n e p a i j y t o whom tbe c ioreh

owes four hundred d r fhms iMrupuwsi to gtve tbe

chun;h one hundred diOlars of that amount

I if they wi l l pay h i m the b»Uu«« by JJeoaalier

' B f X t The brethrws have Bope towu tk . and |«o-

vkled a m o n t themselves for about tme hundred

and fifty dollars of tbe amoau t rpqaired. To m e i i

thiP, some are paying even bey&ud wha t they are

aWe. Now , are there not one h u n d n ^ fcrnthrw

w h o wil l read tbi?. and w h o wi l l maU one drf lar

each to J . S. Mnrgau, S d m a , A r k . , a nd are there

no t onehnnd re l s b t e r s w h o wi l l ma l l fifiyaeBla

e a d i t o t h e s a m e addrese, betwero this and the

first day uf Iteoemher Bex t . ' O i a e wIQ b e a r eMad

kept o f y o i t names. If not by the churcii a t

S d m a , it wil l be k f fA upon the LcmTs record of

gotrf works. P»«i»ed«»oH pass th is by-

Oise day when Bev . CtomdliM Win te r was de-

livering a sermon l o m crowded aaaemWy, his

gtsvi ty was sadly dktnrt)e«L On casting hia eye

to a w indow next the rwKi, be asw a eountrymaa

stering i n a t the cnngrfKatlon, wi th a l ive pHf oo slender means, ^ f f . ^ ^ ^ " ' J f h is shoulder, which also p i a m t H l its ^ t

entering the min is t ry , unusual facUitia to t t o - ^ ^ ^ ^^p^mxed a . m o d . iBl«e>t«<l • •

ough e d ^ a t t o n , m i gh t be able to w c r ^ v ^ ^ ^ ^ i s o t h t e g t o m y whole l i te , "-aW the

ta^rtant Adds w h l d i do not dlvfa-i - e v a ao anh iBge l m y or

8awor t , and would have I n t h ^ T ^ ^ s p t J kd i ny d i s owrw as t h l i Bexiam, but to-lmm,

w i ^ m e U m e s in their ^ m ^ n d j s g . -

accessory means of ueefulness. \e young men . f . s

i t .

3 7 8 T j i j f i B A i ^ r j s a "


SU O C E ^ and KomeUmcs popiduity In p r e y ^

B n T « . « » l w d eqiaUly weU, j e t U M f e « 8 a in tl»< fdSKt ot thBir wnrfcw,

alUtooKh the jpenwal exaefew were the H ^ ^ »>Die minbiem weoM make aU Hnnoancemrats in the w n e wonfa. ^ T i m j had, f * « ftamala for announcing hymns, ^^^ ns wonbinlGod by the nw of t b e - l 9 t o l ^ n . " Whenevw ihey took op the hymn-book yoa I tnewwhatw^cominp. They never w i e d f ^ that fi»m. It Booo became monotous, ana pqugg down the ,

Othen RKTe wttration U> th(«e seeming trifles, and varivd their annonneenients. ABaconseqaence Uiem wm a a»atant fmhnaki iind a plearii^ n r i a ty , altbca^tfa tlieaamii Keneial onter was ob-s e r ^ The omgrejcition detected no ellbrt «n the part of the mUniister to giTe this variety, bnt the Increased .attenUon and intetert »hnw«d that they were o n d e j a B ^ g w i i ^ a O T c e . I t ia w y «!fmr to Cdl InUi r»*8 in regard to these Uttte tlunga. Many a minister annoances hia six h5mn>i e»Hy Sunday in the same w o r ^ a i ^ tone<. I wiwld at wion call every man I meet " JtAn," at plteh every tune on the n m e Iwy. I give the following forms, not b e e a ^ y y min i r t a needs them Otamed for him, bat ti> illostrate my point, time bttre mention ot the number fa some-UmasulBcient:—

Hymn 99. Now let IK ring a i ^ . No. ap. Ijet OS now sing tiiis grand old hymn ot the

church. Bock ot Ages, N ^ l.MJ. ^ Let ns Join In singing the 401 h hymn. This l ^mn, which we will now ring, was

written by Watt<,to whom the elmrch i* indebted fu rmanyofhe r b«9t bymiuf. „ , . ,

Aa w e d n g this pmyer-bymn. No. let us do it withadevootaipirit .

awU we ail join in singing No. StA, a hymn which many minted ones, whose names and voices we rasall, have so often sung with ns?

lha» we sre hnw easy it bt tu intrwiace variety Into the servire.and lilt It up. The above remarks apply atao to calb to prayer. The Mohammedan a s m d s the minaret of his temple at certain hoars of the d ^ , and calls oat in the same drawling

w gas Uitai a hritoonidxnre the mnrkyatmospfcae o f a city, for It will n o t In tbe fiimoos painUng,

The Heart of the Andes," oar admitHtion is not exdted by the huge moantains that rise to t l^ dooils, more than by the perfection of detail shown by tbeartkit in every flower and Made ot g r w In the foregroand. Infinite vari^y and po teUoa in the minntrst ports disUngnish the iTOksor the Creator. Therefore nature Is ever ftash and intereaang. God's servants do writ when they imitate ium in their work.—Aw../. I . GleaKMt,in CmfptgaOaaalid.

The above excellent arUde we commend tu our iwden . ^ l e c u l l y those who preach. Thete are two things to team about preaching. One is what tosay, and the other is how to fu> i t We have beard ministefs, the matter of whoae discounts was excdlent, but the manner was so monotunous and ptusy that It required great effort tu keep from going to sleep whUe iisteaing to them preach. The hints in the foregoing arUde, if studied, are calculated to greatly Improve a minister.

lunes. yer!" Some ministen . prayer! To pray— ^ imitate him enct ly . n e y always use this form — wecannot give the Inflection on paper: "I /et —ns—phiy." If we would avoid fornaality we must a v o ^ formulas. Why nhouid we not say •ametImeB,aff thtiogh it eamelram the heart:—

Let ns aalc God to hteNS ns. Let OS draw niah to God. L n m eommnne with our Heavenly Esther, i ^ y e r to thegieauait privilege God has- given

to man; let m pray. Let ns kned down and w o t s I ^ Theref ta thnmeor iTaee to which we are aU

Invited; let asrappnatai It hy pwyer. Lflt on hdng <»r wants and »Isbea to the only

ETinr who can grant them. Now this variety may, and shimid. be intro-

duced witlumt apparent effort. A single ray of ~ e all the difference between a good

a bad one. The same featnrra


-DBO. BOCKNEB:—There boiog some feding D in the midst of Gutton Gin Baptist church, and thaw around who virit us, not of that church, but hdding letteis, etc., to Inter<iharch com-mnnion. Will yoa please give us at once thrMigh the columns of the lesctu Baplitl, the best lljrht yoo have or may be able to p^uce upon that sub-J ^ of Bible theology? , „ „

On a recent occasion, while our bdoved Bm. G. A. Coulsoa was preadiing us a concatenation of the v « y best doctrinal disconrsei I ever heard, the church communed,and In accordance with bts views,and not anlike those entertained by myself. The communloa was rffitrlcted to the membersnlp of the church, which seems to have given lUasatl^-faciion, t»th In and outride the church. 8ymi»a thy with and respectibr the brethren and sister, -a. n<KlA« *tati:rwrt»Mkf1

Important; conscqaenUy wish to call on my inin-i t f u i ^ brethren to come forward with their views thningh the 3exa» BaptisL Jous M a x m n o .

Cotton Gin, Aug. 28,1680. Bro. Jarrel begins this week, a review of Dr.

Gravm's chapter on this suhject in his late excel-lent work entitled, "Old Landinarklsm;" and we suppose Bro. Graves will reply. one wUl, and the subject, we thii._. fldently dlscosfwd. w e only wish to say here.

If not, some we think, will be suf

light may make

than hi the other. but in cme they are lighted up more

leather. Monotony and formality may come in, also, in c o n n ^ o n with the readii^ of the SeriptuTes. Why should one riways "Oar B i^^ure te-son IslnsudiachaptCT?^' Why not vary it, as:—

Hie wwla we read were written by Paul in his sectmd letter to Timothy.

We will read from the Ilife of oar Lord, as re-corded by his disdple Matthew.

Thoi sevoileenth chapter of John, containing the savior's prayer for his discipleiv is a rich I rncy to the cimtcb. .

May the Holy Spirit tead as to the true meaning of this 9th diapter of Hebrews.

Finally, why sbfaiid every service end with the Mune benedlcUon? Or why should every bene-dicUon^ more than the ucayers, be always in the words of ticriptnre? The time and natnre of the service, and the theme discnssed, may all be eie-menls to modify tlie form and character of the behedlctiixi. We antiapate a criticism which may be made upon these suggestiions :—

»Oh, ttese are t r i f l ^ t i e mint, the anise and the comnUn," etc.

Bt i t " trifles make perfection ; 'and parfecthm Is no trifle."

" Bat we cannot stop for such things when souls are to be saved,"- may foe the thought of othos. But tlw tact that soals are to tiesavra through the tnetramentallty of unr preaching is the best of reasons for t iving aUentioa U> every detail. The successful fiahtsman will ailow no rents in his net. Mo mintioiy can aiAmt to ttdnk that the superior-ity of ids Ktmon will lilt the whofe aervioe above ;lie desdif inSu^^es Qf sameoeaB «nd fonp^tjr,

Ddniujr »»*5 w ...-.w, that we would not take ufftfuso at not b*lng In vited to the Lord's sapper In a charch to which we did not belong. I t is not a denominational ordinance.—TEtot A ^ t u t .

BxuARKS.—There is something instnictlvo In the above. Those persons in the vJdnlty of the church Aatrijtff ttUen were grievously oflfended. See the book oa Bach eases.

I t seems that some Baptists are beginning to claim the right to go to other tables tnan their own, and these are offended, and very well it Js.

The editw of the Herald Is right In his condn-sion tiiat he has no right to commune in any other charch than the one In which he holds his membership. Howconsiatent it would be for Bru. Curry, of Dallas, to invite the members of Bro. Park's church to uniUi in cddisating the Lord's supper with the ^old First diurch that exdud«d them! How can Bro, Parks invite Bro. Curry and his church membos, to cdebrate the Lord^s nipper wilb his people? Could be a y , "Because there is one loaf, we the many are one b o d y -church—for we all partake of the one loaf?" We lee that our Bro. J a r rd is reviewing (wr position on church communion in the lexat Baptitl, end we hereby appoint our friend and tKOther, Eld. G. A. Oxflson, of Texas, to answer him on oar behalf, since our engagements take as from the office for the ensuing two m<mths.


WE publish this testimony just received fur the benefit of those saffcxliig firom like com-

plaint, and know n ^ what will care them :— Bbo. Gbavbb;—My wife has been wearing the

Brace since the first day of Joly. She was rather

tlVBMIST. Bro. Gbavbs:—Please answer t h ^ q « ^ e » :

If a minister is diarged with a ^ m e by ^ l y ^ e person, has the Church a right to exdude bim tom h ^ membership on the evidence aon, and no one else be-ide that o ^ ? expla^ tarthw: The minister denies the charg^ ^ « ^ hl8 «c«««-sccadffl hi'"- Wl«t ^ « i a the diurch do? 2. Should he be exduded OT TO a b o w s t a t ^ evidence?^3. If t ^ ^InWer ta p ^ tor of one church and and he be exduded from the one hJf « n e m l ^ l p id In, em he not, as a member of the k i n i ^ m , continue to preadi and to bspt to kingdom, of which he was a memb«« before bdng takm into the church? Ho of coui« only ^ hack into the k'ngdom of heaven when e x d u d ^ toma X i c h . i . Is it right for ten m ^ who cannot read the ai«:lplino to try an o r ^ n r f minuter by the testimony menUoned In the first query? o And if the judgment is an imiwtmw OTe, ni«yhe ronnrct himadf with another Bap. tlst church and still preach on? 1 r ^ n as ever, your brotLer after truth, U ^ V . bMiTH.

Giuner Station, Miss., Sept. 14,188a Answer.—An elder cannot be charged before a

church unlesw the chargc Is sustained by two or thr«>e unimpeachable witniwaes. (1 Tim. V. 191. 2. No charge should even be entertained by a diurch agsliist an dder uiilws so supported, much le»« a trial and exda<i«>n. 3. A minlsterexduded Irwm the cburch of which ho is a member, annuls his coniniigslon to prowch and to dfecharge the duties of a miul-.ter, an«t hi-( pastorship should ceH:ie. We do not Jx-lieve that any man is or ever wjia in the kioKdum and not in the church; we enter the kinKdmii by entering a local church, and when we are excluded from a local church we are ouWde the kinjrfom. We know nothing of a visible kin^lum, and it must be visible It a kingdom—with ordluanc«i niid incmhers and-offii-ers, into which Ctin-stlao baptism introduces us and yet leaves U!« outside •>f a local church. This is Bro, GainbrrH's ci>n«;pliou, and he can explain it probably. If there Ls such a thing, then we suppose the withtirawal of a church fel-lowship leaves the subject In the kingdom, and how he is ever to g ^ out of that, however un-worthy, we cannot conceive. Error confuses.

4. It is not right for ten men In a Baptist Church to try a man for any thing. The church Is the tribunal, and no member cjn be tried and con-detaned on Uie testimony of one witness. If that member denies the charge, and no member can be piU on trial without two or three witnflwee. 5. An exduded person can apply to any other church for membetship, and if she can fdlowship him she can reinstate him in hH rights.

BiWK G r a v e s : - A n oid:iined Baptitl prt-acher takes a letter of dismii»ion from a charch, holds it tw^o or three yetrs, living In a town where there la a BapU.st t-huich, during which time the church granting Kitd letter dissolves, the preacher be-comes a drunkard and immoral In other respects, b r a ^ on tieing » Biptist pearher, but does not attempt to preHcb, hut Hurvet offlcfciUy otherwise, as op|>ortunity uifeis. By what means can he Serlpturally lie de]>o-«d from hix ordination and his ••onnmioQ with the church ? The cause of Christ Is su^ r iog here on hi:) account.

Arkansas, Hcpt., 18S0 - . W. M. Lka . Ahrtwer.—No church has any jurisdidion over

him, but every church thatsees fit can, by church act, express her dlsfdlowship for him as a Baptist minister and member, and publish her order for the benefit of all who may hold a Baptist church responsible for his condud. Send his name to this paper with your statement or the disapproval of any church, and we wlU pnbllsb.

skeptical, fearing the Brace would prove another b t t m W In the treatmeot of/«mafe<Kw«uet. She now u i ^ she desires to witness Mof if it otft^of it elcdmea for U.

I Join her In this testimony. We can't express oar ciaUtnde to God for the great bteBsing which we taive received from the use of the Brace. May God spare yoa long and bless j w j In e v w good work irord. fc oar ptayw. Wr B- JtysH.

Amitjr. Clwk county, Ark,

CATHOLIC SCHO<3i;3 AND CHEAPNESS. r p U E impreadcm is general that it is cheaper to JL send to Catholic ^hools than to Baptist (tf Protestant ones. We have before us the terms at the St. Mary's School, In this d ty , and these are the charges per month :— Board — I . .. Tmnat,—mu ooona KmlUh, A~ UuiKiniECii. Drmwlng, PalnUn^ Hi and Modani




JSSW 1500 I&W

Auw — — IG8.00 If ere we have fifty-eight dollars per month—

fo,SO fax ten months, and washing, fires, lights and Instraction In l ^ h e r Mathematics not Ic-duded—possibly flO per month mote.

Now at the Mary gharp, WlnchesUr, Tenn., - - Including fires, tights, {ina CYCTjIllipg—J»

•12 p « month, or per i r a r , and tuition in Col-fric^ucfttig LatYn.'Greek, French or

German 'and- tlie^Higher MathemaUcs, 16 per

t W s u m ot Hi expenses at the Mary ^ ^ fwonfe y&r In k i ihe i t Branchw, indudlng I d ^ c a ^ l WnUnjr, only ^ W to taW l>er year Vnlavorof '^feeMkry^irp! . ' ' ' ^ f i e ' ^ t i u s t d ^ no l^thtflit! school In Ameru-a, ra'n ^nftr"tlielnnIor diiaa la the Mary Sh«rp. 'cXltoii^^iicalion w a and paint-I^'^ and'needte'work, etc.. wlUi a little French-mere whitewash^ ihe*^ m'lrol is uncultivated.

T H E Pt>LlCY OF HOME. rf«HK follow«i?^i»rtrti«li<wi»,'r<\«oted authority,

l^joian Catholic priest in the

UMttbe yonrfirtt duty U>«xtirp»to h w t ^ ; but be cmtkMiK a* to tbe Joins nothing

'JaviS fhe-taW^lKitttah bUha . M.i iait<i ItA ntkd u He has his in-tmanOs the char-

b ^ l o t i t ^ 'advise wHh ~ •tmii t ianah^ Bna>ersu<l he ni

to^tf ^ t « Js the wmrceor all w IwnBver Ton Iree an opportmuty oi bniMiag a chnrcli

! r ^ . . r ' ^ W l*t Uie land bf pnr. X I ^ for the Pope and bUsncc^re in office N e w

•.irUSi'it the tlivine risbl

bT -dkBtees; With the aH « max rroiy inounw way e ^ - ^ day. to b n ^ over 2.orth ^ e r i c a to the W m ol oar holy church. . . . .

t h e eve'nU 6f iax^ years have demonstmtea tb.t t l^ Rpiritual and temporal despot sm ot Rime will not be Inflicted u,«n taroiK5'niui:Uloi,Ker. With consnm, mate sagacity B<ime the «act na:o«of her distress bnt is folly detenninwl to pn^fit in spite of the mduid chan^ of circamstances. She knows no d«> leat, badng mori than opce turned dereatinto victo^-For the last sixty years the power of the Papacy has been upheld, and not sitnplr upheld hut strengtliwed bv the Order of J«»ait9. "Hiey »iUdo it again Their Mwmary ejeetion from Germany may somewhat lea-

Influent a. aa order. b.it it is well to re-member that afteribe di«olulion oI the same onteMn I7«» Knwpe^fwidly hoped to eDj'>y a respite, bnt ^

to them enter o^er ^ ^ ^ ^ f i ^ ^ i b x o x i i h Xhi mX^ lT da,k way. with

in Eran.^ arid baniahed trom Ger-Z n y ^ mindJul oJ this land of ad-

they have already mad. ibei,

the P.racy. They are the well-tned - S w edli^J iiftgna'-ls of Itome. She h«i committrf ? S e i r k L p i n g . They wtll attempt to regam & w l a • t i ^ l i u n Europe. it wiirbe a remark-Jble aluite^Ulion oV God's mercy and man's pra-SLceTtbey arcibt succesaful. Do not be deceived i n X m U ^ n t a r ^ Inll la the storm. It « gathen^ ^ ^ J i S r r the distance. Let Protestants r e m e ^ r

Itrongln ««resy nnd Bdelity to t h e ^ p e the sSfkins diaracteristicsof theOrden

sneaUog.intriguing " • .^LTk-r . miread their net-work with a shrewd-

' r S ^ ^ e S i ^ ' - ^ are MlenUy walHngto

ojgamaaUM n io^ i^ deBnite knowl-

S the other intend.; but a mampnlaUon r r S S t e ^ ^r ta^ 'y • mathematical I S ^ f ForaUthe pr«Aical and prosel^ng r ^

rcliffon a Homanist is a Bom.n»^ in fart He renders wiUing submission to

wwn, andthe w2« and twaehery ol an Insidioas f ^

' ^ ^ ' " ^ ' i S w S ^ l h o n t c o o . d t i - g . h e b i - ^ ^ tbat that the plan ki laid aad the imp«*aa gi»w>

^ ' S ^ l ^ t h e pon t i f i ca l^ . B J ^ ^ ^ ^ the Vatican sit. a power S ^ i n g p«ci«on the miaatast w ^

„„ jMmit. DTtert and nan nnite to ionn the moA com-

openly or in diaguiae. aa policy may d«uto. ^ ^ consnmmate plana whUe yoa and 1 atand.

X » t ^ t h ^ i r a a d « d t y . Every one d themknoaa S ma^ and every man or woman ^ ^ « ^ p U - T t t matters notwbM is nndertaken. they « t ^ Is a certain pnbUc fond to b e a p p r o p r t ^ J ^ m ^ t n ^ u - t -ba thehaatodo. There l .no S m oI the broth bran unn.ce.sary number nl

there are jart enongb of them to aerve itnp ^ S S s h t o f r t y K Ate educational m a t ^ i a t o ^ ^ S i T u i e emia-riea oi Ho Sono axe on Is

ProtesuTt to be •wnrr^^ or perdiance about r ^ t o throThimieU into the l o v i n g embrace of Mother T Z , t ^ n i i n e e r i n g skUlol the wat^^ol c rew-

to t h e ^ advantage. ^ ^ 5^us-f«ced hypocrisy! What confident r e l e r t ^ to S h ^ t y . ^ h U n d « n i l e . at the vanauona of

head of the chordi has, by virtue of the key^ to the l ^ r^mento f Sorth America" ^ ^ t pre^impUon? Yet the ! 3 y what is meant. It U the e x a r t P " * ? ^ ' ^ ^ L m e h«i followed in the ^ h ^ Aown no aign of repentance, rfie i- bound to c ^ ^ Z in the .ntun. We rtate P ^ ™ the conclusion. ; it w«i her position onc^ » now, forever mast be. for rfie to incapable ol d«nge. Here

^ ^ e r ' S e know, no Uwa no r_^Ub« the r ow^ fomembering her former manner d menta. and the kind rfi. h « been wont U e ^ ^ « ^ tolerably weU assured ot the r W ^

the ee^nteenth century. St. Bartholomew the primal cause of the French

S o n t h e m " ^ ^ L and dearof righla. liberty »«d rehglon.

U i E EMPHATIC DfAOLOrr , BY BBUJA-m i n w i i ^ n . m H l S is a work containing ^ e o r i ^ ^

the New Tfflbiment, accordmg to the E ^ slon of Dr. J . J . Griesbach, an eminent t e x t , ^

^ n ^ a t o n Into English, and a new. e m p t a ^ v ^ o a In this new veKion,by tbeuseefdif-^ H y p e ! the force of the Greek p ^ d e s are K h l 'n the translaUon by the o ^ ^ ^ S ^ fa^ble to give t h ^ the added emphaM totlw

which they occur. T h t o t e a v a l ^ S ^ o f the work. 80 dearly is the e m p h ^ a placed where It should be, that any ^ ^mllUrire bimsdf with the f ^ to be g . « o to the style of type u s e d , . ^ , ^y « « ^ ^ ^ version, soon become a good n m d a of the ^ ^ In the foot-notes are coploos r e f e r e n t i ^ h e latest recensions of dlf l ferentpassa^ To ^ who has grown rusty In Greek, or h « b u t S L V n o w r e d T o f it. this work will 1-ove i n ^ aaWe, while with It one ^ h o l ^ ^ r s t u d l ^ U mai- soon make himself a ~ ^ ^ to New Ttetament is concerned. m«Ht emphatically dissent from some of Its ren-

Z s t m we do mo3t cordially " onTof the most valuable that has reoenUy ap-

FoT sale by the B.ptist Bock House, Memphis, Tram- Price,

d e l e g a t e s t o t h e b-TAire c x > k n e n -T10N,TAKE NOTICE!

Those M i m who expect t . attend BUto ODovention in October, wiU pot t tamadve. to S inoonvenience fcy to s«>d In t h e i r ^ w b e f o t e h a n d . ^ ^cKUi^nn.

Knoxville, Tenn., S s f ^ 21, i m


vtieraM !»«»• ""rtta"^

B ^ i s r STATE o j t v s s n o ^ s t a ; ; ^ ^ ^ - ^ XSM-AHRASOKMEKTO w i t h RAnxoAtas.

RmE Wivfluw * a - uoim u. a. wui «H

to rttom UBtU Ot«ob«r

wtu uaanp tl» - r n a a - . ^ I

ThcM veT - . A . ImAiw fw taeh i*. oooMiaon. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

B«k, on tte Fart S ^ t h j ^ XM^tf Ttmnoar u^ i r t wBl a«v« to .

UiU. B o e ^ « nO. t^ •««»-» - m a ~ ^ ^ ^ w.r . W»««».««'

ef ibrMUto • , mm MMia •• ft

a t r . i u a v m

U^rt . f V VmU*^ ^ — — « auBiBMnai m a .

IK be »>«»« tb« " • » « " ^ ^

BoMTenvlUTum.,!* Xfc, rmmmm rmlZc Orrt^^^ f Cmmamm TUtmgm.

mima la bmrof " 'n>« Toon. Polka* Cjretopeai* or (msw>» i iuu^ fcifc. MV of fSder aa* rvW7 o«T'

d inwaa . UItt . dl«»<««r. V ^ l ! ^ ^

_. „ , j n-f oBteli »ao«l ttiBtr liaWlB

nnmrnom, iSolur-fcthat M r » t S S v - teoeirt of ffla^ I W ^

80«a HOVW,

nouij iBf the eo-mltt"-.^

r M K B B E V T E I ^

Qu rMKe« » l h i t i i t l i e 8 ( a t » ' ' . w i a be tuaail on thi» ISUriwige.

W t o i wOI yoa visit .1. O . MulBfu. '

apd the rivo^ J o n b n flows oataide alt a iound that ehoich. Mid yoa mont go t h rmsh the river to ItetintotbechnreiSi awl to the UUe." . '— Ctwrier. A n d hebelieveit t tu t wfaea the aabje<i

i _ „ t , c » i neod too Uwother» i« leof th«r iver l»t» wj»9 In N a i l ywr , U^Ood wllta. , , ^ ^ ^ ^ini BfP- • out of t hachnrd i .

or we woold t » nt your Am>ci»iim in Forrwt j „ j ^^ tosewl yoa a Lir«e d u b of now I Buhwa-lbers from this jMrt of oar Ai rxdbiiiou f ihe

EkiR. Everett Morritnnd. of !«««»-1 jirfgon, Tenn.), bat our pm i c km—a l l that 1 iona .uw discwinf f inter-comnmnlon in the Jft»*J"know of—affiliate with the Ptrfo'ss am! the sheep mtger^ and it promiaeB to be » disciiaiao of inter-1 generally follow their 8bephe^^, and if they take otf jtnd ahmty. [any paper th ty mu^t Uk'e a w n one that will nut

" T h a e i s no t a n Univerwliatonthlawurth wliolreprovt! them for this e.»urae."—D. J- C. And f9» aanvrer bar refnbaitio tiM maateriy a ixnmentslao it wiu in former t imei , and in the typical y<m fa»V9''iraui« In your beit fetters in the B o m i m dii'ca^iiin.'^—7. i/: Jk'uv.

W e axe in receipt of a " D e i e n M " by 8 . C. BiiekinKbani. W e advite b im to inflnmce fain rhnnib tnaUI aenanr i l pf dixreet and impartial bretfarcn and itak ihrir advice on the premities.

"Tha t was a cnmd ofrmon of Spnrgeon^ last weefc. W « ithoaM g«t all Pedobaptists we can to read i t . The MHTaoo* In THE Bapt ih t are worth many U m a the prtee of the paper."—/. 7.

Owing to the lafjpi am<Kmt of interestinfr reiiKionH matter, oitr WTubtr d«rpNrtment was oowded not Oib w»> lr. Wo will try to avoid thb! In fkilnre, it fo a very lntHfe^dln|r d^^jart-o m t .

"Some of that • LittU? MUler'-^' own riend.>< apptave of the little awll)jntlon yoo gpave h im for hlH impatinenc«. Your leetnns diil gjxjd at Alexandria, and we will want you t«j come ngaln.^—J'. B.

" I am pleaae«l wiih your views of th^ Hopper a« a ehnrch ordinance. J have been practieintr it M anch fi» HflTOJ y t w and no • «plif.' Yoo have i i ( r a d E the rare founiliul '-'o."—J. B. PMSpn, ttxaa. Baptidta will all nee thin em lung, and I f it 18 ofQcd It wUt stand.

F m o n s deairinsto atteml the Coldwater A<ao-ciation, which meets at IjewiHbnrgr, Mc^-fOU the l.'iUt inst., aie rrqwsted to fonranl their nan<e;<, at once, to £>1- W . H . Burton, Lewisbnrg, who will meet tbem at Uemondo r>n Thursday, the i l t l i , with conveyance to curry Uieni out to the A m o t i o n .

" I notii^witbaaafaAicUoQ the incieaiied inter-est ail <Ar AMnciattonii In Wf«t Tenneneee are taking in Mi!«<{<i!M and the State B<aml. The ii iwuut pbm rocitt 0»e wfabca of aU."—J" 7. I t fa I M JjiilfTlfjitiiiitllg " 10 be andemtond awl the hiir-Bma j ^ ^ i i a workings seen. The A'«o<4atloni> in Hisi i f i lppi are ailopting it.

The Ecamgel, Qd . , so abiy conducted by a m . J . T . Prior, has, by « combination of ciicnmstances, b««n furml oot of hini control and posaeasion, and r-tums ander its former infinences, and wilt no lo(iK«rbean Otd liandnmrfc paper. I t is usder-itood that Dr. Kai loch Is ajcain pmprietor j u i d E i d . W l a f i dd Scott editor.

Ttaoe are Ave Sthhathi in t)ctuber, and we can dKiiver (he Lectnref to at Icnst one of the several d i a i cMs titat have Invited us, coeimendng on Thuraday befure the fifth Sabbath and cloeing on Bubbath, c i . if preferred, un Friday and dosing on Mondaiy. The flrtt appllcAtlod that reaches wil l he ao^pted—i. e., nearvst to KnuxvQIe.

My qnery fa still u n a n s w e r e d W e have & pile tit them on hand, and not until we re-tnra to onr table, after the AiisociaUons and Cou-vimtldiH are over this fiUI, can we have time to answer them—thosie we deem of g o i e n l interest. W e say to ail« wait patiently, and know that we are n n d « no obligation whatever to answer a qaaj.

Aietba- Uoi befom ns from the president of the S o u d of Bnrkner Cbllege, denying that the Biwid ever adopted the rea<4atloa pohiished In the 7 « « u Baptid, or ever pansed any reaolation coni.'emiBg t h iwease i cwt i f «B iou i ^ , a s t l t e T e s o l n t l o n purports (<> h ive h e n l W e return the MSS. to Ebe*. P . lUvis , and in " jasUce to trnth," decUno to pabil^h.

**OSdDr. Mai la iy, of Georgia, used to say: * The Lord's Supper is at:! Inside of the church,

kingd<m Gtid sHid " t h e luaderg do cause my people tu err," and wlMt a fcarlul i«ck(>a(ng it will lie fur such lettders.

Wea r e in receipt of a lengthydocnment l>y the peiaonal^riends o t E . I i . 0»mprrt», of Arkaasas— who has been exdnded by theChari«ston chnrch, and the action 'if that church sustained by a fargt, obU and iiHpartial council of (he very first Bup-tist m<-mbvre and laymen in Arkansaa, whose dedaion has been pubibhcd in these columns— I n f o r m i n g t h a t EIJ . 13. L . Ciuupere has nut bi-en etcludeil, »nd that we have 8tate«l wimt is not true to the injury <if .sitld 0«iii>ere. Wes imply refer to tlie dccbiun of the cuuucil for our ju«ti-fication

" A «elf-o»n-«eion» y iuu i ; minister 1-. said to have preacb«>d for Dr. Lyman Bwcner , afti-r hearing whom. Dr. Betcher praywi and said, • Thou scest, O Lord, that our brother hd.-<Kitts. We thank thet> for his promise ol UM-fulnesM. But, O Lord, one thing th<w must do for h i m : Thtm must prick h im. ' "—/>.Jand OtrfnMe. " D id any young brethren at our hist Suutheru Brtptist Cunveiittun need that the Lord be asked to do that little thing for them ?"—Ai/rf i j / LUtrirr. That's " the nicst nnkindcHt lick of a l l . " Wonder if those young hrrehren, and some not so yiMing, wili Stv. the quesbon?

The review of «ur lato t*Hik by Eld. W . E. Baxtoo, President of the OcntennuU Institute, Arkansas, la truly wHuservsaive. lli-j remark that our pnaieut pr^ciiei; of intei-cimimunion Wf>nl<l pradically be nt an end if we could divest cMir Iwethren oi " i l i o n>iti<in that the gapper In a social Cturistiiiu imt i l . " This is so, and we ask our brethren which is thu tHsi way to divest them ol this i»etleo—continue to pructice inteiHUMumnnlon or to d i s^n t i nbe it, and ex-plain to the brethren that it is a church ordinance l ike voting and can only be observed by the mem-here of the cfaoich celebrating It?

W e are deeply paineii to learn of tlH> dtMth of the little son ot E jd . A . J . Fawi-ett, of Hamburg, Ark . , which sad ev«»t oecuned on the 24»h nit. I n a letter to us, informing us of the sad fact, Bru. Fawcett says: " I wish all my friends would pray tiiat I may have the spirit of resignation tu this dispensation of God's providence. Our hearts are eo sad. Onr home, once so bright seems dark now. 1 have no langnage with which to express the depths of my soul's sorrow." W^e tender Bro. iVtwrett our heartfelt symp.ith{c^, and refer h im to ttie sweet Gun-M>lation (hat " a l l things work together for gorjd to them iluit Inve G' ld ."

E ld . B . A . VenaWe, {ta-Htor t>f the church at ^e iena . Ark . , preachi-d at tite First church, this d ty , h» t Shnday, morning and nlghL B »th were excellent sermons and made tine impressions un the congregations. 0 * i n g to the very Inclem eot weather, tlie cousregaUon at the nlgUl t«r moo was not as hurge as it otherwise would have been. Bro. Venable is a young man, both in years and in the mlnii<try; but he Lt certainly one o f the moat promising yonng men now engaged In that work. H i s work at Helena is an evidence of this fact. H e was on his way to the M t Vernon Aawrlatlon, which met at Forrest (Sty, A rk . , on Friday before the first Sabbath in this month .

LociiCAi. Bsabosixr.—We call the attention ofoor readers to the eeh i^r ly review of Uie po-sitioot of the Rdigiout Herald, touching <wr method of r&flonliig in " Old Landmarkism—

Wha t is i t ? " The fleraiil has waked op the at-tention of scholars by its strange and startling dedarations that the dedoctive method of leaaoa-ing is not applicable to the dtecoseion of Cauiadan ethics; or the chnrt^h and its ordinancm, and de-dates that this la Ou great defect in oar book, and on the reasonings of Old Landmari ten gen-rrally. I f i n we ahoold al l know it, for W8 kiuiw our o p p o i ^ t s cannot answer oar airgumeotas and it is b ^ n s e they are demonstrations, u i d it Is to legical reasoning they are opposed, because it settles the qnestions between as.

QjBBKcrio!!.—Prof. H . H . Harris, the aWe editor of the JteOgbMU Berald, is professor o f Greek in Richmond College and not of Mattae-matios as 8Ut« i by as. We trart he wil l allow his nudets to see our reply to his first review of our book, since what iie called the great error of the book and Old L a n d m a r k ^ la in that dia-cosaed. I t wunld t>e magnanimoos. But if that isaskiug too much, wi l l the editor of the Oerald reply to our defense of DedaeUve Beaaoning, as applied to Christhin ethicsi or to the aide ariides that have appeared in this p a p « l*y correspond-e n t s omtroverting his position? Thin ia a qoes-Uon we wish to see the "bo t tom o f " before we put another edition to press, or write npon le-ligtotts matters again.

The BaptiU Cburiar, 8 . C., says. In answer tu the Herald, we suppose: " This is not a Land-mark paper." We havesUted in onr late book that the Refighus Herald stood alone in the South in its views of what constitutes vidid baptism and its advocacy of ministerial affiliations with nn-baptrsed and unordained preachers of recognlzod heresies. Wi l i the Courier inform ito readers if we must imdi-rBtand that i t stands upon the UaraUTa platform, one plank of which i s , " im mersion in the name of the Trin i ty ," irrespective ol the moral or ecdeskistical character of the ad-ministrator, is valid if the sabiect is satLjfiedr And does the Courier advocate such aiBlhitions as above mentioned as ScripUiral or consistent ? We promise to correct oor statement if i t does.

TniRTY-POUR PBBBBVTBimN SecK — T h e Kiii-Presbyterian Assembly is again in seesitw in New York . I t is composed of the represenUtloos of thirty luur Presbyterian churebM—t. e., dllft>r ent denomtimUoiw otf Piwibytorfana—ooly t ^ or thiee of which wil l tntercommune. There are nine different Prerby terian aecte in America alone. We dtp this from the press dispatches as an item of interest i n the discuMlon of the commnnlon question, to be presarved and nsed: " B e v . D r . Blakie, from the committee on statistics, reported that he had Ubulated a statement which it woidd lie impractii-HliIe to read in conndl , bnt which wouM oepuliliHhed In the Journal of the proceed-ing'*. The statement coverol the statistics of thirty-four churches of which thirteen are on the continent otSurope^ nine In the United K ingdom, six in the United States and six in the British Cuionies.". Let it be remembered, that at its I n t s m i o n in Edinburg, an open communion was proposed and voted down ! I f Presbyterians can-nut commnue with Presbyterians, bow can they with Mothodists and OunpbdUteB? I b i s should be pr(<sijed home npon them.

WEijrrEBN D ISTBICT ASSOCIAT ION . 'yETE reached HcKenxIe en route for this tmdy * * Just in t ime to miss the west-bonnd train,

and consHjuently would be compelled to " l a y over " until about twelve o'dock at night, or get permission to ride on the six o'dock fielgtit. W e tdegraphed to MaJ. Thomas, at NaahvUle, and got permis ion , and at nine o 'dock we found onr-sdf at the HampiooHoase , Dresden. Tb l a i sMe house ol the place; dean beds, a dean table, weU-cooked food, comfwtable rooms and qolet. I n the morning betimes the host went wi th t a to the square to aeeaboat getting ooDveyuioe to the Association, t ^ mUes nwth . After long wait ing the chances seemed dabloas indeed. T h e n Is not a Baptist brother In D . . and no Biqrtist chnrch organisation or house, bat i t la notorfoas tar Its iiMigioosnev). When wa bad aboot given ap , a gmaeman driving two h o t s e a t o aS I n ^ s ew i ng machine wagon came by , a iA we helled I d m

u d i r t t ^ our case, and iwljed .If i t would ^ p n ^ -Ue for h im to arry. as «wt to t l » m e e ^ , and alter 4 few moments'' ^bodght, aai4 yw , ^ d Otoavti his b a s i n g lay In another d i n d i o o , be K^ajeroofdy t a r n ^ about and tttok as a ^ ^ , a ^ t a x ^ towfrds New H ^ r ^ name t h i s ' g r a ^ t i i a n was Ho l h ud ; ti i« ageixt f v the ^ t ^ ^ a e w l i ^ maph l t ^ ln t ^ in all » B p ^ a l e s p t ^ b i e tiian, an^ one yre w dlally recommend to all oar reu tos and friends. W o foand hy h t o t to t he was a profefflor, and we baieVo a CUilstfan, and some y e a n ago u m liaptlMd by Bco. M l k a F k > w ^ aea« Brtkerfttrd arKcBtod, bat of late yaan tr i fd ' to work wHh the Metbodisls i n tb* abseiiee of a Baptist church; and bow man?- l a v e tried It a « l foond ( h a t » Uet lndiat society y no nanw^for • w l ^ S ^ i d t o ^ ' A i ^ i o p lart i a r t ft^ a?x'« inJ^rpd^ w « i eapiflrt JpiiiW® p j i a t fw ^ ^ ^

Btp. fU^he/aai^ ,waB dectejd , modeialtor and ^ B e U ttWw.

Statistlosi as we g a t b ^ to^ tire letters, was asfc^w;^;— > . . ' — .

Received by , bBP^m . during \ha ypiu, 170; by letier,57i r^lors(tton»J4; exduded, 35 ; d i ^ , 2T; inakln^ the bi^ ga toW.

There were twelve bad toU ground duripg th^'year. ! / ' ,,

This body has authorised one. miss iwaiy to preach at several destitute points aiid to raise bis own salary—forty dollars per month—the A s ^ a -tlon tH)t to iM te^i^ttdbte for any th ing . . Bro. W . W . Gardener was the inissionary, and has done a good work, but has r a l ^ less t t a n two hundred doUars. H is seifvlcea are eametstly askW for another year, and he wil l doubtleas serve..

The Assodatibn faaaaayet Uken no mepe look-ing to aw>peiate with the State Boaird, but would be waUng to lepcrt her missionary work, and ere long.'ifcaUivated, we doabt not wUl co-operate.

The spee^ifla of the tneetlng were upon the Beptirt ou Sabbath-tehools, there being but very few in this AssodaUon. Our young bKthren, a Wr igh t and Cai l , , distinguished themael vw by apt and r<*(dble speei^es.

TheefBjct^.ot the meeting was on itaturday, when the Beport on EdocaUon was read. Th® flve-minutB rule was swswnded, and M w««» - wpoo t to-€w»»»y ' » » 'to-definite time, which we did. In pleading with oar

toag, despite all aUempts to pr^udic® them, that they have no more au thor i ^ , even " courtesy," to invite membeia of other d i a r i ^ to o p i a t e any uiore tban.to voU with them. Each church of Oirist is respo^blc^to Oirist, its only Head, fitf the right administiatiaa o f the ordinances de-livered to I t ; and let each chnirch confine Itself to thefOoperadmlnistxaHonofits own ordinaoces, and C h t W will thos be' obeyed and a thousand evflsavoided. ^

As we were to retum through Dresden for t he train,-we acceded to the invitation of Mr. Holland to occupy the Methodist honae Hooday night, which w« did to a large, but ^ rtepecuble ooi^Tegatfon-tbe best people of the\owa; Bead t ing McKenxie Tuesday at noon, we learned that t h ^ L . A S l . t r ^ wasoniy five l ioots U t e l fio we have been compelled to wait t t H k e m at H c K e n d e o o this trill. ' •

S U M M A B Y . J. B.8,

bretiiren to educate their suns and daughters, and with the churchesio educate the rising ministry. I t was no t l n va i a ; some tl35 or »130 ndsed and pledged on the spot tn assist in the education of our young Brethren Wright and QiU' a t Jack-son tbi-t session, and Bro. Boney at UcKensie, he having a iamily and l iv ing near the Bethel Col-leite, whetts bis tuition b offered h im . But if be eviucea a tairait for an education, he wilt finish his coune , . doub t l i ^ at juckson. This, on the part ot the AasodaUon, was affrcmd effoH—Mis be-ginning of a new epoc^. we th ink, and miwions anJedocation and ^mUy-^choola wil l be mote than ever toateiea by this b<idy.

Tbeevi l of inter-cqmmunion was demonstrated by a diffl«.-u^ between two churchcB—one dlafel-lowshlping the other, and the agrieved diurch calliug u|ion the AwodaUon to dlsdpi ine or cut off the onv charged with disorder, beranae she c u u l d nut conabtenay commune w i i h h M mem-bers. i f the S u p ^ was stridly observed as a c h u r c h onilnance, and the independence of each c h u r c h re..-««ai|^, no trouble ot thU k indcoold

leaven " of aU 8<wts could be kept out of the feast, and brethren iwe beginning to see this. It may be opposed for years by many good breth-ten bat, l ike «aUen immeiBion»' and " p o l p l t flffiH^ann," the Inter-communion w i a grddudiiy oaaseamongBodthen jBaj^ats, and that without d«tractIo»ior rev in t ion . Let the subject be fikiriy ttocaawd beftae the masses (A oar brethien. and all the lnvitat i i»8 of churches holding t» denominational ooiomtinlon wi l l riot induce them to partidpatet oattf de trf t h d t own chuMiea, and so the onsCTiptaial p ^ c a wiU «tid no Baptist wil l be d ^ v e d of a right or a prlyiteg« that bdongs to them. Oar chnrches wil l sw ere

Bey. T. B . Espy tells us i n two columns uf the Dtoy that the two Baptist diurches in L J t t l i j I ^ k have united. W ^ d o n e .

Bev. J . F . Grifiln is expecting to remove toWanTO8oon ,whw« bis children can have the advantage of the Centennial InsUtute. A, great many others might do likewise profitably.

Bav . J . M.'Grccn, of DJ l as , Polk county, has recently hem in a debate with the OamiA>eartcf. B e came out very mucJf to (he . ^ iMacaoao f his brethren, as wiU be seen by the rep«.« of the dfr tMte in an.»lhcr column. Our CampbelUte friatds are fond of "argu ing , " a n d now aud t ben th f ^ find Baptists who give them all they want of it and a litUe more.

Wehave jusu returned from Salem, wliere we assisted Bro. Giiffin a few days in a meeting. The weather was very bad indeed, and much slekoea prevented us from baying large w o R ' f l f ^ " ' ' yet there vk^ a gbod interest manUested. W e ien on Monday. Bro. G . will continue the me t-ing. One was approved for ba|.tism before tee left, and were exp^t-d.

The Cbitnil B a ^ has reached our sanctuiu t h b week filled wUh good things. W e *re ^ have i t smile upon us. I t baa b w » vte l t l i ^a number of the ex Bamier sutecribew lor a few weeks. But with thb* week It W<li« ttwan fawwril, ttuleas tlie Indispensable two Uollars fo rrturoeU WeU, many wil l be wliUng to extend to the O n iroZ a vote ot thanks r.»r its geneio^ty, and t bm sing: " Bat daV roskes a* uml«rT»t«uj<l mat we tniwt take tl:» pMtiag »uuhI. "

I t is only a few w.-ek8 now till our State Con-vention » i l l meet. W e have not a line f n ^ any <.ne on the work of this b»idy Utrly. What are wegtiing t o d o a t the Conveiitfam, and how are we going to do it • Bev. J . D, Jameson, owe ot themi» lonar ie8of that body, has been In the field for s e v e r a l months dmng good service. Bev eral Important places in the SUte n ^ m-iAHince. Brethren should not forget that we will need mtmey to cany out the plana of the OamTcntiott in the Master's ?pprk.

" BiUe Types Exp la ined" is the itome of a naw book written by Bev. J . P. Ev^e t t , ot Shi-loh, lA . , and pnbllshed by Bogers d Co., Memphis Tenn. W e do not pretend to be skilled in typrf-ogy, but in reading this book we are imprttsed with the statement, "TheOldTwtamentconta lns the New concealed, the Jfew Testament the Old revealed." We are delighted with the book, and w&b that e v » y Baptist fomily in Arkansas would buy a copy of I t I t conUins 252 Urge pages, lii nice dear type ; price, H 00. We have the book on sale.

Bro. GambreU, of the Beeord, has the goodnm of heart to say, " W e bdieve Bro. Bay would do weU to move bis Hag to LitUe BodE, and give Arkansas a first daas paper . " W e are much obliged'to Bro. Gambrell for h i s s ^ g e ^ o n ; but aa most of the Baptists i n Arkaitsaa, who rewl a re-ligions paper at an,.read The Ba tob t , and they aie so K n o n n t that they do not know that Tbs BAPrnrrlsntrt ic flrstdaas paper, I t would be a

g tea t i i l l ^ i t s i l i ^nu i t tN ive ihea i , Had wis nut Jjetter let them rest under the CMd Banner, Bro. e . ; • •

O U R MEMPHis ADVEBT ISERS . WE faike pIea«tM in oa i ing tlieattentioii at oar

readers to the new Memphis ad vett iaojeni i w h l A ap|Kw:in this isa» of oot p» j*r . Mem-phis fci umiotit>t.<lJy tbe best matkel, between St. LooisandKewOakt tns , ecd tar sqoaie dealiag and low p t i f l ^ Memphis me r t ^ n t s eaanot be surpassed; and it affordsn^ much plcasore to di-rect attentioototheutt.

M^isus. B . UiweaisteM A Bros., who are top w d l known all over the whole etmntry to need anjy commendaUiw from b«. a p p w this wedt In an advertisement, to which we direct the sttM-tion of al l p u n 4 > « ^ of dry soodi^ of aay . « a K ^ tioc, boots aiMLatMes. t ^ are tboRHtghly le-

1 liable in every rAspoet, and ordeta sent te tlwrn will be prompUy attend4<d to,

Mesrs Lenbrie Bros., another of the leading firms of thfa d l y , well kaown throoght the coun-try for their finl-daas ip«ds asd low i r lcw, also have a card in this isfoe. Ail o r d e n - ^ t to them wUl be promptly fiU&l, And with the v«y article ordered. Thiwe vtwiing the city cannot do a wiser thing than caU. on Messn. Leubrie B r a . before making tiieir purdatws.

Onr readtTfl tadering thr.Kish the mail or vMt-i ng the d t y and poreHifdog. will coqfcr « lavur <m teby ststins that th< y »»w the ad,vwtfaiea>oot in this paper. AU the Mempbis firm* ^ v e r t b e d are in e v ^ - sense «rf the word fir»t-aasi», -and oar rmders need have nfi W i>( ordering goods ftow Hu m . • _ _ _ _ _

BlUl . A N U B E W S TO BRO . G A M B l l E L L .

EDnx>BOFTHE B A P r i S T i ^ I see in the Ketord of the 16: h of gt^-ptrmhw, that Br i . aarobrell, o f i he AwofrJ. is pnn-^^ns to a i iml* ister plhs to me b»\-an«' I objvVtiHl tn his aUittt>le t i ^ a i d s UIP. I want tn Jtwcrfc my youag brother that I am uot in the Uiki aditt»;. «nd from the way he ha-« coniiiienred pre^«^biug I think be would make a U tter ct|r»rtin than a i»hyi4dan, for •*veral rea-«.n-. 1 tu<aat no hiirm in referring to his youth; h a v i i i j c k m l i l a u trom lKkyfc.«od, he always seeiBMl.vooUif i ui^. Ji.ir have 1 in-tended and did j ou charge oUu ra w.lh i l ^ I ^hl•u^if fear I had d.Hi« iKi. Yoa (H>W)M Wffi.- W-rtix h to be nmiertttttid. If yoo do ii>.t Jnwli that mlnisteta, by virJoe of t»»elr .j»fli«o<i5iin, are InvoMwl with the riglit to bapux" wIk».i» they deem -qnalifted,! do not uhderHLmd y»»u, sw l if t h i s ^ ^ t b m be Seriptnral then the ehutches have no volar touching the qualfficatlon^ of tboarto be baptised —the Word of G o l give* tbem n<»e, tho minis-try wav'soinetimw. aHow tbem a voice. The right to'dedde who bhould be ba{>ti«d bdonga to the or to the cA*«*m- J - o u say t» the m i n b t ^ s I say to the churebes, and l ight bere wedllfer. 1 have said I th ink yoor padtlna robe the churdiet of ttic wtfp kcefdng of this onUnaooe, and that i t fa an unsafe and dangetods positkm, and in thb I am sincerc. I endorse moat beartay the pnsiUon on Churdi Soverdgnty, art f jr tb In "O ldLandmarkb to—Wha t fa i t ? " D o j o a deny those DoriUona? , __ I shall be absent in Al-*l«ama for a month or more to come, and I trust.yun will niit fire on my boat u n t i l l return. Yours, Onn town ,M i«^ AKimEwa.


oSwnt ion wm ^ • i l ^ J l l ^ ^ ^ ^ S i rf

tioa by tae commmee, who wi l l a s ^ P i ' d a r i n g t h e l r . t e y a t t h e ^ ^ ^ ^


4 'J 5

The Young South.

BUIri ty •* OaCLE JAM»." lo whom «U eonuBlrtwtHW tor tfart mriTlf^t m»r • Ilili in l enrntrnmBJarmt.


(t pE«ITT biidiK pnttj blnJi. wluadoTW * nraboMInUaalwiyvart''

'Uttla mmkl.bUI* aaii<auit]raaoHaT ETWT «a<<><»UB IB • Udr diw; Sror OO* (dMofnUr kMp* rata; W mmtrr WBto MX »l»lln«

" 8m»«tm« wlBgtiW ftooi *» W M antyoa yiaytosT tbin% BO on* knmn."

m utuaBBid.iittlamui,ata! Hsfiui, BsMOiBcaadqpKttacUUiiAaf MB; Ban* awt Uttaa >o wUU aad dmO. •HopgUi—w»plT»t»ildT»nil»WK."

ItbeteTMalieat, "Uiirlimiw.t Wl»l JOB pJ«Hn« tt wfc»B r>«"»

» UUIa otald, UUIa mao, and MM: Ho* ao nclng ftoa UM to tiw: Oh, tt iBiotiT! « • tltlB l> oar auntaat sMiu of tas." "On (MittBtte V-biU da yon plar with jonf ntailito JwtT" •• UUla maid. UOlB man, ooik two. UUM : uippnur l>oppmtr, eattt eatab ma! cm. MBb a nuwrr. <>*I>«UtaI| iiMt Hop^btliTaa yoaxw lblk» eatt lU aa««.-

OBp«r,J|» Th* Stwmrw.

have been ten or twelve, and wasvoy bewitifoUy

diOBed. Katurehad nuid^her very pnUy, but

no beaoty featare or comidexioD could ovw-

come the mixtora of fretfuliwm and pertoeeB

rblefa i HtieaTed In her look and manner.

Tbeie was on the biU of five every luxnry that

any ooeooold wiab, but njch a piece of work as

that Utile gid made abpat b « dinner! She

wouldn't have this. She couldn't bear that, ^

iiiie whined and tmaried with no other obieet t ^

to make trouble.

It did not seem as if she were a spoiled child

dther. Cor her parents tried todKCklier in a qoict

fultltm, for natnraliy tliey did not want to have

a ikmily contest in a puUic fiace. The whole

comfort of their own dinner was spoiled, hot they

went (w mtifaging the matter as well as they

could until theUcaert came.

How it happened I do not know, but there

were no lablns, and the moment the little girl

found that n«ie were to be had she would be con

tent with nothing .else, ^dither pie, nor fniit.

par dainty ctf any sort would she touch, and

O , no. I wOTit; die always aiys tat,^

never does. ,1 ain't afraW."

Mother goa Idto the hou* g r ^ y ^ i

oat. and thinking h a ^ f a t ^ y r to

diren. . • .j

That's the way, i^r^ite; show your diUdrra

by yonr example that yoii ate w c A , u n d ^ d ^ .

untrathirnl, and Ihey l a m ipAly enough to d w ^ e

your a^ority wid n g u d toot word as


KliEP T H E s m D E U P .

tfcrflHY word isalamp onto my feet." Angged

JL little emnd-boy was cazefiilly painting

this teacton a, gate with a ^ece of white Aalk.

So alwrbed was he with his work that he never

noUeed a kind looking old gentleman, who, atter

walking idowly pot twice, retained and stood be-

hind him. >»j£—y," said the boy, rvptaUng the iettecs

aloud as be formed them with care; "f-douMe

e—t, feet."

«Weadooe,UUIe tad, weU dooel" said the

old gentleman. Where did you learn that?"

'•^At the ragged achot , sif." » Bo TOO leaned that text at the ragged schooL

Do ytiu know what It means? "

"No, sir," nld Kieholas. •• W h a t » a lamp?"

" A lamp? why, a lamp! a tnlng that gives

"'^^Andwhatis the word thai the tMt speaks

"The Bible, air." JSow, how can Umi BUOe bo a

itomli always iV>t in the Bible to

ffaow OS where to tread," replied Nidholas.

"But suppffio you kept a sUde ovor the lamp,

would it be of any use?"

» So , there'iKi be no light, sir."

» Neither will the Bible give us light If we keep

the aildo down. H o w can you keep the Bible •UdBdown?"

" keepioff it shut, and not leading it," said

Nlcholaii. diiubtfttlly. "That's it. Now, my tad, do you think It

worth whUe to takit this good old tamp and let It

light you throi^h life ? " " Y « , 8 i r . " " W h y ? "

" If I'm hooart, I sha'nt stand no chance of go-

ing to prison."

" And what else?"

Nicholas thought for a few minutes.

" U I mlwl the BiUtt IshaU go to heaven," he

said at isat.

" Yea, that is the best reason for taking the

tamp. It wai light you righ into heaven. Good-

bye, my tad. Here's a shilling for you, and mind

jfou keep the slide up."

" S i r ! " said Nkdiotas, grasping tha shillii^,

and touchlnw hfa nggfcd cap, " r U mlnd."-/aut-

truUdOrMkm ^edt^.

finally when her &ther bade her be quiet and eat

what Was set before her she burst Into a loud,

paniooate crying, exclaiming in a V(dce audible

ail ovor the great room:—

I wish I was dead. I never can have any

thing I want!"

That same afternoon X went np to Fairmuunt Park, and there I saw another family party. There was the tather, a lltUe giri about the age of the child a the hotel, and two little bits of boys.

Each of the children and the father had asUce of bt«id and butter tor their dinner. That was all, and it looked like very stale, coarse bresul and butter, too; but they aecmed as ccmtented as If t h ^ provisions had been quite ddidous.

It was such a pretty picture that I could not help watehing it, and contrasUng the Uttle eldwr sister wilh the chUd at the hotd. She was quite as pieity as the ftetful girl, but though she was very poorly dieased there was such an air of inno-cence and JoyfhlnesB about her that she was like a little sunbeam in the shade of the trees.

When the bread and buttw was all gone the UtUe elder sister roee, and, with an air of great satia&ction, put up an old, fiayod, gnen paraa^, with «long M t In It. " Come, hoyi^" "he " now I will let you walk under my parasol."

ntenas she danced away with the children by ber fltthetlB side, she looked up In hia fiice with such a ddightfhl smile as she said:—

" Isn't it nice to be me, and be alive, and have

a parasol?"



ONCE up-in a time I was in the dinning-rMm

or a gnat botd, when I aaw a little gid en-

tfT with h«r tather and mother, and proKntly

they.wen lihown np the room and mi down at

tiifi dime tftlile where I WM. The child rniglut

A N I M A I ^ T & A t J ^ V E MTOIC. '

MUSIC alfeetB animals differently. Some i ^ c e and are evidenUy happy when llsteniBg to lt»

while others show •nmirtakaWe dislike to the

sound. ; T ?

some years my father Mved In an obDiall

in the neighborhood of our large towns, attd ttere

I saw the Influence erf muric u ^ many«hImaJ^

There i ^ a beautlfuliorse, the i^de and delight

of IB aU, ^ d , Uke many others,h® bdilg

caught at work In the garden, when <Ad tta dener, appraied, strealmlng with ptispIiWon.

" What is the matter, WlUy? " " "Matter enough, miaB. There's that B O b ^ ,

uncanny betet, he wonHl?e caught aU r or say. Tve given him e«n , and wie of the best MMBoir the tree ; but he's too deep tor me-to iini&cfaed the pear, kicked up his h ^ airf off he is taughing at me, at the bottom of the meadow."

" W d l , wniy, what can I do? H e won't let

me catch him, yab know."

" Ay, but miss. If you wiU only Ja?t go in ^

begin a toon on the peann^. cook says he will

come up to the lence and h ^ c n to you, for he is

always a doing that; and maybe I canslip b^iiM

and ootch him."


C C E N E Inalibrary^-gentleman boiy writing—

® diHd enters. .

" Father, give me a penny."

" Havoi't got any; don't bother me."

" But, fiither, I want It; something particular."

" I tell yon I haven't g U one about me."

" I must have one; you promised me one."

" I did no such thing—I won't give you any

more pennies; you spend too many pennies. It's

all wrwjg—I won't give It to you, so go a w ^ . "

Child begins to whimper. " I think you might

give me one; Its really mean."

No—go away—I won't do It; so there's an


ChUd cri®, tears, cjaxes—father gets out of pa

tlence, puts his hand In hb pocket, and.Ukes out

a penny and throws It to the child. " There, take

it, and don't back again to^Jay."

OiUd smilei, looks shy, goes out conqueror-

determined to renew the struggle in the aftcvnoon,

with the certainty of Uke result. » • k • • •

Scene in the street—two boys ptaying—mother

opeai the door, calls to cms of them, her own son.

" Joe, come Into the house Instantly."

Joe p v » no

"Joe, did you hear me? Ifyou don't come FU

cive yon a p » d beaUng."

Joe amilei and coattnoes his play; his compan.

iona to Alarmed for him. and sdviaes him to obey.

" Yooll catch It if you doat go, Joe.?

I went at onoe, not expelling by stratagem to

sncceed. But In a f ^ minutes the nanry creature

was standing quietly listening while I played,

" Scots, wha hen wl' Wallace Ued." The haltn

was soon round his neck, and away he went to be

harnessed, quite happy and contented.

There was a great pecnliarity about his taste for music. H e n e w wouMstay to listen to a plain-tive song. 1 soon observed this. M I "Scots, wba hea," h® wodd UbIoo, wibW pteaM. H I efaaagctd tbe mtanmra'and expfWloa, playtnc thesameairptalntivdy.he would torn his heed, and walk away, as If to say. "That Is not my sort of mmic." ChauKlng to soiaathlng martUI^ be would return and listen to me.

In this respect he entlrdy dllltered flrom a b « n . Uftd cow we had. She had an awfdl temper. She never would go with the other coira at milking Ome. She liked the cook, and, when not too busy, cook would manage Mlw Nancy. When thecookmUked her it was always dose to the fence, neaf the drawing room. If T were playinK she would stand perfectly still, yidding her milk without any trouble, and would remain until I ceased. A s l o n g as I ptayed ptalnUve muslc-the " Land o' the Leal," "Home , Sweet Home," "Bobin Adair," any sweet, tender idir—she seemed entranced, t have tried her, and changed to marshal music, whenntpon she Invariably

walked a way.—fltoper'* YbiM«r iVopfe.


W e have heard from five of our young readers on

the ^ i g m a ot August 14th, but no correct an-

swer yet. These five are all glrb; now, boys of

the Young South, here b a chance for yen—«ee

what you can do with It We 'never hear firom

you; why U it? Bat these young girts have

wo^ed hahl ovn this enigma and say they u e

still wOUng to w(»k; so we give eai^ this week

the number of the quo^on or qnestl<^ la wldi^

she mtased some one or two answen ^ let her

have m « e time. Will publish the first letter

celved containing the conecianswer, in fall.'

Pattie Pwiy.-Nos. 5, 6,7, IS, 14,15,16, 24.

Katie Langl^w-Nos. 6, 7,11,15,20,21,23,24.

Mamie Ivey.—Nos. 8,13,16,20,23,21.

Elidii Ckithiie^Nbs; 3,

Minnie aiimb«HtaQ.—NOit 6, 7. 13. 13,15,16,


T o a1] Sufferers firom Pro-

tapBed O r g a n s ,

i take tUs «ethad ot calling your av

di^tces yean, that I oia/ aaka it a ball fit to « v paper by aunag it a fiu irestier > O H no TOO. .

I wu hwMdty sire ran my teMoo* tor mdbgt&hiviJiiaUs , l artidc to

you. M ^ than dghMn ycm ^ wa* thcMa bily Iffoloi do«m hi n m

ezoeadre Breadiiiig; Ie^nld neak but a nu|e white wiUwnt p^Ooi home; my thioat gtnen^y soiei sod sarilx Irntatigdrand its tone becaae heary and huaky; ai^aluiddiw6QB«hsetj|i,tIua inenand, uaffl at tS» don o( % toiig aicstiag, my voice fdkd eating, under the cSets of a duonic laryni^ that KWB aapetiudated hnmMtii, which wii-ouily threatened^my lii^ I wa» now eompeOed to do&t fiom pieadiing, and, if poadble, oTeicome Unie diffienlUM, •aa leooTW the kaik treaaoie^—the Toics, that t* a idnbtM or tawyer b mora valnahls than gold or jewels,— or be dlmt fonrer. I applbd to the most eminent phyiidaiia, and wai but Uttle helped; wvn the ezddon of an dMsgatMUTula, tibey ooukJ do nothing but alHw nM ; and thb 1 wai oa«a. polled to laks. What canaed and otm-Uaned that eontant britatka and iia^iig oooi^, they , ooold'neither ex-t bin nor prevent PrOTidence thrtw >fae remedy in my way. Ut wife wwi «fcting from pn^pnn atefi, and the MTObmorei the' theory and pnctioe oi medidne in tha UnlTenitr ef NanhriUe l>r. Wimton, was her phyridan, and be prfociibed for her thb identical Brace, wbi^ tpeedOy rolievei! b?' She com* pfadned oi a " d r l g ^ down;** and no bngosge eouM MttN exprern my fiMltagm and espedaUy after inching,

It occurred to me if it was good for one caae o! "draning down," why not for aaoUier. wTOtoat cunsolting any one, I Moeaied one targe enoni^ (or mysell and pot it on, the fint time doubtlem itwasever worn by a man ior nich a leaaoi Mid the remit waa. tbe ir-ritation of my throat aoon qnieted,and the h a d ^ ere Iosk ceaa^ and the foioe eonuM&oed buOiUBg up, nnta I eonld articntate, whidi I had not done Vir twelve montha, and reiy aoon I cwi-

1 U> pteaeh J«aia* »a«, Biaoa I Mwlr Jillii'Wrtiia*

cattor ttawoaderfltl'adTaiitages' Uf any one, becanae I thoo^t I waa uring an artide that wa» hi««ated for the nae oi ^MBaleaooiy. Privately, to a few anedal irienda who ireie aoflerlng aa I aafiered. I expldned tbe nae ot the Brace, and throuf^ me the] obtained it and wen relieved ail waa. I now made known the paweroftheBtaoe to reatore, atreoKth en and preaerre the Toioe in ^nblic •peakera. and then oommenccd (^teiiv it m a premium to mmiatera for mbecnl •m.

The canae of boaraenem, aure throat taryni^ti^ and finaDy broadiitb hi public

lien,aad theae mptiHtta of "drag-d o ^ " goneneaa, ezhanation after

dufb and weaknt— of the back and lotas, p u ^ and •ttrnla. U the riight rs KcacaHon of the abdcmbioi mutdet, uMeh aOmm the bomb to tbii, aiMi faMNen Ay marked hoOotM over &t tm ot the Amm. Now all know that the Uninp of the utomaeh ate oonnoeted with theae of the titmat and aSect (be Tucal orna*, and when the atomadi dhka a atratniiv b brought to hmf upon the throat and qieaUng w talk-ti^ will irritate it cad prodnoe hoarae-nn*. and if eontiniKu aore throat and all «he tndo of erib thktpaUicamikers am wont to comptaboi; and iriMlihaa carried huBdreoi to their gravea, and w ^ J g a r i ^ M e ^ l y ^ ad&aa nai3fa*

How, alter''*-petaonal expobnoe oi aea^ twenty yeara, and the added expo-itaesofaon than one thonaanl minis-tars andHoabUe maken npon whom I have fittrt the Brace with tavarbUe «teoem. I am pnpand t» testify of ita real merito.' WlUioat It I am aatbfied 1 <lKmld .have bedi bid wide fkom pubOe

It.. T have InW cscsieted a ioat voioe, am liUmsil with oneof mwoaHPOB

power Bai eDdmaBeSk WlUKNitttitsro t b H K n W «*hsaA tad gin M

• - ^u- I •' .' ' 1 f jfT" tha asaas of btiguif apl k lm mm ^ a heavy, hual? ^ms ; with it I can meA ikt honia aday withouteihana-tbn or hpaiaswaai I now nae it only when and thna preqanremy ToiixaBd andphydcal ena|te I do nothdkTCthlttanyone wooM erer be' aflkted with ftoiiwL or pO*. la weakneaa ot the hK^ jr I ^ & o ^ h e w e a r i t oidtaaiily Liqaa. and only t ^ t when apeakiqt or pttt^ forth n i t n ^ efibrta. Ubapaeaemioranwd voice andofa aeund S iyS^ ooodjS^ It^hoold lie worn by • W T m i i d ^ and pobilp apeaksr to caffy theeoain and ngoCrOl hia youth tar lato old ica.«od hy eTCry old man t* ^Mbt him lo aap{«n the growing weakSHa of afS.

Hundrods of M men v e ^ w using the to «aa* taait» with Invartable atotecUoo.

I do not dalm that the Bvily and Lung Brine-will ams every dnae^ tSirBesh falhdr t«; but ft will r^ Uev^ w h n e U doa not fi^y cio^ kO that great a z ^ of lib and ache that sobn break Uown the bust cpnatl-tutioos, wh^ch are caused by pro-Utptm ( / M fsuaete wMeh vm>ort Uk iUamal i i y e ^ This is the only merhanlcal! contrivance ever dl» covered' that Ufdlfta-the abdomen rather than oompresKB it, as ail trufnea do.

Thb is what it does, as thousands who have used it are prepared tu tesUQr: It supports tbe back, akdo-men, stomach, lungs and womb. It, Uuaeibre, pn vents taasitude, boane-nms, plies, hernia, ooniumption, and that terrible dbease,—dj-spepsht.

tt increases the breathing cur and thwby gives rtrength to the body.

It exspaiHb and enlaigeB tbt. 4un|!S and thus rendm breathing ft*e and easy, and thereby promoter di^ jRtion.

U rdleves chronic costiveu 4H and piles when all other'%aotLrt oave Sued.

It Invariably r -lleves ah a«soa oi pr<Jap*vs uteri in females, a dlaooae tbat no medicine can reach, becansae, like a broken limb, it needs mcch^* cal support

It raleves. piles and prolaprmi ttnit by upliftinsi the lower bowei« from tbe rrrtiOM.

It to iidng used more and more y e s ^ , as ite -ralne b known;° by pubUc speakers and alnger?, and by

ders and backing cougl^ the sure precursors of consumption. And many a sutferer has been TurcJ of

• and livw ccanirfaint who been nmsldrred in the last i<tagc

of CQBsuniption. OCB IliPMVEB WKACX.

The original Brace, made tmly fni ladioB, was too weak for the fitemer aex. I remedied It by an important improvement, as the foUowing will diow;—

LM all XMtoa. mi l M> rrrUty tka* Um> ••ajmlamn*

la Um Mtjr aaaBwItatam aC Baa-

rty naes* er Ow efcle Wver. B . C . » A W O V n .

Offleao <lUaTkO>..Onaa.,ila]r t U3B. No other parte in this eityorthe

South sdis my unproved Kace, un> less he can show a written com misdon from me.


I could produce the testimony of hundreds of itninent pbysidans and surgeons ctf the North, but pmf^ to give a few Southern nractitlonerq, who arc known or may M written to.

The tate Dr. Stone, the great sur-geon of New Orleans, pronounocd it Uie perfBCtion medtiknIcBl Inven-tionW the puipoee Intended; L the ii]riiftlng of the bowels, aiid rdlef of all cMtses of protapeus of the In* tenialo^ans. .

I wescnbed one ot your Braces to • la^patleniofminelaBtfiin. She says she wonki not take one hnodred dolbm fbr It, If die ooold not get an-other w e of the same kind.

8. TUKICKK, BLD. Haynevllle, La., April 19, isn.

A B tbe Braces vhldi X have 0 ^ deced rive the g r e a t a r t M t ^ ^ Ite tUl^orwoiabtUKKim. w M k

arelavalu*. t ^ " W . C. LAWUNCX, M.I>.

Ceawfotdvilfa), Mba.

TKBiuMJnr w r r a m u v

l^e fallowing certificate from Qov. Poctw, who has thoiooghly tested the m ^ t s ot our Impravea Bacfi, shoold be rewl by all snlfenats. He lanely, « not altogether, oww hb \u£ Section to t^Brace. Notice wSathesays:—

Or. jr. R . CMraiv«a—DMurSlrt t wacd tbe Brmcc seat by y*«r> a«ir dortsg Bay late caaTaaa • ! ( W State. It w a a •rvery giwat Mrirlce t* n i e , a B a i Cecl very vircli satlsAed tbat irtbadcMa> nteaced Ita aae a vrecit earlier tbat m y voice weald mot bave beea effected at all. T b e Brat time t ased It I aUUlr«MO« a large crowd aT people la tbe opea air, a a d 1 fbaad tbat aiy vonw w a s veirasacbMreagtb-•Bc4.aB\l at tbe cloae o T a two boar'a apeecb 1 w a a Ikee fkoai m y asaal Deellag of wearlaeas a a d e^bbaaatlea.

Very Besi>ectfblly,

OAS. D . r O R T B B .

. atsnmamr TBRUtoxT.

. »KAa aaOk OaAVCB »~rmm mm^

Miii H tor tfcrwywu* IM« i pMVi mmm n amwv ^ a aa II

ma UM vmnHMH,

lavataAlewwttariM B T M I Mb

•r lalMr (tat I St

• M iak* a** ttMca «1M wt » Brae* W W MHl ke nwliiina »• •ewawHJbl*. I a»a1 fXlany rtmi McaHl tkia a i M • • afcw^he maj,

• " S r a W S S . ' i L a . FMorTUm Bafun CharCb. at. Lam.

BAmSlIK BaACa.-UM mmm aTUka

l%e Brace I rrceivcd from j'on I find b uf great beoftfit to me. I mis aftald U was not what It was teeom-mcn<i<^tobe; but I was induced by my phy^cian to gK one. Shor^ afto-ward, the church timt I was a member of called me to serve them as nastor; and I accepted mi tbe oon* dition that they should get me a Brace. I was entireiy broken down fnan over speaking. I could not spoak longer than fifteen minutes un-to 1 became very hoarae: but with the Brac(« on, I can speaik with per Art mse one hour: a i ^ after ^ i ^ -ing, I do not flsd that un^essantneas «t my stomadi.that I did before udng tbe Brace. I can say that the Brace b an that is rtaimed for U : «nd I vTOuId advbe all meaktn who fed tatigue and lassitaae after ^leaking by all means to get than a Brace, b*>{ore t h ^ have to stop sfmskliiff, as Ihfldtodo. Iwouldnotbewlifioot it tat any condderatlon.

Coleman. Mo. DAVID U I T . I have dTen the Bran a bir trbl 1

find it aU that b dahnnl for it I would not take tlWiM the rirtttotsae it. I hope that all my ndidsteriiig breUirea will procure one.

3. A. nmroua. Fulton, Mim.. 1874.

i am preadi day and nii^t for two •tontha withmyBnoeonaadnot ha aa boarae w I w o m in one week vithoat it: erety mtaiater, rtrong or weak, AonldhaTKOBa. A. Botrta.

Unioo Depot SMt

1 iuv» ocdcnai Jrom rra loortoen Bnooi Ibrmy feiaal* ftVMada. Tlw yartM aU Ut»

ta ot PBMUaa Ijiuwiij-1 tBm wmmm^mrn M grmUy irwWitirt to yen lor mj iliJiw


nam lo ba traly (te

Btnijifea, mim. Mar la, irx. BULX.a. CnvMH-IMar Bb: 1

••di. aua aanail t—cw m to

UMaaaaowuiMMt. a-D-BnoniAB. UfUk-ctOO, AXX.

•nnrcuojnr or r a a a w w i UTaaMttwawwaaacCvw mac Btwa Mtm M AasM: am

wUefa Qm Btaca tat tfirmi mm tn ridtiw bana teaat. mo on* has aW Sva^'ot

cankten, lIlait,Jaa«aiT*>IKn' AocoaatA vrj jnacun .

HaTinK dnui Uw Baaidt« Brace a tall tiiaL l^eerftiDy bear my iuOimoiir to Ita Tslae. • I can pertem my hftnC wlSh fiftv per cent more eaae aad eomtort than befcrT; I would not be without It twf« iU prior. T. a B o t m .

Buaday-adnot Bwirdia i.iaiita,Oa.

CkrMi* BtiuaOem. V. icelTrf ooi-ol f«mr Body Brai^gate;^

»• cknmle SUMTto-i a* naTtaa

OMiaflUaied. .

IrcRdvedtMBfMeteiw Mi».Vartln. H (fUeved ber tmdc bnmediatdy. I am wdl pleased w^ih the Bnee. It te the only wnmrttr that I have SHen ornMd In my extenrtve peacties thai I can rdy npon without anv amietf^ anceofevilftomitstMB. Imallitnv-after introduce it Into my p n d i ^ and charge no oommbslntt.

A- A . lUvTB, WLD. Houstonia, Ho.

n u c B OF aaAcm. Haepckeofthb B m a betare the

warwaBt9Q,and|2S when filled-by the medical proSBBdon.

Tbe patent having ezpued I havr flecured tbe m f vS 1### the Improved Bracea upon sodn terat thai I can {kimish them at the follow-ing prices:— natn Hi—w lartiiiari alaa tlOg* ^ H - a i a - S S r - ^ «

loSbrmf im mived Braosto any one aa a mmhua nr 10 new aahaedbm to TmlUnwTattS 70tediidtagp(wtii|H and tl for every enbacriberyonfaino

Braoeltor tm B n o n with cadt,tlOendi.

••Oaay-AB abwonr* ^ '

aa-isaa. Ba

• O K B c n o m w a i Vakaa taoa, ITTM 1

InallaMHB the m A mveA maoam-pany tbe «d«r, with B M B * ^ ^ M ntjoa sre sent out aa trtal to be ntareed. W e nod ^ tto BOMB by cttiL ^ p o d M fit b muBtttad, aad B o m will be ex-Shar^edW^HTdiaaBr paying exfiwip

\ - T


^^Hl^yt^r*. ; • - J,-. ..

•iKllt«tral»l«Bli.udaKmmM BM^ btanUac bootf Is flnlaMU ^ «rmlMr wU , no doaM. Ix w M m h l y biewEd.--.tifciT<» IHkw*.

"T k m iMid Ihrw ibmU i i«i wlUt three or ms heiitlinM Will Mid mr null m ' * ^ at Bis l*prllis> Ibarth Bihheth In Oeto-M Tauidd Mcnid u A mlaKrUier, IT. H . Ujtx, at JB* Bptiam tt TBT lov- I »™«' fa* iMt rmpeta and food wialMetDiaaaBaTUBJLFnar. I Mci •ocijr te old nuD B m — Toorlwtnply waacnmiiBC. W e a n looklBsBp <ai Uw m>1u» unwtinn i»H>» Sock BlTer Aaneiatian. bave I ^ m As neka ta pnKnetod mntlnc«. wttb vwd trnOlrnr-m urnmnam, n<B«iraf,ai«.SS. ^Bar. A. C. OavlB, of C—atnr, wffi •hatlr more to Arkaaaaa, in wUcHautalMbitBKia ta locate pomaaeatlr-am ta t&e adiM ef »gTirinnaiOTlTat,«achaatl»lMelinnai luu imr alliii—TirirTMni TlwIntenatlaitlUtoenailiK. Bawteiittaid flT«. and twelve avBlitlie ocdlnaaeei wiitle lUftr to iBrtr-ara m U b i tepnTaneTerr nlcbt"—Cil. ArMUaBd,fa MUjfmtm.

I » a H I — • T i — IfT— — o C BMU B. Xatftr.aldMnam of B. Maalr. ol Kinlackj.whlch

I OB UM mil alt, at KaMU. whltlier Im

awatentppilalBKmannflM^iutoctowna In aorta Oirnllna." IhrnAjKbanlolUddla Tiiniifn and I learned

that o w chnreli atqanalln, thomtewlthoatapeeler.la In good -T-"*^*'"" Tlwsicmbenhlp la at peace and iceUag moeh Intenrt In tbeeaaMOf ChriaiL TberaatlelpateeaU IngapaMoraooD.**—r.JCiHdkir.to mMrailaisenfer. "Tbat la temaikaliia news from Tenni—ii i"—JBMeat

W e bave erawlned eantaUr Uw leport or Bra. Bleliej'.aiid ha-nifailed to dlaeoTar anrtbloc nmarkable tn Tbrn onlr remaikaUo thing we Had la tbe oommeat oftbaJbeania-. WIU Bio, Ballejr Uadly lakmB as wbr tU*

newa ntun Tiiiiiii»e " Is ao z n a a n a b l e T — — • • Ber. Dr. •tandale nods 0* aa laTltatloa to tbe Baptist State OioTea-tlon orTauiea«e.«t>leh iBC«<s at Kaozvllla, Hat or Octo-ber. naaka, taatbcE, bat «re doat waattoiia.''—AbUnl atarjer. Weaanre B » . Bailer ke w o ^ raoelTe a mart eotdlal wdcam« IT wo eoold oaly pcavaU opoa yoa to aeoepkOr TiBMdala^ InTtlotlon, and alao oaia, prriiape 700 w o u l d have a bitter opts loD of Tomr TtaiaeaMe bcetbrea.

piselsifipt - Her. R K . BaU preached his nuewetl eer-naB%»hlaehiimta.liai«lMt8nndarnlClittoa la>se eoocce>

IB Ma I—l«nmiw He leaVts the eoe* With the lore and coolideBee at the enlli* Baptist brother-

<aC aU tbe poo|>ie with whom he has

n wac oaljr two cr thraa weeks a(n that Bra. Sfaalr and Isiallj •laaljiiitl nfi-1—-- daar, kJTlm daochter, and to he sssneai odled apoa tf> maoia the abeene* «f their lliat> Bora la hard tndaad. W e tender oweooaoiatlaa and pn^en

to 8nk and fiuaUr. The FrnrMenee ehnnh haa a^]ar«la^atlaa8aiaetlnc..tharwnK oT which were twal're ^hmtoaitotiieehnreh. Bra .W .W Baat, the pastor, wsa

SUat W.C.rtUcr, Stale eTancrUst Iba naetlnc at Alto, Blchiand parish, wWehetaead on the O h nil .lesiinen tn aenntr seraa adJUtaoato the eharch.

llsaiula "BaT J.J. HjriaaB hj» been earrrlac oa qmte an ntisitolliu TwestlBK at the Bspttat efanrrfi at BIddleTUle, aad:aidsdaB*an]i nanus ta-tha«hateh iaKlater."-tlm chnntt at CMhw Orsak has salted Rer. I. ELOoaiia

• peatorlar the rear n n . Ps hea not, as rat. tb* eaU.—^Tha ebnreh at aaadcnrllte. T. J.

A*i* ,pwlor.hM rradfsd thbtasa aMfUoiu br haptlsmi till I—Tt tf BSttteaof BieeUovirM»nUrb<ldtt«tabrUw

pasiK »Tb« pnCaHtial nuatlhc at the Sseoad BspOst Chaieh, e; CblomboK, of which Bra. aowai« iapestar.hea baaa rtj aaeesafU. A namber of eamietu hava been bafausd nesntlr, sad tha ehaieb hsa new nearlr obs hnadiad aMBtbd*."-Mtx A proccsctad nuetlnc la la

. ta the Bapnak ebmch «t Loa^Tffie, Jrflknoa itr- The Dooglsanila Omr sers: "At the aaaaal

I a* a pasiar lor the Doodasnila Baptist chaieh. Bsir. g.otKiwdstHpf!

Hr. Babn te a pnaiXnaBtdlttfaaaflhlipan ortheKate.a •asBt apssksr sod a good wotfear In lha ansa orUs Xsslar. W » seluiMS liHa lata soz toldst aad hope that be mar

I hte taamr to tha piaceL' rir-'*aa*JL SLaiaTss, OaokCntoa mtnn.li

L m la Ijaakntila. Ha will atHtnd themlsrtauair tml thaBsmlaaij aaxt rMdar.and thea Issnra lor

1 • — TtOa. Tha taelhna. la Tsniisiii wlU (Itre BR>.araTCBa hsottr walanM."-K & JMbr .—" Bar. John T. AdUaa^oT R'svI,ms1T>0«*a<"*>atrihsabeeaeaII(dtotlHirfaarc« (f a ^ ^ B V h atauTsnBa. aad win eater apoa his datMttiM i m B n i a r t i OoWhir.--Jb«w»*r- Iha

i i y H 'It'sr ' ' ' Titr • ^ — i — f - - o p e n e d 0 0 VoDdar.theflhlaat. n o t I.. M. Stooe. tha principal. Is weU-known In Xbataslppt sad Alstiama aa an able and effi-cient lastrtietar and manacer, and he wUI ned-re a lane share of thdrpatiaaaca. .•FraC.T.K. Bobjr. mtmeilr of Batlis, wlUlaka chats* of tha Fnpentoir Departmaat or lfhalSilpplOoll(c& Bawmssirerr hlchlr reeonunended.'

noeXountalB Female OoUcga opened on Mondar nader the mast tavonUeoticamsoneta. T ^ l s aaeorthevatrllnaecsefaeote la tha State, sad oader the tasdefshlp of Ueaeral tamrr and hia asioelata baa a brll-Uaatmtarebelaralk'—Jl^ihv AnlUttl, BepC VL— ^>Wa b a n Just closed a Tsry prcdooa aaeUac at Pine Bill dwrdh,Uarfce eoaatr>. The Ijotd blesssd oar aObcta, tea badnc teeelTid, elcht br expetlenee, aad two brietter Bnthrea E. B. Rabem^ J. B.Mrlawlnder and Was. Tblc.

In the msallni Tha ehoidi wsa grsetir nvlTsd. TMrtheLoMbaabsescoa<l<lt>«a.''-£ ;r.aMip. IM, XMnrHm, m Andtara BaiHtL——Bra. JosllXBtee

been ordained to the work o( the ulnlsltr br the Ash-taad clinreh. iBspUsta aeadtac thjilr bo?» tr, th« tJnJ TatHtrefMlssladppitblanULaiefeqaasted to send M h n erintrotoetlOB toBn>.Johnaoa3nkUnIheMW Broh. UaTsli, ttiraoUbs to the latsrasiorsashparantsaad their a..Bi to


AlafcasaWi nstun ladtsaandtwagratleroenwanbaptla

Omnir AneatVia wtu dmm alth CmH Cmik shsnll. Ifir—fr—' f»»««T, TSMehnRh hi arar W e t w r * « r Oidsa rtaar. »Dr. Banmtabati

t arsMaoaato rooac maa. Uts flrM b. aad wa tnut that tb* est

raov ksapivRsa to large «easia«alioae of ear "Moaat Cartnst ehareh, Banm

r^vkM^waaoiOBtssd la-t wtater.-laleahhtvsbarptr tmsattaMSMts or tn nMnbeis. It baa to tiM Mbot that Its nAfabsnihaU not

latodMMtowshiportheOalabl^HiicBcaBRhaa tha alt. "The mectlns at Ooneacd, of whh^tgaTsa brtsf skeleh some time staee, mtlaaed nlna dars. Twmtr' two membcn wsia addid to tbe chniea. There wasthe BMst HaorBaahagtuTa.bothInadaootofthaehmefa, that •rer wttnessd. Itaaitr e«eif naeoaTartsd psison tn the eommnaltr beeaiaa tatsnrtad o& the sat^cet of reUckm Tha nMsttn«doasd with ahoat thlrtr sertoos ponoas wk tec the prarsn of the ehoreb. asreral or whom totd ma

ther woaU JMh at tbe next aisatlBK.**-£. JC Dale. t<B», te Jiht saia a n (tif three winks past ire hara bseaetilarlBgaglertaaarsnndinaarAtaviihsi*. Opto the pfMSBt una thera hanbssa ataatMshteeacoarsr-AMsoi^JbaileeBaddltMaatotheeharflh. Otbanara Inc. 'What shMl t do to ha w t a d f AaM(«tlweehw. stsos a Dm n J | ^ s|o. was a oas tfztr rsoia o l d . ^ It wsa eaeorthabrtghMMeaamcstoaal ha«a ever aaesb Z had ao sU enapt from the awBbeiaailheebaieb,ihe wacksdtoestaohlir. WhilaaUdMlbeir datr.I ttoB the aaaiss ot Bretb.J.A.Kr«laaadA.«.asker.who ssaHe aorta sptendHtsnnidajlas the wissrwiK, TO Ood be an llw Ktorr."—tn r. JOmt lm H i i ik J^htf. ^AS tbe adJoamacBt a< lha n a a aattea BapOK Atoodatloa, Bwr Creek cbanh. wa held'h-isrt* ef aweHaei stthat piase. ThaiaMilti a wtoshtke tram thajiwiiiof the


B ^ T e d , by Wythe Lodge N a 2016 K . of H . , That w h i l e mnsimihg tha departara ol Brother Stewart, we

bow in homble s a b m W o n to this Divine dispeoai-


BeeolTed, That in tbe remoral o! oar Brother Stew-

art, oar Lodge haa loat one of ito Iwst aad worthlcrt

memben, oar Older an able advocate, hi* family a kind

hoaband and father, the SUte a good dUien, tbe com*

mnnity a Adlfal phyvcian. and hamahity an e a m ^


BeeolTed, That we extend oar mi neat aympathy to

his family in their boor of de'p afflicUun, and com-

mend them to the care of Him who hsa promfaed to be

a biuhand to the widow sa l a father to the fj^erieaa.

BeeolTed, That to each other we commend " the ex<-

ample of his knigh^y character, of hia pare and Tir*


BeaolTed, That a pa^e of oar record book be net selif-a»d aoitablr inacrilieil to his toemoigr.

BeaolTied,' That t h ^ r e a ^ d t i ^ Ba1^>read o pan oar

miantea, a copy aeot to hm funily. and one e w h In the

Memphis B*rTBT, Knighte of Honor Bapurt^r, and

Somerrille Paieon for pnblication.

J . M . CKKW8, ^

W . G . B B O W K .

J . p . B o n k , M D ,

F . T . SWMCT. M . D . ,


Tlirow oir tnat despoodent splrit-crmb that foellosol deapalr—bech»ItaLtai^prindwell. XnkeSlmm-nMUrer Ragalator, when mind and bddr are depreaieil, with cola aztremltlea. Fever Flmhe . CXietlTeiieai,'daU Bsadaehe, bad taato la Uw moalb. and Indlspoeltlou to stlraboot. FOr oTsr Ibttr yean Simmons ilTsr Recntator haa proved Its (leat Tatos tn all disessw at tha U t s t , Bbwels and KUnsi^ — ^ T t ^ U v aad health to thooaudi who would otbsnrlae bava sank Into anUmelr sraTca "r eadoied tbe tortnre at a UTincttfeath. . •>I was a snllteer tnm Dyspepsia ibr aeTcn.1 reais,aad waiatlasteanllBed taror bed.and si.oaId no doabt'hare remslnsd thsre aniH drath sboaM bSTs come to mr relief, bnttoralHendof mla<« at WeMoa, N . d , reeonnnending Stmmone Ltrer Brcnialor to me, aad at the same lime with areqncstthatljraoldaaa It. whieh I did with the most happr r*«alt. I am now weU, aad eat aarthlng l wish wlthoat anr tad sflflot."

« W . A.««Asaaii, H. Gasloa F. Ow K . O."

W h i c h . — A witty woman in Lowell, M m ,

aakl: " I donH know which to d o ~ g e t xmSr for

a vacation and stay at borne, or not iciel teady a n d

go. Iean«fl)}TdtododUiw,biitcaanotdob(^ .**

Ctoaa conAnamant, cantfol stt«mtk>n to alt httorr

j d & ^ j ^ til* pbyridans aiiuai^ asau a f wavwuMVn wav mu WJV V U T W d B l l a imd medieiBa iii the votld eaftaot help them a s k s tbagr tst oat of doois or o w Hop Bitten, made (rf tbe ponst a ^ best raaaAiaa, tad tipecUly for nA G M ^ h a v f a g a a idtRDidaiiea of health,' •oaahlae ragy d M d m is iham. Krme need anffer If tbey win awtbam fredy. Thof eo* bat a trifle. Sea another oQtnani*

i ...

Q85 Post Office.

-We apprceiale

U W9a«nM.T^ xa>-Yuarrcqn«itattro<l«d lo

X C Waiwr-We caunot euote beian MOT*m> ber-mm^alleacwsiL j

T i ihit^ . M«s.Lfpp..l< r g y staadlajt Meadahlp. Yowstalemenu

W stMC^i pepe£ and wlU aa^et the I M boofc« lor roa U roa wUl tsUoai^rii^toTik. WlUtakeaa Interut la roo. Is Brx. J. M. Wood fma the lar Wsstt

U O Sehols,Tex«a.-W« sand run Old tMd' msrkism, prtee 73 can's, which ratnrn to na

Tt^Mdara with the nidii^ WtU enutle roa to a «opr>

.. ' W . . A —aKeatleat ta Sa • Twwriata

A chance of cUmato la at all ttmd I basdancsnma. There areefemnUi In anew aoMspheie which are inlozloas etpeelaUr when tbe Is exbaasted br eare aad

ovecirpcfc, and which ahooM be cnanled acalnaL Ailer4M!4U.ol)a^Uoaa tia haTe oome to the oonchielon that. Warned Safe lOdnar and Urar CarelsthebeetpreTentlTe ftr atttavbatie erlls and that tt will nstoie health aad tIcoh sooner than anr lemedr whkA haa enr bMd dlaomred.


Cotton planten in.Ifoitaem Texas are employing Chineae labNrera to gather ttelt cotton crops.

Oibbige worms m v ba kiUed by sprinkUng tbe plants with water nearly boiUncbot. lite plants will not be in-jnied.ifttewaterts not too ahandant A tea made of oqrenne pepi^ , i^rinkled on twice a day, will dartroy the worms.

Tbe batter obnlaa in milk bom far-row aowa imd cows ne ari dry, are s n u l W fhaa from raws in flash of milk, ana, in order to' o b W n all the hotter, the cream bold tbe lormsr sbonld be choraed togethu-, and the same of new milk e o ^

Bolpbarbai in fowls when , the afltoctsdfcw.. which mqr be formed hsltatr throat. _ kaowa to

p s M , blow ir down the


Mr V B Tbarcr, the |»pa]ar aad eaierpris iBCiew- ler, hsa remoTe t bisaiaefc al Boods lo Ho as Mala i«tr>«t. (oM Hmtttiu a iwd), when helsflltedapla the t isMflhl He has Ofxaed ajlta hi* nrw stand with oar of Ui» aa<Bt stocks Of watehce otoiki saH Baa Jewalrr lo be fimad ta tiar Mtr to the Boath, 4ad he IbtI es ih>«- wh»<<onUmi>lu* poKbaalac to sl«e bim a call «mt aee Mr UMmajTw that at* t kexxalna «is ifcred. MrTharerisa m^ss&«tanos JaweUer.aad esa»aml»special onlea ptonpUr.aad at tansrkaMr Cheap rates- While ha teapa a IhU Un« of soods e< the best qialltr and ial«st most artlstiedes^tf ran wWi aarthlnKBa«tBacoiA.bevnihin« U made aarroaatshortnotiea. Hlsol4<H«isM stra aalMMttoa to U * costomsta and 1 Icestodo thlsboth ta voalUr or low p r i M Bemsmbar the ptaea, street, (old Banom staad). anNaUa Ooort Noara.

A C H K m C A I . M A R V E I . .

T ^ k a toChemlstiy^ SpsU--taan tig^t^^wtolpSe! 9 M as a n m the B tIbx w S

M t n r hnbblss la tha tbai! Tajouar^ nnui ArndniT

O l m the rars elixir birtb, B e a h ^ aethe Sold seat^

,fkamthebteeltofEs(th. Timeaadlleunee, whatine tMtrt , When AnthSTiu repiSdim

s a thoasano Issaaes awar. ha sick man'sinalaat s5b!


WANTED JSS yineentiarsm-SSBS- 'SSd S ' ^ S T . i»i« aad farms. W . J. HUl

•na aPK Aoo, Anrista.Malae. xUaiSztrM

t w m TMKT w m w i t * VuUwearsaraUktBdsaf.^, •••Vtokha^sVodthetMeraatnrselasalte tSM* sssnlaaa moa


IhrlkaBv . cab,B^asaJc.]

I m a W n a o K s e r . aMkJk.JMn'*

. I>e.Ton

saHstvl p. C. W. O'NEILL, MsnnftrtBrsr of and DoaKr an

H A R N E S S , Siiddles, Bridles, mm, nm miuiinniiiisus C a r n k a , F i r Xeta ,

aaa B s f a « d street, w d r p h i s , T E n , (Bet. Monroe and Union at!}.

•spalitaa r r w e p U j Attsaded ta. CMeheatedTa '


all bis work hr haad. eavlmtte , ^of ,worfc i^^ win beaadsnoHhranr booss In kenphis, B or small. xUllfiB

••-ManaflKt andea not be kuae

icins ffAUB! KVDtrWbKBEtoseaihe

InTaaM. WufknlSSIlrS I T * K e a s n M a ato^klncs. with StBn . and TaKiiaipinii,

teSaUaatea. ItwtUahnkatts^earwta^ of SuMT-woik ISr wktak ther* la a lwdi^ rsa^ maikat. Bend Ikiraltadar and terms to iSrtwmmMr toWttiy Maafclf Caw m Washmcwastrsel.BoM(a,llBsi. x u a a

Music Books fw Sckools. Br

„T1ils Is a asa^ ssat sapert Boas B w ^ with mtymSXj

one, tmarfcan-Maf«.~KfufiiV prenoaswiMshaiabe* i^bty appnmd

ant a

Ml andwUl

hA« ttm Ulfcldr

- ttSlnrjiaasa.

ls(»thsbsst. with a r ^ asm, and

.iMrngff oar new BsMiatfa-adwl Sow


17-Stop Organs voa bar an iBSbnaeat be aore to sre mr lUd-sraaserjonr UtastaMoa. trra. Ad-

baSB side so miidi. snd hsTe

T h n M ^ O a n ^ . worth dt tt kaat ns all wettaad atdatOworkaUtha&ieb s ^ i ^ ^ o n A t ttbsaeostyoaandBiost of

, thansttbbononetolwo bnndred doK lars a^eee to keep sick Uie ssme time.

Salptiitt haii been Ibimd lo a m eronp In fowls wbeo appUed as tol-lowsi Open t ] M i ^ k ^ a f o w l ^ b e a k ,

B ^ h i l f B t o ^ n d -down the throat, ^faree biwe beeij°»P|M>wn to


W . C . O t T e w « h . MeatpMs^Ttom., writes: For weak flassthm, roBsampHea. gayal dabmty, and want of ansMM. t imiafcltjr lesamaMBd (MdanH L W i * * U t a M autael cT «*sr and TOnle laniBtnlor. Saidhratt dn«(iatiL

y M t n m n o w w o o M b » mocb net-n r i r ^ madft n o r e butter and ex> potted ksi beet

jBr. K Hawlt, or ooaaaanna, lad., pro-» O r . B a n % GbBgk Q m p M aa l a l s m -M r i a the «iiaasianllj). K s aaps i t

arMdraalsaSaKtlaHe. Utethepeo. pMiiasady . n i r n m m n U .



aaake IMat tM to « » per week B.«k B W M t n r « « !» , »

I B. L0WENS1JEIN & BB0S. ^ A b K T B S A t t T K i m O N O F P U B C O A S E B S O F

R I T G O O D S Suits, ' Lac Uosieiy, Flannel Linens, Prints,


Cloaks, Silks, Glores, EmbroMeries, Neck Wear, Underwear, Fringes, , Buttons, Dress Goods, Black €(oods. Blankets, Cas&imeres, Domestics, Sheetings, Gingliams, Shoes. P O L I T E A T T E a m O X A H D T H E T E R T l A W E N T P R I C E S

e C A R A B f T E B D .

B. LOWElSTSTEIISr & BROS. 3 4 9 M A U 8 T K E B T . M L E M P B I 8 , T E . m

>ui u a


S59 Main St.. Mempliis, Tenn. DRY GOODS, ULUNEBT, FANCY GOODS, MEN'S

ft cunmNG, CABPm -fiLt ISTew York PricesI L BBXE BBOTHEBS, 259 MAIN ST.

a B i i t »

UTEST-UBfiEST-BEST. ( U « t B i « T e r U S ^ T a r i i ^

4600 ixinr<ai» B i o K B ^ b l M l moOuamrr araiar 9700 Xms.

atnaiiaHi ,

l ^ B U X S T O X

FEMALE COLLEGE xa tas hssft^tha KnmOtmm ha-

^ . c - M o c t a n

SiSit ca^ThsliilBtirSL

S I 8 6 T B U B JS A P T I S O ? -

'ur IS inu. m ffiiiwiionn.'


A rpu Am n ^ .r SE otr THE

X i a ^ s o f a n d D i s e a s e .


UilU Ifiurj « m m fuiBsn p^eoir ^Jd Practice of ^ediciBe,for Family Us6.

Jr •'w*»eJ6i«acil.<wir«lei , JTi., .'i .

ISTo^vr J l e a d Y l

I''Baptist Poctiilii^,

CluitlUMsa the toatkeut

I, aiHl la


OKly UM BwnUac Mcnrfav •wt JlmpUa.

nM)msmiliUUii«tlUaraa(alMmlC«ai>blii DOB I. « S Il«»at» iM M J(4ln «tmt. Tbaaiwt

^ : reader.

•lakle« ]

emnaUe, honert trthe iinnmiloo knd analjxe ; —r mmnoer. Its vr, Mai tkr tbe

Ulifa rnmsijs 4 \wmit

Baptist Faltit and Practice

oiiEi nm-irLmm.


I teknwlMc akMU SM |Hi«ca. KIcsutIr PrteM UMl UlMtoatML

EST A B LISDED, Are kir»U<i «tJ «nd o«ur to lhl» ltn», can Iw rMMdwd lB4iivUitIitoai7 «t« MUCeMlej FortlelMli ud tertlier ln*aniutlen apply

ta •TAMBBFEED.TIelutAs.nt. SSrHainstmt,

ttr twpot nfltot hMMt at Umtn M«mpl>tfc


M . a . C M j ^ x a & C O . ,

R e l i a b l e F a r m I m ^ p l e m e i L t

- - S E E D D e a l e r s ,


i; - • PBICE: , lis?™ M«ll«gwJtli SMs nil* In Kull Laoher—— IW


361 Main S^ect, MpiPHlS, TENN.

a E O B O E M i r o H j F x r ; : WliBT^Bu:, Horn.tx * co.,) tta.

M. mum nttjf Ymimmm tthnrr. Wbalt •amkii' iiagM Ui Ubary «3la. iUrbtmimimr

aaatta Booliatv A- a Detail Mnm qn—jon Boo*, (j. «. ir«T«)


vnwWI CttL KteTOdHUam on BUito Uoemaa inr. J.

elii. f^c^HMimaaBmnu a. akaekt

F U B N I T I I R E , C A B P E T S ,

Curtains, Oil Clotlis UKssr m IKT ASMHI® S^^^ mcR

NO. 30S JtAiir S ^ E y /

M e m p h i s , - . - v : .

— — i V xuigii,

Sermons by the Key : B ^ p n ^ e o i


The BAPTtn BOOK Botnoi la llie aceat fat ItaDcaan and UladialppL Acaata vaatcd, to wixMn Itbeni dtaeoanta wilt ba ilviMi. Addraaa. • -. tT


Wbare we lukTa no Aceofc tb« book idft •rat iqr mall, poatpud, on rclMpl or prlN. — ^ iritf • . • fllll Ticlorl9as-P»iir'Tram ' - Ja Vaer Tlke Haa«b«r

Trebled Erenr Tear.


•*nHlBr-«iiMKt rrltami M Ba«n. wltb

fll*a«ad IWI fldtate^ lei e* Aar «C Uwalxnrainokii nat br maU, omi


nm SMiac WUh an IntraliKttOB and Skatah hi. Ulte. fcy Rer K L Jtafoon, 1> n. Wllh a One atwtplste portaUt-I TiX.Hmo.cUXh : • ^ - -it- H'



So Cure, Ko W .

I BmoikI Banaa. CSmitalnlac a nav ata»l> Plata portrait. ractHTed arpnaair tha mniac ] gg

TWm Holca. Ctoatalnlnc a atofl-platv aotnTtncof SarTfT Maae Hall, ton-dm.anvadaspra'KlyibrUwTolnme I u

roonii dertaa. CantaloUis. 91 Sennoaa. . . X Ot

nnh Barlaa. uinatraud wtth iTaiw atml Plata, lepreaniUuc tha ICct C H "Potaaao ptaaetUtiK in Sorrey Mvo Haai TOLlAno : { gg

SixthBolaa. Woatmea wltti»flDa»t«I ptataorilrSpitncMn'k Raw Tkbrnuela. I ToLlZnio, elotb . j »

"tranth Bwlca. j Bmo, elo«h_„_ i to KltfithBertaa, l noL Bmo. elolit » XlBili Sartca. I m. ismo, elotli-..: i Monlnc br JliarBlBt; or. Dally B«ad-_t"«»- I »ol. Bmnu- I a Branlac by Smanx; or, Bndlna at . KnntUhk, 1 CTJ. •. --t; , ji,,, J ttma. Brta« frauant l-tiwuw ft»it»«ia Banaoaa or tba Rar.C H Qpnrrna. or tondmu 1 Tot, nmn. ,.>mI. • ; up

The Saint iod fcta Ttor. I »ol. Umo... l a aiding. Araamt tftb Bheavaa. treL ,


HbiI, poat-pald.on rwaiptbr prW. AMt^

John n««hmaliVTi«Bi;o,, PUlnAdi ID]

Featbm lor Arrowal } toI. Umn i « Typcaasd KmwawaiBrin«aCbUa«ioo or Retmona praaabcd on Baaday and Tbonday avaaln(a attlia XetropoUlan TAboTMcle. I Tn<. Chno, cioUi ,

to' my StadaiiiB. A ' inn «4wa AMnmm dellTind.to fttf Sta-dMtt ortba Faaiorii Oollers Mabotiol-

_tip «nUo» a^ Commwitailaa. tohaiktiTwfcffto the etbdeeta oi um» Faator Oa|]<«e. taci>Uier wltb a Uit o(

Rporccon liOetatc on "Eeewtrto thxmralaoaeomplcta IWo( an or Bparcroo Sannooa pcbUdwd In

mooa; arttb tn<iexaiaraerlpt>te1Mi, fiid mtiMltato U r<al%o<'Ui«.Ua i la

IB aad BiBrlls|i •ENTITLED TBB ' >i

DnBtmlnlnaUw. L ' ' ..

• byOmpoatanTCeaiptariMBi* I .>.1! Tf!"! * »«** ta no» eomptota. Tu.

taadar nay

D. W. miUIIES, B«M«rlB

WATCUES , CLOcil^ I Jewelry, SilTWatfdl Haled

Ware. - W aataMMo«.j,

aatd«*anlMm.araaatby aall JmtSS


1 ofaa BAPriWBoJacTOcS*


W ^ e r ' s S a f e ^

Kidney S Liter

c i m m .

$1.^5 PER B O V ^ • AM. B M W , UTer aad Vriinacy Twmmi^ mr Wth Bale aa« Peauile..

KBAD TBB BJBCOUt: Uaaw lay )m<-M M rilt . Mm,

- a k . . ^ ' wid tka ba with U. TMa «mt SU*ral BcMedy

Is Mr Me hr Brassutaia aU P rte eroie Wevld.

Try it and Take No Other. H/B|. WAMfB A/CO.,

B^eMer,M.T. ^^aM by W N WUkanon A Oo liampbla.


la he Tearijr




It MMalaatka LataatTa »a»*He*w« lw*l 1

•kte r ^ 11 l« (ki

' ' . .Ja' iiMi~'*Mi>>.; '

Ttta aaa aaa>l noaay to tbia •Otor, whw ytm lamll ««rTn BAPTtn. aiMt «• «UI taka plaaMlM m Itaaaiiic It u> tba imhOiliaN

JR qmy awJUOTica

B o g ^ ^ i C t e ;

P i t l N T E B S , BOOK PCBIUSinSKf,

mins I HUH MM luoucniuii a<k.«U aalaMrM*.

nnPHU, - - - TB»Bi.


Betlp« trpaa OiM^ WtDOcro Otnmi,

iah a m ii&m no. Ait M dm la tiM aaoat

OrB BTAIIfOVEKT Uotthabaat

An aapia. oar AMa iMDaaUaw

T M m i ^ A - P T i a n ^ - 3 8 7

_ . lu Patwmr artfca •aalfc." ' Wlachester, PntUoia Ca. • . . . . Tcaaceeee.

aifaJS SRJSSSSedSiSSSf' teti^lMtitBttaB.aM nriii»B*i«ci

SadtSI SLladSSuar, ^ tbai

»a and tnfcnnattoe aomlM «0B-• Bcnli or tfe9 Ohio taaeh^'aS^^ ar. thattl»ah«l.b and "."•B'l.Dee ioe weeniBS aneasaaapieaieaocii tlial lBdtS«aataoe<i baeooM liijwBa:;S1Vadyfca 5tTa

PwrtbaLtalad by a lnll.«bla and

ToltloainOalteKUta Department pm " ** Intatiaedlaia- ~ " " '

:;—atoig, BotlBalodlBg matiml -• Drawtag - ,

imlata be ooehaF la adTaaram

_ ( « - » « • - < « •

iJS - 1 _ 1 -U

I . S . W I I . K I N S , (Sa r ta T. CLABKB * e*)

F i n e W ^ a t o l i e s , J e w e l r y


S T E R L I N G S I L V E H W A - R E

No. 290 Main Street,


•H fUiM Bda Ut Biy JBttna.--ABtda Bop Sttxajanah doctor -TkakkmBdwifivuoaet, Adte

aiOdcu ba Badatk* pictaiaof bcalUi vSUi Hop Bkim,"

ndaair to tal» rltrakr Ooaljlyticaiia.

401 soil deMttoTi tet thattaMooatii-id * ' ^

•• PklTaidaae of aS KhotJt MS ttA TBTtiuiuwiaHcpatam TtetOcm."

" Item tM noa OBOI nade-aiU neat BWrnftm «a oHMrBwaMaM." ' "Wtan the train h •wearied, the Bcrwa

tlie mzma» Jnak AHBOII

•nd vcakaei ctOi Icr HopBlUoa? Hop ^S^COT Md P^ Rafiaf it

naana SOT and CtMB ' IbraablTaBdiBbt.. taatobgrT.lt. Wtlkanaa A Oa,. Mm


Ik fSMigi ay^i ifiii i

C B U D E N ' S

Complete Coneordanee Toxmi

H o l y Scr iptures ;

iieniuir m AIHIUIKU. am n m liu

»T AixxAaptat cBCDgjr u. x. ^ay«t X. «aaalBtlw BMa auy

brv^tCir aofltopnaalial yorda, _ — •• -1 la " ' • OL AaaaeoaatoCJawtah I • laiiitaayaawariaaiiy i

Aalbar. A Saw Mill aa ordinal Ubitftba


The Great Oiarch Light rBIItK.<8 FAnDTT BETUECrOBa

,tliaaKaardepala,atB. SavS •alia ataeoriaamaad sat ettealar and «a.

I H II iM a



F E M A L £ C O L L E G E

.KBcatma aotad tar iwalthftilMai aad ocw

lOWBiT A BBBBT, PrapttetMa.

xuiis Asa««BI«

MUMaa ikaeraaeMjr nrvfavd.

Ona Val_1b>y<l tni aimli - W B TMa la Iba gmnln* and eoUir ndiilna «(

UMMaaaaa-CTwaicbciwaM hinmrrut,! PabteiwaHinittauabinnbv t nm rvodad aanamtlai to lu onaipiaiMwai acd •• IntlBanmplKtlbiBillbaa ««ar braa NaftMWI aa Inline to say allMr va*k a( Uh> klMt. !«» T"W?a» Wtll b* rtVM »M<1.liM. mr rtiTW mr mtwrr VrnfUhM.

BAnmr iwok aoca; Hempbta. lytui,


C M E M D B M H I B m



B a i ^ i l ^

a S I S B W B * * . — ' lamfii


iwiMi'w I I '

' _ '••-n'

SZXi w K t O O M

Uw- »

It'^niU**. ar»ry BMtW.'WWlfct'W


W C K e « « « . By WJtMM^ flbtttMiw •» IB* (Mstm*

rMM «ww iwSrSJ-

^LtlM MMr* XMlMil^Br S d i ^ T .

S S - u S r - ^

nniThit ITT ** Meimw* w

«M>mt omtazy

IB leao. S i

, tutMuamm. \

• S S E * ^ ^ * ! T J S S : to K

, snna alUiMawfcJM Hapu«t —tUU»a»J)0»nur^ aiptauare

aet TOtttt, Mwy »»» anMptlmrt, unit u valid, tea •uMlMaaikMirant drardtem.

^^ - l>Tta»hr BuOUWaliir-BjuPTBkr — . w i y i T M i a .

B S B A n t _ jirtaMMtMwawiiUHW-Ko WMsIl ^«tB>M« book «B kic&l dlOmuw b«w««a

attllleUUidMBbM m t b w fn-

• f«»Tt

K f f S f ^ r

- . r • O u r P i d l ^ t .

-i- — — — — — . ^ . - - , ' I I I ——

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a g g m s . • H M H . o C T t t i « a i m i e i r x m . K .

how Ul M ik


^ a a B L . F B X A M I N A T l Q N .


I w a a u M t o U rw.ex»n«« J* «>• -«Oar-

iSoBapiiitMl tatawte « « ot tbe Wghat Im-t l v a t a ^ Thecoooinaof tWaworidmie

tolMiMpindwitliUMHn. V*ntty.i» written in evcqrtbins pntaining only.

l ^ ^ U f e . W l y ^ w a a w t W y honoo, phswuia.

do aol •nririB » » W o d B oitatt U K H I ^

tM poMio in »meh e o n w i " " "jiiB^jga

UW «r IBM «t Benyiana ^MStwwnrttfr-*—"

S i WtoTwhldi ini(^toM«cwiBe*ttiKtto ihc^. not lUnitadb, the

time, m a y me«ure y e m

S f J a t n l t y . H o w moowntoM wUl they v w ffS^Kifelamltyl InTtewol the ftcilh^

S S S T i - d e e W w ol d - t l n y . l t l - t h ^ ^ l

to pot cbaaetar to t h e - t a ^ ^

Mjtoifcwaibe .-SnjSXXAHIHA'nON.

it will be to aotke,— ^ L ^ r m r B i ^ oif w . ttte «ni>y be w g n ^

J l u s toiteSve In letatfcw to eUaost evety-



iOBiy MpJcen. Mkny -

pnbibttioaocairtak, Matwwnokhkfctt."

i y , HOpoB n y wonl.'* •^Upon » y koooe,

- etc.. fantetttag tl«t W Let yoo* yen he yei^ M d yooi ney. " <*»»•

niiiiglewBiMknMdeltt d t a w m i M W ^ J I * ^

8on,*IHaKl, Itmay be, wottafie*

Werfo m e e t W e do a iMy tUac»

wioiW. «Kl the imiay wwOting " V ^

and ftMBMhins. Oftem howwfw,

^ what we do. Weect,«iwe^ieelc.wltt«rt


W e d n taL thoi«ht end toeUnf. The heart to de-

celthiL aectet Bins may imk thae, the exiitai«

oTwhldiwedo not bur motfvee to become ttnetmed with i r n p n ^

Thna there a t e ^ of the toagne. etoof ^

life, and dna beeii. H o w « » ortert

tbemTOleaweejMmUieoBiwlwiT a n n ddcrto TOBonncetf n to ell detection mnBt piebete to deoMdMtau a®-

examinaUon ilk thaefem. Beeeeauy.anitt

ibdndethedlKovayolBliM In w«ri% te^to

tho<u5hl»,lnfceUn«». The proprlely of

to imonarttnnaWe.

n . few * H » P B O C W Ojr S^EXAHIKAWoaf

should BK OtMUHJCtHJ. l.1HiMa>oUwmappeaUotht^ « tt^Jf

t r h e n p c ^ Aodld beiwoaiiiantai wahl««-

m t t a


. ^ t k t i n toJhwmwILMar*!^ «re

iMtr C M C i i tod*. W * n u i l ^ -

the te*l,*Xxamlae yumaeivM wheUMtjre

heJatheMth.** la^ipoK that l ^ t a h n e i e -

taedtoMoblectiw end t n t ^ v e - t h e t ii to

a*y,Cte«litheoh|ect«d the Ui ienttlM . *-

Moffelth . W e wMMOittkln whether w e ^ . iBthetemitntiiietwe^ldtenn. W e uiMtnff -tfdcrnotheriiutafthetexi: "PcDveyoincoim

fiioia M h d i e i e toted hy theBMiehing i f f ^ i f

a«'*telnee> fn.*^ The ten S B M tet OMiil

tote w If we a » bear the tept lo w l ^ we 8(9

aai^aeted. w e « «

tUiiemMsnbittes. The lattK l n a to to binwHiliuwIln Thri^'- Uataelilaa

S S S l W t . Whet n d d l « h t « ttaigM

S S t t S T e t e " Ctotottoto

BtoweU to heie Unt i* .ottr peJplte, In W

kmM.inaarlliecatn(e. in W eteedi ; int tn-

ntewly Importaai to h a w him in na-in ear


U L T u MsaariHOif bojt j d l u o k a w p * .

h c y a i e n d i w t h M e s —

1. Jfwe jbidmmmitm dteM we eny

ttt^daie. The pnhebiliy of qnlerttng h to

m A n M l f w e exemlne ammifm. MeO,

theietoBopmliibllUyof reetitriog the m W ^




' UMl SIkJpMCtlClh


f «>•?« " -uaipMM.

. t o e M M ^ ; lUMaMmlmk


. U «Ut te i «ttt> u> tmrnu. Imtat

•^tn® WW

Ytwn aaU aar** tnicM Hr UM wMatlcd t.-brMlMri •Kirciu PIVMIS eloUi, tUO. .

-EaiK iaini>Ki.-» mAVumem. at wmM, ,

IS Ml - blTU— ,, _

UKjiu^ lit oua UuU mitrr luilr m.

FIWWlBMfci- — — .T.fnmti' TbaMUkitMlillHUItn• - Um ymat tmuntiMmm

imirtan.JOT itaHaUtaa>nia^ Mt aor menam at emeeleiiee.

_ « mat of tt is not Our finu •!( (w fUMtaMMKILSK,

or UMf atrnnaBta Oa. WUtor. ftaUw. Waurkufte^oBaad ottiaiK^A vataaM MS^radt-MnaU 1M ciEaanr nad. ta

r T M S ' M K . airman.

t'MwVioarAft 'iLMi irroriTCMfc'

. c raemuur r j J U M X x e . ' 'Br or. v.

Tkc Oilatlaa H l i — y . OBntahitna

lt5?!!lTl«• i K «alfcananiim ao-


aiiidaMiM.wuii«i ^ ^ ^ ^

k>a«taMlaB.--iaW<B Buata l«ii>i»i ft*

- - - -- - -——mbmioh lUi rSMnoo

fiSBf^sar •--ter-

ta •Mi'to Uw nkiMatraU UM i t a f ^ poM^UMlalM. CMt^MpaaMTiK

i m f i ^ S S e S S ^ ^ i S i ^ ^

CtanA IhfTh-

Vltoi thqrnrt be

deoelTeiip^tlMir eidritael eflhlis? The Sa-vtor eiMwen thtoqoeBtkm In t h m words :—

" H o t n i r r one that «dth nnto me, I«rd. Lotd, ahell enter Iidp tHwUngdom <rf heaven ;bat be that

doethlhewm ( ^ m y Ather irbo to In h w T w .

Miayirffl w t o me In that day,. Lord.* Lord,

te^wenoipraphoi^ in thy name? and In th^

h a m have Sat edt devlto f and in thy name dooemanywboderMwwIuY AndtSiBii^ I

pnta i onto them. laeyertoewyoh : d W t f t o m .

S S S t h a t work Iniquity." (Matt. v iLa-») . It •eanathattbepenboBhete nterredto w n i p to

Selotementdeceived.iu^ that the i ^ b e r i t f

themwittiMtbe tow. bat " m a n y . " tt adf-

dMntIait .Mweaek ^ b l e . f t a h o o l d beat-

r l S ^ a ^ - ^ z a m h i a t l o a . In what other m y

a w it he t Hcnr can yon M «»*

• • n a oespsi. M M a r m m


a "" H,

^ jr w an CkriMimM we akdm acquaint o«r.

•efwt ^ tltteomdUiM^ tmr (Xri^

SometlBwedthto abonibaDd shows woDderfol

^ I t t U e a t r a ^ <niete ate periods when tlw

^ a l ^ there are other periods when

S S t f l a m e s S a l w e l i ^ to e x p i ^ Zeal inay be or lai«nld i hii^ may W ^ ^ ^

o r M i e : i o m U l t y p i v ^ t e j < « aopetfiefal;

S S S S S I S w the stele of

sncei^wbetfaertt to meh ae to;jtai% i^gloiB J w or flsU tbr poidteBaal s ^

SSttwitttothlnCii^tixBff la B ^ y ^ ^ ^

be wrong, to Often wraoK. Nortoltwtoe • »

GhrtotliM to " meeanre thensdvtt ttMMlVBa

and cbmpaie themselves with themsdves.*' W e

musi go d b ^ to the /BDile to learn «hatto

rigW to ftdth. In experleiM and to praetloB.

i. Hffon Oodtif tte

pmkmM frtmt of <mt mimi^ rotter tkm

oeeoboRof MMoOoM. The**ataay-sK»Bd heannk"

were flUed with Joy. but tt was tianriettt.paartng

away like the momiog dood andlhecBdy

OnderappealaJhn ^ p e l p a ' m » i h u T M -

liwtooileB entied to a catsin rhai of

Th«y aieimpotoiv^awl theb M l n c i arellttd.

It woddbeveiy anwtoetodecUInt on letigioia

diancis to teke toto anoontooquloiial faeiiBga,

and ^Ustegard the predominant stete of teatbd

aodbnut. la

$. IHt»fmpartiaBf!f. W e m m * be honert be-

foieQod. ^ e m w t not indnlgete aeU-flittmr^

W e m w t not aOow any to have aflnrk.

Ing plaee totteheatl. W h i t • iiAyltwoaldbe

to make a partial, oieeldid ID fimaif m ' y s . .. • — . •

ptomplBd by seiMove^ when Ctortls w t e p i c f all

maiedoing! l A ^ s h o o M be 18081 aeiaBn l »

watfaJitytntheaemtiny to w M d i westtt#Mte^

whole p R « i i to violated wilhoirt thlsL

4. tPUA eanalfnvv. While w e

tieirts, we nmst pnqr • • did the ,

Mgeai^ ^ O Ood, iwl taww BW hertj tiy

m ^ a n i i m r t r m y tho^ihto: aarfeee If them be

any w k ^ W to mei and taiid me to Om m y

«eed Cto^^ the

pttfotmaobs of e w y daty. aad aMer It it

than when eogage to the work of

SaMvea . TheMiae,BodDiat,tlaias

the tovor ofOod. They have e a r m e ^ f i ^ aad

i. If, on umnfiMfirm, we deeUe ftaf tw ift

CkHUkmt^ii wm exBe^maitginai^loOiA

TheedMll w « h i i M d ; to adoptUm words of

FfltK: *<Bl9Bedl»theQodaBd Father of our

l4)id teas Ghrtot, who •OBording to tis ahead

aatmvg'tokthbvtten nagatotoalivciylMiis.

by the tesarraetkm of JeiBs cairisl J h m tiba dead,

to an inhetlteace tooatniypllliie, nadefiled and that

^ X a wmammtmgnaSgto m ^tn^midf-

jmt , itoBilisiaaioteitthatweareodtihelXHd'*

a ldeweahattbeh^^ . WeahaBl flad.to^that

the Jay af theliocdkoiirirtreivth. ThtojkKythe

fl^itoa of the world c a n M ^ v * . nor ean its ftowas

tskettawqr.; __ < hmm. Tbtm

whohaveJiBsaaau£lto them, wIQ enlongbe

whereteto-be with him to qiend the ages of eter-

nity to htoptaasneeu W m l f i tftoipeetr B o w

fari^ the gioiy to be r e v a ^ >


1. atostnn^thattheday ofaetf^CTinl^

to neatly iMsleetod.

r i t o a ^ t o one fndtfal canss

i a ^ . • . ^ • • Z.- WhitfdMllXaqrto sinoenwhoia* aawfi'


XasUXlAtSB T O T H E . t f l A T B OOsSVXS-

X I O S . T A K E

. / - I t o h f o t ^ . wim

OmventiaD to Oetobcr, P»t • ««»

n a d t toeoovenienn a ^ a d i a c ^ -

KnarriUei Tesuu,

