OUR READING HABITS 4th level Primary

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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4th level primary school students write about their reading habits



Primary students: 2nd and 3rd cycle


April-June 2014

Valentina Arbeláez

Hello! My name is Valentina. I like reading. I like novels. My favourite books are Aventura en Nueva York and Princesa de los Hielos. I read in my bed. I read on Saturday and Sunday.

Leslie Nicauri Caraballo

Hello! My name is Leslie. I love reading. I like adventure books and novels. My favourite books are El Club de las Princesas en las Torres Plateadas and La Excursión a las Cataratas del Niágara. I read in my bed and in the kitchen. I read in the afternoon on Monday.

Xinbo Chen

Hello! My name is Xinbo. I like reading. I like novels and science fiction books. My favourite books are Na Barriga do Dragón and ¡Agarraos los bigotes…que llega Ratigoni!. I read in the kitchen. I read in the afternoon on Saturday.

Iverson Yerai Chiza

Hello! My name is Yerai. I like reading. I like books. My favourite books are Diario de Greg and Yo descubro Dinosaurios. I read in my bed in the morning. I read on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Alicia Conde

Hello! My name is Alicia. I like reading. I like novels and comics . My favourite books are Robin Hood and El Gigante Egoísta. I read in my bed in the morning.

Xaquín Conde

Hello! My name is Xocas. I love reading. I like comics. My favourite books are Las Aventuras del Rey Arturo and One Piece, Amanecer de una Aventura. I read in my bed in the morning on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Noa Domínguez

Hello! My name is Noa. I love reading. I like comics, novels, adventure books, information books and science fiction books. My favourite books are Mortadelo y Filemón and Asterix y Obelix. I read in my bed in the afternoon.

Carlota Fernández

Hello! My name is Carlota. I like reading information books. My favourite books are Londres, Grandes Secretos para Pequeños Viajeros, París, Grandes Secretos para Pequeños Viajeros and Violeta, Historia de un Triunfo. I read in the living room in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday.

Paula Gómez

Hello! My name is Paula. I love reading. I like comics, adventure books, information books, novels and science fiction books. My favourite books are El Misterio de la Muñeca Desaparecida and La Enciclopedia de los Animales. I read in my room at night. I read every day.

Alberto Manuel Hernández

Hello! My name is Alberto. I like reading. I like novels. My favourite books are Un Disparatado Viaje a Ratikistán and El Secreto del Lago Desaparecido. I read in my bed in the afternoon.

Íñigo Irureta

Hello! My name is Íñigo. I love reading. I like comics. My favourite books are El Flautista de Hamelin and El Soldadito de Plomo. I read in my bed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Noa León

Hello! My name is Noa. I love reading. I like novels and science fiction books. My favourite books are La Llegenda de Sant Jordi and Buscando a Nemo. I read in my bed and in the kitchen. I read in the morning and in the afternoon on Monday and Thursday.

Yudeski Cristal Manzano

Hello! My name is Yudeski. I love reading. I like adventure books. My favourite books are Pedro y el Lobo and Alicia en el País de las Maravillas. I read in the kitchen in the morning.

Wileynner Alexander Marcano

Hello! My name is Alexander. I love reading. I like novels. My favourite books are Geronimo Stilton, La Puerta Encantada and El Bosque Embrujado. I read in my bed at night.

Roi Martínez

Hello! My name is Roi. I like reading. I like adventure books. My favourite books are El Tesoro del Dragón and Buscando a Nemo. I read in my bed in the morning.

Bruno Rivera

Hello! My name is Bruno. I love reading. I like information books. My favourite books are Guiness World Records 2014 and Pepe Gotera y Otilio. I read in my bed in the afternoon. I read every day.

Miguel Ángel Seara

Hello! My name is Miguel. I like reading. I like adventure books, information books, novels and science fiction books. My favourite books are Geronimo Stilton, Viaje en el Tiempo 4 and El Secreto del Lago Desaparecido. I read in my bed in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday.

Luis Jorge Silverio

Hello! My name is Luis Jorge. I don´t like reading. I like comics and novels. My favourite books are Na Barriga do Dragón and El Tesoro del Dragón. I read in my bed at night at the weekend.

Zaida Varela

Hello! My name is Zaida. I love reading. I like comics, adventure books, information books, novels and science fiction books. My favourite books are El Tesoro del Dragón and Na Barriga do Dragón. I read in the kitchen. I read in the morning and in the afternoon on Wednesday.

Karla Zoilo

Hello! My name is Karla. I like reading. I like novels. My favourite book is Na barriga do Dragón. I read in my bed in the afternoon on Friday.