Outlier Detection Based on Robust Mahalanobis Distance and Its … · 2019. 1. 23. · 1School of...

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Open Journal of Statistics, 2019, 9, 15-26 http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojs

ISSN Online: 2161-7198 ISSN Print: 2161-718X

DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2019.91002 Jan. 24, 2019 15 Open Journal of Statistics

Outlier Detection Based on Robust Mahalanobis Distance and Its Application

Xu Li1, Songren Deng1, Lifang Li1, Yunchuan Jiang2*

1School of Economic, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China 2Department of Anatomy, Division of Basic Medicine, YongZhou Vocational Technical College, Yongzhou, China


Classical Mahalanobis distance is used as a method of detecting outliers, and is affected by outliers. Some robust Mahalanobis distance is proposed via the fast MCD estimator. However, the bias of the MCD estimator increases sig-nificantly as the dimension increases. In this paper, we propose the improved Mahalanobis distance based on a more robust Rocke estimator under high-dimensional data. The results of numerical simulation and empirical analysis show that our proposed method can better detect the outliers in the data than the above two methods when there are outliers in the data and the dimensions of data are very high.


MCD Estimator, Rocke Estimator, Outlier, Mahalanobis Distance

1. Introduction

With the advancement of information technology, all fields have gradually en-tered into the era of big data. In addition, with more comprehensive research data in various research fields, it also brings trouble to the processing data. In the case of more variables that need to be detected, collected and processed, the greater the probability of errors will cause, the more the number of outliers in the data will increase. In fact, the data will be affected by various complicated and uncertain factors, as well as the occurrence of outliers due to the accuracy of the instrument, statistical omissions, and operational errors. Therefore, detect-ing outliers are generally required before analyzing data. Due to the increase of the probability of occurrence of outliers in high-dimensional data, it is more ne-cessary to detect outliers in high-dimensional data. For one-dimensional data, there are many methods for determining outliers, e.g., three standard deviation

How to cite this paper: Li, X., Deng, S.R., Li, L.F. and Jiang, Y.C. (2019) Outlier De-tection Based on Robust Mahalanobis Dis-tance and Its Application. Open Journal of Statistics, 9, 15-26. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojs.2019.91002 Received: December 28, 2018 Accepted: January 21, 2019 Published: January 24, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2019.91002 16 Open Journal of Statistics

standards, box plots [1], etc. However, in high-dimensional data, because some variables may have a certain correlation, the exception of one of the variables does not indicate that this is an outlier, so the method of detecting outliers for one-dimensional data is not directly applicable to high-dimensional data.

There are many methods for detecting outliers in high-dimensional data. For example, leverage value [2] [3] [4], Mahalanobis distance [5], genetic algorithm [6]. Previous studies include: Yan et al. [7] proposed anomaly diagnosis based on leveraged large dataset sampling, Shi et al. [8] proposed a high-dimensional out-lier detection algorithm based on genetic algorithm, and so on. The classical Mahalanobis distance is a common method for detecting outliers. However, it is a method based on sample mean vector and sample covariance matrix. Since the classical mean vector and covariance matrix algorithms are sensitive to outliers, the classical Mahalanobis distance is also sensitive to outliers. Many authors have proposed robust estimation methods for mean vector and covariance ma-trix, such as S-D estimator (Stahel (1981) [9], Donoho (1982) [10]), MVE esti-mator [11], MCD estimator (Grübel R, 1988) [12], S estimator (Rousseeuw and Yohai, 1983) [13], etc. At the same time, the robust Mahalanobis distance is proposed in the literature based on the robust mean vector and covariance ma-trix. In addition, the fast MCD estimator [14] is widely applied since its compu-tation is simple and fast, and it has high robustness. In 2005, Wang [15] pro-posed a robust Mahalanobis distance based on fast MCD estimator. In this pa-per, the robust sample Mahalanobis distance is calculated based on the fast MCD estimator. Compared with the classical Mahalanobis distance, there is a good improvement in robustness. In 2014, Feng et al. [16] applied the robust Maha-lanobis distance based on fast MCD estimator to the analysis of LiDAR point cloud data. In 2017, Maronna and Yohai [17] pointed out that the bias of the fast MCD estimator increased as the data dimension increased, and then proposed a Rocke estimator. The paper shown that with equal efficiencies, comparing to S-D estimator, MCD estimator and MM estimator etc, the Rocke estimator has the best robust when the data dimension was larger than 15. Also its computing time is competitive for data dimension was less than 100, and can presumably be im-proved. Due to the increasing number of variables in practical applications, and MCD estimator is not robust under high dimensional data, we need a robust Mahalanobis distance algorithm for high-dimensional data. Thus, in this paper, we propose a robust Mahalanobis distance algorithm based on the Rocke esti-mator. The numerical simulation and a real data analysis show that our pro-posed method can better detect the outliers in the data than the Mahalanobis distance method and the robust Mahalanobis distance base on the fast MCD es-timator when there are outliers in the data and the dimensions of data are very high.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the principle and application of Mahalanobis distance and the basic principles and algorithms of Rocke estimator, and propose an algorithm for detecting the out-lier of robust Mahalanobis distance in high-dimensional data. In Section 3, si-

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mulation studies are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods. In Section 4, a real data set is analyzed to compare the pro-posed methods with the existing methods. A discussion is given in Section 5.

2. Methodology and Algorithm

2.1. Principle of Mahalanobis Distance

The Mahalanobis distance was proposed by the Indian statistician Mahalanobis [5]. It represents a covariance distance of data, which can effectively estimate the similarity of sample sets. Compared with Euclidean distance, the Mahalanobis distance considers the correlation between features and is dimensionless. For a p-dimensional data ( )T

1 2 3, , , , px x x x x= with mean vector

( )T1 2 3, , , , pµ µ µ µ µ= and covariance matrix Σ , the Mahalanobis distance is

defined as follows:

( ) ( ) ( )T 1ΣMD x x xµ µ−= − − (1)

It can be understood as the difference between the mean of x and the sample data, that is, the difference between x and the total sample position. If the dif-ference is larger, it is considered that the possibility that x is not the total sample source is greater. In addition, when Σ is an identity matrix, the Mahalanobis distance is the same as the Euclidean distance.

2.2. Application of Mahalanobis Distance

In data mining, such as clustering, classification and other algorithms, the dis-tance function is applied, and the Mahalanobis distance is one of the most commonly used distances. Furthermore, in the field of signal processing, infor-mation security, and even biomedicine, astronomy is inseparable from the con-cept of distance. Therefore, the Mahalanobis distance is very meaningful for these researches. For a set of samples ,n pX with n and dimensions of p, we first calculate the mean vector µ and covariance matrix Σ of the sample ,n pX , and then calculate the Mahalanobis distance of each sample. We identify wheth-er a point is an outlier, a threshold is needed. We know that ( ) ( )Tx xµ µ− Σ − approximates a chi-square distribution with a degree of p. Therefore, given a confidence level α, if there is ( )2 1pd χ α> − for a certain sample, then the sam-ple is an outlier, and vice versa.

2.3. The Principles and Algorithms of Rocke Estimator

Rocke estimator first proposed by Rocke is a robust estimation method for high-dimensional data based on an improved S-estimator, and then further im-proved and empirically compared to other estimates by Maronna and Yohai [17]. They pointed out that robustness was superior to other estimates when the data dimension was larger than 15. At the same time, the initial value for Rocke estimator has a significant influence. The subsampling approach usually em-ployed for computing the starting values is very expensive for large dimensions.

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This study demonstrates that a semi-deterministic equivariant procedure, in-itially proposed by Peñaand Prieto (2007) [18] for outlier detection, dramatically improves both the computing times and the statistical performances of the esti-mators. By comparing the initial values obtained by KSD estimator [18] with those obtained by MVE estimator, KSD estimatoris more robust and rapid than other initial values in terms of robustness and operation speed. For a set of sam-ples ,n pX with empirical distribution function nF , we first estimate the initial mean vector µ and the covariance matrix Σ with KSD estimator, and calcu-late the squared of the Mahalanobis distance as ( ) ( )T 1

i i id x xµ µ−= − Σ − . Rocke estimator mainly applies a non-monotonic weight function by Rocke (1996) [19], and iteratively updates the weight of each sample point, and finally obtains a robust mean vector and covariance matrix estimator. When the dis-tance change is very small, that is, the scale of the Mahalanobis distance to be small, the iteration is stopped, and a robust mean vector and covariance matrix can be obtained. The detailed algorithm for Rocke estimator is given by the fol-lowing four steps:

In the first step, centering and scaling the data, and then the mean vector 0µ and covariance matrix 0V of the sample data are obtained by KSD estimator.

In the second step, let ( )1 2ˆ ˆ , , , nd d dσ σ= represent the scale estimate of the Mahalanobis distance, and solve it by





ρ δσ=


∑ (2)

where ( )0,1δ ∈ controls the size of the breakdown point, when

1 12

n pn

δ − + = , Rocke estimator can achieve the highest finite sample breakdown,

where p represent the data dimension. The relationship between the ρ func-tion and the weight function W is: Wρ′ = , The function ρ is given by:


0, 0 1

1 1 1 3 , 1 14 2

1, 1


t t t



ρ γ γγ γ


≤ ≤ −

− −= − + − < < +

≥ +


where γ denotes the weight range. Since the Mahalanobis distance d approx-imates the chi-square 2

pχ distribution with the degree of p, when the

value of ˆdσ

is outside ( ) ( )2 2, 1p pχ α χ α− , there is 0ˆdWσ =

(1 α− is the

confidence). When the p is large, the 2pχ distribution tends to be symmetric,

and there are:

( )2 0.5p pχ ≈ (4)

( ) ( )2 21p pp pχ α χ α− − ≈ − (5)

let ( )2 1

min 1,1p

pχ α

γ −

= −

, and calculate σ̂ by fixed point method.

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In the third step, the Mahalanobis distance is obtained by the initial value; then the new mean vector and the covariance matrix are calculated by the fol-lowing weight function:

( ) ( )23 11 1 1

4tW t I tγ γ

λ λ

− = − − ≤ ≤ +


The different weights are applied to different samples by the following equa-tion to calculate µ , the uncoordinated covariance matrix C to obtain the final covariance matrix Σ :

( )1



dW x µ


− =

∑ (7)

( )( )T



i ii

dW x x C

nµ µ


− − =

∑ (8)



CΣ = (9)

In the fourth step, repeat the second and third steps until obtain ˆnewσ has the following relationship with the ˆoldσ obtained last time: ˆ ˆold new tolσ σ− < stops the iteration, where tol is the preset error, and finally obtains the final stable mean vector and covariance matrix, and then calculates the Mahalanobis distance of the sample data.

3. Numerical Simulation Examples

We will apply the classical Mahalanobis distance and Mahalanobis distance based MCD estimator, and Mahalanobis distance based on the Rocke estimator to detect the outlier via the simulation studies. We generate mixture distribution data set, which consists of the standard normal distribution and contaminated data. The mixture distribution data is

( ) ( )( )0,1 0,1 10 pN Nε λ+ +

where ε denotes the contaminated ratio and the constant λ determines the scatter of the outliers. In this simulation studies, we consider n = 100, p = 6; n = 300, p = 30, 0,0.2ε = , and 0,0.5λ = , and take ( )2 0.99pχ as the threshold. We calculate the above three Mahalanobis distance, and then identify the out-liers in the data. We also calculate the number of real outliers (NRO), detected the corrected number of outliers (DENO), rate containing outliers in the data (DaOR), and detected outliers rate (DeOR). The corresponding results are shown in Figures 1-8.

It can be seen from the above results that under the 6-dimensional data set-ting, the results detected by the two robust Mahalanobis distances are substan-tially consistent with those of the classical Mahalanobis distances in the absence of outliers. When the outlier ratio increases to 20%, the classical Mahalanobis distances is affected by the outliers. Therefore, the classical Mahalanobis distance

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Figure 1. λ = 0, n = 100, p = 6, ε = 0. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

Figure 2. λ = 0, n = 100, p = 6, ε = 0.2. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

Figure 3. λ = 0, n = 300, p = 30, ε = 0. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

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Figure 4. λ = 0, n = 300, p = 30, ε = 0.2. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

Figure 5. λ = 0.5, n = 100, p = 6, ε = 0. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

Figure 6. λ = 0.5, n = 100, p = 6, ε = 0.2. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

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Figure 7. λ = 0.5, n = 300, p = 30, ε = 0. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

Figure 8. λ = 0.5, n = 300, p = 30, ε = 0.2. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection. cannot detect outliers. However, both robust Mahalanobis distances still main-tain good robustness and can accurately detect outliers. In the 30-dimensional data setting, the detection results of the three Mahalanobis distances are also similar when there are no outliers. After the outlier ratio is increased to 20%, the classical Mahalanobis distance is still unable to detect the outliers. In addition, the detection result of the Mahalanobis distance based on MCD estimator has been greatly deviated. However, the Mahalanobis distance based on Rocke esti-mator can still accurately detect the outliers. Therefore, the Mahalanobis dis-tance based on Rocke estimator can accurately detect the outliers in both low-dimensional data set and high-dimensional data set.

4. Empirical Analysis

In this section, we apply the proposed methodology to analyze the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Set (1995) [20]. The data set contained 30 test va-riables with a total of 569 data, of which 357 were diagnosed as benign and 212

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were diagnosed as malignant. Classification by characteristic variables of the sample can distinguish between benign and malignant (Wolberg, Street, Hei-seyand Mangasarian) [21]. Therefore, for data diagnosed as benign, data diag-nosed as malignant is equivalent to the contaminated data. Adding contami-nated data to the data diagnosed as benign with data diagnosed as malignant, and use ( )2 0.99pχ as the threshold. In the following, we apply the above three methods to detect outliers, and obtain the number and proportion of detected outlier and the scatter plot. Since the actual data may contain a certain propor-tion of outlier, it is not advisable to add too much data when the data diagnosed as malignant is used as the outliers. The first 200 diagnosed as benign data were taken, and 0 and 16 (100th to 115th) of the data diagnosed as malignant were sequentially added. We also calculate the number of outliers added (NOA), the number of outlier detected (NOD), detected the corrected number of outliers (DENO), and detected outliers rate (DeOR). The results are shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10.

Figure 9. Diagnosed as benign data test results. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detec-tion; (c) MCD detection.

Figure 10. Adding diagnosed as malignancy data test results. (a) Rocked detection; (b) Classical detection; (c) MCD detection.

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It can be observed that when no contaminated data is added, the proportion of outlier detected by Mahalanobis distance based MCD estimator, and Maha-lanobis distance based on the Rocke estimator are about 30% and 40%, respec-tively, and the classical Mahalanobis distance detects about 10%. This implies that the data itself contains outliers. When 16 contaminated data are added, the classical Mahalanobis distance and Mahalanobis distance based MCD estimator can only accurately detect one of the real outliers added, but Mahalanobis dis-tance based on the Rocke estimator can accurately detect the all 16 added out-liers. Therefore, in the real data analysis, the Mahalanobis distance based on the Rocke estimator can be used to effectively identify the outliers in the high-dimensional data.

5. Discussion and Conclusion

Since the classical Mahalanobis distance is greatly affected by the outliers, there is a large deviation in either low-dimensional data set or high-dimensional data set when there are outliers in the data set. Therefore, the outliers cannot be ac-curately detected. Mahalanobis distance based MCD estimator can detect out-liers more accurately in low-dimensional data, but it will produce large deviation in high-dimensional data. Our proposed method is more robust in both low-dimensional data set and high-dimensional data set. Specially, the robust-ness advantage is more obvious in high-dimensional data set, and it can accu-rately detect outliers. Through numerical simulation and empirical analysis, the accuracy and practicability of our proposed methodology in high-dimensional data set are validated. Thus, our proposed methodology can provide a new ro-bust method for effectively detecting outliers in high-dimensional real data analysis.


Li’s research is partially supported by and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No. 2018A030313171) and National Statistical Scientific Research Center Projects (No. 2017LY65).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-per.

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