Outsource it - Stop working hard and have someone else do your work forever!

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Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 2

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Ok here is the page of boring legal terms that you have to pretend like you’re reading. Once you finish pretending to read everything, dive into this report! The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This material is not for resell, nor can this be reprinted or copied under the name of another individual. You have no rights to sell this material elsewhere. It is intended for your eyes only. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. This book is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide. I encourage you to print out this book for easy reading and note taking.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 3

Special thanks to: My Mom, Eric Louvierre, Kenneth Jordan, all of my

virtual staff, and the creator of the universe for not giving up on me and

seeing more in me than I saw in myself. Thank you all!

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 4

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: The Indian Burn ………………….……………………….……….…………………… page 6

Chapter 2: The Show & Run Filipino ..…………………………………………..…………….. page 9

Chapter 3: The Outsourcing Cure .………………………………………………..…………….. page 7

Chapter 4: Scared Money Don’t Make No Money …………….………..…………….. page 16

Chapter 5: The Real People I Found ……………………………………………..……………. page 19

Chapter 6: Back To India, The Re-Burn ……………………..……….…...…..……………. page 22

Chapter 7: The Proper Introduction To Outsourcing ………………………………….. page 24

Chapter 8: What Is Outsourcing? ………………………………………………..…………….. page 25

Chapter 9: The History Outsourcing ……………………………………….………………… page 26

Chapter 10: Why They Outsource And You ……………………………………………….. page 29

Chapter 11: Your Greatest Asset And How To Get More Of It ……….…………… page 32

Chapter 12: Why Outsource ………………………………………………….…..………….….. page 34

Chapter 13: Where In The How To Outsource …………………………………….…….. page 39

Chapter 14: The Perfect Timing …………………………………………………………………. Page 43

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 5

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 6

Chapter 1 – The India Burn

It was a cold a gloomy day in Miami Florida as I was still indecisive about trusting

this guy I’d just met on this horrible freelancing website.

Normally when it comes down to things like outsourcing a plugin or software

creation – I would normally stick to my guns at Onlinejobs.ph.

But this time I decided to go off on a whim and hired some scam artist from India

on Guru.com

After talking for several hours on Skype with this guy, I could sense something

was wrong because this guy kept talking to me like a true asshole and telling me

that he could get the project I needed done . . .

But this scammer didn’t have enough work to show me that what he was capable

of would be suitable for what I was looking to have designed.

I was running out of time, so I decided to go with him and send him the money to

get started.

This was when the biggest mistake happened with outsourcing to freelancers

from freelancing websites such as guru.com and odesk.com…

So this scam artist tells me “Oh I know we met on Guru.com but can you please

send the money to me through Odesk?”

Without realizing this was the new way that scammers online are getting off on

people – I agree to follow his instructions and sent the money to this random guy

from the other side of the world.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 7

So Bam, I upload the money – then I send him 1/3 of the total cost of the project

– which was only a $150, with $48 being the deposit.

So I send this cat my money, and he say’s “Oh yeah, I’ll have your job finished in 2

weeks, I’ll check back in a few days.”

Now normally I’m very street smart, but being that this outsourcing to freelancers

from this type of site is rather new to me – I just decide to take a leap of faith…

I figured the best thing is that I can get a decent job done for the price, or learn a

lesson for a cheap price.

So about 5 days later I don’t hear from the guy, and immediately I knew that he

took my money and ran. But I tried to wait to see if this clown would return and

say something…

But nope, nothing at all!

The guys ends up running away with my $48 and Odesk tells me that they can’t

refund my money back because I already sent it out to this joker.

To make matters even funnier – the guy ends up deleting me from Skype and

disregarding every email that I send to him.

And like that – I was scammed by an outsourcer from India.

Since then I’ve stopped outsourcing my large tasks there because I just don’t trust

doing business with most Indians.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 8

Not to say it’ll always be like that, but once you deal with Indians in business I

recommend that you form your own conclusions about their business ethics and


For me – I have to say, but the best Asians to outsource and do business with is

the Filipino culture.

They are far less aggressive, not so pushy, and the fact of the matter is that they

are more westernized than people from India – so there is a major difference.

I’ll also say that I’ve been scammed by a set of Filipinos as well.

So don’t get confused and think just because I have more positive experiences

with Filipinos that I haven’t been crossed once or twice by a few.

Bottom line is people are people, and you’re gonna meet both good people, and

horrible unethical people.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 9

Chapter 2 – The Show And Run Filipinos

It was the fall of 2013 when I had a team of 3 people from the Philippines and I

was rocking like a music band at an international concert!

Then one day out of nowhere, one girl just stops showing up to work completely.

So I get on Skype and start messaging her – and she’s like “Oh sir Michael, I’m sick

and have not been able to work.”

And I’m like “Yo, you’re on Skype all the time – and you decide now to tell me that

you haven’t been working only when I ask you?”

The crazy part is that after I paid her the 2 weeks pay – she told me she was sick

and that she couldn’t work anymore.

I fired her so quick – it was like she was on fire and I put her out with gasoline.

Yeah it was a hot situation that I had to diffuse and cut my losses with.

Now before I drag on about the outsourcing experiences that have left 3rd degree

burns on my resume – I do want to let you know that there is a sure fire way to

outsource correctly, and before the end of this book…

I’ll do my best to shine the light on the concept of outsourcing and how beneficial

it can be for you and whatever you’re doing with it.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 10

Chapter 3 – The Outsourcing Cure

Over the last 10 years of marketing online you may have heard through the grape

vine that the secret to building a business fast and having more time in your life is

done through outsourcing.

Not only that but you may have wanted to get into outsourcing the right way to

find fast success, and make more money.

And you may have been bold enough to step out there and have already tried

your luck with outsourcing only to have received dismal results and have even

given up on the whole concept itself.

Where ever you’re at with outsourcing, this guide will be a very eye opening

experience for you as I take you through the painful pitfalls and thousands of

dollars lost through outsourcing.

It’s my hope that you can learn from my blunders and mistakes with outsourcing,

and use them to your advantage.

My first experience with outsourcing started with physical products.

I was searching around for another way to make some fast money online by

selling something.

I stumbled upon a website called Alibaba, and it’s a website that helps connect

international buyers to Chinese physical product suppliers.

After doing some research to see if this site was legitimate, I started to search for

my first product.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 11

There were so many products which I could buy from headphones, shoes, clothes,

accessories, and so much more it became a little overwhelming.

Because I lived on the college campus I would walk around and just think to

myself “Hmm what do these college students have right now, which is always in

demand that I can buy for the low and sell for the high to em?”

Walking around each day my eyes focused more and more on what I could sell

them because that’s how money is made in the eyes of a hustler – which we all

are to a certain extent.

Looking at everybody squinting all day made me think they needed glasses . . .

WHAM! And then like a construction worker swinging a sledge hammer onto an

iron pillar – it hit me!

Duh – people out here need glasses to protect their eyes from the Sunny year

round Miami weather!

So then I got the idea to start searching that physical product website for


It’s always sunny in Miami and people are always wearing designer shades down

here, so I started searching for the most popular shades.

Lo and behold, I stumbled upon some name brand glasses being sold for so cheap

that it was ridiculously affordable to buy and flip – plus the profit margins I

projected were around 1,000% - 1,500% or more based on my mark up of prices.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 12

After a few minutes of analyzing different brands I decided to go with the Rayban


They were on sale for about $4 or $5 per unit, and I knew I could resell them to

people in person for at least $50 – talk about huge margin potential!

And being that I had several years of experience with eBay, I went over to eBay

and did a search for what type of prices these shades were selling for.

It was like that moment when you found an extra $20 in a set of pants that you

haven’t worn in 2 months.

That was the feeling I got once I looked on eBay and saw these same exact shades

were being sold for $65 - $120!

I dropped everything and started to reach out to the suppliers of these shades.

They got back to me fairly quickly, and I thought I had it made and would be set

for life with this one supplier and their RayBans.

After talking back and forth, I started to negotiate with this Asian outsourcer and

he eventually lowered his prices to something that would be decent for me to test

out his product.

So I ordered about 10 pairs of regular RayBan wayfarers.

I was so excited, it was like you were a kid all over again and you had your first

day of school outfit ready and laid out on the dresser.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 13

After about a week and a half of waiting, a package came for me in the mailroom

at my University.

I was thrilled when I grabbed the package.

Wanting no one to see what I was up to, I put the package under my arm and

swiftly walked to my dorm room.

It was like that evil scientist who’s wearing the white lab coat, with the crazy hair,

lightening striking outside, and the bastardly screams of “It’s Aliveeee It’s

Aliveeeee! Mwah-hahahahaaaaaa!”

Yeah you know that guy, that was going on in my head as I carried this package of

glasses to my dorm room to conduct my evil experiment!

I ripped the package open like a little five year old who was excited to open up

her first Christmas gift under the tree on Christmas morning!

To my surprise these glasses were not at all the quality of those which I’d seen on

the pictures, and what I expected.

A small rain cloud appeared over my head as I sat there is major disappointment.

Oh well, I paid for these low quality glasses – so I had to sell them or do

something with them.

The frames were light weight, not very durable, and the lens were very see


Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 14

Normally with RayBans, the frames are heavy and durable, and you can barely see

the person’s eyes through the lens.

These however, were low grade copies that would make me look like a super con


At that point I knew as a college kid I wouldn’t have any more money coming in,

so I had to sell these shades and make with what I had.

I immediately posted them up on eBay and managed to sell 8 out of 10 within a

few days.

I’d made my investment back and produced a decent ROI of 400% – 500%.

It wasn’t exactly what I had in my mind that I would make, but the major impact it

had on me was that it showed me that I could really make some money using this

outsourcing strategy.

It was like waking up to the smell of grandmas warm made with love style

breakfast, just to see how profitable this outsourcing concept was at this first trial

run with shades that were low quality.

But then something happened, about half of the people who bought these glasses

online reached out to eBay and demanded a refund because they knew these

glasses were fake.

When I woke up and saw messages about people complaining, and eBay telling

me they are deducting money from my Paypal, and refunding these people – I

took a dump in my pants!

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 15

My eBay seller status had received its first negative feedback ratings in 4 years.

My confidence in outsourcing ever again was pulverized, however I knew this

concept was a money maker and I decided I would try it again.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 16

Chapter 4 – Scared Money Don’t Make No Money

In business of any sort – the first thing you must understand and always follow is

the fact that “Scared Money Don’t Make No Money!”

So I took the little profits I did make, and I re-invested them into a larger batch of


This time instead of buying 10, I bought 20 – and I mixed it up with different

models and types of RayBans.

This time I wasn’t as excited in receiving this package because I wasn’t sure if I’d

be able to sell all of these in the same fashion as I did the last batch.

Sure enough, I was right.

I posted the shades online on eBay – and not one person bid on a single item I


You know the feeling you get when you were picked last on the playground, or

the feeling you get when you see your ex rolling with some new hot stud as they

drive away into the sunset in his nice convertible Mercedes Benz AMG?

This was a terrible feeling because all that money I re-invested –was my beer, and

food money for the next week and a half.

I was in a tough position and I had to decide whether I would invest in my

business, or whether I would eat for the next couple of days.

It was rough . . . and this time no matter how rough it was . . .

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 17

That was it with outsourcing products from China without being there to see what

I was buying . . .

I figured if I’m going to do this, which I am, then I have to be there in China to see

the quality of the products before I make any buying decisions.

That was my first experience and nightmare with outsourcing physical products.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 18

Chapter 5 – The Real People I Found

Then I started researching about hiring people from different parts of Asia for

pennies on the dollar.

I’d always called into those large company support lines only to find myself

speaking with someone with a thick Indian accent but could never figure out why

this was the case.

Up until my research showed me that I could do the same exact thing.

So I started to do more research on the subject and found out that there was an

entire underground world of American business people, as well as Canadian,

African, European, and Australian businesspeople who were utilizing Asian


Just before that school year ended I put together a seminar about online

marketing, and taught everyone there about the concept of outsourcing to India

and Asia.

During my seminar there was a business man who sat in the first row and stared

at me the entire time with laser beam focused eyes and a notepad.

He ferociously took notes, and didn’t sway his attention to anywhere else in the

room for a single second.

This guy was in the process of building a new beverage company and was

interested in having me work with him and doing his marketing for him.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 19

So after the seminar he and I spoke more, and he wanted me to be the sole

internet marketing consultant and to do all of his online outsourcing for his


I took the opportunity and in payment this guy paid me in cash and $100,000

shares of company equity, which included a small percentage of his beverage


Immediately after that I started signing up for freelancing websites and looking to

hire an outsourcer I could work with.

In the process I decided to hire my first full time Virtual assistant from the


I had a website, but at the time it was not making money.

Really it was just a nice looking blog to show people – hey I really am an online

marketer, but I wasn’t truly monetizing that website.

So when I hired my virtual assistant I thought she would be the savior for my

business to help me start making money from this site.

I hired her for $300 per month, and this was a big chunk of change coming out of

my income as a college kid.

The thing that should have went off as a red flag for me was the fact that she

demanded payment upfront.

This was like when you meet a girl for the first time and she asks you to marry her

without even getting her spending time with her, or knowing how she is in bed.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 20

Despite this red flag I still proceeded to hire her.

Then after a few weeks complications started coming up where she wouldn’t do

the work I asked her to, not to mention her work was so below average that I

started to get frustrated.

Next thing you know she started having problems at home with her husband and

son, and then she had to move to another apartment in the Philippines.

I also ran into a situation where I didn’t have the money to pay her one week as

my budget was very low and I had to make sure I could survive on my end.

One late payment caused her to get evicted, and she even sent me a picture of

the bill for her rent. It was about $200 or so.

She was behind on her rent by 2 or 3 months, and when I came into the picture

she saw me as her savior to help her catch up on her bills.

It was hell dealing with her personal expenses and what was happening in her life.

I didn’t know what to do, so I paid her a double advance of the next 3 weeks

salary, and I paid for her rent bill.

At this point I was at a loss of about $500 - $600.

At that point I gave her an ultimatum, and decided that she would make me

money in the next few weeks, or she would be fired.

To no avail, she didn’t step up to the task and make me any money.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 21

I poured a gallon of gasoline on her, sparked the lighter, and tossed the old school

silver lighter over to her in slow motion, and just like that – she was fired!

I feel like Mr. Scrooge from a Christmas Carol while firing her, but I knew I needed

money to eat for myself and not pay someone else’s rent who was making me no


This was yet another horrible experience – and yet I couldn’t figure out what I was

doing wrong.

Despite my minor setbacks, I was determined to make it with outsourcing

somehow someway.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 22

Chapter 6 – Back To India, The Re-Burn

Next I went and found a team of freelancers from India who were multi-

dimensional and very talented.

With the ability to create mobile apps, websites, custom software, graphic design,

writing tasks, and so much more – I thought I struck gold with these guys.

After speaking with the CEO of the company, I felt good about this and decided

that I would work directly with this company for all of my client’s needs.

Without knowing the proper way to go about it – I let the outsourcer speak to my

clients, only to find that they were charging my clients extra money in addition to

what I was already charging them.

This came back in my face as my clients started to see me as a swindler because

the people I selected to do their outsourcing were charging them for extra things.

This was no good for me and my relationship with my clients.

Then things got even further out of hand when I started to tell these guys from

India what I was going to charge these clients, and what I was going to make from

this deal.

Soon enough they started increasing their prices on everything and charging me a

lot more money to resell their web design, or mobile app services.

Before it was too late I got out of there and cut my losses short before these guys

damaged my business completely.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 23

Not to mention I’ve hired other Filipinos who said they were working, and were

not working at all but dealing with their life issues and taking my money and

running away.

Heck, I’ve even had some people take my money and not even show up for work

but saying that they were working.

So as you can see outsourcing can be very risky and dangerous if you just jump

into it without knowing what the heck you’re doing.

You will easily get burned and fed to the sharks if you try to outsource on your

own with knowledge and experience from someone who’s been through the

battlefield and understands how to outsource the right way.

Now after going through all of these experiences I’ll tell you I know how it is when

you’re first getting started and don’t have a clue about outsourcing.

It’s scary as hell, and sometimes you just don’t know if you can trust anybody.

And in reality you have to trust people, not to mention you have to be willing to

give up some control in your business and relinquish the need to be the one who

does everything.

Believe me when I tell you, outsourcing is very profitable and lucrative when you

understand how to do it.

I want to teach you how to outsource properly, and it’s much easier than you


Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 24

Chapter 7: The Proper Introduction To Outsourcing

So you want to make more money in your business, have more time in your life,

but don’t know how to get all that work off your hands?

It’s simple – You Outsource it!

I've been outsourcing for years now and in my experience in outsourcing, I've

realized one key thing: most small businesses and most online entrepreneurs don't

have a clue about outsourcing.

Instead you try and do everything by yourself, and end up doing more damage than

good for your business.

And so, I’m not making this an autobiography about me, because I'm sure you don't

want to hear about my cool, fun travels through Asia or my story of rising from the

bottom to the top, from sobriety to success.

Moreover, you’ll want to hear about outsourcing and how it can help your business.

So, I will go straight into it and dive deep into outsourcing, okay?

I'll talk about what every small business owner and every online entrepreneur

ought to know about outsourcing.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 25

Chapter 8: What Is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is the practice of having certain job functions done outside of the

company, rather than by an individual within the company.

These can be things like accounting.

You hire an outside accountant or an accounting firm to outsource all of your

bookkeeping or accounting needs to.

You can outsource all your janitorial services rather than hire a janitor to come in,

clean your buildings and everything, and just take care of all the in-house functions

for you.

One of the most popular things in regards outsourcing is outsourcing online

services and different projects for online entrepreneurs, such as website

development, mobile app development, e-mail marketing, writing e-mail auto-

responder messages, and so forth.

The list goes on and on and on.

I'm not going to go into great detail right now.

We'll talk about that as we go forward.

I'm going to give you some awesome gold nuggets of advice here that are really

going to change your perspective and give you some great insight on outsourcing.

With outsourcing, we have to get to the root cause, because that it what is

outsourcing all about. Let me start you off with the history of outsourcing.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 26

Chapter 9: The History Outsourcing

The history of outsourcing in concept alone is said to date back as far as 1800 in

America and during the 1700s with the European Industrial Revolution.

Now, back in these times, the manufacturing of clipper ship sails was done in


And since the sails have to be fashioned according to exact specifications, this work

could not be done in America.

These sails were very effective for the long voyages and that's why that the demand

for them was so high.

Because of this, even back in the 1700s and 1800s, companies were outsourcing

and hiring companies in Scotland to build their clipper ships.

This is one of the earliest recorded dates in history where we can find outsourcing.

However, outsourcing dates way back before that, back in the time where people

lived in villages and huts and they exchanged food between one part of the country

and another.

So then, let's go into more modern times, in the 20th century America, when

another revolution happened.

It started in the 70s when companies realized they needed cheaper goods and

China's workforce began to open its doors for international investment and human


Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 27

So, what happened is that after Mao Zedong, China opened its doors and basically

said, "Hey, we're now allowing foreign investors to come in and help us build up

the economy and also take advantage of our labor force.”

Therefore, soon after opening up China's large labor force, international companies

started flooding the gates.

They started rushing in and making investments and getting their share of this

human gold mine.

A few years after China opened its doors, there began diplomatic negotiations in

the northern hemisphere.

Back in 1986, the three nations and their leaders were United States’ President

George Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican President

Carlos Salinas.

About six years later, those three nations came to an agreement and met at San

Antonio, Texas on December 17, 1992 to sign the North American Free Trade


Now, each of these leaders was responsible for starting and promoting this

agreement and the funny thing is that they actually signed this thing in a cult like


So, just imagine, a bunch of guys circling up at the table dipping their pens in blood

and signing this treaty.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 28

The regulations were designed to eliminate most trade costs between United

States of America, Mexico and Canada.

The regulations were implemented two years after the official signing, in January

1, 1994 and would last until January 1st, 2008.

Not to mention, NAFTA's purpose was to increase economic activity between the

United States, Mexico and Canada.

It became the law of the land when Mister Bill Clinton appeared.

Since the beginning of NAFTA, America and China started trading more and more

and what end up happening was America was buying more from China than China

was buying more from America.

So, essentially, China was not importing from America. Rather, they were exporting

to America. In 2007 alone, China had a $256 billion surplus with the United States

of America.

That means the United States purchased $256 billion more worth of goods from

China than China purchased from the US. That's a crazy large number, right?

Although it hasn't worked out for most of the millions of Americans who lost their

jobs because of this huge international trade surplus, it has worked out for the

power players on top.

They understood the need for international exchange and having businesses take

advantage of this international exchange.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 29

Chapter 10: Why They Outsource And You

You now have the opportunity as the a business owner, as an entrepreneur, to

take advantage of what's going on right now because since that time, that number

has exploded to trillions of dollars.

So, this global purchasing was known as outsourcing.

We have outsourced nearly 90% of all physical goods from China.

I mean, right now, you go look around your house, go look at the tag of your shirt,

go look the tag on your jeans, go look at the tag on your underwear for crying out


Go look at the little widgets you got on your desk and in all things inside your

kitchen and I guarantee, more than 90% of everything that you look at will say

"Made in China" and it's simply because United States of America, and all of the

major companies in the US also outsource their products from China.

Now, if you live in Europe, if you live in Australia, if you live in Africa or Canada,

wherever you the live, look around your house and you will find tons of goods say,

"Made in China."

The reason for this is that the big companies who produce these goods and

purchase goods understand that outsourcing is a critical factor to helping them

explode their business growth.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 30

And based on research, over 94% of Fortune 500 companies are outsourcing at

least one major business function, whether that be call center, administration,

accounting, bookkeeping, online, marketing, or sales outsourcing.

Whatever the case, 94% of these companies are outsourcing at least one


I'll give us some more history. Back in the 80s, IBM was in a very tight spot with

leading competitors in the industry.

They knew they needed to change their weaker business practices to promote a

positive change in the marketplace.

Therefore, they decided to outsource their call centers. They could decrease their

business expenses while retaining their world-renowned quality service.

So they decided to get into outsourcing themselves.

This outsourcing would allow executives to focus more on the "what" instead of

worrying about the "how."

Now, successful outsourced call centers, like IBM's, require that call center reps

receive training and build up the required knowledge about the product, how to

service the customer, and all of the skills that needed to perform as if they were an

employee of IBM.

The results of this experiment at the time were very dramatic.

The cost of customer contact reduced by 97% from $500 to $15 for each telesales


Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 31

What this means is that rather than having to service the client face-to-face, door-

to-door all the time, IBM used the model where they just had these call centers call

their customers.

This reduced their cost by more 1000%, and shortened sales cycles by 80%.

They were producing sales much faster than using the old-school method.

Goal completion increased by 125% AND they exceeded customer expectations

78% of the time based on a customer service satisfaction survey.

Since then, IBM has outsourced more than 200,000 jobs to people in other

countries based on a 2013 research study and has helped them become a global


Again, this is just one of many companies to outsource.

This is why it is so imperative, so important, and so essential that you began to

really consider outsourcing for your business.

Rather than talk about something that’s unethical, I'm going to talk more about

why outsourcing is something that's very beneficial in this day and age for you and

your business.

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Chapter 11: Your Greatest Asset And How To Get More Of It

So, let's talk about time, our greatest asset.

One of the most amazing things I have realized about my business is that the less I

do, the more I make.

Now, when most entrepreneurs start a business, they try to do everything


They want to run around, they want to build these pages, they want to do this, they

want to do that.

They want to do it all by themselves, when really you don't need to do it all yourself.

All you need to focus on is what you're good at and what you have fun doing your


Let other people take care of all the hard work for you.

Now, understand time is money, time flies, and the most valuable thing on this

planet we have is our time.

You see, you can make a million dollars, be robbed of that million dollars and be

totally broke.

In a few months to a few years, you can have all the money back and more.

Look at Donald Trump: back in the mid-2000s, Donald Trump made billions of

dollars, and then he lost it all.

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He was in debt over $900 million. Within two years, Donald Trump made all that

money back and more and is now again one of the richest billionaires on the planet.

What's important is not the money that you make, because you can make more


This even applies with houses; you can buy a house and it can burn down.

After the house burns down, you can take that foundation and build another house.

Therefore, you can always create another house: you can always get more money.

But if you waste a single second, a single moment of your life, that is something

that you never get back.

Because the reality is, we only have 24 hours in a day.

If we break that down to minutes that means we only have 1,440 minutes in a day.

If we break that down even more, we only have 86,400 seconds in a day.

Every single second must be utilized effectively and every single moment must be

used productively.

If you’re always inside your business, you're not going to be able to use your time

wisely to grow your business fast.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 34

Chapter 12: Why Outsource

So why outsource?

Let's talk about the whys of outsourcing and the psychology behind it.

When it comes to outsourcing, many people see it as negative and immoral.

Let's change your perspective on outsourcing.

So rather than looking at why, let's put on your thinking cap and look at the root


One of the root causes of outsourcing is litigation.

There is so much litigation that companies, healthcare providers and small

businesses are forced to hire lawyers to protect themselves from frivolous lawsuits

filed by predatory personal injury lawyers.


There's such an over-taxation in this country that companies are required to hire

high-priced accountants to navigate the tax code.


Over regulation requires companies to fill out mounds of paperwork that no one

reads and no one cares about.


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There is not enough innovation because companies spend too much time dealing

with taxation, regulation and litigation.


Insufficient quality of education to train the next generation of Americans to hold

the next generation of jobs with improper habits and low quality knowledge.


Too much legislation requires companies to hire lobbyists and Washington insiders

keep up with the changing rules and regulations.

Cost savings.

You can save a ton of money by outsourcing to people in different countries, thanks

to the currency conversion rates if you're using the British pound, the Euro or the

American dollar.

You get to focus on the core business.

So, having outsourcers focus on things that you are not good at while you focus on

your income producing activities.

Cost restructuring.

You can restructure the finances of your business by looking at what is costing you

the most and outsourcing those components.

Improve the quality of your work by hiring highly skilled expert professionals to

cover the areas of work where you are weak at and need the most improvement.

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There is only so knowledge that you have. You can leverage outsourced specialists’

knowledge to make your business grow faster.


Rather than having an employee you have to pay every single day, every single

month, and so forth, you can just contract out the work and pay based on each

project or workload.

Operational expertise.

Hire somebody who is an expert at operations management and have him or her

manage all your operations for you so you can focus on something else completely.

Access the talent.

Freelancers and outsourcers are some of the most talented people you will find

online in what they do. This will give you the ability to cherry pick the very best.

Capacity management.

With outsourcing, you can have so much more capacity in your business due to the

fact that these outsources will be focused on managing all of your day-to-day tasks

and everything that comes into your business.

There is an enhanced capacity for innovation. You can be more creative and have

more innovation in your business because you have more minds focusing on

helping you build your business.

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Reduced time to market.

By getting more hands and more people more time into business, this will allow

you to grow so much faster and allow you to cover a lot of areas that will be difficult

for you to master all by yourself.

Risk management.

By having outsourcers on board, you lower the risk of employees getting hurt, you

lower the risk of partners getting involved, and in losing, and so forth.

There are also tax benefits. You do not have to pay for outsourcers’ taxes. You only

focus on your taxes.


With outsources, you can scale to tremendous levels; all you have to do is build up

a system, or have a system in place, hire the people to work that system for you

and hire a manager to manage everyone in that system.

Creating leisure time.

Now, of course, this is what it's all about.

You want to create a lifestyle, build a business, and have a life at the same time.

Having outsourcers do this for you is the only way to create leisure time.


There is less liability involved when you have outsourcers working for you and doing

everything for you.

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So, those are the reason why people outsource and some of the psychology that

goes into it.

And rather than expanding too deep here, for the sake of time, I will make sure I

get as much information to you as I can, as clearly as possible.

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Chapter 13: Where In The How To Outsource

Let’s you and I now focus on one of the biggest parts of outsourcing: where to

outsource. Where do you go?

When it comes the word ‘outsource’, some of the best countries are India and the


And these countries have the best, best, best, best professionals and experts who

will work for you, full-time or part-time, or even on a contract.

The key is to know what to outsource.

So, if you're in the online business arena or if you have a small business, you have

to know what to outsource.

These days, marketing is the most important thing and most critical element in any

business success.

Even if you have bad marketing and a great product, you will only get minimal and

dismal results.

You can have a good product or an okay product, but as long as your marketing is

a fantastic, you will succeed.

When it comes to marketing, there are some qualities you want to look for in your


If you are looking to hire someone full-time, I recommend that you go with a young


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And the reason why is because females are usually on top of the game.

No offense to the guys, I am a man myself, but hey, let's admit it: sometimes we

guys cannot focus on just one thing at a time.

And females have this innate ability to focus and do more than one thing at one

time and multitask.

Therefore, I recommend going and hiring a female outsourcer if you're going to hire

someone for full-time work.

Interview many people, as many as you can, find out about them and test them


Split test them.

See who's good and see who's not so good.

And once you're ready, hire them full-time. Hire them full-time to work for you and

your company and hire the best of the best.

So, what do you outsource?

There's so much to outsource because an online business has many components

that are important in your success.

Well, it depends on the structure of your business. I'm going to have something for

you coming up in a bit here . . . stay tuned.

So, as far as with outsourcing goes, you can outsource blogs, articles, video posts,

spinning articles, spinning blogs, customer support, transcription services, back

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linking, e-mail cleanup, social media, market research, video editing, and so much


Anything that can save you time can be outsourced.

If you're not an expert at article writing, outsource it to someone else.

Get someone else to do it for you and focus on what you're good at.

When it comes to hiring outsourcers, you train them.

Train them and they can do anything.

One of the great places to go to train your outsourcers techsmith.com, where you

can download Jing.

It's a screen recording software.

Basically, you record your screen, show your outsourcer what it is you want done

and with that, very simply, you'll be able to train your outsourcers very easily.

And if you're hiring for full-time work, I recommend that you always tell them to

send you daily reports and give them big projects.

Don't micromanage your outsourcers because these are highly trained


Once they accomplish these tasks, you move forward in your business, expand and


Increase your profits, make more money, build your business, and hire more


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You want to expand!

Do what's most enjoyable in your business and hire other people to do the rest.

So, if you like making videos, if you like goofing off, surfing the Internet or whatever

it is that you like to do, hire other people to do what you don't like to do.

Many people think, "Oh, I can do it better." and "If you want something done right,

do it yourself."

Well, yes, that's true, but if you can get somebody to do something 80% or even

70% as effective as you can and get the same results, then it's totally worth it, right?

Listen, you probably can do it better, but you can never juggle everything inside a


Not to mention, your life, right?

Because I'm sure that you have a life outside of this book, right?

You probably have a spouse or a girlfriend or kids or you travel, or are a student.

Or you have a job and are looking to get into business or you have a business that

takes up all your life, all your day and all your time.

Even with the business, you want to do everything yourself. You can't do it all alone

and still have a wonderful life at the same time.

You can easily train outsourcers to do those things in your business for you.

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You can have them done right and you don't have to worry about anything: no

mental stress, no mental worry, because you have an army of outsourcers covering

everything for you.

Therefore, all in all, outsourcing is something that's really great and it is something

that's really needed for any type of entrepreneur trying to expand their business.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 44

Chapter 14: The Perfect Timing

I want to show you more about outsourcing. I want to show you how to outsource

in depth.

How to hire your first person, what do you need to outsource in regards to starting

or growing your online business.

Like I said, I've been outsourcing for years now and in the process, I've produced

some really big pay days for clients and my own personal business.

It's time that you learn how to outsource yourself.

What I want you to do is this: I want to sign up and get detailed training, from me,

on how to how to hire a world-class employees for less than minimum wage.

This is going to be your one big opportunity to learn how to outsource like a boss,

like a professional marketer, like someone who wants to build a business and have

a life at the same time.

So, if that's you, if you are ready to get started, if you're ready to hire a world-class

employee for less than minimum wage, I highly recommend that you get started

with my training, ‘The Outsource Report’ and ‘Learn How to Hire Employees at

Minimum Wage.’

I hope that you really enjoyed this book; I hope that you got a lot out of this. As

always, I had a great time making this.

If you ever have any questions or comments, definitely go over to my website

www.bethedigitalceo.com and leave me a comment.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 45

Let me know what you thought about this book.

I’d really love to hear from you. Now is the time for you to get started with The

Outsource Report.

To sign-up to get my detailed training click here, and then sign up to grab your copy

of The Outsource Report, because this is going to change your business.

This will be your Bible for outsourcing, because we're going to cover everything

from full-time workers, per project basis workers, short-term, long-term workers,

and everything in between.

So, get started today. I look forward to seeing you as you make the rest of your life

the best of your life.

And remember, it's never too late to achieve #BOSSSTATUS.

Take care.

Copyright © 2014 Michael Baptiste. All rights reserved Worldwide Page 46

Resources & Recommendations



