Overall Finished Music Anaylsis

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Do you own some sort of music Device


mp3 player

mp4 player

cd plsyer

Mobile phone

This information lets me know what music device is mainly used in the industry today and what brands are favorites.

Where/show do you downlaod your music from ?

Itunes morpheus

bearshare limewire

myspace other

This information also lets me know what are the most used programs for downloading music and it also lets me see if people are downloading their music legally or illegally.

Where do you shop for cloths ?


H&M Riverisland

House Of Fraser

Republic JD

Primark Bank


This information lets me know what fashion is mostly common with my specific target audience which also relates to what kind of music they like. For example if they like shopping in topman/topshop then the more likely to be interested in rock/indie music.

What music do you mainly listen to ?

Rock Indie Metal

Hip hop RnB

This is most probably the most important questionnaire because it tells me who listens to what kind of music is at its top of its game in this current moment in time. It will help my magazine cover lines which will appeal to my audience.

Do you buy Cd's

Yes No

This questionnaire is to help me find out if people are still buying Cd’s due to current advances in technology such as new internet services and programmes which are easier and cheaper to buy online instead of buying Cd’s.

What festivals to you go to if you do?

lattitude download

reading glastonbury

sonisphere V


This lets me know what music festivals people go to and also helps my see what music is the most popular for festivals in specific.

Do you buy music magazines?



This lets me know if people want to find out more about artists as individuals and what happens outside the music world. And if people are still interested in buying magazines.

Do you play games consoles?

Yes all the time




This lets me know if people at a certain age still play video games and how often they play it.

What music channels do you watch if any ?

mtv kerrang


box skuzz


One of the most important questions. This will have an effect on my house style and it will relate to my kind of music.

Do you prefer to go to Festivals of Gigs ?




Do people prefer to go to gigs or festivals. This survey shows gigs are more visited than festivals most probably because there closer, cheaper and more accesable on a day to day basis.

These surveys are useful for my audience research and for my music magazine because it helps me find out about what my potential target audience are interested in. This will help my magazine by including hobbies and interests of the audience within my magazine, and will attract my audience into purchasing it more and it will also create a higher demand. It will help me get an incite to what they are into, hobbies and what they like to do in their spare time.