Overall Marketing Strategies of Sanmer Properties Ltd”

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Overall Marketing Strategies of Sanmer Properties Ltd”


MBA Internship Report 2012


C H I T T A G O N G U N I V E R S I T Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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TOPIC: Marketing Strategies of Real Estate Companies – A Case Study of Sanmar Properties ltd.

Prepared By:

Arifa Alam MBA, Session 2009-10 Class roll – 15606 Exam roll - 2010/95 Mail: Arifa.luna@gmail.com 2

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Bangladesh is a small but one of the most densely populated countries in the world with

quite a small and poor economy. Majority of its population fall in the low income bracket

and therefore basic needs fulfillment is the main concern for them. One of the five basic

needs is shelter and state is supposed to ensure that. But state can’t do that due to

resources scarcity and this is the point in which most experts stick on for the development

of the real estate sector in Bangladesh. The sector is dominated by the private investors,

though the government is present in the market through some housing projects. These

private investors are widely treated as profit concerns, but they are working hard to meet

the rising housing demand in the country too. Though the pace of growth in real estate

business in Bangladesh is a bit slow now, it has been experiencing an increasing pace

Date of Submission: The 3rd June, 2012.


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throughout the whole period since its birth in late 70s. In late 90s the sector got the

highest pace since its origin and lots of real estate developers came to the market to

invest. Current low pace can be explained by the irregular political practice in the country

as there is a non political interim government in power right now. Real Estate Sector

contributes about 10% in GDP (in 2005-06 it was 8.04% - source, BBS, 2006).

Initially though real estate business was limited to the Dhaka city, now the sector expands

its reach to the outskirts of Dhaka city, surrounding districts of Dhaka district, and other

divisional cities, especially in Chittagong. At the same time high population density

increased the demand of housing while the land was decreasing. These two factors

together helped real estate sector a lot to expand. Land scarcity and the lack of social

security are the two major reasons people think lie behind the development of the real

estate sector in Chittagong also Bangladesh. There are other important factors too for

example price of houses, rapid growth in population, rapid urbanization, and complexities

in buying lands to build houses etc. A Sanmar properties Limited is leading real estate

company in Chittagong (market share 17.6%, source: REHAB) which play vital role in

development of real estate sector in Chittagong.

This report emphasize on the “Overall Marketing Strategies of Sanmer Properties

Ltd”, highlights the wide range of activities of marketing and promotions of products

and services offered by the Sanmar Properties limited to its customers in order to

maintain quality of products and services.

Researcher expresses her observation and personal experience towards the organization.

She made necessary recommendation to be adjusted to maintain the organization journey

to the excellence according to her viewpoint. To summarize the whole situation,

researcher would like to say that , this organization is try their best and putting a lot of

efforts to standardize the marketing strategies and as per her understanding this


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organization will definitely progress with the modernization of business environment as

time progress.

Acknowledgement At first express whole-hearted gratitude to Almighty God for bringing out the work.

At the very beginning researcher express deep gratitude to supervisor teacher, Mr. S.M.

Salamat Ullah Bhuiyan, Professor; Department of Marketing Studies and

International Marketing, Chittagong University for his generous help, valuable

guidance and useful suggestions regarding this report help me in all the way to complete

this report. Without the flexibility of honorable teacher that he has given me it would not

be possible for me to finish my research works.

I express my deepest sense of gratitude to the respected Atika Huque, Director, Sanmar

to give me opportunity in this organization.


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I am also greatly indebted to Mr. Tulu Ush Shams, Deputy General Manager,

Operation, Sanmar for his co-operation.

I am grateful to Mahbubur Rahman, Assistant General Manager, Head of

Marketing, SPL who gave valuable advice to me and guided me to perform my work

efficiently. I am also grateful to all the staffs for their cooperation

I would also like to extend my thanks to Naushad Md Siddiquee, Manager, HRM,

SPL for giving me the opportunity to do my internship in this organization and for his

generous help and direction.

My thanks are due to several of my friends for their helpful suggestions in preparing of

the report.


Arifa Alam

MBA, Class roll: 15606

Session: 2009-10

May 31, 2012

Table of Contents:




Introduction 10 Problem definition 13Importance of the study 10 Scope 14Objectives of the study 11 Limitations of the study 14Methodology of the study 12 Real estate market* 15-16

CHAPTER TWOCOMPANY AT A GLANCE PAGE COMPANY AT A GLANCE PAGECorporate Background 18 Pride 21Sanmar properties ltd 18 Believe 21Profile of SPL 19 Portfolio 21Vision 20 Objectives 22


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Mission 20 Organogram 22-24Philosophy 20 Projects list 25-26Pillars 21 Project picture 27-29




Marketing outline 31 Targeting 43-44Marketing objectives 32-33 Corporate branding 45Marketing strategies 34-35 Promotional strategies 46-58Departmental structure 36-37 Selling strategies 59-61Market value 38-40 Social marketing 62Segmentation 41-42 Online marketing 63Service strategies 64-71 Other strategies 75Strategic group map 72-73 Competitive Analysis 76-80Agreement with bank 74 Comparison 81-83Sanmar marketing skill 84


Challenges 86-87 Drawbacks to telemarketing 89-90Drawbacks to marketing 87-89 Limitations of customer care 90


CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS PAGERecommendations 92-93Conclusions 94Bibliography 95


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Introductory Analysis


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Introduction:"Real Estate" includes real property, leasehold and business whether with or without

premises, fixtures, stock-in-trade, goods or chattels in connection with the operation of

the business. By Real estate market means constructing and selling new houses or flats,

developing lands and selling them as plots, and buying and selling old houses or lands.

Importance of the Study: The internship program is very much conducive for the internee students on account of

achieving practical experience, which leads to build up their career and ambition. But it is

a research paper. And the main importance is to benefit with others by this research

paper. This research is conducted on current marketing strategies of real estate Company

here Sanmar properties Ltd is a representative case study company. Almost most of the

companies adopt similar strategies of marketing. Whole research is deliberated on the

view point of current strategies and at last shown more strategies should be adapted to the

match with customer demand. If somebody will read this research paper then he/she gets

idea about real estate marketing strategies in Bangladesh especially in Chittagong and

he/she adopts new remarkable strategies or appropriate planning on the based of this

study. This research can be minimized research gap of this topic. Still real estate

marketing strategies didn’t focus through research in Bangladesh. When researcher found

any research paper of this topic in internet or other way but it wasn’t found. So this


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research paper will become base for next time. But it is not complete study. Further it will

be needed more study to get complete task but I hope this research will provide then a


Objectives of the Study: The main objective of this study is to analyze the marketing strategies of Sanmar

Properties ltd. The various kinds of objectives are as follows:

To detect promotional strategies of Sanmar Properties Ltd

To find out selling strategies

To realize of creating market value

To expose online and social marketing

To elaborate segmentation and targeting

To note corporate identity

Comparing the SPL product with competitor’s product in terms of marketing


Find out that side where Sanmar still don’t go or identifying problem.


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Methodology of the Study: The report has been prepared on the basis of the experience gained during the period of

the internship. To prepare the report of internship, I have collected all kinds of related

data from the primary and secondary sources.

Primary data: For collecting primary data researcher followed interview method.

At first questioners were developed. When researcher took interview on the based on

questioner then she see some problem in her question paper as revised in later.

Researcher talked many personnel in Sanmar properties Ltd (Marketing, Sales, Customer

Care, Telemarketing, and Operations), REHAB, RF Builders and Equity Properties

Management (Pvt) Ltd

Secondary data: For secondary data researcher has gone through different types

of publications, website.


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Problem definition, aim, and the added value of the research

There are two types of research problems, viz., those which relate to states of nature and

those which relate to relationships between variables. At the very outset the researcher

must single out the problem to study, i.e., must decide the general area of interest or

aspect of a subject-matter that he/she would like to inquire into. Initially the problem may

be stated in a broad general way and then the ambiguities, if any, relating to the problem

be resolved. Then, the feasibility of a particular solution has to be considered before a

working formulation of the problem can be set up. Sanmar Properties Ltd is

representative case company in real estate market of Chittagong .Real estate market is

very competitive so company adapt what type of strategies which is negative or positive

mood or how much contest with customer demand. Researcher detect research gap of real

estate related research and here companies are too much confidential to disclose their

strategies. So she tried to seize this topic for minimizing the gap. This research is

basically a descriptive one with some characteristics of normative research focusing on

the marketing strategies of Sanmar Properties Ltd in Chittagong. At the same time current

business condition of Sanmar Properties Ltd has been covered too along with a profile of

Sanmar’s and REHAB viewpoints on real estate business in Chittagong. Therefore the

research is aimed at discussing the factors that contributed to the raising value of the

Sanmar and how the marketing department is to adopt strategies now. It also focuses on

various promotional tools of the Sanmar Properties Ltd. However the research works

finally produce a report which is an academic requirement.


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The scope of the research

The scope of the study is limited within property business in Bangladesh. It is also

limited within the organization of SANMAR properties Limited. And for that reason

information was very much restrictive within the organization as the real estate business

is going to be very much competitive. Here researcher discuss with topics related to the

strategies of marketing of SPL. In this regard information has been collected from her

observation in internship period in the SPL and interview of related person who are

familiar with organization. My internship program started from 15 February and end to

15 May.

Limitations of the Study:

Due to time constraints, the study has been conducted only on some specific market

integration issues of Sanmar Properties Ltd based on secondary information and some

primary data. A macroscopic analysis (aggregate analysis) has been made here for the

unavailability of appropriate data in some cases. Real estate business is various types.

Some company sell only apartments and some sell only plot another side some sell both.

Every company adopts particular strategies however it does not vary in large. Because

still real estate marketing is not used right way in Bangladesh. But here researcher tries to

show very particular portion of marketing strategies of Sanmar properties Ltd as not


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representative of overall market. For more accurate analysis, further detail studies are


Real Estate Market in Chittagong

Chittagong: the largest industrial zone of Bangladesh

Chittagong is the main industrial city of Bangladesh and it’s in the second position

among cities based on total population. In Chittagong people speak in a different dialect

and they have their own culture. The level of education was not much good until the last

couple of years. Though the city has the second largest population, real estate business is

not yet seen that much in this region. It might happen as because the level of land scarcity

is low till now.

Figure-3.6: Chittagong in the map of Bangladesh

At the same time the city expands in all directions it can which allows people to live in

the outskirts of the city while doing jobs or business in the city centre. In fact as the


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number of industries increase city also expands. One of the mentionable characteristics of

the population in Chittagong is that it is comprised of lots of labor class people who come

to the city for jobs from different other regions of Bangladesh. These jobs are mostly low

paid jobs like jobs in the garments sector. As a result people always look for the cheaper

houses and they go out of the city area to live. But it’s also true that there is a significant

amount of population in the city who has above average annual income and affords

luxury houses. These people are the basic target here in Chittagong market for the real

estate firms and therefore there are couples of companies are working here in the real

estate sector. Initially there were some small and medium size firms, but now almost all

the big firms that mainly operates in Dhaka region, focus on Chittagong market. Now

local companies carry large portion of market share. Example, Sanmar properties Ltd,

Equity Properties Management (Pvt) ltd are big company which owner are local people.

Some have already started housing projects here. In Chittagong division, Bangladesh has

two beaches among which one is Cox’s Bazaar, the largest beach in the world. Cox’s

Bazaar is pretty much attractive for the real estate companies especially for the

commercial real estate developers because of the large scale tourism activities in this area

around the year. In peak season the demand for residence becomes so high that one has to

book hotel or rest house well before one plan to go there. At that time price is also very

high i.e. almost double or triple of that in off peak season.

In reality the market now looks for the quality services and therefore item provides ample

opportunities to them who can build the houses or restaurants or hotels with quality

through maintaining some pre-defined standards. Therefore chances for the real estate

companies in this region are mainly oriented to the high income people. Now many

migrant Bangladeshi buy a apartment to invest or resale. Some buy to make legal of black

money. That’s what happening here in reality too. One of the major features of this area

is that it has beautiful landscapes and proper arrangement of security, a primary concern

for the people in this area.


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In future it is hoped that real estate firms’ attention will be moved from Dhaka to

Chittagong to meet the rising demand of housing in this area. It should be mentioned here

that the demand rises normally because of the high pace of industrialization in this area.

Company at a glance


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Corporate BackgroundSanmar has grown over the years from a specialist shipping company established in 1994,

into a corporate business house. Today, SANMAR HOLDINGS is the parent company of

the group that unfolded its business involvements in the port city of Chittagong in 1999.

With acquisition and diversification, the business arms of SANMAR HOLDINGS rapidly

extended to areas like Residential, Commercial & Land Development, Real Estate

Investment, Construction of Multistoried Residential, Commercial, Schools and

Hospitals, Architects & Design, Property Management, International Shipping Agency,

Port Related Business, Agro Business, International Trading, Capital Management and

Indoor Amusement. Real Estate building and development is the core business of the

company. Sanmar today is the leading provider of luxury projects and the name behind

some of the most acclaimed residential and commercial developments that includes gated

community township for all customer segments.

Sanmar Properties Limited (SPL)SPL is the core property development arm of Sanmar Holdings. Established in 1999, SPL

today has grown into one of the most successful real estate builder and developer. SPL

projects are built on joint venture land sharing basis as well as on company’s self owned

property. SPL’s product portfolio comprises mainly of residential apartments in

prestigious and sought-after locations of Chittagong and also includes shops and

commercial office space. The company is also involved in multi-tower gated community

projects at the city out skirts of Chittagong. Sanmar Ocean City, the largest modern

shopping mall of the port city is built by SPL.


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Company Profile:

PROFILE OF SANMAR PROPERTIES LIMITEDParticulars DescriptionsName Sanmar Properties LimitedParents Company Sanmar Holdings LimitedEstablished year 2000Sister Companies M A Kalam & Company Ltd

Rainbow & Shamim Traders Limited

Sanmar Capital Management Limited, SCML

Sanmar Agro & Plantations

Sanmar Grain

Sanmar Land Development limited, SLDL

Sanmar Construction Limited

Sanmar Architects Limited

Chairman of the Sanmar Properties Ltd Mashuk Huck

Address Sanmar Ocean City7th floor997, CDAEast NasirabadChittagong

Website WWW. mysanmar.comTelephone 2553401-10Fax 255341Authorized Capital 10,00,000 * 100Paid up Capital 1,00,000 * 100Ongoing project in Chittagong 14Ongoing Projects in Dhaka 2Upcoming Project 13Handed over Project 30Contractual Project 3Product Residential and Commercial ProjectsSanmar is the first real estate company in Chittagong to be awarded ISO 9001 Certification


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Vision of SPL:The company envisages being one of the most valuable lifestyle developers in the

country and placing its corporate identity somewhere beyond mere real estate

development. It aims to have development schemes in the most desirable and exclusive

locations and to build such schemes to a high quality specification that would become

synonymous with the group. “The company aspires to be one of the most sought after

lifestyle developer in the country by offering housing and commercial projects at the most

desirable and exclusive locations built to exacting quality standard”.

Mission of SPL:The company aims to have development projects that would be treated as true icons, reference

points for creativity and ingenuity and take its corporate responsibility to a new level in the real

estate development sector of the country.“The Company’s mission is to provide innovative

solutions in developing the real estate sector in the country”.

Business Philosophy of SPL:

Strictly adhere to control measures that ensure quality products with focus on delivering

the highest level of customer satisfaction through employing the best human resource

available in the country.

Right from the construction worker at site to the management personnel at the top brass,

Sanmar believes in developing people for today and tomorrow; our employees are our

most important asset. Sanmar hires top class talent. Our people are the passion behind

everything we do. We treat our employee as customer, providing highest level of working

environment and feel them proud to work at Sanmar.


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Value pillars:Adhere strictly to quality control measures

Ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction

Employ the best human resource

Create a high standard of working environment

Sanmar prides in:Uncompromising product quality

Flawless, Exquisite designs

Service excellences

Sanmar Believe: “Customer satisfaction is stimulus for growth”

Sanmar has a thriving portfolio:

Plots, Residential apartments and commercial projects in the most

prestigious and prime locations of Chittagong and Dhaka.

The largest and the most modern shopping mall of Chittagong is Sanmar

Ocean City with Sanmar Amusement Park (the only amusement park in

the city is a testament to Sanmar’s vision and contemporary approach).

With a track record of initiating multi tower gated community projects in

the outskirts of the port city.

Commercial complex at Gulsan 2, Dhaka (under construction)

Residential complex at Baridhara Diplomatic Zone, Dhaka (under


Sanmar doesn’t only offer Customer a home, Sanmar offer customer

leisures in a perfect home


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Organizational Objectives of Sanmar:

The company has a lot of minor and major objectives out of which few are mentioned


To provide standard flat

To capture a good market.

To earn a handsome profit.

To market the flat at a logical cost.

Overall to provide the best service.

Used modern technology in construction process.

To maintain quality.

To gain customer satisfaction

Lead the market



DMD Director


Accounts SCM Admin Inventory Audit



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Deputy Manager

Senior Manager



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Project of SPL:


Engineering Sales Marketing Customer care


DGM (Dhaka)



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Sanmar Properties Ltd has 16 ongoing projects in Chittagong and 4 projects in Dhaka. In

the below, some are point out:

Serial No Project Name Project addressOngoing Project

1 Grand Karim Road#3, Khulshi Hills R/A, Chittagong2 Sorrento Road#3, Khulshi Hills R/A, Chittagong3 Azams Elanza Nasirabad Housing Society, Road#1, Chittagong4 Eldorado Panchlaish R/A, Chittagong5 Palm Grove Nasirabad Housing Society, Road#2, Chittagong6 Garden Grove Road#3, O.R. Nizam Road R/A, Chittagong7 Tasnim O.R. Nizam Road R/A, Chittagong8 RL Park View Zakir Hossen Road, Opposite of AB Bank,

Chittagong9 Santino Devpahar, Chittagong10 Mhfuj Monor Mehedibag, Chittagong11 Elvera 14, S.S. Khaled Road, Kazir Dewri, Chittagong12 Sovana Nandan kanon, Chittagong13 Monica Bangshal Road, patharghata14 Casilda 924, East Nasirabad, Chittagong15 Sanmar Tower Gulshan 2, Dhaka16 Manjano Baridhara, Dhaka

Serial No Project Name Project addressUpcoming Project

1 Mahanagar Greenpark Jalalabad, Bayzid Bostami, Chittagong2 Avenue tower East Nasirabad, CDA Avenue, Chittagong3 Terra Nova 205, Chanmari road, Lalkhan Bazar, Chittagong4 Sardinia Forestry, Dankan Hill, Chittagong5 Residence & Country

ClubForestry, Dankan Hill, Chittagong

6 Hyde park Hill top, Road # 4, Khulshi, Chittagong7 Meher Manaar Love Lane, Chittagong8 Ocean Front Fouzdarhat, Chittagong9 Momena Monor Love Lane, Chittagong10 Royal Ridge South Khulshi11 Beverly House Panchlaish, Chittagong12 Florentina 113/A, S.S. Khaled Road, Kazir Dewri, Chittagong13 Unnamed Arakan Road, Chandgoan, Chittagong

Serial No Project Name Project address


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Hand Over Project1 Bonanto Khulshi, Chittagong2 Minerva Khulshi, Chittagong3 5th Avenue Khulshi, Chittagong4 Park Avenue Khulshi, Chittagong5 Park Valley Khulshi, Chittagong6 Silvano Nasirabad, Chittagong7 Vellone Nasirabad, Chittagong8 Malvariva Nasirabad, Chittagong9 Montoro Nasirabad, Chittagong10 Signoria Nasirabad, Chittagong11 Riveria O.R. Nizam Road R/A, Chittagong12 Florina Rabeya Rahman Lane, Chittagong13 Aventino Love Lane, Chittagong14 Mandira Patharghata, Chittagong15 Casablanca College Road, Chittagong16 Spring garden Jamal Khan Road, Chittagong17 Vinings Enayet Bazar, Chittagong18 Astoria Nandan kanon, Chittagong19 Lelanta Devpahar, Chittagong20 Rabeya Sirajuddallah Road, Chittagong21 Spring vellay Zakir Hossen Road, Chittagong22 Valencia Sarson Road, Chittagong23 Terimakshi Nasirabad, Chittagong24 Silver Spring Mehedibag, Chittagong25 May Fair Khulshi, Chittagong26 Magnolia Jamal Khan Road, Chittagong27 Monabi Khulshi, Chittagong28 Ocean City East Nasirabad, Chittagong29 Amadora Rahamatgonj, Chittagong30 Amaranta Nasirabad, Chittagong

Contractual Project1 Maa O Shishu Hospital Agrabad, Chittagong2 City Park lane 19, Shahid Najrul Islam Road, Dhaka3 Asgor Ali General

HospitalGandaria, Dhaka

Some projects demonstrate are shown in the following:


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Ongoing Commercial Projects

Location: ChittagongSize: 2487 sftCompletion time: 30 September, 2015 (expected)

Location: Gulshan – 2, DhakaSize: 2600 sft (Average) per floor sft Completion time: 01-Aug-2012 (expected)

Ongoing Residential Projects

Location: 14, S.S. Khaled Road ChittagongSize: 1450, 1500, 1375, 1400 sft Completion time: 30 Jun, 2015 (expected)

Location: Nandankanon, ChittagongSize: 2100 - 2200 sft Completion time: 30 Jun, 2014 (expected)


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Location: Nasirabad H/S. Road # 2, ChittagongSize: 1895, 3190,1940 and 1880 sft Completion time: 30 April, 2014 (expected)

Location: Patherghata ChittagongSize: 1400, 1350 & 1275 sft  Completion time: 31 January, 2014 (expected)

Location: 88 Park Road, Baridhara, DhakaSize: 3200 sft  Completion time: 30-Jun-2013 (expected)

Location: O. R. Nizam Road, ChittagongSize: 1825, 1710, 1740 sft.Completion time: 29-Feb-2012 (expected)


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Location: Nasirabad H/S, Road # 1, ChittagongSize: 2415, 2425, 2975 sft.Completion time: 30-Jun-2012 (expected)

Location: 33 Mehedibagh, Chittagong Size: 1765, 1740, 1385, 1490, 1500, 1685, 1810, 1575, 1610, 1675, 1655 & 1690 sft.Completion time: 31-May-2013 (expected)

Location: Panchlaish, Chittagong.Size: 2625, 2655 sft.Completion time: 31-Dec-2012 (expected)

Location: Zakir Hossain Road, Opposite of AB Bank, Chittagong.Size: 1650, 1575, 1560, 1635 sft.Completion time: 31-Aug-2012 (expected)


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Marketing Strategies Analysis

Marketing outline:


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Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain

what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with

others. (Philip Kotler).

Real estate marketing does not have to be complicated, expensive, or sophisticated.

Marketing real estate starts with great services and creative ideas. "Marketing of Real

Estate" is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what

they need and want through offering and exchanging land and creating, offering and

exchanging buildings directly and indirectly to others

Sanmar Properties Ltd. is the largest real estate company in Chittagong and they

operate marketing operations as usual other company but in modified way. BTI is the

oldest real estate company in Bangladesh and they are highly structured company but

Assets Housing Ltd at Dhaka is the pioneer of modern real estate marketing in

Bangladesh. Now most of the companies practice it because market is very competitive.

From REHAB catalog

REHAB is established in 1992 and continuing their operations in Chittagong from 2006.

83 local companies and 50 Dhaka based companies be present enlisted in REHAB,

Chittagong (about 250 developers and real estate companies are operated in Chittagong).


Total enlisted company 133

Total handed over and ongoing projects 250

Total apartments 5500

Sanmar Properties Ltd 44

Market share of SPL 17.6%


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Marketing Objectives of Sanmar Properties Limited:Primary objectives of Marketing Department in Sanmar properties Ltd is:

Develop a solid, corporate identity in our specified targeted market area.

To establish good working relationships and begin working as a team,

promoting communication and suggestions from all participants.

Realize a positive return on investment within least time.

Ultimate objective is to increase sales.

Gross margin higher than 50%.

To maintain SPL’s advertising costs low by conducting simple marketing


Other common objectives are discussed in the following.

Improve customer loyalty

Increase brand awareness

Create reference

Gain new client

Achieve high level of customer satisfaction

Reduce marketing cost

Improve Customer Loyalty: Sanmar try to get more benefit from existing customer

by improving customer loyalty. They knock their existing customer in every occasion.

Card, flower and sweets are sent to more loyal customer. They collect client review as

seen in their website. Sometimes customers don’t know how feedbacks are taken from



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Increase brand awareness: Sanmar properties Ltd try to increase brand awareness by

using particular logo, slogan in billboard, neon sign, calendar, diary, pad, personnel card,

visiting card, invitation card, wishing card etc. And they promote their project and

company at corporate level by maintains special relationships.

Create reference: Habitually customer when decide to purchase expensive property

they want to get suggest from well-informed person. Due to this reason, Sanmar

Properties Ltd maintains relationships with such types of customer who are not potential

buyer just maintain to create reference. However they had already bought a flat from

Sanmar or other company but Sanmar informed them for ongoing projects or upcoming

projects. Because if somebody wants advise from them, they easily suggest to buy a flat

from Sanmar Properties Ltd.

Gain new client: Gain new client is common objectives of Sanmar properties Ltd like

other real estate company. They adopt marketing strategies to attract new customer as rise

their ultimate selling.

Achieve high level of customer satisfaction: Usually in advancement customer

satisfaction is very difficult. Another side, real estate customer is superior customer

because they pay premium price for product. Sanmar properties Ltd develop customer

care to ensure elevated customer service and well decorated hospitality space to welcome.

Reduce marketing cost: A lot of people think that marketing cost is unnecessary and

added extra cost to product. Sanmar properties Ltd try to minimize their marketing cost

but operate in effective level.


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Marketing Strategies of Sanmar Properties Ltd:

Marketing strategy is an action plan which directed by company to promote their product,

company and increasing brand awareness. In real estate marketing strategies it is very

critical to adopt because product is almost same and companies are representative. Most

of the leading company offer usually same types of apartment but demand and market

share are varied for their promotion and differentiations of structural design, interior, get

up and places. Sanmar properties ltd is also carry out same task to maintain market value

of Sanmar. Their marketing strategies are as different with competitors as easily

understood when customer visit their project or office.

As a well established company Sanmar Properties ltd has significant marketing strategies

as ensure their identity in the market. In fact in Bangladesh and also in Chittagong real

estate market is now very competitive. Due to reasons Sanmar Properties Ltd adopt

particular marketing strategies which provide backup in the market. Sanmar Properties

Ltd is the case company in this report and however their strategies is not representative

for all companies but provide idea about real estate marketing strategies in Bangladesh. It

is interesting to say marketing strategies of Sanmar properties Ltd is performed not only

based on marketing department but also depend on sales, customer care, administration

and supply chain management (operation) department. In the following, pointed out

marketing strategies of Sanmar Properties Ltd.


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1. Marketing Strategies to design departmental structure

2. Marketing strategy to create market value

3. Market segmentation strategy

4. Target marketing strategies

5. corporate branding or create corporate identity

6. Promotional strategies

7. Selling strategies

8. Social Marketing strategies

9. Online Marketing strategies

10. Services strategies

11. Strategic group map

12. Agreement with Bank (HSBC & BRAC Bank)

13. Other identifiable strategies

Strategy no 134

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Marketing Strategies to design Departmental structure:

Sanmar properties Ltd is large company in port city Chittagong (17.6% market share

source: REHAB). Departmental structure developed is one kind of strategies because cost

and performance highly depend on departmental design. But when we see department of

Sanmar Properties Ltd, we are much socked because only one assistant manager works in

the corporate office of Sanmar in Chittagong. And one assistant general manager works

in the Dhaka office. About 5-6 agency works for Sanmar Properties Ltd. Sanmar do not

perform in house operations because they want to get best idea from add and promotion

expert. However Sanmar Properties Ltd give basic idea to add agencies and agencies

provide vast outlook of these idea on the based of Sanmar’s basic theme.

Sanmar related with several add agencies and printing agencies:

Add agencies are ----------------------------------

Studio Dixine

Core One Communication

Spas taw Communication

Prochito Communication

Cozito Communication


Printing agencies are -------------------------------

Akota offset Press


Live in excellence

Trust advertising

Batik raw printing


Digital printing agencies are ----------------------

Classic billboard

Open sign

Digital sign lane

Department of Marketing is directed by director of Sanmar Properties Ltd. And Assistant

general manager is head of Marketing Department. Organogram of Marketing

Department is shown in the following:

Strategy no 236

Live in excellence

Strategy to create market Value

Sanmar properties ltd adopts some specific strategies as create market value than

competitors. Actually it are not marketing related but marketing department promote this

to raise their market share and try to show their differentiations against competitors.

Some determinants were found out in Sanmar properties Ltd which increase their market

value but it is done by supply chain department, architecture or other department. In the

following discussed it…………….



The architectural style of assets




Special relationships

Location: Sanmar is very efficient to choice location. They select such types of location that concluded particular feature of prime location as create more market value of company. Features of prime location are in the following.

Easy communication

Well infrastructure

Calm and quite residential area


Live in excellence

Large size of land

Particular community based

Familiar business area for commercial projects

As a result when customers want a flat in prime location of Chittagong then they firstly

select Sanmar Properties ltd.

The architectural style of assets: Sanmar Properties Ltd assigns best architectural

firms to design their project. Therefore customer usually attracted to Sanmar’s project.

But Sanmar make sure some criteria when architecture designs the apartment.

Space are properly used

On the house to air movement

Free from shadows

Security and privacy maintain

Like at sight

Opportunity to customer option are implied

Sometimes internal outlay be changed on the based on customer demand.

Size: Sanmar Properties Ltd. makes their flat as usually based on area and customer

preferences. Because customers choice diverge area from area. Example, commercial

project of Sanmar Properties Ltd are Avenue Tower at Nasirabad in Chittagong --- 2487

sft and Gulshan Tower at Gulshan in Dhaka ---- 2600 sft. Another side, residential project

of SPL are Manjano at Baridhara in Dhaka – 3200 sft, size of project at Nasirabad and

JEC area in generally 1800 – 2000 sft, Nandan Kanon – 2200 – 2300 sft, Khulshi – 2200

– 2500 sft and Panchlaish & Mehedibag – 1300-1600 sft.


Live in excellence

Duration: Actually customers are very sensitive to get in time their flat. Most of the real

estate companies try to uphold project durations or handover in time. But customers often

claim that they don’t get their flat in time. Sanmar Properties Ltd also tries to hand over

flat within expected duration.

Materials: Sanmar properties Ltd uses quality raw materials from market leader

companies. They collect angle from BSRM and KSRM, uses Ruby cement from

Heidelberg, sand from Sylhet, Dolu and local, use A One Polymer products from Anowar

Group, BRB Cables, Asian Paints, Berger Paints and other related quality products.

When a customer buys a flat then he/she will pay premium price for that.

Special relationships: Sanmar maintain relationships among corporate level,

administrations, local and national political leader, financial institutions to get credit,

legal and political benefit.

Strategy no 3Market Segmentation Strategy:

The main types of segmentation strategies of Sanmar Properties Ltd are as follows:


Live in excellence

But basic segmentation of Sanmar Properties Ltd is

Residential project

Commercial project

Geographic segmentation: Segmenting customers based on geographic area such as

city, country, metropolitan etc. Sanmar Properties basically choice their project location

on the based on

Prime location

Chittagong city area

Easy communication

Well infrastructure

High demand

Popular residential area for residential project and busy commercial place

for commercial project

Location segmentation: The market of Sanmar properties limited is highly segmented.

This segmentation is mainly based on the location, price of the land, and size of the


The segmented areas are:

In Chittagong City

Segmentation/location – I : Khulshi Segmentation/location – II : GEC, O.R. Nizam Road Segmentation/location – III : Nasirabad Society (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Live in excellence

Segmentation/location - IV : Panchlaish, Agrabad, Zakir Hossen Road, Mehedibag etc Segmentation/location - V : Debpahar, Patharghata, Rahamotgong, Nandon Kanon etc (specially for Hindu Community)

Profession based segmentation: They segment their potential customer depend on

Renowned person

Highly qualified person

Professional ( doctor, engineer, corporate etc)

Business person

Work out Bangladesh

Psychological segmentation:


Raising broken family

Increasing unit family

Mentally disappoint to build own building etc

In Dhaka City: Sanmar Properties Limited have 4 ongoing projects as will make for

superior customer. As a cause, these projects are in Gulshan, Baridhara of Dhaka.

Strategy no 4Target Marketing Strategies:

Sanmar Properties Ltd targets their market on the way……..


Live in excellence

They target so much rich people because each flat cost is

minimum 1 crore taka.

Ventosa, Sovana, Mahanagar Green Park, Azam Elanza &

eldorado are built to target high medium family or professionals.

Sardinia, Residence & Country Club & Manjano will become for

higher income earning group.

Their some of the project included 24 to 30 so they targeted such

customer who ensure premium price but want to live calm and


Mahfuj Monor has 91 flat as usual it is targeted to high medium

family but they don’t think about other crucial factor in residence

area, they are happy to buy a only flat. Price is comparatively

less then luxury project.

Monica is made for only Hindu religious customer that means

they show community interest.

Some are made in Khulshi & Dankan Hill areas which are for

high rich family.

Some are made in Nasirabad area which is for rich or medium

family and they feel comfortable to live in because Nasirabad

Society is near place with good English Medium School,

Shopping mall or other necessary place.


Live in excellence

Sanmar properties ltd made their some project at Rahamatgonj,

Devbahar, Loveline as specially target for Hindu Community

because customer of such area are rich but they don’t want

change their living place. Especially they are committed to such

place. So Sanmar made flat to target these customer.

Mahanagor Green Park will be come in next that structure is 3

building formation. About 300 apartments will be made. It is

design for middle class family.

Sanmar collect employee database from several large company

e.i; Barger, BSRM, RSRM, GPH, Asia Paint, Heidelberg and

justify their salary structure. And then targeted some designation

for promoting to sell flat.

They collect data from particular club to target affluent prospect.

When they applied personal selling they target such customers

who like to live individually or in unique family. Because in

Chittagong joint family is available. And many people like to

joint family. They don’t respect apartment idea.

Strategy no 5Corporate branding or create corporate identity:


Live in excellence

Corporate branding means create identity in corporate level. Actually establishing

relationship with strong companies to get suspect of ultimate seller and raise alternative

source of supplier. In real estate business, supplier play important roll because they

provide raw materials on time. If they fail to ensure goods then project can’t completed

with during time as harm for company reputation. Strong suppliers create market value

to Real Estate Company. As a cause Sanmar Properties Ltd focuses this site. We see

customer easily purchase apartment from Sanmar because they use BSRM steel. BSRM

has strong identity in market. Sanmar properties ltd executes some assignment to raise

corporate identity as seen in the following

• Series of Corporate agreement signing with countries reputed brands.

• Arranging ‘Sanmar Partner’s Night’.

• Jointly organizing ‘Technical Seminars’ with reputed Brands such as Berger, Heidelberg, and BSRM etc.

• Organizing ‘Sanmar Quality Seminar’

• Extensive study on quality of competing brands

• Establish well equipped sample room

• Internal quality seminar in every three months

• Introduce “Material Complaint Register”• Propagating the philosophy of ‘Continuous Improvement’

Strategy no 6Promotional strategies:


Live in excellence

Sanmar’s message is able to have Attention, Hold Interest and obtain action. The theme

they use for desire response is Rational and Emotional. Their slogan is Live in

Excellencies & Fusion of Life. The message structure is letting buyer come to own

conclusion. For business promotion they use billboard, neon sign, personally inform,

create reference, agreement, paper advertisement, using customer relationship

management and attending rehab fair, home loan fair etc.

Media advertising

Project Promotion

Outdoor Promotion

Corporate Promotion & Printing


Overseas promotions


Public relations

Event management

Corporate night


Media Advertising: Sanmar Properties Limited publishes Corporate Ads / Project Ads

in National, Local Daily Newspapers, and Foreign Weekly Bengali Newspapers.

Purbokone, Azadi, Prothom Alo, Daily Star are commonly used in paper ad of SPL.

Project Promotion

On Going: Sanmar Properties Ltd has 16 nos. ongoing Projects at various prime

location in Chittagong and Dhaka respectively. These projects play a vital role increase

their brand image. To promote Project, SPL do


Live in excellence

SPL is going to introduce new fencing design for all upcoming projects.

SPL may re-fabricate their ongoing projects priority basis.

SPL will monitor PVIF (Project Visitors Info Card) card distribution from ongoing

projects to get maximum benefit in this regard.

Also to keep Fencing fabrication neat & clean, SPL will keep ‘Daily Project

Monitoring System’

As part of SPL development program they are working to develop new site board design for prime ongoing projects

Expected Fencing Plan:

Sanmar Monica

Sanmar Ventossa

Sanmar Royal Ridge

Sanmar Momena Manor

Handed Over: Sanmar Properties Ltd has already handed over 30 nos projects to the

customers. As part of their development program they may renovate their old project’s

corporate logo as well project logo subject to management decision. They have renovated

8 projects in last 6 months. They plan is to renovate their corporate logo and land

escaping in Sanmar’s all handed over projects phase by phase.

Upcoming Project promotion: Sanmar Properties Ltd has 3 nos. special upcoming

projects in Chittagong including one Condominium, one resort etc. Project wise

promotions are as follow:

1. Mahanagar Greenpark:


Live in excellence



Use of Media (local newspaper)

Temporary Billboard

Office decorate and entertainment

Information booth

2. Beach Resort:



Use of Media (national & local newspaper, radio & TV)

Temporary Billboard

Office decorate and entertainment

Information booth

3. Sanmar Avenue Tower:

3D Animation

Media (national newspaper)


Outdoor Promotions

To develop Sanmar Properties ltd’s brand equity, they can present day in and day out,

words, graphics and symbols which are related to their business. As per plan 13

billboards to be displayed in which Chittagong 7, Dhaka 4, Sylhet 1 and Jessore 1


Live in excellence


a. Sanmar Properties Ltd has been maintaining 2 hired billboards and 1neon sign

at Chittagong another one for Dhaka.

b. They had also hired 1 at Gulshan Circle but as per management decision we

closed the agreement after 6 month display.

c. Jessore Airport and sylhet billboard decision still in under observations.

d. Besides they have additionally done Alankar more police box neon, Ocean

City signage and backlit, Collage road billboard

7 billboards/neon at Chittagong: They have 6 nos outdoor display in CTG and we

proposed 01 more in Airport Chittagong. Details are as follow:




College Gate,


Ocean City Front

Airport ( Proposed)

2 billboards/neon at Dhaka: They have one outdoor display in DHK and proposed one

more in Dhanmondi or Banani

Corporate Promotions and Printing:

Well-designed, Quality and Cost Effective Wall & Desk Calendar, Diary Printing and

distribution can create a good image to the prospects. They will prepare Desk Calendar

and Diary for 2012. Calendar design focuses sanmar creativity and features. Corporate

promotions are included


Live in excellence

Yearly Calendar

Yearly Diary

Corporate Stationeries

ID Card (New Design)

Business Card

Ad published in various souvenirs

Inner wheel club

Fire service & Civil defense

Santaran Art Organization

Vatiary Golf Club

City Post Office

Bangladesh Society of Pharmaceutical

BGMEA Directory

Premier University

Mirersorai Mukti Joddha Porishod

Chittagong Cooperative Housing Society


Mailing is the common promotional tools of Sanmar Properties Ltd. Particular types of

mailing are used in Sanmar Properties Ltd which are shown in the following

A. Corporate folder mailing

B. Project Card Mailing


Live in excellence

C. Greetings Card Mailing

D. Career Card Mail

E. Eid Card Mailing

F. New Year / Noboborsho Card mailing


To inform about projects to new customer

To upgrade about projects to existing customer

To wish in every occasions to exclusive customer

To maintain corporate relations

To get effective human resources


To implement the required man power, achieve prospect and satisfy previous


Through mailing Sanmar properties Ltd get 10 nos hot prospect from Manjano

mail card mailing

Sanmar Properties ltd mail Eid card & Boishakhi card to exclusive customer.

SPL mail careers Card depend on HRD requirements.

Overseas Promotions

They publish Project Ads & Fair Ads in Foreign Weekly Bengali Newspapers, E-

Newspapers and which will be displayed to the prospective reader group in Abroad. It

will act as the part of National and International branding for company.

a. Foreign Weekly Newspapers in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Middle East


Live in excellence

Weekly Thikana, USA

Weekly Jonomot, UK

Weekly Bangladesh Canada

b. E-newspaper (i.e. eAzadi)

c. Web

Special Note for overseas promotion: Now economic crisis are seen in world and also Bangladesh as affected in real estate business. Some scenarios are point out in the following:

Real estate ads are reducing in surprising way in daily newspaper.Project sell is comparatively slow then previous.Prospect are related with other business so overall impact is affected on them.And due to reason like other real estate companies Sanmar Properties Ltd focus their promotion on non resident Bangladeshi, migrant or such people who never live in Bangladesh but buy a apartment to resell that means to invest.


Sanmar Properties ltd don’t more sponsor of cultural program or any other type of

program. Before 2-3 years they were sponsor of LALON MELA in DC hill.

Public Relations

Like other business Sanmar Properties Ltd maintain relation with local administrations,

politicians, newspaper, police department, other business and etc

Event Managements:


Live in excellence

Sanmar properties ltd. manages several events to promote their product and raise their

corporate identity. They attend fair to promote company and introduce new or upcoming

project. And they get benefit from celebrating New Year, Eid or other program. This

benefit is mainly to retain existing customer and attracting new customer or building

strong relation with other cooperating partner. Some event details are shown in the


Rehab Fair, Chittagong 2011: Sanmar properties limited had successfully

participated in rehab fair 2011 as Co-sponsor

Venue Chittagong Club

Date January 27-29, 2011

End time 11:30 PM

Prospect Generation


Booklet Distribution


Campaign by billboard

3 nos.

Press Ad 2 insertion

HSBC Home Loan fair 2011: Sanmar Properties Limited had successfully

participated in HSBC Home loan fair 2011



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The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Limited in Bangladesh is

organizing a three-day long “Home Loan Fair” in Chittagong, for the very first time, in

association with some of the leading real estate companies. The fair will be held at

Engineer’s Institute from 21 to 23 April 2011. Mr. Sanjay Prakash, CEO of HSBC

Bangladesh, will inaugurate the fair on 21 April 2011 at 3.00pm. The fair would remain

open from 10.00am to 9.00pm, for the next two days. Through this fair, HSBC is giving

customers the opportunity to discover some of the best deals from the leading developers

of Chittagong, a new revised home loan rate and many more exciting offers.

Venue Engineering institute

Date April 21-23, 2011

End time 11:30 PM

Prospect Generation


Booklet Distribution


Campaign by billboard

2 nos.

Press Ad 2 insertion

Pohela Boishakh 1419: Sanmar Properties Limited had made an exclusive sweet

box and distributed to the valued 114 customer


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Corporate Event

The company believes exchange of views and ideas with the social elites and business

intelligential is an effective way to remain abstract of customer need and requirements

and to equip its service tools and techniques for better focus on trends of the industry.


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With this end in view, Sanmar arranges regular congregation of leading social and trade

personalities of the city. The executive management of the company shares their thoughts

with such personalities in such gatherings.

Sanmar partner night was such type of event which main objective is:

Build a good relationship with supplier ( sanmar called business partner)

Getting good feedback

Achieving efficiency in procurement process

Gain in negotiation time

Motivated customer

Trade promotions

Motivated employee

Increase sales

Sanmar arrange different types of corporate event. Such as:

Business partner night

Employee night

Allotment program

Arranging sports program etc

Arranging corporate night is a imperative marketing strategy which designed by Sanmar

marketing department because it motivate employee, customer and partner to ensure their

best performance. It is used for internal marketing also.

Venue Ambrosia, Chittagong


Live in excellence

Date January 05, 2011Start time 7:30 PMEnd time 11:30 PM

Banner Deign & Venue decorationPPT Presentation



Allotment handover related program:

Sanmar customer care arranges allotment program to give key of flat at familiar hotel or

restaurant. In generally, most of the companies hand over key in common way. Just


Live in excellence

customers come to the office and take their key. But Sanmar organizes allotment program

to honor customer. And they give key within picky box.


Recently SPL has introduced to the project Address plate & To-let board

Strategy no 7Selling Strategies:


Live in excellence

Selling strategies is very common in Sanmar properties Ltd like other real estate

companies. Personally communicate or communicate through telephone. As well as it is

done by sales executives who identify suspect, prospect then customer. Sanmar sales

executive is very smart and they work in the field level to implement selling strategies.

Personal selling


Personal Selling: Actually sales executive of Sanmar Properties ltd directly

communicate with customer to inform about new project of Sanmar Properties Limited.

At first they select target prospect on the base of suspect, local culture, area demand and

overall customer characteristics. Sometimes Sanmar to do job not only sales but also

remind or create reference. About 6-7 sales executives work in this department. They

naturally go in prospect office and discuss about new project. Their main target to

achieve new client by motivating such way (Sanmar Sales Executive tone):

What do you think about to buy a new apartment in prime location of Chittagong? Sanmar will give this opportunity to choice you at favorable location? With our luxurious apartment in prime location, we ensure bank loan facility, security, safety, better customer care, customer favorable installment etc.

Telemarketing for Sanmar Professionals:

A telephone sale, or telemarketing, is a widespread, efficient and effective method for

making contact with prospects and closing sales. Telemarketing is also an effective

method for selling new or additional and services to existing customers. Today's

telemarketer, however, has to break through more "communication clutter" than ever


Live in excellence

before. Sanmar is not only competing with messages from other telemarketers for

prospects' attention, but also with advertising, news broadcasts and a myriad of other

marketing communications tactics. By its very nature, telemarketing creates a unique

selling environment. Sanmar telemarketing department collecting phone directory

from _________________

Chittagong Chambers of commerce

Chittagong club

Golf club

Different types of association where renown person are involved

District association

Phone number of high qualified professional or businessperson

Benefits of Telemarketing

Increases sales territory of Sanmar Properties Limited while reducing the cost of

"sales visits."

Sanmar uses telemarketing to Increase business efficiency because it can reach

more prospects per hour, day and week by phone than sale person can with in-

person sales calls.

Provides an effective way to perform relationship marketing. Sanmar use the

phone to stay in touch with existing customers, introduce new products to them

and make additional sales and creates references.

Sanmar use telemarketing to create demand over time.

Sanmar is using telemarketing of reminding.

It is a cost effective way. So Sanmar use it’s to achieve cost efficiency.

Sanmar telemarketing department to do their job by performing


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Colleting phone directory

Phone to prospect when project is approved

Inform potential customer about upcoming project

Arranging sales related event such allotment program

Entry price related data in ERP software

They are not directly involved in sales but assist to sales department.

Strategy no 8Social marketing:

This neon is sponsored by Sanmar. It is 99 years Agreement contract. Long time it was

damaged. Police box were made by Sanmar. Sanmar operate awareness based billboard

as involved in social marketing. Example: “Save Water, Gas & Electricity”. A social

marketing strategy is new strategies in Sanmar Properties Ltd which was adopted due to


Live in excellence

raise acceptability. It is continued to sustain in over competitive market. Many people are

concerned in this concept.

Strategy no 9Online marketing has the powerful advantage of Sanmar Properties Limited:

The Power of Online Real of reaching an immense readership, made up from a captive

audience that accesses the internet daily. Simply customers know about Sanmar and

apply for apartment through Sanmar’s website. Sanmar


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Maintaining web site ad in www.dailyazadi.net,

Maintaining their domain www.mysanmar.com

The fundamentals of online marketing of Sanmar Properties Limited:

Determine Sanmar target markets who commonly affected by online way.

Identify how Sanmar are perceived, then increase the perceived value of their


What brand image and perception can really resonate with Sanmar audiences and

potential customers?

How can Sanmar position their self to be different and better?

Where and how to get new business

Strategy no 10Service Strategies:

Service of Sanmar Properties ltd

1. Sanmar Properties Ltd informs their  Customer about financial support in three



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Sending Formal letter: After getting Application from Sales Department,

Customer Care will send a formal letter to each and every customer to

inform about the financial support.

Verbally at the time of Allotment Ceremony: At the time of Allotment hand

over program the customer will inform by customer care executive about

the whole procedure of financial support.

Through Web site: A details comparative statement and loan procedure will

available in our Company website. By this a customer can get all kind of

information about the financial support.     

2. When the interested customer of home loan visit in their corporate office one of

executive from loan facility cell will attain the customer on priority basis.   

3. They also arrange to introduce the interested customer about home loan with

financial company through a tri party meeting.

4. They provide customer the brochure of different financial institution stating their

facility to choose the best possible source of financial support for the customer.

5. After getting the sanction letter from the bank they arrange all the relevant

documents for the bank with help of Legal & Engineering department. 

6. They persuade the bank for disbursement at a regular basis after providing all the

legal documents.

7. Sanmar arrange to ensure optimum facility for our customer through signing of

Memorandum of Understanding with different financial institute.

Sanmar Customer Service:


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Regardless of how busy you are, it’s important that your customers be able to reach you.

With real estate customer service from CMS, you can provide clients with courteous,

responsive support around the clock, without sacrificing your freedom.

The main objective of Customer Care of SPL:

Service creates trust

Sanmar transactions involve huge amounts of money and it’s critical that customers trust

those they’re doing business with. By sending all of calls to voicemail and not reacting to

clients concerns, risk losing business and harming company’s reputation. Sanmar’s

customer service call center is the answer to this critical communication problem, giving

agents, investors and brokers the constant availability that lets their customers know they

care. Only paying for the time spent managing your calls, real estate customer service

from CMS is a cost-effective solution. Sanmar customer service professionals work as an

extension of their real estate operation, assisting customers with their concerns and

providing them the information they’re looking for.

Integrating with business

A key feature of Sanmar customer service call center is that they are able to integrate

directly with their business, utilizing web portals and client databases that they use on a

daily basis. By doing so, they’re able to provide customers with up-to-date and accurate

information without interrupting their busy work day.


Live in excellence

In addition, every aspect of service is customizable, so they can personalize the way calls

are answered and how different situations are handled. Their system can be designed to

mirror, or even improve upon, their existing workflow.

Build a better relationship

The ultimate benefit of Sanmar customer service call center is the enhanced relationship

it’ll be able to build with their clients. Even when customer can’t speak to directly, they

will know that business is within reach. When they need assistance after hours or in the

midst of a hectic work day, they’ll be there to answer their calls. Regardless of what the

situation may be, they’re always there to bridge the gap and make sure remain connected.

After Sales Service

Right from the day of sale, the customer is regularly informed of the progress of various

phases of the project construction. Confirmation of apartment layout and selection of

fittings and fixtures are done after due consultation with the customer. Customized

requirements of buyers are also accommodated within a practical limit. From the date of

project hand over, the company provides a 6 (six) months maintenance warranty for all

sorts of civil, plumbing, tiles and electrical works. Standard service warranty from the


Live in excellence

suppliers of all common installations of the project, like lift, generator, sub station,

CCTV and any other electro mechanical equipment is also arranged. Customer care to do

1. Allotment handover

2. Credit collection

3. Modification related work

4. Finishing materials selection

5. Project handover and A/c settlement

6. key handover to client

7. Association formation

8. Customer complain feedback

9. Registration and ownership transfer

10. Interior works ( optional )

a) AllotmentAllotment will be made on first come first serve basis. Upon acceptance of Application, Down

Payment and other necessary papers. SPL will issue an Allotment Letter in favor of the

Applicant. This will include the Payment Schedule, which the buyer should follow on receiving

the Allotment Letter Buyer(s) willing to make one time payment will be rewarded with

substantial rebate. The buyer is not entitled to transfer the Apartment to Third Party till the

Apartment is handed over him/he

b) Mode of Payment and credit collection


Customers are at liberty to effect payment by A/C payee cheque, Bank Draft or Pay

Order issued in favor of Sanmar Properties Limited. Customers residing abroad can

arrange payment by wire transfer or DD.

Standard sale term is payment of 30% of the agreed price of apartment with car park as

down payment. Balance amount of the agreed price is to be paid in equal monthly


Live in excellence

installments with the last installment having to be cleared at least one month before the

project hand over time Customers may also opt for clearing the balance payment in equal

quarterly installments for their convenience. Terms and conditions are discussed in the



Interested client(s) will submit application in prescribed form by Sanmar Properties

Limited (SPI.) duly signed by the Buyer(s) along with down payment and other necessary

documents. The company has the right to accept or reject any application without

assigning any reason whatsoever.


All payments should be made by A/C payee cheque or Bank Draft issued in favor of

Sanmar Properties Limited (SPL). Buyers residing aboard may remit payments by wire

transfer to designated Bank account of SPL. Cash payments are generally discouraged.

All buyers must strictly adhere to the agreed payment terms and schedule of payment. In

case of default in payment of the installment amount within the due date as per agreed

payment schedule, 2% delay charge per month shall be charged on the default installment

amount. If the payment of the due installment is delayed beyond 60 days, the company

shall have the right to cancel the allotments without serving any notice to the Allottee. In

such event, the amount paid by the allottee will be refunded after deducting 10% of total

agreed price of apartment along with Car Park(s). Such refund shall be made only after

sale of the Apartment to a new buyer and collection of at least the equivalent amount from the

new Buyer If the Allottee decides to surrender the allotment the same penalty shall apply and the

refund process shall also be the same.

CASH transaction is strictly prohibited and Sanmar is not liable for any transactions made by CASH.


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SPLS Right

The company has the right to accept or reject any Application for Allotment. It also

reserves the right to make minor changes in both architectural and structural design of the

project. Limited change can be made in specifications for overall interest of the project.

 Utility Connection

Connection Fees, Security Deposit for WASA. s. Electricity. Deep tube well and

incidental costs are not included in the Apartment Price. SPL makes these payments

directly to the concerned authorities and the buyer shall reimburse the amount to SPL.

Transfer of Ownership

Proportionate share of indivisible land as well as Apartment will be registered in favor of

each Buyer’s as per the current rules and regulations of the government.

Transfer Cost

All costs related to transfer of ownership like Stamp duty, Registration cost. Apartment

VAT Government tax, VAT Documentation charges. Incidental expenses will be borne

by the Buyer.

c) Modification related work:

If customer want modified their apartment then customer care modified it on the based on

customer choices. Actually basic design is not changed but internal design to be changed

as made on order by customer. That means we say that customer care of Sanmar

Properties ltd act as customizations.

d) Finishing materials selections:


Live in excellence

Finishing materials means color, tiles, light, light shade etc. Customer care give some

types of sample in display room and customer choice from its. If they don’t like anyone

then they advice or order for other materials as they like or they will do it after getting

their apartment.

e) Project handover and A/c settlement

After completing credit collection, customer care settlement customer account.

Sometimes company get money from customer due to arrangement higher standard

finishing materials based on customer choice. Or customer gets money because he/she

doesn’t take finishing materials from company. So they get back money. When customer

account becomes zero balance, and then projects to be handover.

f) Key handover to client

Customer Care arranges key handover program to give key to customer. Especially it is

approved to honor and make happy to customers.

g) Association formation

Customer care of SPL builds association from apartment owner for every project. They

take tk 25000 from each customer to layout association. The main objective of

association formation is to maintain project properly.

h) Customer complain feedback


Live in excellence

If any customer complains adjacent to any side of projects as at first handled by Sanmar

Customer Care. A strong team of Sanmar professional’s quickly feedback to customer if

they complain.

i) Registration and ownership transfer

Sometimes ownership of apartment to be transferred in favor of family member or sell

other person then registration must be done by customer. If transfer to family member

then it is free but it is sold then sum money to be charged for registration.

j) Interior works (optional)

If any customer wants they will accomplished interior works by SPL, then customer care

do its. But customer pays extra money for its.

Strategy no 11

Strategic Group Map



Few Many

Sanmar Properties Ltd


Price / Quality

Live in excellence

Figure: Strategic Group Map in Chittagong Region

Market segment served



Few Many

Sanmar Properties Ltd


Price / Quality

Market segment served

Live in excellence

Figure: Strategic Group Map in Dhaka Region

Strategy no 12


Live in excellence

Agreement with Bank (HSBC & BRAC Bank)Every bank has many sticks to provide loan. Home lone is such types of loan. To promote

housing loan Bank sign agreement with Developer Company. Sanmar properties Ltd

contacted in agreement with HSBC & BRAC bank. Due to agreement HSBC & BRAC

Bank will profitable to gain new client and Sanmar properties Ltd is profitable through

Gain new client

Get entire money at a time

Gain such type of client who earn handsome but unable to provide 30% down

payment at a time

Increasing corporate relation

Financially profitable

Improving customer relationships to introduce customer with HSBC

Attending HSBC home loan fair at noticeable manner

Strategy no 13


Live in excellence

Other Identifiable Marketing Strategies

Well decorated office

Good looking appearance for personnel

Clear formation of authority

Friendly working environment

Nice looking hospitality box to welcome customer

Enough and efficient employee

Maintain relationships and networking

Show leadership attitude with competitors and public

Employee are highly motivated

Hunting is seen in Sanmar properties Ltd. Example, Head of

Marketing Assistant General Manager Mahbubur Rahman has

been coming from Assets Properties Ltd. at Dhaka. Because

Assets are pioneer of modern marketing of real estate in


Like other company Sanmar is the member of REHAB. But they

don’t show available REHAB sign because they think Sanmar

familiar among customer throw own brand not REHAB member.

Commonly use of BSRM, RSRM signboard in real estate projects

as not seen in SPL’s Projects. Because Sanmar properties Ltd

think “we are client of them, not they.”

Sanmar properties Ltd keep a sweet and remarkable project name

to attract customer.

Competitive Analysis with marketing strategies:


Live in excellence

But there is no entry barrier to the market and the market is open to anyone to invest. It’s

not an oligopoly too. Above all there is a large market segment remaining yet to penetrate

followed by ample opportunities for the potential investors to invest in the market. From

SPL point of view:

(a) Market characteristics: Sanmar properties ltd considered real estate market to see

some characteristics. Such as

Market size and growth rate by Chittagong region or sales territory

Market forecast & industry forecast

History of market

Industry structure

Level of competition, presence of conglomerates, noticeable past failures, new

trend of entry.

(b) Trends and drives: Real estate market is not constant due to social mobility. Like

other company Sanmar Properties Ltd recognize this trends and drives in market and try

to match. Sanmar considers----

Major drivers of change

Changes in living standards

New categories of flat buyers based on income level, education level and

professional level

Based on psychographics such as benefits, desired, habits, values, attitudes,

lifestyle, behavior, and opinion.

Social mobility


Raising broken family and breaking unit family


Live in excellence

(c) Socio cultural factors: society becomes changes quickly such as lifestyle, socio

cultural changes, environmental concern, changing living condition and level of social


(d) Key players

SPL identity main sources of competition such as direct competition,

indirect competition, substitutes, potential entrants and evaluate relative

intensity of competition arising from each sources.

They identify major competition and lesser competitions and list them in

competition based on source type.

Sanmar justify the factors that give power to competitor such as marketing

strategies, superior idea, established company, strong financial power or

relationship with key industry member.

In the following, the list of real estate Companies in Chittagong city area are shown.

According to Sanmar Properties Ltd Equity Properties Management (pvt) Ltd is the main

competitor of them. However, BTI (oldest real estate company), ANZ Properties,

Concord play well.

Serial no Company name Serial no Company name

1 Achiya- Rahman Properties Dev (PVT) ltd, Agrabad

25 Dalan kotha


Live in excellence

2 Airbell Development Technologies ltd 26 Desh Properties

3 Al Haj Mostofa Hakim housing & real estate ltd

27 Dream Touch Housing Ltd.

4 Alpha real estate ltd 28 Dreamtech Properties Ltd.

5 Assort housing & engineering ltd 29 Epic properties ltd

6 ABC real estate ltd 30 Equity property mgt (PVT) ltd

7 ANZ properties 31 Eternal design & development

8 Afford development (PVT) ltd 32 Ehsan Propeties Ltd.

9 Al rajee properties ltd 33 Excel Living Ltd.

10 Aerial Properties Limited 34 Elegance Developments

11 AFSANA Property Management Ltd 35 Exclusive Property Management Ltd.

12 Amanat Holdings (Pvt) Ltd 36 Elite Land Ltd

13 Apple Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 37 Eden Holdings(Pvt)Ltd.

14 Accord Holdings Ltd 38 Green delta housing & development ltd

15 Apex Housing & Development Ltd. 39 Green Assets Ltd

16 Al- Ittehad Properties(Pvt) Ltd. 40 Ground Tech (Pvt) Ltd.

17 Al-Fesani Design & Development Ltd 41 Gladstone Holdings (Pvt)Ltd

18 Ambia Holdings Ltd 42 Graceland Properties & Builders Ltd

19 Bay tech properties ltd 43 Green view Property Management Ltd

20 Baghdad properties ltd 44 Green Castle Properties Ltd.

21 Bangle holding ltd 45 Golden Living & Development Ltd.

23 Building technologies & ideas ltd 46 HBS Associates (PVT) ltd

24 BOSHUDA Builders Ltd 47 HIRAJHEEL Property Dev. (Pvt).Co.Ltd.

48 Bkh holdings(Pvt) Ltd. 75 HOLY Development (Pvt).Ltd

49 Beacon Real Estate ltd. 76 Hamdan Properties Management (Pvt) Limited

50 Binimoy Builders Ltd. 77 Hopewell Properties (Pvt) Ltd.

51 CA properties ltd 78 Home Art Builders Ltd

52 Chowdhury properties ltd 79 Hitans Properties Ltd

53 Concord real estate & development ltd 80 IMPULSE Properties Ltd.

54 Chittagong Property Management 81 IDEAL Home Builders Ltd.

55 IMPERIAL Development Technology 82 RANKs FC Properties Ltd.

56 IKON Property Management Ltd. 83 RUPAYAN Housing Estate Ltd.

57 Illuminate Properties & Developer 84 Ratul Properties Ltd

58 IIUC Tower 85 RNJ Properties Ltd

59 Innate Properties Ltd. 86 Rangs Property Ltd

60 J.S Builders Ltd 87 RF Properties Ltd.


Live in excellence

61 Jevco Property 88 Rich Properties Ltd

62 KEARI Ltd. 89 Sustain Development Ltd.

63 Knight Frank Development Ltd. 90 Standard living & Development ltd.

64 KDS Properties Ltd 91 Sea Pearl Beach Resort Spa Ltd.

65 K.K Foundation Ltd. 92 Shamim Real Estate

66 Karnaphuli Properties Ltd 112 Surma Property Development

67 Lea Properties Ltd 113 Spire Properties (Pvt) Ltd

68 Loveland Housing (BD) Ltd 114 System Properties Ltd

69 Mismak development (PVT) ltd 115 Skytech Builders & Developers Ltd.

70 MOULANA Development Company Ltd. 116 Smrity Properties & Builders(Pvt) Ltd.

71 Moha Nagar Property Ltd 117 Share & Care developers Ltd.

72 Metro Homes Ltd 118 RANKs FC Properties Ltd.

73 Mohamuni Properties 119 RUPAYAN Housing Estate Ltd.

74 Mega Builders Ltd. 120 Ratul Properties Ltd

121 Meem Land Developers 137 Sahara city housing

122 Mazada Landmark Limited 138 Shah Amanat properties

123 Nusrat Trading Co Builders & Developer 139 Suboshoti properties ltd

124 NORTHERN Foundation Ltd. 140 SAF Holdings Ltd.

125 NAVANA Real Estate Ltd. 141 Sea view Resort & Developer Ltd.

126 Orchid Wadi Consortium Ltd. 142 TECHNO BUILDERS Ltd.

127 Oyster Holdings Ltd 143 Term Builders Ltd.

128 OKM Builders Ltd. 144 Turben Properties Management Ltd.

129 Predial Asset Management Ltd 145 Tamanna Builders (Pvt) Ltd.

130 Purity Properties Ltd 146 Uni village Assets Ltd.

131 Peacefair Properties 147 US Bangla Group

132 Pearl Homes Ltd 148 Vertex builder

133 OKM Builders Ltd. 149 VISION Housing Ltd

134 Predial Asset Management Ltd 150 WADI Propertiy Development(Pvt).Ltd.

135 RF properties ltd 151 Wall Makers Ltd.

136 RAHAT Properties & Developer 152 Zaman Property Development Ltd

Source: (chittagonggreenbook.com)

Briefly analyze the following elements and compare with competitors in Sanmar

Service offerings (characteristics, feature, benefits)


Live in excellence

Size ( In terms of sales, market share, infrastructure, and customer base)


Strength and weakness

Customer loyalty, brand image

Marketing strategies ( positioning, branding, advertising, media expenditure)

Efficiencies in cost

Vertical integration

Strong of management

Comparison among Sanmar properties lid, Equity properties ltd and RF builders

Sanmar Properties ltd Equity Properties mgt

(Pvt) Ltd

RF Builders

Projects in

Chittagong 44 (ongoing & handed over) & upcoming - 13

Dhaka 2

Cox bazaar 0

Projects in

Chittagong 44 (ongoing & handed over) & upcoming - 13

Dhaka 1

Cox bazaar 0

Projects in

Chittagong 3 (ongoing & handed over)

Dhaka 1

Cox bazaar 7

Market Share on the base on

REHAB catalog – 17.6%

Market Share on the base on

REHAB catalog – 17.6%

Market Share on the base on

REHAB catalog – 1.2%

Supplier – BSRM, KSRM, ,

Heidelberg, BRB Cables,

Berger etc

Supplier – BSRM, KSRM, ,

Heidelberg, BRB Cables,

Alit paints etc

Supplier – RSRM, GPH,

Confidence cement etc

Setting premium price for


Setting premium price for


Comparatively price is less

than Sanmar.


Live in excellence

Sanmar is the largest

company in Chittagong.

Equity is the 2nd large

company in Chittagong.

Actually it has no basic

difference from Sanmar

Properties Ltd.

Running from 2009. So it is

raising company.

Sanmar Properties Ltd has

no projects in Cox Bazaar

Equity Properties

Management (pvt) Ltd has

no projects in Cox Bazaar

RF Builders actually lead in

Cox bazaar.

They attend in REHAB

Fair, HOME LONE fair etc

in Chittagong and Dhaka.

They attend in only REHAB


They also attend in several

fair and they also arranges

district wise fair. Recently a

same type of Fair was held

at Narayangong. 26

apartments were sold.

Sanmar has well decorated


Comparatively it’s not. Comparatively it’s not.

Promotional tools –

Billboard, Neon sign, Paper

add, attending REHAB fair


Promotional tools –

Billboard, Neon sign, Paper

add, attending REHAB fair,

add in local channel CCL


Promotional tools –

Billboard, Neon sign, Paper

add, attending REHAB fair,

district wise fair etc.

ISO Certified Company. ISO Certified Company. It’s not.

Place – OR Nizam road,

Nasirabad, Khulshi,

Place – OR Nizam road,

Nasirabad, Khulshi,



Live in excellence

Panchlaish, Meedibag. Probottak, Meedibag.

Quality is extremely


TQM & green building

management practicing


Quality is maintained within

least cost.

Overseas promotion to be

made to attracted migratory.

Overseas promotion to be

made to attracted migratory

Overseas promotion to be

made for Cox’s Bazar

Resort to attracted


Live in Excellence &

Fusion of Life

Better than the best. Researcher doesn’t found


Financially strong. Financially strong. New company so still it is

comparatively weak.

Sanmar make apartment for

rich and high middle family.

Their projects are concluded

medium size and large size

apartment. (90 apartments

are seen again below 20

apartments are seen also

project wise)

Equity also makes for rich

and high middle apartments

which large and medium but

Equity’s project concluded

maximum 40 apartments

and minimum 11

apartments. So it’s are

different from Sanmar that

their projects has minimum

number of apartment as

show suitable residential


Target groups are medium

family so apartments are

similar for price and

customer but projects in

Cox’s bazar (resort) are

made for rich family who

invest and earn from tourist.


Live in excellence

Sanmar marketing skill to implement marketing strategies

Marketing Skill #1: Prospecting

The prospecting methods utilize will determine level of success... or level of failure. A

clear and definitive real estate marketing plan for online as well as offline prospecting

can lead to incredible results in sanmar prospecting efforts.

Marketing Skill #2: Negotiating

Negotiating a sale is not always about price. Understanding the needs of both parties in

the sanmar negotiation process is an important part of sales evolution. Each party is

generally looking to gain a specific advantage from the other. Knowing how to properly

evaluate and understand the needs and desires of both parties in this process can help.

Compromise is a significant key in negotiating of sanmar properties ltd.

Marketing Skill #3: Selling Real Estate

Are customers getting tired of being tarred with the argument of "Real Estate Agents are

all the same."? Do salesmen of sanmar know agents who have 'separated' themselves

from the 'same old, same old' pattern of selling real estate? This site has a variety of

marketing strategies for getting listings, advertising and selling real estate which

maintained by sanmar sales department.


Live in excellence

Problems detect in Sanmar Properties Ltd


Live in excellence

Challenges of Sanmar Properties Ltd Now financial crisis is seen in whole world. In Bangladesh, Bank faces liquidity problem.

Business reduces their market. All things are affected in real estate business also Sanmar

Properties Ltd. It is very difficult to survive in market better then previous. Sanmar

Properties ltd faces challenges from new competitor like Equity, CPDL, and ANZ

Properties etc. Price of raw materials is very hiking. All of things are related to adopt,

implement and successful marketing strategies. So their ultimate challenge of all

successful real estate agents is being able to continue their marketing strategies and

efforts when the business they already have, takes all time and attention. To end the roller

coaster ride of wildly fluctuating income, marketing consistently is an ABSOLUTE

MUST. At the end of a 12-14 hour mind numbing cyclone of a day, the last thing feel like

doing is picking up the phone and connecting with existing client base. But how do find

the time to do marketing when its are working longer and harder to keep even the easiest

deals together? Presently the real estate market is the most experimental market. Every

now and then the issues related to raw materials and others becoming vulnerable. Many

new companies will launch operations in this industry with huge investment. This can

create great challenges to others company. Some challenges are shown in the below


They face difficulties from govt. rules and regulations

Gas facility will be not ensured in upcoming projects as decreasing selling prices

of per square fit.

Cost of raw materials are hiking

Many competitors


Live in excellence

Financial crisis in whole economy

Bangladesh faces many natural disasters especially in earthquake and it would be

happened in any situation. So Sanmar Properties Ltd like other real estate business

takes challenges to guarantee their project resistance.

Customers are very conscious about quality.

There are a few drawbacks to marketing:1. Marketing department is not strong because only one assistant manager works in

the corporate office like executive.

2. Sanmar properties Ltd don’t more attention in improving branding. They are too

much confident about their position but other competitor like Equity properties

always challenges them to capture market however they ignore it.

3. Like other company still Sanmar properties Ltd can’t minimizing customer

complain that customer don’t want appropriate size of apartment. That means

Sanmar’s professionals can’t properly managed customer about cutting common


4. TV ad is common tool to reach customer. But Sanmar Properties Ltd doesn’t give

add in TV media. But we see available TV add of other big company such

Bosundhara, Concord etc.

5. Sanmar is not much promoting their projects in out of Chittagong but many local

people of Chittagong live in other district.


Live in excellence

6. Without Sanmar Ocean City, Sanmar has no any residential project as easily

recognized to common people that it was built by Sanmar Properties Ltd.

7. Earthquake is a common natural disaster as related to real estate business. But I

don’t know any content of Sanmar Marketing strategies which ensure customers

that Sanmar apartment is risk free in earthquake.

8. Sanmar properties Ltd promote their projects on the based on luxurious,

attractiveness etc but safety and security don’t get more attention in promotional


9. Sanmar Holdings ltd has domain website but Sanmar properties ltd has no domain

website but SPL is main business spot of Sanmar. Existing website can’t fulfill

require demand of customer.

10. Sanmar talk about luxurious apartments but their most projects are included huge

number of apartments as not make sure to customer about friendly environment of

live another side Equity maintain its.

11. “Green technology are used or our projects are environment friendly ” such types

of promotion are not seen in Sanmar Banner however they used slogan “Live in


12. Sanmar can’t major differentiate in project design with competitors. Most real

estate companies design their apartment almost same. Sometimes internal design

to be slightly changed if customers want. However it does not big matter that


Live in excellence

Sanmar bequest to customers highly differentiate apartment. Example: like other

competitors apartment, Sanmar given maid toilet with a side of kitchen but it’s not


13. Sanmar promoted their hand over projects to ensure beautification, to late, name

plate etc but any projects has no emergency number list such fair service number,

hospitals number, ambulance number etc but it shows accountability of company.

There are also a few drawbacks to telemarketing: 1. This is not to say, however, that it's not a worthwhile way to gain customers!

2. Once a novel way of selling, telemarketing has unfortunately moved into the

category of a nuisance to many consumers.

3. Sanmar telemarketing professional collect number from Chittagong Club, Golf

club etc. But very professional or traditionally rich person are member of these

club who have already apartment or house own self. We see many newly rich

people who still not member of these place but able to buy a flat so they don’t

informed from Sanmar telemarketing professional’

4. According to telemarketing professional of SPL, the main objectives of

telemarketing is not to sell, just informed to prospect as create demand over time

but demand is also changing with time. Today customer what want, in future their

want may be different. So today’s project may not to be able to meet customer

future demand.


Live in excellence

5. Telemarketing is not accepted to all. Because some customer disturbed to get such

types of call.

Limitations for Customer Care:

1. Sanmar Properties Ltd provided customer service for 1 year but Equity Properties

Management (pvt) ltd provide for longevity so it created negative impact to


2. Sanmar has no special fire service force as quickly sent to projects when any

accident is occurred.


Live in excellence

Conclusion and Recommendations


Live in excellence


Sanmar properties ltd should make some things as ensure their leader position. In the

following it is point out ----------------

1. Marketing department should be strong.

2. More invest to improve branding as create strong positioning to customer mind.

3. Use national and local TV adds to easily recognize to customer.

4. District wise fair should be arranged where customers of outside Chittagong easily

purchase apparent. (Many people who born in Chittagong, live in other district but

come back Chittagong at the end of service or business).

5. Customer should be made sure about safety of Sanmar’s apartments. Sanmar

declares that they use quality materials. But in their project promotion, I didn’t

find out declaration of minimum risk in earthquake. So it must be kept up in

promotion as raises customer contentment and reliability.

6. While target customer is very rich then number of apartment should be minimized

because many people don’t live in gathering.

7. Management should be concerned about customer complain that customer can’t

get appropriate size of apartment but pay for whole size. So Sanmar should be cut

minimum portion of common place as shown their integrity. And salesperson must

understand to customer why some areas are cutting for common place.


Live in excellence

8. Not only signboard of live in green, promote also their product under green


9. Marketing strategies should be updated at the change of time.

10. Most of the time customers don’t go in project. So information of construction

state should be sent to client via mail, phone etc.

11. In telemarketing, database should be made not only club basis, but also it is made

of depend on corporate relationships, associations of professions or such types of

prospect who are able to pay for apartment. Whatever they noble or not.

12. Customer care must be providing service long life. 1 year customer service is not

sufficient for achieving customer satisfaction.


Live in excellence

Conclusion on the basis of findings:

There is a good fighting between Sanmar Properties Ltd & Equity Management

Properties (pvt) Ltd in real estate market. Long experience, better customer service,

technological superiority, quality materials, prime location, qualified personnel etc.

helped Sanmar Properties Ltd to capture the leader position.

SPL has strong customer relationship with a local image and always sensitive about

quality. They maintain strong relationships with their business partner.

Customer service is better in the real estate industry. Schedule failure occurs

occasionally, and the customer service is quick enough to solve the trouble.

Their promotional level is better as continue in whole year but tightly maintained when

any project is approved.

Sanmar Properties Ltd uses many types of promotional tools to gain new customer and

sustain existing customer.

Sanmar strong side is to select location and company reputation.

Sanmar Properties Ltd may long last in real estate market if they maintain and update

their strong side, improve customer service, find out weakness and improve it. As a result

it will be a strategically advancement for Sanmar properties Ltd.


Live in excellence

Bibliography:Interview with Tulu Ush Shams, Deputy General Manager, Operations, Sanmar

Holdings Ltd

Interview with Md. Saiful Houque, Deputy General Manager, RF Builders Ltd

Interview with Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, Assistant General Manager,

Marketing, Sanmar Properties Ltd

Interview with Kazi Faisal Ahmed, Sr. Manager, Supply Chain Management, Sanmar

Properties Ltd

Interview with Bernard B. Baroi (Babul), Manager, Chittagong Chapter, REHAB

Interview with Amatul Khair Shetu, Manager, Customer Care, Equity properties

Management (Pvt) Ltd.

Interview with Noushad Md. Siddique, Manager, Human resource Management,

Sanmar Properties Ltd

Interview with Mirana Momtaj, Deputy Manager, Customer Care, Sanmar Properties


Interview with Sirazul Islam Ujjal, Assistant manager, Marketing, Senior Executive,

Telemarketing, Sanmar Properties Ltd

Interview with Shahidul Islam, Assistant manager, Supply chain Management, Sanmar

Properties Ltd

Interview with Mr. Tapas Shaha, Assistant manager, Supply chain Management,

Sanmar Properties Ltd

Interview with Rumi Chowdhury Mili, Senior Executive, Telemarketing, Sanmar

Properties Ltd

Interview with Mohammad Imran, Senior Executive, Sales, Sanmar Properties Ltd

Sanmar website: www.mysanmar.com