Overcome the fear of failure

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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"I honestly think it is better

to be a failure at something you love

than to be a success

at something you hate."

George Burns

"You’ll always miss 100%

of the shots you don’t take."

Wayne Gretzky

"Success is often achieved by those

who don't know that failure is inevitable."

Coco Chanel

"Defeat is not the worst of failures.

Not to have tried is the true failure."

George Edward

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"

Vincent van Gogh

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse

never to have tried to succeed."

Theodore Roosevelt

"Do one thing every day

that scares you."

Eleanor Roosevelt

"There is no failure except in

no longer trying."

Elbert Hubbard

"Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes."

James A. Froude

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at

something. But I can't accept

not trying."

Michael Jordan

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling,

but in rising every time we fall."


"Failure happens all the time.

It happens every day in practice.

What makes you better is how

you react to it."

Mia Hamm

"The only failure is not to try."

George Clooney

"Fear is only as deep as the mind allows."

Japanese Proverb

"If you're doing your best,

you won't have any time to

worry about failure."

H. Jackson Brown

"Failure is the key to success;

each mistake teaches us something."

Morihei Ueshiba

"Take risks: if you win, you will be happy;

if you lose, you will be wise."


"Failure is success if we learn from it."

Malcolm Forbes

"Failure is a detour, not a

dead-end street."

Zig Ziglar

"Success isn't permanent and

failure isn't fatal."

Mike Ditka

"Never let the fear of striking out

get in your way."

George Herman

"The only real failure in life is

not to be true to the best one knows."


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to

continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

"The greatest mistakeyou can make in

life is to continually be afraid you will

make one."

Elbert Hubbard

"I don't know the key to success,

but the key to failure is trying to

please everybody."

Bill Cosby

"No man is a failure who is

enjoying life."

William Feather

"Failure doesn't mean you are a failure it just means you

haven't succeeded yet."

Robert H. Schuller

"Do not fear mistakes. You will

know failure. Continue to reach out."

Benjamin Franklin

"One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the

opportunity to more intelligently begin


Henry Ford