Overview of Financial Analysis o SPECIFY THE OBJECTIVES OF THE ANALYSIS o Focus on who is the...

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Overview of Financial Analysis


o Focus on who is the financial statement user

o The identity of the user helps define what information is needed


The company’s return on equity

has dipped considerably over

the last period

I had better

sell that stock ASAP!

Steps of a F/S Analysis1. Establish objectives of the analysis2. Study the industry and relate industry

climate to current and projected economic developments -

o a growth industry? o a dying industry? o a changing industry?

3. Develop knowledge of firm and quality of management

4. Evaluate financial statements using basic tools

5. Summarize findings6. Reach conclusions relevant to established


Potential Financial Statement Users:

oCreditorso InvestorsoManagersoWho else?

oWhat types of questions do each of these users seek answers to?

Data sourceso Financial statements (and notes)o Auditor’s reporto MD&Ao Supplementary scheduleso 10K and 10Q reports filed with SECo Computerized data bases

o Info on industry norms/ratioso Info on particular

companies/industries/mutual funds

o Articles in popular/business press o Websites

Tools for analysiso Common size financial

statementso Financial ratioso Trend analysiso Structural analysiso Industry comparisonso Common sense and


Financial Ratio Categories

o Liquidity Ratiosmeasure a firm’s ability to meet

cash needs as they arise

o Activity Ratiosmeasure the liquidity of specific

assets and the efficiency of managing assets

Ratio Categories (continued)

o Leverage Ratiosmeasure the extent of a firm’s

financing with debt relative to equity and its ability to cover interest and other fixed charges

o Profitability Ratiosmeasure the overall performance of a

firm and its efficiency in managing assets, liabilities and equity

Caution!o Ratios are valuable, BUT…..

o They do not provide answers in an of themselves and are not predictive

o They should be used with other elements of financial analysis

o There are no “rules of thumb” that apply to interpretation of ratios

Profitability Ratioso Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit/Net Saleso Operating Profit Margin

Operating Profit/Net Saleso Net Profit Margin

Net Earnings/Net Saleso All measure firm’s ability to translate

sales dollars into profits

Profitability Ratios (continued)

o Return on Investment (or Return on Assets)Net Earnings/Total Assets

o Return on EquityNet Earnings/Stockholders’ Equity

o Both measure overall efficiency of firm in managing investment in assets and generating return to stockholders

2005 KD Hatheway-Dial

Average Operating Average Operating AssetsAssets

Net Operating Net Operating IncomeIncome==

Return on Investment


o Return on Investment (ROI)

o Net operating incomeo Income before interest and

taxeso Operating assets

oAssets held for operating purposes ONLY

o i.e. cash, accounts receivable, inventory, plant and equipment

Understanding ROI

2005 KD Hatheway-Dial


== MargiMarginn

XX TurnovTurnoverer

==Operating Operating



Net Operating Net Operating IncomeIncome



Average Operating Average Operating AssetsAssets

Understanding ROI

2005 KD Hatheway-Dial


== XX 2.52.5





$200,000$200,000XX 1010




2005 KD Hatheway-Dial


== 8.4548.45455

XX 2.752.75






10% Increased Sales without Any Increase in Operating Assets (assume 6% increase in operating expenses)

XX 101000

86% increase with 10% increase in sales


2005 KD Hatheway-Dial


== 14.5%14.5% XX 2.502.50






10% Decrease in operating expenses and no change in sales

XX 101000

190% increase with 10% decrease in operating expenses


2005 KD Hatheway-Dial


== 5.0%5.0% XX 2.782.78






10% Decrease in operating assets and no change in sales or operating expenses

XX 101000

11.2% increase with 10% decrease in operating assets


2005 KD Hatheway-Dial


== 6.8%6.8% XX 2.392.39






10% increase in operating assets and 5% change in sales and 3% operating expenses

XX 101000

30% increase with 10% decrease in operating assets

Profitability Ratios (continued)

o Cash Flow MarginCash Flow from Operating

Activities /Net SalesMeasures ability to translate

sales into cash (with which to pay bills)

Profitability Ratios (continued)

o Cash Return on AssetsCash Flow from Operating

Activities /Total Assets

Useful comparison to return on investment

Indicates firm’s ability to generate cash from utilizing its assets

Liquidity Ratioso Current Ratio

Current Assets/Current LiabilitiesMeasures ability to meet short-term cash


o Quick or Acid Test RatioCurrent Assets-Inventory/Current LiabilitiesMeasure ability to meet short-term cash

needs more rigorously

o Cash Flow Liquidity RatioCash+Marketable Securities+Cash Flow from

Operating Activities/Current LiabilitiesFocuses on ability of the firm to generate

operating cash flows as a source of liquidity

Activity Ratioso Average Collection Period

Accounts Receivable/Average Daily Sales

Helps gauge liquidity of accounts receivable (ability to collect cash from customers)

o Accounts Receivable TurnoverNet Sales/Accounts ReceivableAnother measure of efficiency of

firm’s collection and credit policies

Activity Ratios (continued)

o Inventory TurnoverCost of Goods Sold/InventoryMeasures efficiency of inventory

managemento Fixed Asset and Total Asset

TurnoverNet Sales/Net PP&E (Fixed Asset

T/O)Net Sales/Total Assets (Total

Asset T/O)Both assess effectiveness in

generating sales from investment in assets

Leverage: Debt Ratioso Debt Ratio

Total Liabilities/Total Assets

o Long-Term Debt to Total CapitalizationLong-term Debt/Long-term Debt +

Stockholders’ Equity

o Debt to Equity RatioTotal Liabilities/Stockholders’ Equity

o All three measure extent of firm’s financing with debt

Leverage: Coverage Ratios

o Proportion and amount of debt in capital structure is important to analyst

o Tradeoff between risk and return

o Use of debt involves risk -- commitment to fixed charges

o Fixed charges must be COVERED -- following are some ratios to assess coverage

Coverage Ratios (continued)

o Times Interest EarnedOperating Profit/Interest

ExpenseIndicates how well operating

earnings cover fixed interest charges

o Fixed Charge CoverageOperating Profit + Lease

Payments/Interest Expense + Lease Payments

Broader measure of how well operating earnings cover fixed charges

Coverage Ratios (continued)

o Cash Flow AdequacyCash Flow from Operating

Activities/ Average Annual Long-Term Debt Maturities

Measures firm’s ability to cover long-term debt maturities each year

Rationale is that over the long-run operating cash flows must be adequate to cover investing activities financed with debt

Other Ratioso Earnings per Common Share

Net Earnings/Average Common Shares Outstanding

Indicates return on a per share basis

o Price to EarningsMarket Price of Common

Stock/Earnings per Common ShareExpresses a multiple the stock market

places on earnings

Other Ratios (continued)o Dividend Payout

Dividends per Share/Earnings per Share

Shows percentage of earnings paid out to stockholders

o Dividend YieldDividends per Share/Market

Price of Common ShareShows rate earned by

shareholders from dividends relative to current stock price